8 posts tagged with wtfmetatags.
Displaying 1 through 8 of 8. Subscribe:

This is your big chance.

NYC: Post-turkey meatspace gathering. [more inside]
posted by Eideteker on Nov 20, 2008 - 36 comments

Boston meetup photos: January 26, 2007

Boston Meetup Photos start here and move forward. From this weekend's meetup, not last weekend's meetup.
posted by Eideteker on Jan 28, 2007 - 6 comments

Intra-filter trackbacks

For the big pile of stuff: How about a wikipedia-style "Mefi posts that link to this post" box on the side of each thread (that has been linked back to)? So when someone links back to a post, that old post now links forward to the new thread. Especially useful if you search and find an older thread, and would like also to read the subsequent threads which say "previously discussed on MetaFilter..." Ideally, it would pick up on comments as well as posts that link to a specific thread (not to a specific comment in the thread, though).
posted by Eideteker on Jul 3, 2006 - 16 comments

NYC meetup

REMINDER. NYC meetup tonight. Sundou Dumpling restaurant at 7:00. If you're not interested in food, then we'll see you at 8:30 at Revival. I hope to see you there!
posted by Eideteker on Jun 9, 2006 - 50 comments

Metafilter meetup NYC June 2006

NYC. It looks like I will be in The City this coming weekend. I know you folks just met up, but is anyone interested in hanging out this coming Friday night?
posted by Eideteker on Jun 4, 2006 - 38 comments

NYC meetup photos (March 2006)

NYC Meetup photos! [mi]
posted by Eideteker on Mar 24, 2006 - 30 comments

NYC Meetup

MetaTawk: Wasn't there to be an NYC Meetup this month? Special Guest? Etc? I see none listed. What is the deal?
posted by Eideteker on May 14, 2005 - 9 comments

New York Meetup

Where are you? We're at the NYC meetup! And I'm taking the JONMC SAYS HI opportunity to pop my Grey-cherry. Jon says I look like prospero. In attendance are: jonmc, vidiot, amberglow, adampsyche, cunninglinguist, SmartDalek, lilboo, chicobangs, naxosaxur, bingo, dame, ursus comitas, hellbient, TNLNYC, and a few "real" people. I might've left someone out. Sorry if I did. (is this the first post AT a meetup?)
posted by Eideteker on Apr 15, 2005 - 83 comments

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