Meetup in Dallas, Sept. 2005 September 22, 2005 3:16 PM   Subscribe

Any refugees/residents in Dallas want to have a meetup in the next couple of days?
posted by LittleMissCranky to MetaFilter Gatherings at 3:16 PM (3 comments total)

I'd like a Dallas meetup, given more details and like that. There are a ton of Dallas area MeFites, yes?
posted by undule at 3:53 PM on September 22, 2005

There's plenty of Dallas MeFites, and I'd possibly be game. Given the current forecast, though, Dallas might not be spared Rita's fury. The current thinking is that she's going to sit over north Texas for three days, dumping as much as 30 inches of rain Sunday through Tuesday.
posted by LeiaS at 7:59 PM on September 22, 2005

I may be down for it, depending on time and location. That said, I've an extremely busy weekend work-wise, so I'll be hit or miss. Toss up a location and time and I'll try to join up for a beer or two, depending on how bad the flooding may be.
posted by Ufez Jones at 10:36 PM on September 22, 2005

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