Twofer Tuesday October 18, 2007 9:33 AM   Subscribe

Tuesday, October 23rd, The Harvey Girls (lots of mefi members) and Steve Golberg (ludwig_van) bring the rock to Kelly's Olympian in Portland along with The Minor Thirds (no mefi connection but I can throw them a free account for a mefi trifecta of rawk). Anyone up for a live music school-night meetup?
posted by mathowie (staff) to MetaFilter Gatherings at 9:33 AM (52 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

I wish I could be there. Stupid work. I should just become unemployed again.
posted by dersins at 9:44 AM on October 18, 2007

Quit your job to come to the show. Two birds with one stone!
posted by cortex (staff) at 10:01 AM on October 18, 2007

Remember that one time, when we like had the first Mefi UK 1.0 meetup, and like nylon and Sunnyvale Noise Sub-element had a gig that very night, and we like went to the gig and had the meeetup in the Wheatsheaf pub, and we like tried to mike it up and stream it over the web?

This is like that. Except the streaming will probably work.
posted by dash_slot- at 10:05 AM on October 18, 2007

Stupid geography.
posted by and hosted from Uranus at 10:10 AM on October 18, 2007

I was just talking to a friend about how it might be cool to live in Portland. Looks like we were right.
posted by danb at 10:30 AM on October 18, 2007

I've been meaning to say this for a while: The Harvey Girls is a great name for a band.
posted by Astro Zombie at 10:46 AM on October 18, 2007

Kelly's Olympian!
I played in a band that had a steady weeknight happy hour gig there a few years back.
At the time they had just fancied it all up (dig the vintage motorcycles hanging from the ceiling)...prior to that, as I remember it, it had been one of downtown Portland's diviest, wood-paneled, bourbon and smoke havens...
Fun place for a rock show, tho' I remember the stage has this big structural column coming down smack in the middle of it which makes it a bit tight for anything more than a four-piece.
posted by dan g. at 10:50 AM on October 18, 2007

Which is to say...this sounds like it'll be great!
posted by dan g. at 10:52 AM on October 18, 2007

dan g., the column is gone! Or, rather, the stage is no longer where that goddam column stands—I guess they bought up the property next door and retooled the whole thing recently.

We played there a few months back when the column was still part of the stage experience. Man, that sucked for space, even for a four-piece. I pretty much had to lean against the damn thing the whole time and try not to all off the stage, so I'm stoked about the remodel.
posted by cortex (staff) at 11:10 AM on October 18, 2007

cortex: he who tries not to all off the stage = does not use f-words.
posted by Cranberry at 11:56 AM on October 18, 2007

That definitely can't be me then. Fucking typos.
posted by cortex (staff) at 11:58 AM on October 18, 2007

I'll be there for sure, and probably bringing a non-mefite friend. Today I'm making her listen to ludwig_van's track on the MefiComp to entice her. (She's already enticed by the Harvey Girls- who isn't?)
posted by Secretariat at 12:39 PM on October 18, 2007

Remember that one time, when we like had the first Mefi UK 1.0 meetup, and like nylon and Sunnyvale Noise Sub-element had a gig that very night, and we like went to the gig and had the meeetup in the Wheatsheaf pub, and we like tried to mike it up and stream it over the web?

I have a vague recollection of that. (Skip to 3:00 for the interesting stuff.) (Streaming live over a mobile phone data connection was probably optimistic at best.)

posted by chrismear at 1:12 PM on October 18, 2007

I find it hard to believe that Chris of The Minor Thirds (an old friend from when he lived out here in the East) does not have a Mefi account.
posted by aught at 1:33 PM on October 18, 2007

You lucky Portland bastards.
posted by COBRA! at 2:10 PM on October 18, 2007

I've been meaning to say this for a while: The Harvey Girls is a great name for a band.
posted by Astro Zombie at 10:46 AM on October 18 [+] [!]

Yeah, but The Fosbury Flops (or Fozberry Flops) is better. Right? Meh, you people have no taste.
not you AZ. thanks.
posted by sleepy pete at 2:17 PM on October 18, 2007

Fozberry Flops

Sounds like a breakfast cereal. But this lucky Portland bastard will try to attend.
posted by turbodog at 2:36 PM on October 18, 2007

Wish I could be there—knock 'em dead!
posted by languagehat at 2:49 PM on October 18, 2007

Today I'm making her listen to ludwig_van's track on the MefiComp

Speaking of MefiComp, are you still reading this, cortex? grumble grumble
posted by danb at 3:41 PM on October 18, 2007

Ack! You!
posted by cortex (staff) at 4:02 PM on October 18, 2007

Wow mathowie, are you really coming all this way on a Tuesday night? It will be great to see you and anyone else who can make it, sincerely. Since you are out of town Afroblanco and COBRA! and languagehat and Uranus, if you hitchhike over that you can always share the air mattress at our place with ludwig_van, I'm certain he won't mind, the more the merrier -- and if you dance up front we'll sleep on the floor and you can have our Serta -- it's even a pillow top.

Thank you, Astro Zombie. If you have ever disputed with your sweetie you no doubt know the sublime satisfaction that occurs when random strangers with no stake in your proceedings support your side as the obviously and undeniably superior, tasteful, and dare we say no duh choice.

(Check your Paypal -- I mean, check your email -- for yet more effusive thanks.)
posted by melissa may at 4:22 PM on October 18, 2007 [1 favorite]

OMG I know a Minor Third.
posted by corpse at 4:57 PM on October 18, 2007

You know them or you know know them?
posted by cortex (staff) at 4:59 PM on October 18, 2007

Thank you, Astro Zombie. If you have ever disputed with your sweetie

By his "sweetie" you mean Astro Zombie 3, I presume, and by "disputed" you mean "engaged in snarling barbaric tooth-and-claw mutual rending and tearing."
posted by languagehat at 5:08 PM on October 18, 2007

Oh yeah, mm, well when I leave to form my one-man death metal band called Corpsey in which I dress up in a panda suit with an x in place of each eye and goat horns for ears, you won't think Fosbury Flops was so bad then will ya?
/marital vaudeville

posted by sleepy pete at 6:34 PM on October 18, 2007

I find it hard to believe that Chris of The Minor Thirds (an old friend from when he lived out here in the East) does not have a Mefi account.

I know Chris from ILX, and then I met him in New York over the summer. He is a super nice fellow. I've been having a lot of internet and real life crossover stuff lately. I'm in San Francisco now. Can't wait for Portland! See you there! Bring lots of money so you can buy our shit! Gas is expensive! Woo!
posted by ludwig_van at 3:05 AM on October 19, 2007

Dang, I wish I was still in Portland. Or that it wasn't so far away and expensive to get to. And didn't incur jet lag. And that I had the holiday allowance to cover the trip.
posted by TheDonF at 5:17 AM on October 19, 2007

I will beeeeeee there!
posted by Specklet at 10:13 AM on October 19, 2007

This was an entirely unexpected way to get a MeFi account.

I look forward to meeting you all (I'm Chris from the Minor Thirds, and I've read MeFi for years and years but was much too lazy to get an account) and am sad that LH won't fly cross country to see us. Maybe next time.

Also, hi.

(P.S. Can we not go on last in the line-up? Kthxbye.)
posted by Casuistry at 1:11 PM on October 19, 2007

Ha! Fat chance, noob!
posted by cortex (staff) at 1:14 PM on October 19, 2007

I'm not really indie enough, but I shall try my best for this show. Reminds me of a great bus stop on 21st and Wiedler with a Zoo ad with the black bears that has graffiti on it that says "Hipsters ate my baby". I think that would be a great band name.

I'm kidding really, I love you all and will try and make the show. Except that I'm not kidding about the graffiti. That would make an awesome band name.
posted by afflatus at 9:51 PM on October 19, 2007

Oh please please come, afflatus. Please! I can't speak for everyone, but we're about as hipster as middle management.
posted by melissa may at 11:11 PM on October 19, 2007

Hey! Middle management is VERY HIP!
posted by dersins at 1:24 PM on October 20, 2007

I will try very hard to make this and to forget that my bedtime is pretty early on schoolnights.
posted by janell at 3:42 PM on October 20, 2007

That is what one of my bandmates (a high school math teacher, and the reason why we don't want to go last) is trying to do too. I told her that if she thinks she'll be too tired to teach the next morning, she should just schedule a test that day. I think I might have a midterm the next morning, but I have my priorities.
posted by Casuistry at 8:18 PM on October 20, 2007

Do we have a timeframe for this meetup? Y'all start playing at 8 -- are we meetup-ing beforehand for dinner?
posted by janell at 10:32 PM on October 20, 2007

Posted time is at 8, which means music probably doesn't start until 9. (Sigh.) I'll assume I'll be there around 7:30. You'll know me because I look like me, but taller.
posted by Casuistry at 12:31 AM on October 21, 2007

It's gonna be really good, you guys. Oh man. Yeah it is.
posted by ludwig_van at 2:23 AM on October 21, 2007

This thread is useless without jealousy emoticons.
posted by cog_nate at 12:21 PM on October 22, 2007

Hey janell et al., we'll (THG) probably be there 7:30 to 8ish to load in stuff, but we usually don't have time to go out and eat somewhere between that and playing/drinking/playing scrabble. They actually have pretty great grilled cheese sandwiches and awesome fries at Kelly's, for what it's worth.

cog_nate: maybe we'll enact it using claymation and send it to you? i doubt it, but maybe we will?
posted by sleepy pete at 8:51 AM on October 23, 2007

They actually have pretty great grilled cheese sandwiches

Oh god. Oh god, they do. I had forgotten about that.

I didn't think I was going to get any more excited about playing, but there you go. I'm eating like three of those bastards.
posted by cortex (staff) at 8:56 AM on October 23, 2007

I'm eating like three of those bastards

Why the hell did I move to Boston....
posted by French Fry at 9:18 AM on October 23, 2007

maybe we'll enact it using claymation and send it to you?

*starts holding breath*
posted by cog_nate at 9:34 AM on October 23, 2007

What time? Until how late?

I'm kind of up for it, but I dunno. I kind of need to study for this exam I need to take tomorrow.
posted by croutonsupafreak at 1:55 PM on October 23, 2007

mmmm, grilled cheese ....
posted by croutonsupafreak at 1:59 PM on October 23, 2007

Show should start between 9 and 9:30. Our set isn't particularly long, either, and as we have it on good authority that these "Archenemies" fellows aren't bad folks, we'll probably even clear the stage efficiently and stuff.

And dang right, grilled cheese.
posted by cortex (staff) at 2:01 PM on October 23, 2007

Why didn't someone tell me about grilled cheese. Here I am making some lame dinner at home, thinking there would be no food.
posted by Casuistry at 6:30 PM on October 23, 2007

For the record, the kitchen closed at 8pm.

There was no Grilled Cheese.
posted by Secretariat at 10:58 PM on October 23, 2007

No motherfucking grilled cheese. It was brutal.

But the bands were all really good, so I guess that's something. Thanks again to ludwig_van and Casuistry and their respective fantastic fucking cohorts.

Also, mathowie bailed with some cock-and-bull about "dying of the flu" or whatever. Like he has a dayjob? Pfft!

Matt, please don't fire me.
posted by cortex (staff) at 12:41 AM on October 24, 2007

The flu took away like half our audience. It would have taken away me too but I soldiered on.

It's possible I have pix, movies, and a bootleg recording of the evening.

It was great meeting you all.
posted by Casuistry at 1:09 AM on October 24, 2007

I just really had to study for my exam, but with a little more advance warning I would love to go to shows in the future. Though I'd have been totally pissed about the absence of grilled cheese.
posted by croutonsupafreak at 11:28 AM on October 24, 2007

Some pictures from the show.
posted by cortex (staff) at 8:06 PM on October 24, 2007

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