MeFi Baracks the vote. February 4, 2008 2:01 PM   Subscribe

This just in: Metafilter endorses Obama.

Is this ad (links here) supposed to be there for logged-in users? I'm not surprised or anything, just thought it was interesting.
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane (staff) to MetaFilter-Related at 2:01 PM (117 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

Heh. We were wondering if this would come up. According to Matt, it's a one day ad; according to me, it's actually an endorsement for Max Headroom.
posted by cortex (staff) at 2:03 PM on February 4, 2008 [4 favorites]

See timeistight's closed thread about ads a few down, gnfti (though he was complaining about

The Obama thing is very Max Headroom, innit?
posted by mumkin at 2:03 PM on February 4, 2008

Yes, your job sucks and you should vote for Obama.
posted by special-k at 2:05 PM on February 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

It was just a one day ad they placed, yeah. I figured it was one day and for a candidate that would ruffle the fewest feathers here, so I took it.
posted by mathowie (staff) at 2:05 PM on February 4, 2008

Just to be clear, this is not in response to timeistight's thread nor do I criticise it. Just thought it noteworthy.
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane at 2:08 PM on February 4, 2008

It was just a one day ad they placed, yeah. I figured it was one day and for a candidate that would ruffle the fewest feathers here, so I took it.

Well, isn't that special. I'd gladly put down another five bucks not to be ruffled.
posted by wafaa at 2:11 PM on February 4, 2008

I will not vote for Obama. You can't make me.
posted by jouke at 2:12 PM on February 4, 2008 [2 favorites]

this is an obama-nation.
posted by Hat Maui at 2:14 PM on February 4, 2008 [19 favorites]

I will not vote for Obama. You can't make me.

Matt is a special operative in the CIA's international reverse psychology corps.
posted by cortex (staff) at 2:14 PM on February 4, 2008

My Obama sucks and I should vote for Job?
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 2:16 PM on February 4, 2008 [3 favorites]

I just want to say that Republicans are jerks, and I don't care how many of them don't like the ad.

let the well reasoned civil debate... BEGIN!
posted by shmegegge at 2:17 PM on February 4, 2008

Wait, the Headroom thing isn't some bizarre accident? It's part of a set of intentional pop culture refrences?

God dammit.
posted by cortex (staff) at 2:20 PM on February 4, 2008

cortex: "Matt is a special operative in the CIA's international reverse psychology corps."

My tinfoil hat must be working! Woo-hah!
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane at 2:26 PM on February 4, 2008

I endorse this message.


Also, make some calls:
posted by empath at 2:27 PM on February 4, 2008

I figured it was one day and for a candidate that would ruffle the fewest feathers here...


I kid, I kid...
posted by Cool Papa Bell at 2:30 PM on February 4, 2008

Metafilter endorses Obama.

yo' mama!
posted by jonmc at 2:33 PM on February 4, 2008

I got to vote january 3rd, because I'm more special then all of you.
posted by delmoi at 2:33 PM on February 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

I will not vote for Obama. You can't make me.

Matt is a special operative in the CIA's international reverse psychology corps.

Will that make me a US citizen then?

heh, that was too easy
posted by jouke at 2:33 PM on February 4, 2008

I'm more special then all of you.

you obviously took a spelling class with the other 'special' kids.

(sorry, too easy)
posted by jonmc at 2:35 PM on February 4, 2008

Will that make me a US citizen then?

If you were a US citizen, you'd hardly be within the IRPC's jurisidiction. Now sit down and get back to not voting for Obama, or it's the taser squad for you.
posted by cortex (staff) at 2:38 PM on February 4, 2008

you fell for my trap cortex. neener, neener, etc.
posted by jouke at 2:41 PM on February 4, 2008

There is even a Whedonesque thread on Obama today on account of a Buffy actor being in the Yes, We Can video. When I saw the ad earlier here, it was simply confirmation that Obama is everywhere.
posted by Tehanu at 2:47 PM on February 4, 2008

Pony Request: Could we start up That way every time Matt decides to allow an advertisement on the site people could bitch and moan over there?
posted by eyeballkid at 2:49 PM on February 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

Well, he's definitely got the youth vote.
posted by jonmc at 2:49 PM on February 4, 2008

Needs more pierced nipples.
posted by roll truck roll at 2:49 PM on February 4, 2008

I see the Max Headroom thing, but to me it looks more like the Andre the Giant/Alan Greenspan has a posse. If only I knew Obama's weight and height...
posted by Gucky at 2:49 PM on February 4, 2008

I went to the same art college that the creators of Max Headroom went to. There was room adjacent to the student's union bar named in honour of them: The Max Head Room.
posted by popcassady at 2:53 PM on February 4, 2008

I personally think the bigger issue about these ads is the fact that Doubleclick appears to be involved. The ad link is here

Do we trust Doubleclick now?
posted by Effigy2000 at 2:55 PM on February 4, 2008

Alas, jouke, you fell for mine. In putting out your "you can't make me" rebuke, you were clearly fishing for some Americonormative response, anticipating a relished "gotcha" when mistaken for a US citizen rather than the Dutch troublemaker that the IRPC's files have long shown you to be. When reports of such a transparent fishing expedition-in-progress came in, the Corps ordered a tactical reveal: that you were, in fact, under the surveilance of—and being actively programmed by—the Agency's International Reverse Psychology Corps.

You didn't decide to post your little bait; Matt decided that you would.

If it was a domestic issue, you'd be under Bureau jurisdiction; the Fibbies run a similar Presidential Psyche Ops group for projects on our own soil.

posted by cortex (staff) at 2:56 PM on February 4, 2008 [3 favorites]

Huh? no script.
posted by hortense at 3:02 PM on February 4, 2008

I enjoyed seeing the ad and immediately came to metatalk to see what people thought. It made me think Obama's marketing folks are pretty good, or at least they are getting some good placements pre-super tuesday.
posted by cell divide at 3:04 PM on February 4, 2008

Do we trust Doubleclick now?

About as much as we trust Google, I would guess.
posted by eyeballkid at 3:08 PM on February 4, 2008

The thing about Obama's marketing is that not all of it is coordinated by the campaign -- Obama Girl for example, and the 1984 ad, and the Yes, We Can video.

In fact, I'd be a bit concerned about the legal ramifications of all that.
posted by empath at 3:10 PM on February 4, 2008

To understand a little better how the political machine works, can we ask whether the Vote Hope folks decide to place the ad after the "Yes we can" post in the blue over the weekend? There was alot of pro-Obama sentiment in that thread.
posted by onlyconnect at 3:11 PM on February 4, 2008

Not me. I am voting for Mike Gravel tomorrow. But then, I'm a registered Independent and a lowercase "l" libertarian, so I'm used to throwing my vote away in pointless gestures. If only the remaining disenfranchised, non-voting Americans would do the same.
posted by Eideteker at 3:12 PM on February 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

There was alot of pro-Obama sentiment in that thread.

"Probama" is the preferred term.
posted by cortex (staff) at 3:15 PM on February 4, 2008 [8 favorites]

Metafilter: you were clearly fishing for some Americonormative response,
posted by vacapinta at 3:21 PM on February 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

...can we ask whether the Vote Hope folks decide to place the ad after the "Yes we can" post in the blue...

I smell an infiltrator.
posted by wafaa at 3:26 PM on February 4, 2008

I think it's fair that one of the GOP candidates get an ad as well. And I say that as a PrOBamatizerist.

(Loath as I am to suggest that, but it would only be fair to the population on Mefi who swing that way and also a nice thing to point too next time the "Mefi is biased" riffs begin again (for whatever reason).
posted by Skygazer at 3:29 PM on February 4, 2008

Not you, onlyconnect. The redolence is breathtaking throughout.
posted by wafaa at 3:30 PM on February 4, 2008

Okay, we'll run a Ron Paul animated gif tomorrow.
posted by cortex (staff) at 3:30 PM on February 4, 2008 [9 favorites]

Okay, we'll run a Ron Paul animated gif tomorrow.

I dare you.
posted by wafaa at 3:39 PM on February 4, 2008


Please include the blimp if there is a Ron Paul gif.
posted by Tehanu at 3:40 PM on February 4, 2008

Reasoning is overrated.

And I'm not touching a link labeled "Doubledick."
posted by breezeway at 3:40 PM on February 4, 2008

"Probama" is the preferred term.

Better copyright that if it's your own coinage, cortex.

The Obama thing is very Max Headroom, innit?

Smedleyman, what have you wrought?
posted by jamjam at 3:54 PM on February 4, 2008

the population on Mefi who swing that way

The GOP contingent on MeFi called to say thanks from a phonebooth in New Jersey. All of them. They managed to fit inside quite easily.
posted by jonmc at 3:58 PM on February 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

I endorse quonsar
posted by matteo at 3:59 PM on February 4, 2008

It's because Obama is a Mac and Hillary is a PC.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 3:59 PM on February 4, 2008

Better copyright that if it's your own coinage, cortex.

I'd be shocked if it were, really. Seems to obvious.

Mr. Google says: "Ah, indeed." Oh well.
posted by cortex (staff) at 4:01 PM on February 4, 2008

Urban Dictionary beat you by a month.
posted by Tehanu at 4:08 PM on February 4, 2008

Hillary's Dream.
posted by ericb at 4:12 PM on February 4, 2008

matt: your calculations neglected how well endowed with feathers some of us really are.
posted by absalom at 4:12 PM on February 4, 2008

Urban Dictionary likes vaseline on toast.
posted by cortex (staff) at 4:21 PM on February 4, 2008

Hillary's Dream

That was, like, not funny.
posted by wafaa at 4:33 PM on February 4, 2008

This thread makes me suddenly very curious about ads Matt has rejected. Ethics, shmethics. Give us a list.
posted by roll truck roll at 4:36 PM on February 4, 2008

Thank you Obama for subsidizing my favorite website and all my activities here!

Obama drama-rama.
posted by jamjam at 4:39 PM on February 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

I'm voting for Clay Davis. Who's with me?
posted by vronsky at 5:03 PM on February 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

The GOP contingent on MeFi called to say thanks from a phonebooth in New Jersey. All of them. They managed to fit inside quite easily.
posted by jonmc at 6:58 PM on February 4 [+] [!]

Yeah, well that not the point chief, it's about being fair.
posted by Skygazer at 5:07 PM on February 4, 2008

I Go Pogo.
posted by languagehat at 5:13 PM on February 4, 2008 [2 favorites]

But I would support a quonsar/Pogo ticket.
posted by languagehat at 5:13 PM on February 4, 2008

Obama is a Mac, from a few weeks ago
posted by growabrain at 5:28 PM on February 4, 2008

Once every five pageviews or so, we should see an ad for every US candidate if we're in the US. All at once. It should fill the top part of the screen. Clicking on the MetaTalk link while these ads are on the screen should make them appear every pageview for that user, until the end of days.
posted by davejay at 5:36 PM on February 4, 2008 [3 favorites]

Yeah, well that not the point chief, it's about being fair.

and I agree. I was just kidding and makinga rather obvious observation.
posted by jonmc at 5:38 PM on February 4, 2008

I would suppport a Pogo-for Pres/quonsar-for vice ticket. Hey hat, do you really have that Pogo button? I need one of those.
posted by Hobgoblin at 5:43 PM on February 4, 2008

It's a shame Ray is no longer running.
posted by drezdn at 5:55 PM on February 4, 2008

I'm voting for Clay Davis. Who's with me?
posted by vronsky

shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit yes I'd vote for Clay Davis.
posted by birdherder at 5:58 PM on February 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

Okay, we'll run a Ron Paul animated gif tomorrow.


Anybody who's eligible to vote in any upcoming primaries, just please vote. Votevotevotevotevote.

my rule is, if you don't vote, you don't get to bitch about stuff; given how much we dearly love to bitch about stuff around here, why cut off your nose to spite your face?

Thank you.
posted by rtha at 5:59 PM on February 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

Aww, c'mon, the average Metafilter reader is far too sophisticated/erudite/cynical to be politically influenced by a little ad on a website, surely? If Matt can make some cash from the prevailing political bruhaha, good for him. He should take ads from any campaign willing to cough up the rate.
posted by normy at 5:59 PM on February 4, 2008

It's because Obama is a Mac and Hillary is a PC.

Hillary = Vista, Obama = Ubuntu Linux.

Ron Paul is Open BSD.
posted by delmoi at 6:07 PM on February 4, 2008 [4 favorites]

This just in: Metafilter endorses Obama.

No. That's not it.

Obama endorses Metafilter.
posted by jamjam at 6:25 PM on February 4, 2008 [3 favorites]

By "Hope" do they mean Bob Hope? Because Bob Hope can't be President, on account of being dead and not a natural born citizen.
posted by Mr. President Dr. Steve Elvis America at 6:28 PM on February 4, 2008

I was 'hoping' they were referring to Hope Davis, who would be much better in the role of "First Woman President" than the actor they chose.

Also, very late for the festivities, Jessamyn's link clearly shows that the name "Job" definitely belongs on "the short list".
posted by wendell at 6:59 PM on February 4, 2008

I wonder if I can get a Canadian politician to advertise on MeFi...
posted by five fresh fish at 7:02 PM on February 4, 2008

Hey, I wonder if Ahmadinejad would want to advertise? Doesn't he have a blog?
posted by five fresh fish at 7:03 PM on February 4, 2008

fff: Seeing as Obama enough to get folks in this thread all het up, I'm pretty sure even Harper would be way too far to the left.
posted by ssg at 7:14 PM on February 4, 2008

ugh, feel free to insert an "is" in there.
posted by ssg at 7:14 PM on February 4, 2008

Well, if Max Headroom was running, I'd definitely vote MH.
posted by humannaire at 7:51 PM on February 4, 2008

Mitt Romney == Windows NT
posted by A dead Quaker at 7:57 PM on February 4, 2008

my rule is, if you don't vote, you don't get to bitch about stuff

Unless you're in a state with a closed primary and you're registered as unaffiliated. This is after all a primary and not a general election.
posted by Tehanu at 8:05 PM on February 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

John McCain=Windows 98
posted by Neiltupper at 8:19 PM on February 4, 2008

Mitt Romney == Windows NT

Mitt "Flip" Romney == PC-DOS. Now wait, I'm for MS-DOS.

No, wait, I'm for OS/2.

No...I was for Windows 3.1 before I was for OS/2.

No, sorry. I was for Lisa OS and then for Macintosh OS, but wait, what?

No, wasn't I for Mac OS/X?

Right, I was for Newton OS.

Heck, that's not right.

I've always been for UNIX, then for OpenSolaris before I was for Linux.

What? Damn fucking Hell (sorry LDS brethern for the curse words)... Heck, would someone please tell me what I'm all about?
posted by ericb at 9:06 PM on February 4, 2008

Dennis Kucinich is BeOS, that's all know and all I need to know.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 9:15 PM on February 4, 2008 [8 favorites]

Obviously we support Obama. He had the best logo and the most puns. He's one tall stack o' pancakes.
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 9:17 PM on February 4, 2008

John McCain=Windows 98

No, McCain would have to be something POSIX-compliant. DoD regulations and all.
posted by XMLicious at 9:36 PM on February 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

Who's gonna be his buttery syrup?
posted by carsonb at 9:40 PM on February 4, 2008

I support whichever bouffanted nondescript engineering school alumnus emerges successfully from the bitter factional in-fighting and stitch-up deals cut in antimacassared armchair conclaves of ageing autocrats to become Party general secretary and chair of the Central Military Commission. It's safest this way.
posted by Abiezer at 9:40 PM on February 4, 2008 [5 favorites]

Yeah, well that not the point chief, it's about being fair.

Advertising is implicitly unfair. Who has the most money to spend, gets the most. That is the nature of it.

Political advertising should require that the candidate gets one minute of alternating current to the genitals for every $1000 of ad money spent, by god. That would be fair.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 10:41 PM on February 4, 2008

I think it's fair that one of the GOP candidates get an ad as well.

Too bad for the Goppers this is America, home of the free market, and not Everybody Gets A Trophy Day Land, ain't it?
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 10:44 PM on February 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

And I say that as someone whose parents' mantle would be bare if not for Everybody Gets A Trophy Day.
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 10:46 PM on February 4, 2008

I vote for Clay Aitken. Not for any election; just every day, in small ways.
posted by loiseau at 11:21 PM on February 4, 2008 [4 favorites]

Ron Paul is Open BSD.

Dude, wtf. Ron Paul is an Atari 800 emulator running a rom of Seven Cities of Gold.
posted by cortex (staff) at 11:43 PM on February 4, 2008 [11 favorites]

Joe Biden is OS/2 Warp.
posted by delmoi at 11:48 PM on February 4, 2008

Boyzone! Hillary should get equal time.
posted by Cranberry at 11:54 PM on February 4, 2008

*imagines Suicide Girl style McCain ad*
posted by ODiV at 12:46 AM on February 5, 2008 [1 favorite]

posted by dersins at 12:50 AM on February 5, 2008

With lust or disgust?
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 2:15 AM on February 5, 2008

Fine mix of both?
posted by ersatz at 2:47 AM on February 5, 2008

Fred Thompson must be an old malfunctioning Speak And Spell.
posted by waraw at 3:53 AM on February 5, 2008 [3 favorites]

I- I-I- I- I- I- would vote for Ma-Ma-Max Headroom Headroom.
posted by Pope Guilty at 4:25 AM on February 5, 2008

off topic, but not ban worthy, why the hell can't I download wallpaper and ringtones for mobile from Obama website? God knows I've tried, probably 100 times...
I am instructed to reply with 'OK' and I have, over and over and over...
Is this a portent of a Obama administration, or my own FAIL?

It is a simple request after all...

(mine is a protest vote against McCain)
posted by dawson at 4:36 AM on February 5, 2008

Hey hat, do you really have that Pogo button?

Only in my dreams. (That's where I'm a possum.)
posted by languagehat at 6:51 AM on February 5, 2008 [1 favorite]

posted by cortex (staff) at 6:58 AM on February 5, 2008 [5 favorites]

Damn, you people get up early to be pithy.
posted by pineapple at 7:32 AM on February 5, 2008

*imagines Suicide Girl style McCain ad*

Flagged as extremely disturbing.
posted by Tehanu at 8:46 AM on February 5, 2008

Ooh, let me try!

Advertising amirite??!!11
posted by Mister_A at 9:01 AM on February 5, 2008

Flagged as extremely disturbing.

I was imagining the elderly Senator in fetishware, body piercings and full body tattoos as well.
posted by psmealey at 9:24 AM on February 5, 2008

Picturing John McCain in a harness and a comprimising position just adds to my inkling that I should change professions.
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 9:31 AM on February 5, 2008

Yeah that's terrible terrible. Shudder. But I think, and this is only my opinion, Mitt Romney would appear even more terrifying in such a get up, especially if he was wearing heels.

I could see Obama making the bondage outfit work for him though, in a Grace Jones sort of way.
posted by Skygazer at 10:56 AM on February 5, 2008

Your mental images are far more detailed and vivid. I wish there was an "unread" pony in my brain.
posted by Tehanu at 11:17 AM on February 5, 2008

Don't forget McCain spent time in an actual POW camp. Bondage talk is kind of distasteful...

Burhanistan: Yeah, I don't buy that. Bondage play seems to have about as much to do with POW camp as consensual sex does with rape.
posted by ODiV at 1:47 PM on February 5, 2008

Is the ad still supposed to be up?
posted by onlyconnect at 2:13 PM on February 5, 2008

I do miss Max/Edison.
posted by theora55 at 2:32 PM on February 5, 2008

Picturing John McCain in a harness and a comprimising position

Why would he do that? He's already got Giuliani's support.
posted by me & my monkey at 5:26 PM on February 5, 2008

Hillary's nightmare
posted by Doohickie at 9:18 PM on February 5, 2008 [2 favorites]

Hillary's nightmare.

Hillary's Dream.

"That was, like, not funny."
posted by ericb at 10:46 PM on February 5, 2008

Hillary's nightmare

Now THAT was funny!
posted by wafaa at 3:47 AM on February 6, 2008

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