34 posts tagged with obama.
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When an Obama derail isn't actually an Obama derail
In the post about John Schneider's grieving photos, the photographer mentions that he did some funny impersonations of other actors and presidents, and so I made the comment, "That Obama impersonation is pretty great," wanting to let people discover this photo for themselves, but I guess the comment was too obscure and the mods deleted it thinking I was making some axe-grindy Obama comment.
(I'm not complaining, I just thought y'all would think it was amusing.)
2012 Presidential Prediction Contest Winner
Now that Florida has finished counting votes (always a challenge for us), the 2012 presidential election results are 332 electoral votes for Obama and 206 for Romney -- barring faithless electors. The popular vote is 50.6% Obama, 47.9% Romney and 1.5% other. The Nate Silver Medal for Political Prognostication goes to JKevinKing. J. Kevin was one of 15 people to tie for first in the electoral half of the contest with a perfect prediction. He finished third in the popular vote half, ahead of I am the Walrus and UrineSoakedRube who tied for ninth. The $50 Threadless gift certificate and life-size cardboard Joe Biden are on the way to JKevinKing as soon as I send them. Please keep Joe in the lifestyle to which he has become accustomed. [more inside]
Election 2012: Domo Arigato, Larry Sabato
The pundits and psychics have already weighed in. Now it's your turn in MetaFilter's (mostly) quadrennial presidential prediction contest. The winner will receive a $50 Threadless gift certificate and a life-size cardboard Joe Biden. To enter, predict the percentage of the vote that President Obama, Mitt Romney and Everybody Else will receive and the number of electoral votes that Obama, Romney and Everybody Else will receive. Entries must be submitted before Dixville Notch, N.H., reports its vote early Tuesday morning. [more inside]
MetaFilter Election 2012
What's the plan for US Election Day? Is there going to be one thread continuously updated with the election results or a bunch of them. Conversely, will there be no talk of the 2012 election at all? Do the mods have the day off and will the site be inactive?
Doesn't Do President Well
Metafilter's own Avery Edison on our (hypothetical) thread with Obama: Thread is immediately deleted for being too similar to a recent post (“The Wire and the White House: Grantland asks ‘Is Obama All In The Game’?”) [more inside]
It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear.
[This thread needs to not become Ironmouth v. Everyone. Thanks. ] [more inside]
Welcome back, Joe?
I guess Ironmouth is accusing Trurl of being Joe Beese in these 2 comments? Whether it's true or not, it's a shitty way to engage people in the thread.
My "Obama releases birth certificate" post was deleted - apparently others' were too. ?!
Please don't say that there already is a thread for it - that other thread was about a handwritten note. The President releasing this stuff, to finally end the debate, is news - it is ongoing, it politically matters, and it is a mistake to not have a thread for it.
Shut up, Joe.
Thank you all for a great SOTU live thread. [more inside]
Why no health care summit on front page?
This question might not be one for MetaTalk, but why was nothing on the health care summit a FPP? [more inside]
bad post, good discussion
this is just to say that I thought the deletion of this post was on the whole spot on about the quality of the post, but i still think that the discussion/thread that was generated from the post perhaps was good enough to outshine the fact that the post lacks the due diligence of a metafilter front page post. [more inside]
Editorial or not?
"the most dynamic public speaker of our generation"
Metafilter's own John Hodgman ("the most dynamic public speaker of our generation") headlines at the Radio & Television correspondent's dinner (YouTube: part 1 - part 2).
You know what I love? The fact that Obama is now the president of the US. You know what I don't love? The fact that he also appears to be the president of the front page of the blue. [more inside]
You vetoed an open inauguration thread but you left this up?
Raise a toast to Präsident Obama!
Wir feiern Obama in Berlin! Come join us. [more inside]
SF Bay Area Inaugural Meetup?
Any MeFites want to get together on Tuesday the 20th in the SF bay area and celebrate the day together? Preferably near a media source? And beverages?
Portland, OR Obama Victory Meetup!
Portland, OR Obama Victory Meetup! [more inside]
Inauguration meetup planning inside!
Hear Ye: Exploratory committee for the formation of an Inauguration Day meetup in/around DC. [more inside]
Stunty McStuntster
Smells like Jessamyn Spirit
Barack Obama's initials are not a smell. [more inside]
Obama and abortion
Obama and abortion. [more inside]
MeFites for Obama
A trip down MeFimory lane to Obama's 2004 convention speech
Here's a little trip down memory lane. Obama's 2004 speech at the Democratic convention caught MetaFilter's attention. On July 28th, 2004 there was swift's MeFi post Obama's been lauded (which, in a refreshing change, derailed into a discussion of Canadian politics) and later that same day ronv asked what's more realistic/ which will happen first in the united states: a minority president or a woman president? [more inside]
pre-empting Obamaveepfilter
Obama is expected to announce his VP choice tomorrow via text message to the masses. Dozens, or perhaps hundreds, even thousands, of mefites will be notified of the selection all at the very same instant. Several of them may want to make the first crappy post on the subject. Shall we let this happen? [more inside]
In Our Lifetime
Not sure if (justifiable) politicsfilter objections trump history in the making, but I don't know whether this merits an FPP or not. Hence it seems legit for MetaTalk, even if only to get a moderator to rule on whether we can have what I think will be an FPP comment thread for the ages.
But dammit, Barack Obama, the son of a Kenyan immigrant and a Kansas farm girl, is about to be the nominee of the Democratic party for president of the US of Doggone A, and it is a moment worthy of of being marked and reflected upon for many in this community, I am sure, regardless of our political commitments.
Fightin' Obama and the howlin' wingnuts
Hmm. I thought the WWII Post/Obama post was interesting and don't see the excessiveness GYOBness. What's that all about?
Should we FPP the Obama speech?
Should we FPP the Obama speech? Some debate here.
On the one hand it seems like it would be doomed to deletion as we have two open Obama related threads.
On the other hand it's a really big deal, and (IMHO) rises above NewsFilter into Best Of The Web because it's such an incredibly good speech. Also those other threads are way below the fold.
A house at the intersection of technology and politics.
So... I was doing some research online regarding the whole Obama/Rezko real estate issue re: Obama's house, the lot next door which Rezko bought, etc. As a result of my research, I have located Obama's house on Google Maps, which actually has overhead and *VERY* zoomable street-level views of the whole area. I've also checked Zillow, which shows all the nearby property prices. This information is new and very revealing, in that it suggests that Obama might have even slightly overpaid for his house, and that Rezko bought a potentially very profitable piece of real estate.
But there are some issues involved, as you may have guessed... [more inside]
DC/VA Obama meet-up?
Anyone going to the Obama town hall in Alexandria on Sunday? [more inside]
MeFi Baracks the vote.
This just in: Metafilter endorses Obama. [more inside]
Fears for Obama's safety not a reasonable topic?
This post which raised the issue of fears among some in the African-American electorate that Barack Obama would not be safe as president. The thread was shut down for reasons of WTF. Not exactly sure what the problem was, and I was disappointed, as I had recently heard about this and was hoping the thread would shed some light on the issue. This NYT article would be a good starting point for discussion.
21 months away...
So, if this is election minutiae, is this? And can we assume that a ElectionFilter FPP formulated like this is OK?