Happy Mefi-day to me! June 20, 2008 9:24 AM   Subscribe

Today just happens to be my one-year Mefi-versary! In honor of this, I thought it might be fun for some of you old timers* to tell me about your favorite thread, post, question or project. MeTa tends to be kinda stuffy -- let's let the light in here and have a little fun, neh?

*of course, you don't have to be an old timer to post a favorite something...

NB: mods, if this is an abuse of MeTa, please delete and accept my apologies.
posted by CitizenD to MetaFilter-Related at 9:24 AM (185 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

I'm dhoyt.
posted by bardic at 9:35 AM on June 20, 2008 [2 favorites]

I'm bardic. And dhoyt.
posted by MrMoonPie at 9:41 AM on June 20, 2008

The guy with the fedora? That was me, that was.
posted by PeterMcDermott at 9:42 AM on June 20, 2008

Happy anniversary from jenleigh
posted by Cranberry at 9:42 AM on June 20, 2008

I heard Matt planned 9/11 to get more visitors to Metafilter.
posted by inigo2 at 9:45 AM on June 20, 2008 [3 favorites]

I am the lizard king. I can do anything.
posted by Jofus at 9:47 AM on June 20, 2008

I am the walrus.

No, wait; that was Paul.
posted by yhbc at 9:47 AM on June 20, 2008

I'm the man. I'm bad, I'm so bad I should be in detention, I'm baaaad....
posted by jonmc at 9:51 AM on June 20, 2008

I thought it might be fun for some of you old timers

Been hittin' the crack pipe again I see.
posted by netbros at 9:51 AM on June 20, 2008

posted by The Straightener at 9:52 AM on June 20, 2008 [2 favorites]

I'm celebrating your celebration.
posted by mrmojoflying at 9:53 AM on June 20, 2008

Get off my lawn, n00b.
posted by bondcliff at 9:53 AM on June 20, 2008

CAPS LOCK DAY especially back before the fascists took away our freedom of pictorial expression.

if this is an abuse of MeTa

Basically, yes. It is a good thing when we go for lengthy times without posts in this section, because I say so. When you cause the inter-post time to be shorter you should at least have a compelling complaint or feature request as an excuse.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 9:55 AM on June 20, 2008

I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
posted by katillathehun at 9:55 AM on June 20, 2008

I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.

Really? Me, too!

Would you believe nudged a midget in Tahoe just to hear him say 'ow!'?
posted by jonmc at 9:57 AM on June 20, 2008 [2 favorites]

posted by needled at 9:58 AM on June 20, 2008

I don't know if it is my favorite project overall, but my favorite canal is the Panama Canal.
posted by found missing at 9:59 AM on June 20, 2008

I am listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for no apparent reason--a feat that cannot be surpassed.
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 10:02 AM on June 20, 2008 [3 favorites]

I am pretty confused right now, but am really enjoying my coffee and kind of feel like putting off any decision-making for a little bit if I can.
posted by cortex (staff) at 10:04 AM on June 20, 2008

Would you believe nudged a midget in Tahoe just to hear him say 'ow!'?

Yeah, well, I bet you never slapped a clown in Austin just to watch him cry.
posted by katillathehun at 10:04 AM on June 20, 2008

Also, I'm not sure if "stuffy" is the word I would use. I could make a pretty long list of words to describe Metatalk before I got to "stuffy".
posted by cortex (staff) at 10:04 AM on June 20, 2008

I am listed TWICE in the Guinness Book of World Records for no apparent reason. Suck it.
posted by spicynuts at 10:04 AM on June 20, 2008

I talk to the trees but they don't listen to me.
posted by Jofus at 10:06 AM on June 20, 2008

I am Spartacus.
posted by desuetude at 10:07 AM on June 20, 2008

I I I I I am not your stepping stone.
posted by desuetude at 10:07 AM on June 20, 2008

I am not currently listed in the Guinness Book of World Records, but I could be if I wanted to be, due to the extraordinary length of my arm hairs.

The fact that I refrain from doing so makes me better than both spicynuts and weapons-grade pandemonium combined.
posted by Grither at 10:09 AM on June 20, 2008

That one time was pretty good. You wouldn't remember it though, you're too young.

7'k represent!
posted by drezdn at 10:09 AM on June 20, 2008

I can bench press a car, I'm an ex football star
with degrees from both Harvard and Yale
Girls just can't keep up, I'm a real love machine
I've had far better sex while in jail
I've designed the Sears Tower, I make two grand an hour
I cook the world's best duck flambe
I'll take the pick of the litter, girls jockey for me
I don't need these lines to get laid ...
posted by jonmc at 10:10 AM on June 20, 2008

They tell me my DNA is defective...but once I breed true they'll have another thing coming ...
posted by Mutant at 10:10 AM on June 20, 2008

posted by tkolar at 10:10 AM on June 20, 2008

des, I think you mean SLEEPING STONE
posted by pineapple at 10:13 AM on June 20, 2008

My favorite thread? This one! (and anything with a pissing elephant)
posted by JeffK at 10:14 AM on June 20, 2008

Excuse me, I'M Tom Cruise.
posted by Brad Pitt at 10:16 AM on June 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

Some crazy guy shot me in Reno, but I got better.
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 10:17 AM on June 20, 2008 [4 favorites]

I am married to the moon.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 10:22 AM on June 20, 2008

Ah, I remember my first year anniversary on Metafilter. It was a cool, crisp spring day, just as an ice age was starting. I remember having trouble getting a wifi signal as a brontosaur lumbered past, and pterodactyl flew overhead. The weather report was calling for a high probability of earth-shattering space rocks falling over the Yucatan, but then as now, no one believed the warnings of the meteorologists.
posted by Dave Faris at 10:22 AM on June 20, 2008 [2 favorites]

Favorite this comment to vote for enabling images in this thread.
posted by mullingitover at 10:23 AM on June 20, 2008 [4 favorites]

Some crazy guy shot me in Reno, but I got better.

Glad to hear it. Lots of people die of Renol failure.
posted by jonmc at 10:23 AM on June 20, 2008

I wish I was the moon tonight
posted by desuetude at 10:27 AM on June 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

As I was walking home this evening, a little girl was riding her bike in the middle of the street. She still had the training wheels on as she wobbled and struggled to peddle. It reminded me of when I was little and how badly I wanted a bicycle but couldn't get one. My parents wouldn't let me have a bike until I was 12; my mom was too afraid I'd hurt myself. I'd pass the bike section in the store and just look, having given up asking my parents about it long ago. I eventually did get one after much pleading and begging. Amazingly, getting my driver's license at 16 and the subsequent borrowing of the family car passed without incident.
posted by Ragma at 10:28 AM on June 20, 2008

Well I read a thread 'bout mushrooms just to make me cry.
posted by xod at 10:31 AM on June 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

Just now, a spider skittered across my desk. I was all like, "WHOA! Get the Raid!" and he was like, "WHOA! STOP! It's just a curse! If you kiss me I'll turn into Peter Parker!" in this teeny tiny voice. I thought about it for a second and then laughed. "Good one, man," I said, and then I gave him a high-five.... :-(
posted by katillathehun at 10:35 AM on June 20, 2008 [6 favorites]

Every time I hear that whistle blowing, I hang my head and cry.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 10:38 AM on June 20, 2008

Spiders don't have five fingers, they have 7.
posted by cashman at 10:39 AM on June 20, 2008

I'm just back from lunch, and ready for nappies.
posted by marxchivist at 10:40 AM on June 20, 2008

I ain't no extra, baby, I'm a leading man.

All I got for my MeFi birthday was a half-day off from the mines and an extra dollop of gruel in my bowl... *sighs, picks up cudgel and slouches off*
posted by 1f2frfbf at 10:42 AM on June 20, 2008

Glad to hear it. Lots of people die of Renol failure.

posted by Blazecock Pileon at 10:43 AM on June 20, 2008

Oh, and while everybody's sitting around.

Thirteen people call me a contact. I'm really, really not into getting any kind of gratification or validation from the amount of contacts or favorites I have. It really doesn't mean much to me.

And I really don't have Triskaidekaphobia. Friday the 13th, thirteenth floor, I care not, you do not scare me.

But, I don't like leaving thirteens around, I just don't like having thirteen of anything sitting around, or leaving the number written somewhere. I don't like it, sorry, we all have our weird little mental tics like this.

So.. please...just one contact? Help me get rid of the thirteen.
posted by marxchivist at 10:46 AM on June 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

I'm built for comfort.
I'm not built for speed.
posted by stubby phillips at 10:47 AM on June 20, 2008

Hey, is it just me, or does posting a comment no longer kick you back down to the bottom of the page?
posted by danb at 10:50 AM on June 20, 2008

I've always like this thread.
posted by Eideteker at 10:51 AM on June 20, 2008

Thanks jonmc for the #14. You can all go back to ignoring me now. Really, I mean it.
posted by marxchivist at 10:55 AM on June 20, 2008

I asked for a car; I got a computer.
posted by carsonb at 10:55 AM on June 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

There was that time we did that one thing, and then stuff happened and we all had a good laugh. Remember that? Yeah.
posted by ardgedee at 10:56 AM on June 20, 2008

Wait, I live in Tahoe. Where's the midget. I want one.
posted by HeyAllie at 11:00 AM on June 20, 2008

Every now and then I go back to this comment and laugh my ass off. It still holds up after all this time.
posted by Slack-a-gogo at 11:02 AM on June 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

He had to leave town. I nudge hard, yo.
posted by jonmc at 11:02 AM on June 20, 2008

Everywhere you go in the world has a particular cocktail of bacteria fighting it out throughout the eco-system. The battleground is extensive, and includes the intestinal tracts of all of the humans in a particular area.

This is why people have stomach trouble when traveling -- they're essentially carrying an invading army in their stomachs, and until that army is defeated by and replaced with the local organisms there is a tremendous amount of discomfort.

Therefore, I'm opening a chain of traveller's enema shops in international airports around the globe. Not only will we clean you out before you go, but for an additional price we can replace the current contents of your intestine with that of a local host when you arrive.

Any one else want in? I'm selling franchise rights cheap...
posted by tkolar at 11:02 AM on June 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

Time is on my side.

Yes, it is.
posted by owtytrof at 11:05 AM on June 20, 2008

There are about 70,000 members of this board. If everyone posts on their anniversary, that will be about 190 posts in MeTa every day.
posted by Class Goat at 11:06 AM on June 20, 2008

Every now and then I go back to this comment and laugh my ass off. It still holds up after all this time.

Every now and again I wander back to this comment and crack up laughing. It still make me giggle after all this time.
posted by cashman at 11:07 AM on June 20, 2008

I miss the time when the 14kers were considered the soiled, unwashed, and unbearable masses of mefi.

I'm doing my part to keep the dream alive
posted by Stynxno at 11:09 AM on June 20, 2008

Everywhere you go in the world has a particular cocktail of bacteria fighting it out throughout the eco-system.

Funny you should mention that. I'm laid low with a monster case of bronchitis that I probably picked up at work. I work at a used bookstore of some repute and one of my jobs is opening and sorting boxes of books that people bring into sell. A pretty fair chunk of the sellers are homeless guys and other street flotsam who fished these books out of God knows where*. They probably sprung some superbug on me. Plus I got a tetanus shot because of box cutter cuts and the time a few weeks ago where I accidentally plunged a label-scraper into my thumb.

But, no, I don't want an enema. That's just an elaborate scam so you can take pics of my tush and sell them to the tabloids.

*and there's an already well publicized incident where two of our homeless regulars were found to have been 'cleaning' their salvaged books by spitting on them and rubbing vigourously. Yeesh.
posted by jonmc at 11:11 AM on June 20, 2008

I'm your wonderwall.
posted by never used baby shoes at 11:12 AM on June 20, 2008

I'm like 90-95% nipple.
posted by Divine_Wino at 11:15 AM on June 20, 2008

There are about 70,000 members of this board. If everyone posts on their anniversary, that will be about 190 posts in MeTa every day.

This is a mathematically accurate statement.
posted by cortex (staff) at 11:15 AM on June 20, 2008

I'm walking on sunshine. Whoa oh.
posted by Sys Rq at 11:18 AM on June 20, 2008

IN BEFOAR LOCK!11!!eleven!
posted by GuyZero at 11:20 AM on June 20, 2008

By mathematically accurate, do mean that if the premise is true then the conclusion is true? Because the premise is not anywhere near accurate.
posted by team lowkey at 11:22 AM on June 20, 2008

Also, this thread at Reddit is the funniest, dumbest thing I have read in a while. Epic thread is epic. Too bad my new favourite thread isn't here at MetaFilter.
posted by GuyZero at 11:22 AM on June 20, 2008

GODDAMN CUT AND PASTE KEYS- I meant this thread at Reddit.
posted by GuyZero at 11:23 AM on June 20, 2008 [4 favorites]

But, no, I don't want an enema. That's just an elaborate scam so you can take pics of my tush and sell them to the tabloids.

Damnit. Was I that obvious?
posted by tkolar at 11:25 AM on June 20, 2008

Did somebody say enema?
posted by Sys Rq at 11:28 AM on June 20, 2008

I try to lead a good life but am afflicted with a weakness for donuts.
posted by everichon at 11:31 AM on June 20, 2008

Premise? Schmemise.
posted by cortex (staff) at 11:32 AM on June 20, 2008

I am Bevets.

"Lo, I reject my previous thoughts and embrace the True Word of God." ~Charles Darwin, on his deathbed.

"Everything I say is a lie." ~Stephen J. Gould, notorious atheist liar

"Everything in the Bible is true." ~The Bible
posted by Avenger at 11:32 AM on June 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

Greg Nog makes life worth living.
posted by cowbellemoo at 11:34 AM on June 20, 2008

I don't WANT to be exposed to this thread.
posted by konolia at 11:35 AM on June 20, 2008

A real man would take a knife and face quonsar to the death on his first anniversary. And if they wouldn't do that, they would say, at least "Shock both of us with electricity until one us admits his lies."
posted by octobersurprise at 11:37 AM on June 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

*exposes konolia's loose threads. or something*
posted by jonmc at 11:38 AM on June 20, 2008

I challenge this entire thread to a fight*

*But I get to set the ground rules
posted by drezdn at 11:40 AM on June 20, 2008

cortex: "Premise? Schmemise."

posted by team lowkey at 11:41 AM on June 20, 2008

Rule one: no touching the ground.
posted by cortex (staff) at 11:42 AM on June 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

you are not me
posted by iamkimiam at 11:42 AM on June 20, 2008

My new hammock has just arrived. I hope to mount it on rollerskates and be pulled by a team of dogs I have trained just for this purpose. I shall have other dogs that fetch me beer and slippers. Still others shall sing me songs of their native lands. One shall lick peanut butter off my toe. They shall be polite dogs and will never growl or cry. Their collars will be made of brass with small bells made of seashells that they picked themselves. I shall instruct them in an arcane language of my own devising and they will obey my every whim except those that are purposely self destructive. On rainy days they shall ignore my commands to leave the giant umbrella and its streaming banners at home and they will carry it over me no matter how windy it gets or how high the road turns. I will love my dogs, but they shall merely respect me as to do more would be unprofessional.

That's what I like about Metafilter. It is always about the dreams.
posted by robocop is bleeding at 11:43 AM on June 20, 2008 [3 favorites]

I know our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
I answer hard acrostics, I've a pretty taste for paradox.
posted by ormondsacker at 11:44 AM on June 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

I quote in elegaic all the crimes of Heliogabalus.

Does anybody read the comments down here?
posted by languagehat at 11:48 AM on June 20, 2008

*reads languagehat's comment*

yes, my count..

*limps off a la Igor*
posted by jonmc at 11:49 AM on June 20, 2008

I am Jack's smirking revenge.
posted by rooftop secrets at 11:52 AM on June 20, 2008

I am capable of encountering a post with blatant factual errors on the internet and simply moving on with my day without needing to correct it.
posted by tkolar at 11:52 AM on June 20, 2008

I quote in elegaic all the crimes of Heliogabalus.

When using rot13, it's polite to hyperlink the phrase to the rot13.org website to make it easier to decode.
posted by GuyZero at 12:00 PM on June 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

Are we whistling the airs from that infernal nonsense Pinafore next?
posted by never used baby shoes at 12:10 PM on June 20, 2008

I remember back when this shit was funny.
posted by BitterOldPunk at 12:15 PM on June 20, 2008

I'm sorry.
posted by maxwelton at 12:18 PM on June 20, 2008

Marxchivist, I removed you as a contact to take you back to thirteen, but that left you with fourteen contacts. I am sad on account of I wanted to involve you and jonmc in some sort of gift of the magi like contact adding and removing scheme but, as so often happens, my romantic notions ran afoul of cruel reality.

Stupid reality.
posted by stet at 12:25 PM on June 20, 2008

Fergle. Blark. Shleng.
posted by quonsar at 12:30 PM on June 20, 2008

My mind is on cider.
posted by everichon at 12:30 PM on June 20, 2008

If everyone posts on their anniversary, that will be about 190 posts in MeTa every day.

There basically are two kinds of people on mefi: there are those who look at a Metatalk day with no new posts as the way life should be. And then there are those who find the first group to be sniveling whiny ocd control freaks who want to strip all meaning and joy from my life.
posted by madamjujujive at 12:30 PM on June 20, 2008 [8 favorites]

Anybody mind a cyber?
posted by cortex (staff) at 12:31 PM on June 20, 2008

Large, I contain multitudes.
posted by dawson at 12:32 PM on June 20, 2008

Anyone mind a cyber?

Artw apparently does.
posted by everichon at 12:38 PM on June 20, 2008

Anybody mind a cyber?

I wondered briefly if in the thrust apparently towards making the word "rape" devoid of meaning someone would come up with the idea that you could "rape" someone over the internet. Of course, they already did, and way earlier than I'd expected.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 12:45 PM on June 20, 2008

Dude, people have already done everything on the internet. Like three or four times for most things.
posted by Science! at 12:48 PM on June 20, 2008

I wondered briefly if in the thrust apparently towards making the word "rape" devoid of meaning someone would come up with the idea that you could "rape" someone over the internet. Of course, they already did, and way earlier than I'd expected.

Actually, they came up with it even earlier than that.
posted by dersins at 1:16 PM on June 20, 2008

TOCT, the LambdaMOO thing is like an ancient text of the internet. That you were surprised to find out about it just now leaves me inclined to holler at you re: re in re your continued presence on my lawn.
posted by cortex (staff) at 1:17 PM on June 20, 2008

You have 364 unMefidays every year. 365 in a leap year, and other numbers if you aren't using a Gregorian calendar.

But there's only one white rabbit, and he's tricksy.
posted by Tehanu at 1:33 PM on June 20, 2008

Dude, people have already done everything on the internet. Like three or four times for most things.
posted by Dave Faris at 1:34 PM on June 20, 2008 [2 favorites]

i don't even know what songs would please you
posted by desuetude at 1:35 PM on June 20, 2008

I just had three Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. The original, not the newfangled impostors.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 1:50 PM on June 20, 2008

You ever have the Elvis Reeses Cups? with the banana creme? those were badass.
posted by jonmc at 2:08 PM on June 20, 2008

Cream. Creme is French.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 2:14 PM on June 20, 2008

That's some deep shit, man.
posted by jonmc at 2:27 PM on June 20, 2008

Actually, All I really Wanted was a Pepsi...
posted by jonmc at 2:41 PM on June 20, 2008

I'll se your Circle Jerks and raise you the Descendents (ignore the video, but that number is what a buddy of mine called 'the platonic ideal of a punk song)
posted by jonmc at 2:56 PM on June 20, 2008

They don't make movies like Repo Man anymore.

Agreed. But this is still the best song on the soundtrack.
posted by dersins at 2:59 PM on June 20, 2008

that number is what a buddy of mine called 'the platonic ideal of a punk song

Ooh, let's have the "Were the Descendents punk or were they hardcore?" argument. That one's always fun.
posted by dersins at 3:03 PM on June 20, 2008

Of course that's all west coast punk. the east coast is where it all began, y'know.
posted by jonmc at 3:07 PM on June 20, 2008

ignore the video

posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 3:17 PM on June 20, 2008

Luke sum ipse patrem te...
posted by y2karl at 3:21 PM on June 20, 2008

I had an incredibly satisfying BM today. To celebrate, entertain me, fools!
posted by Fuzzy Skinner at 3:22 PM on June 20, 2008

you had a burning man all by yourself? It must lose a lot of it's appeal without the naked hippie chix.
posted by jonmc at 3:25 PM on June 20, 2008

If he took enough of the right drugs he could probably hallucinate some up.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 3:40 PM on June 20, 2008

I think everyone's one-year anniversary should be marked by a MeTa thread about our favourite threads!
posted by five fresh fish at 4:31 PM on June 20, 2008

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In nunc nisl, malesuada eu, posuere eget, mattis id, felis. Vestibulum a enim. Pellentesque pretium justo sit amet nulla. Duis pharetra tempor neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque elit felis, mattis a, mattis at, tincidunt vitae, est. Sed fringilla tortor. Fusce dui urna, sodales vel, fringilla non, semper a, odio. Cras in massa. Ut ornare, mauris ac varius ultrices, nulla augue ornare ipsum, in interdum elit pede a mauris. Sed ullamcorper tincidunt arcu. Ut porta nisi in nibh egestas vulputate. Nunc vitae dolor vel enim lobortis venenatis. Nulla molestie.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 4:45 PM on June 20, 2008

Unta rawble reek rawk reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
posted by asuprenant at 4:47 PM on June 20, 2008

oh my, you're all so brilliant.

it's hurting my eyes.
posted by fishfucker at 4:47 PM on June 20, 2008

posted by meehawl at 4:48 PM on June 20, 2008

inigo2 I heard Matt planned 9/11 to get more visitors to Metafilter.

I only created account recently but does anyone else here remember hitting Metafilter and Slashdot repeatedly on 9/11, trying to get more information and make sense of what the hell was going on

Shit, it doesn't feel like that long ago but it's almost seven years. Mefi, you're old man.
posted by tksh at 6:22 PM on June 20, 2008

Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit.
posted by languagehat at 6:52 PM on June 20, 2008

I still miss Oolong.
posted by SPrintF at 6:54 PM on June 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

Quesset silninquita or lëo, oa cua manë ambo lenca. Er tuo holmë vanima, var riel ciryapanda cu. Cor má mardo atacar pelentul. Astar mavor lau úr. Má sairon antorya cer.

Anca mavor rempa sat ma, nú hesta nostalë eteminya col, hala lorna calpa cú nár. Sú calta amorta eru, yá tólë mitta ama, ré quí manë saura minya. Ré manu harna centa axa, órë murmë nainië osellë é. Úrë cú tyávë metta. Lir pé armar ciryapanda. Cu fas collo atacar, erë ya rata moina.

Rá manë capië tareldar ára. Tulma palúrë to mar. Larca rambë orofarnë tië lú. Ilma lambë ëar né, úr yulmë engwa velca caw.
posted by signal at 7:09 PM on June 20, 2008

I am Death, Destroyer of Worlds.

Would anyone like some pie? There's blueberry and cherry on the counter.
posted by SteveTheRed at 7:46 PM on June 20, 2008

I I I I I'm not your stepping stone.

(I am another pesky newbie though).

posted by h00py at 8:02 PM on June 20, 2008

signal, I can't tell if that's Finnish, Quenya, or the Finnish lipsum.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 9:27 PM on June 20, 2008

I don't WANT to be exposed to this thread.
posted by konolia at 2:35 PM on June 20

Yeah, well..
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 10:37 PM on June 20, 2008

What though the field be lost?
All is not lost; the unconquerable Will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield:
And what is else not to be overcome?
That Glory never shall his wrath or might
Extort from me. To bow and sue for grace
With suppliant knee, and deifie his power
Who from the terrour of this Arm so late
Doubted his Empire, that were low indeed,
That were an ignominy and shame beneath
This downfall; since by Fate the strength of Gods
And this Empyreal substance cannot fail,
Since through experience of this great event
In Arms not worse, in foresight much advanc't,
We may with more successful hope resolve
To wage by force or guile eternal Warr
Irreconcileable, to our grand Foe,
Who now triumphs, and in th' excess of joy
Sole reigning holds the Tyranny of Heav'n.

-Paradise Lost, Book I, John Milton
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 10:43 PM on June 20, 2008

She leads a lonely life
She leads a lonely life

When she woke up late in the morning
Light and the day had just begun
She opened up her eyes and thought
O what a morning
Its not a day for work
Its a day for catching tan
Just laying on the beach and having fun
Shes going to get you

All that she wants is another baby
Shes gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants is another baby
Shes gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby

All that she wants - all that she wants

So if you are in sight and the day is right
Shes a hunter youre the fox
The gentle voice that talks to you
Wont talk forever
Its a night for passion
But the morning means goodbye
Beware of what is flashing in her eyes
Shes going to get you

All that she wants...
posted by asuprenant at 2:08 AM on June 21, 2008

Why is it so 'cool' and shit to slag on konolia? That's low-down and common. Pricks.
posted by dawson at 2:20 AM on June 21, 2008 [1 favorite]

Because she's a bigoted idiot who continually drops turds in threads--when she has been explicitly told not to--then runs away, leaving a steaming pile behind?
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 9:09 AM on June 21, 2008

dnab: we've seen this show before, and I think I speak for the whole studio audience when I say that I feel no need for a rerun.
posted by jonmc at 9:21 AM on June 21, 2008

Yeah, please? Seriously? Write her some damn email or something.
posted by cortex (staff) at 9:25 AM on June 21, 2008

I was just answering dawson's question. Nothing more.

And jonmc.. are you seriously saying that? What about the endless reruns of 'meh, drinking anything other than turpentine is pretentious, the only point is getting drunk AMIRITE'? Come on.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 11:09 AM on June 21, 2008

I've been phoning, at night and morning. I heard you say, "Tell him I'm not home." Now you're confessing, but I'm still guessing. I've been your fool for so, so long.
posted by the littlest brussels sprout at 11:09 AM on June 21, 2008

Oh dang.
posted by the littlest brussels sprout at 11:17 AM on June 21, 2008

I'm surprised cortex hasen't closed this thread by now.
posted by hellojed at 11:32 AM on June 21, 2008

And jonmc.. are you seriously saying that?

Yes. because despite it all I like konolia and think she has the potential to see things more broadly. (and FWIW, I like you, too, and could say the same thing). But that's a rerun in and of itself. I'll let the cheap shot slide.
posted by jonmc at 12:00 PM on June 21, 2008

Is this going to be the next longboat thread?
posted by RussHy at 12:51 PM on June 21, 2008

I like to watch the vikings in their longboats.
posted by RussHy at 1:13 PM on June 21, 2008

Well you sit here in my couch and whine
Maybe you had your hopes too high
Well there's always complaints
And ball and chains
There's always a loss or too much fuss
Come on... Get your heart out of your crotch

Every month the same routine
Hopeless love and endless dreams
You're a dramaqueen...
posted by dawson at 1:16 PM on June 21, 2008

let's not drag that out again either, huh?
posted by jonmc at 1:23 PM on June 21, 2008

Is this going to be the next longboat thread?

It is an ancient Mariner,
And he stoppeth one of three.
`By thy long beard and glittering eye,
Now wherefore stopp'st thou me ?

The Bridegroom's doors are opened wide,
And I am next of kin ;
The guests are met, the feast is set :
May'st hear the merry din.'

He holds him with his skinny hand,
`There was a ship,' quoth he.
`Hold off ! unhand me, grey-beard loon !'
Eftsoons his hand dropt he.

He holds him with his glittering eye--
The Wedding-Guest stood still,
And listens like a three years' child :
The Mariner hath his will.

The Wedding-Guest sat on a stone :
He cannot choose but hear ;
And thus spake on that ancient man,
The bright-eyed Mariner.

--The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Samuel Taylor Coleridge
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 2:30 PM on June 21, 2008


What, you don't like viking?
posted by RussHy at 2:35 PM on June 21, 2008

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Samuel Taylor Coleridge

you mean Iron Maiden, dude. ;>
posted by jonmc at 2:40 PM on June 21, 2008

What, you don't like viking?

I don't know you naughty boy, I've never viked.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 2:44 PM on June 21, 2008 [4 favorites]

I've got a vike
You could ride it if you like
It's got a loot chest
An alpenhorn
And Bjorn who makes it look good

I'd give it to you if I could
But I pillaged it
posted by cortex (staff) at 3:09 PM on June 21, 2008 [1 favorite]

Wooooullld yoooouuuu
like do some fighting?
Come and be a Viking!
Come and sail the seven seas
we sail for Eng-a-land!
Nothing's more exciting
than living like a Viking!
Come and be a Norseman
the fighting life is grand!

To be sung annoyingly, in an affected Norse accent. That's just the chorus. I can't remember the verses or even the proper name of the song, I don't know who wrote it, and it doesn't seem to be on the internet anywhere.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 3:21 PM on June 21, 2008

I've got some tombs
With inscriptions in runes
Some hold something
Most of them are just dirt
posted by Sys Rq at 3:39 PM on June 21, 2008

Sunday, the 29th, just happens to be my one-year Mefi-versary, so we can do this again soon. Who will bring the pie?
posted by dawson at 5:51 PM on June 21, 2008


Riding, and riding, we search across the land
The snow, and wind, has frozen hearts of man
But we ride
We ride

Many days ago we left our homes
With swords to ride into the night
Fighting side by side to destroy our foes
And leave them without life

We stop, consider the land that we traveled
Our map's at home, direction unraveled
But we ride
We ride

So much time has passed since we left our land
That we've become concerned
And we'll never find the battle
That we should have fought and won

But we won't stop searching

Lost but still we ride
Search until we die

We ride
We ride

Hungry and tired the frigid plain yields little
We trudge on further, eating pride and snow that's brittle

We ride
We ride

We come upon a witch who takes us in
To let us share her mighty fire
She asks of us our story and we lie and say
We ride around for hire
She asks us if we'd like to have her map
And points us in some direction
But we are far too proud and strong so we keep silent
And ignore her suggestion

Lost but still we ride
Search until we die
All the fault of pride
The gods weep in the night

We ride
We ride
posted by kittens for breakfast at 7:58 PM on June 21, 2008

I get a distinct feeling I'm being disrespected, dammit, and this will not stand, man.
posted by dawson at 8:37 PM on June 21, 2008

Plunder talks
But it can't sing and dance
And it can't walk
And long as I can have
Mjolnir with me
I'd much rather be
Forever a viking
posted by cortex (staff) at 8:57 PM on June 21, 2008

I definitely just realized that Dragonforce is where I'm a viking, in all senses.

Burning fires burning lives on the long distant roads
Through the lost mountains endless so far away from home
Warrior soldiers forever we fought long ago
We're all lost in the darkness so far away from home

(Wail on guitars for a while.)

Riding through the starlight and smashing the boundaries as hellfire falls from the sky
A shadow of pain will arise from the ashes of those fallen ones who have died
Our only master with fire and fury of hell will see his bidding done
Blasting from high as the battle unfolds to the gates of the city we come

(Wail on guitars SOME MORE.)

-Soldiers of the Wasteland, Dragonforce

It's bold to indicate METAL.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 9:07 PM on June 21, 2008

then I suddenly had a bit of an existential crisis and quickly deleted it.

This is good, as it indicates you have something of the viking nature within you. Let our longboats sail on!
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 9:29 PM on June 21, 2008

I want to ride my vikicle,
I want to ride my vike.
I want to ride my vikicle,
I want to ride it where I like.

posted by terrapin at 4:10 AM on June 22, 2008

Y'know TVLand has been playing a lot of the Beverly Hillbillies lately, but they haven't played the episode where Jethro becomes a beatnik (and manages to drag Granny into it). That episode is flat-out hysterical, but they still haven't played it. Plus the new Get Smart movie is out, but I still can't find DVD's of the original series in the stores. That's fucked up, man.
posted by jonmc at 5:44 AM on June 22, 2008

Gosh darn melonfarmers.
posted by goo at 5:58 AM on June 22, 2008

You can buy it on ebay, Jon ... for a mere $300.
posted by Dave Faris at 6:55 AM on June 22, 2008

You can buy the whole Get Smart series on 25 DVDs from Time-Life for $199.
posted by RussHy at 7:10 AM on June 22, 2008

I've never viked

I'm a big fan of Dickens, but I haven't been to one for ages.
posted by PeterMcDermott at 8:05 AM on June 22, 2008

I just saw the Get Smart DVDs last night at the video store while I was renting Cloverfield (which, by the way, was lame and can be summarized like so: "Rob! ROB! Wait, Rob! Rob? Where are you going, Rob? Rob. Rob. Uh...Rob? ROB! ROOOOOOOOOOOOB!")
posted by chococat at 8:05 AM on June 22, 2008

"Rob! ROB! Wait, Rob! Rob? Where are you going, Rob? Rob. Rob. Uh...Rob? ROB! ROOOOOOOOOOOOB!")

So basically it's just Michael's part on Lost?

posted by tkolar at 9:12 AM on June 22, 2008

I don't want to spend 200 bucks, I just want to spend $20 at a time buying one season at a time. With the movie out you figure they'd do this, but nooo, those fuckin' fucks at Time-Life are fuckin' us.
posted by jonmc at 10:01 AM on June 22, 2008

When you sent me off to see the world
Were you scared that I might get hurt?
Would I try a little tobacco?
Would I keep on viking up my skirt?
posted by the littlest brussels sprout at 1:48 PM on June 22, 2008

I just typed out several lines of an old Whitney Houston pop song that I reworked with Viking lyrics then I suddenly had a bit of an existential crisis and quickly deleted it.

Look, we all know you saved it to a text file on your desktop. Post it already.
posted by Tehanu at 2:03 PM on June 22, 2008

Get Smart Season 1 $39.99, Season 2 $39.99
posted by RussHy at 2:04 PM on June 22, 2008

As I said previously, next Sunday, just randomly, by sheer chance, unless time/space dimensions shift, just happens to be my one-year Mefi-versary, so we will let the light in here and have a little fun, neh?
If the Vikings were so great where are they today? eh? And Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome does not fucking count.
posted by dawson at 2:50 PM on June 22, 2008

I'm sorry to have to tell you this, dawson, but next Sunday has been canceled.
posted by languagehat at 5:44 PM on June 22, 2008

dawson, what languagehat is trying to break to you gently is that June 29 is kind of like leap year for the internet. It only happens every 4 years. We didn't want to tell you, but I think languagehat is right-- it's better that you know.
posted by Tehanu at 5:53 PM on June 22, 2008

Ooh! National Log Off And Go Outside day! How could I have forgotten...
posted by tkolar at 6:15 PM on June 22, 2008

Life isn't fair. I want a month of Sunday the 29ths.
posted by dawson at 7:13 PM on June 22, 2008

Also previously.
posted by feelinglistless at 5:10 AM on June 24, 2008

I have read every comment in this thread.

I endorse them all.
posted by MrVisible at 9:22 AM on June 24, 2008

Not this one.
posted by rocket88 at 12:45 PM on June 27, 2008

I'm invisible.
posted by Tehanu at 2:54 PM on June 27, 2008

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