Watch Mad Men in vintage style in Tucson, Sunday evenings? August 20, 2009 6:26 PM   Subscribe

Now that Season 3 of Mad Men has begun, I'm seeking a way to watch it weekly, and it occurred to me that we Tucson MeFites have an especially stylish way to do so....

... in The Shelter Cocktail Lounge. It's decorated in vintage JFK memorabilia, to give you a shorthand to the vibe there.

Would anyone be interested in meeting 10pm Sunday nights to watch an episode and drink a vodka gimlet?
posted by Tufa to MetaFilter Gatherings at 6:26 PM (13 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

OMG I proposed to the girl who took my virginity at The Shelter. She snubbed me for Colorado, but that place is still awesome. Nice pool table, too. Good times, wish I could come!
posted by carsonb at 7:26 PM on August 20, 2009 [1 favorite]

God damn that's an awesome-seeming bar.
posted by turgid dahlia at 8:08 PM on August 20, 2009

I might be up for this.
posted by unmake at 5:30 AM on August 21, 2009

Wait, what does this have to do with cortex?
posted by paisley henosis at 7:28 AM on August 21, 2009

Yes, I would totally, totally be up with this.
posted by lizjohn at 10:11 AM on August 21, 2009

Like, a million times over.

For emphasis!
posted by lizjohn at 10:12 AM on August 21, 2009

This is a neat idea.
posted by box at 12:35 PM on August 21, 2009

For my purposes, cortex now equals Don Draper.
posted by spaltavian at 8:58 PM on August 21, 2009

I'm so there! I get off work right at 10:00, so you'll have to excuse my late arrival and my smelling of booze and retail. I can miss the first few minutes. The bartenders at the Shelter make a fantastic Sidecar, which could be appropriately '60s while still satisfying my love for a good girly drink.
posted by The Potate at 12:42 AM on August 22, 2009

Wonderful, so it seems maybe a few of us do have the inclination to do this. I'm so glad. And The Potate, I know what I will be ordering. We can work our way, week by week, through their official cocktail guide (or follow our own interests).
posted by Tufa at 9:46 PM on August 22, 2009

Is this on for tonight?

If so, I am the The Potate's ride, so we'll both be a hair after 10.

How will the watching work? Do they regularly screen it on Sundays, or is this a special concession?
posted by lizjohn at 10:11 AM on August 23, 2009

lizjohn, I'll have word on the status of it by 3pm local time today--final concessions need to be confirmed. I'll send you an email, then, and post here. (Or, if you'd like, email me, and I'll give you more direct contact info.)
posted by Tufa at 11:45 AM on August 23, 2009

Well, to close out this thread in a sad way--The Shelter doesn't have cable. So, The Shelter doesn't get Mad Men. I'll keep searching for a place to watch, but it won't be the same....
posted by Tufa at 3:25 PM on August 23, 2009

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