One Month in Greenland and Iceland February 23, 2011 7:43 PM   Subscribe

MeFi's own seawallrunner has released her 2nd book of photography, this one titled Two Ice Lands. You can preview the entire 322 page book online.

As she says on the about page, "My heart will be forever filled with the joy, optimism and warmth that I experienced while in Greenland. I was also enchanted by the tall sharp peaks, deep valleys, endless glaciers, and of course the icebergs. You will find only a fraction of the photographs that I took of these magnificent icy beasts."

"In contrast, Iceland was a shock to the senses - whereas I was expecting Greenland to be 'the end of the world' but instead never felt far away from Canada, I felt very far away more than once while in Iceland."

While you're at it, take a look at her first book, Images of Wilderness 2003 - 2007, as well.
posted by netbros to MetaFilter-Related at 7:43 PM (15 comments total) 10 users marked this as a favorite

Congratulations! A quick scan already has me pining for an Icelandic cruise. It looks lovely.
posted by Hardcore Poser at 9:35 PM on February 23, 2011

posted by Wolof at 2:02 AM on February 24, 2011

Nice pictures! You'd have felt less alone if you'd had a Reykjavík meetup :)
posted by Kattullus at 4:03 AM on February 24, 2011

There are some seriously great pictures there, seawall, congrats! Love the full preview thing, too. Best of luck with the book.
posted by mediareport at 6:07 AM on February 24, 2011

Very nice -- lotsa great stuff on Flickr, too.
posted by Devils Rancher at 6:56 AM on February 24, 2011

Awesome! Congratulations!
posted by zarq at 7:01 AM on February 24, 2011

Beautiful! Congrats on the book.
posted by 26.2 at 8:06 AM on February 24, 2011

Oooooh, lovely! The online preview is verrrrrry enticing. Congratulations, seawallrunner!
posted by Elsa at 8:24 AM on February 24, 2011

Congratulations! A quick scan already has me pining for an Icelandic cruise the fjords. It looks lovely.

ow stop hitting
not in the face!

posted by scrump at 9:11 AM on February 24, 2011 [2 favorites]

I was going to say "Cool!" but instead I will say "Keen!"
posted by Sidhedevil at 11:10 AM on February 24, 2011

As someone who is fascinated to an almost unhealthy extent with Greenland, I say thanks!
posted by Mister_A at 12:15 PM on February 24, 2011 [1 favorite]

Wow, icebergs! Beautiful pictures.
posted by Mister_A at 12:19 PM on February 24, 2011

Thank you so very much netbros for posting about my new book!!

...and thank you all for your nice comments.

I created the book as a memento of this trip for myself and went all-out on the size and quality with Blurb. This book is pretty much a one-of, it's something for my coffee table to remind me of this wonderful trip I took last year.

But I wanted to share the book with all my friends and contacts, so I created a preview-all so that folks who are interested can leaf through the book. You can also go on flickr and check out the Iceland and Greenland sets, but these are less organized, and the pictures are not optimized.

I have some ideas about an upcoming book, that I would pitch to a publisher (so as to bring the costs down to anyone who would wish to purchase) but it will realized in a few years. My vision is for a book about the countries and people above the Arctic circle. I have such a pull towards that area of the world - and I have to travel a bit more before I complete the dream

thank you again for your encouraging comments !!
posted by seawallrunner at 12:26 PM on February 24, 2011 [7 favorites]

Why isn't this on the Blue?

Not snark - this is incredibly awesome work and would probably get many more eyes on the front page. (I'd do it but won't be at a real computer for awhile...)
posted by m@f at 1:25 PM on February 24, 2011

posted by bearwife at 5:44 PM on February 25, 2011

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