Linking to AskMe March 25, 2004 9:45 AM   Subscribe

Why isn't there a link to AxeMe on the main MeFi page? Is there a specific reason or just haven't got around to it yet?
posted by keswick to Feature Requests at 9:45 AM (30 comments total)

keswick is my new hero.
posted by quonsar at 9:49 AM on March 25, 2004

thanks. you light up my life, quonsar.
posted by keswick at 9:52 AM on March 25, 2004

There isn't a link so that people can ask why there isn't a link, instead of searching MeTa.
posted by Orange Goblin at 10:01 AM on March 25, 2004

keswick, it was the "Ax" that won me over! it so annoys those who i love to annoy. but to answer with what i DO know, matt the meek™ rightly considers this breakthrough web app of his, AxMe, to be in pre-alpha-negative-omega stage and has, in many previous metalk threads promised searchability, question closure, and full-disclosure FPL (front page linkage). but for right nowe, and probably for as long as it takes to fix whatever keeps new users out, it'll remain metatalk in green spraypaint.
posted by quonsar at 10:03 AM on March 25, 2004

Funny, I was just this moment thinking how I like going through MeTa to get to AskMe, cause I don't always check MeTa, and now I get to see it on the commute.
posted by o2b at 10:15 AM on March 25, 2004

Thankfully, founding Netscape engineers looked ahead to this eventuality and coded a user-centric, in-browser solution called the BOOKMARK.

My guess is that such a link might drastically change Google indexing of AxMe, which could spike traffic from drop-in-then-instantly-leave nobodies. Ok, maybe a few of those would find some useful info. But perhaps the Matt isn't ready to start inviting the whole world into The Grand Answer Emporium just yet.
posted by scarabic at 10:32 AM on March 25, 2004

Tell me more about this thing you call "book-mark."
posted by squirrel at 10:58 AM on March 25, 2004

Tell me more about this thing you call "book-mark."

Take it to AskMe, squirrel.
posted by Shane at 11:11 AM on March 25, 2004

A link on the front page would throw off the feng shui.
posted by Johnny Assay at 11:44 AM on March 25, 2004

It was argued that having a link on the front page would add the possibility of getting shitty stuff in Askme, although thats a little late.
posted by Keyser Soze at 12:41 PM on March 25, 2004

Seriously, scarabic, do you have MeFi, MeTa, and AskMe bookmarked separately? I find the ritual somewhat comforting of coming to MeFi (bookmarked) then clicking my way to MeTa and then to AskMe. I bet I'm not alone.
posted by soyjoy at 12:57 PM on March 25, 2004

You're not alone, as I do that sometimes, but I do have AskMe, MeTa, and MeFi bookmarked separately.
posted by pizzasub at 1:06 PM on March 25, 2004

Personally I just open MeFi, MeTa and AxMe (I've started using that one too) in sucessive tabs in firebird... ;)
posted by twine42 at 1:13 PM on March 25, 2004

posted by scarabic at 1:29 PM on March 25, 2004

I find the ritual somewhat comforting

I can picture that. But conserve bandwidth, dood.
posted by scarabic at 1:31 PM on March 25, 2004

Getting to AskMetaFilter is the reward for surviving MetaTalk, that's why.
posted by dg at 2:40 PM on March 25, 2004

MeFi Tshirts : I survived Metatalk and all I got was these lousy threads.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 3:37 PM on March 25, 2004

There should also be a BiteMe for the snarkfests, to absorb the bitterness.

Typical post: You're all a useless bunch of tossers and I hate you all.
posted by MiguelCardoso at 4:07 PM on March 25, 2004

posted by namespan at 5:28 PM on March 25, 2004

I suggest this as a cool t-shirt, though it has naught to do with MeTa. (Note: use of the f word.)

Miguel, the BiteMe site idea is truly inspired. I'm completely serious. The yang to AskMe's yin. Whatever they stand for.
posted by onlyconnect at 8:02 PM on March 25, 2004

*sigh* T-shirt.
posted by onlyconnect at 8:03 PM on March 25, 2004

mathowie: "I'll link to it from the main site when I think the site is ready. Until I make further adjustments to it, I'll leave it unlinked while it is beta."
posted by adrianhon at 2:26 AM on March 26, 2004

I probably shouldn't ask when there's gonna be an RSS feed... [Sets self on fire and sprints from room.]
posted by nicwolff at 9:49 PM on March 26, 2004

it's gonna be beta for a looooooooooooooooooong time. but what the fuck man, it's GREEN. not even kottke did green. as innovative blogospheriscists go, matt is teh man!
posted by quonsar at 8:30 AM on March 27, 2004

You're getting pretty tedious about the green, quonsar.

Why don't you take on TypePad, orkut, foaf or xfn? Lotsa unminded comedy gold there, I'll bet.
posted by timeistight at 10:30 AM on March 27, 2004

because time, as you know, is tight.
posted by quonsar at 11:11 AM on March 27, 2004

I like greeeen. I like people on fire, running.

posted by Shane at 11:14 AM on March 27, 2004

because time, as you know, is tight.

Are you planning on repeating that comment until it somehow becomes funny, all by itself?
posted by timeistight at 5:29 PM on March 27, 2004

quonsar, not drinking enough on a Saturday morning?
posted by billsaysthis at 9:40 PM on March 27, 2004

Are you planning on repeating that comment until it somehow becomes funny, all by itself?

Not all by itself. The subtle shifts in syntax really help.
posted by The God Complex at 11:11 PM on March 27, 2004

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