16 posts tagged with Irl and meetup.
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Star Trek: The Cruise III
Star Trek: The Cruise III -- Are you going? Are you excited? Do you want to meet up with other mefites? [more inside]
Total Eclipse of the MetaFilter: US August 2017 edition
A catch-all Meta for MeFites to organise, enquire, wail about accommodation prices and relate their experiences about the August 21st 2017 solar eclipse which crosses the continental USA (total eclipse in 14 states, partial eclipse others and in three other continents). Please don't look at the sun directly or with dodgy glasses, but you can use your smartphone - though just don't miss it. Exclusive, traffic will be nuts, and some will do the Carbondale double. Disclaimer: other eclipses are available for other dates and countries. Obligatory link. [more inside]
Mefites organizing for the Women's March
For Mefites planning to march in this Saturday's big march for women's rights, there are IRL meetup threads for several cities: the main march in Washington DC and sister marches in
San Francisco, Philadelphia - or other cities. [more inside]
Any interest in a MeFi day of service or volunteering?
Basically, I think it's rad that the folks in Chicago are cooking brunch for families at the Ronald McDonald House and think it'd be cool if other folks did similar things in their own cities, perhaps on one designated day. Just a thought, would like to know if that's been suggested before.
How about notifications of proposed meetups?
I have my profile set to receive notifications of IRL meetups within 100 miles, but I would also like to get notified about proposed meetups within the same distance. Who knows, maybe adding one more person can shift it from "proposed" to "let's do this thing."
how to host a successful meetup when new in town
Hello all :) I would like to post a meetup event. I am new to Halifax (Nova Scotia) and several AskMeFi responses suggested this as a good way to make friends. I would like to know the behavior Metafilter participants expect of the "hosts" ... More inside ... [more inside]
Camp Mefi Update
For those of you wondering what the status of the Camp MeFi project is, please pull a log up to the crackling fire. Full update inside. [more inside]
Notification of Changes to IRL Meetups
Is it possible to get a memail if there have been date/time/location changes to an IRL event they've RSVP'd to? And as an extension, possibly a notification when a proposed event is confirmed? [more inside]
opt into notification for IRL meetups
Feature request: opt-in email or MeMail when a meetup in your city is proposed. [more inside]
What's the meetup record?
There are three (1, 2, 3) NYC meetups scheduled for next Saturday. Is that the same-day same-city record? [more inside]
What's the deal with meetups?
What's the format for meetups? [more inside]
Cleanup on aIsleRL
Could we revisit the close-a-proposed-meetup thing on IRL? [more inside]
Did the MeFi Marriages begin by MeFi Mail or meetup?
Did the MeFi Marriages begin by MeFi Mail or meetup?
Most popular cities?
Confused about "Most popular cities in the past three months" in IRL [more inside]
Gimme my meetups
Bug-Filter: Recent Meetups pane only shows one meetup per city per day even if multiple meetups occured. [more inside]
Can I have a pony IRL? I mean... for IRL? [more inside]