19 posts tagged with MeFi and religion.
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Make that in triplicate!

Religious issues aside, do we really need three separate posts covering slight variations of the same thing? [more inside]
posted by tkolar on Jun 3, 2008 - 68 comments

Are some more worthy of respect than others?

Well, I have been onsite five or ten minutes and already flagged two posts...can I say I am sick and tired of seeing gratuitous and profane rants against God and Christianity in general-especially since I know for a fact that kind of speech is not tolerated for other groups here? [more inside]
posted by konolia on Feb 17, 2008 - 648 comments


Come on y'all this is embarassing. I don't think anyone would appreciate getting their religion bashed this way and Mormon's LOVE that man. Believe me, I know some. Totally uncalled for.
posted by empath on Jan 28, 2008 - 198 comments

LOLXtians! No - LOLScientologists!

We don't think religious satire goes down well on Mefi. Well, 'cept for the 'Tologists, that is. [more inside]
posted by dash_slot- on Jan 15, 2008 - 103 comments


Do we really need two LOLZ RELIGION!!1! posts in one day?
posted by proj on Nov 30, 2007 - 100 comments

Is this normal, sanctioned behaviour?

MetaFilter seems rife with religious intolerance and disinformation under the guise of intelligent conversation. Is this a flaw or a feature of Metafilter?
posted by JaySunSee on Aug 6, 2007 - 221 comments

Religious / Political Threads Largely Repetitive

MetaFilter discussions about religion and politics tend to have comments which are basically the same as other MetaFilter discussions about religion and politics.
posted by Bugbread on May 7, 2007 - 87 comments

LOL XTIANS #45,982,761,305...

I don't understand why this was posted. Most LOL XTIANS get deleted; why is this one still here?
posted by Methylviolet on Apr 4, 2007 - 77 comments

working together for the common good

Ironically, for the off-topic stuff from this post on people from different beliefs working together for common good.
posted by The Deej on Jan 2, 2007 - 127 comments

It may be time for someone to get his own blog.

Not necessarily a callout, because I always find myself reading the religion posts even when I don't agree with them, but as doctor_negative points out in brownpau's latest thread it may be time for someone to get his own blog.
posted by BackwardsCity on Jan 27, 2006 - 206 comments

I call censorship by the religious majority

I call censorship by the religious majority
posted by cbrody on Dec 11, 2005 - 206 comments

Bevets is abusing his membership

Bevets is abusing his membership. Undeniable evidence included inside.
posted by furtive on Apr 9, 2005 - 100 comments

religion in threads

Crossing the Rubicon : I've said it.

I'll honor this - regardless of where it leads.
posted by troutfishing on Oct 19, 2004 - 123 comments

crap FPP, even without the flame war

Sheesh. Forgetting the fact that this is a crap FPP, do we have to have this stupid argument again? I get really tired of reading the uninformed, bigoted opinions of anti-religion types with chips on their shoulders. You are free to not believe in God; I am not bothered by your not-believing. But you not-believing is not evidence of intellectual or moral superiority. It's just a choice you made, a choice I can understand and respect. How about some reciprocation already?
posted by eustacescrubb on Sep 24, 2004 - 169 comments

anti-religious remarks belong on your own blog

It's all well and good for skallas to post his opinions on his own weblog, but couldn't he keep any anti-religious remarks out of his FPPs?
posted by VulcanMike on Feb 27, 2004 - 254 comments

this is racist, offensive, incredibly stupid

Ok, I'll be the first to say that this is racist, offensive, incredibly stupid, and I'm blown away that Miguel was the one to post it, especially considering what his reaction would be if the word "Jew" were substituted for "Arab". I don't think this post belongs on MeFi.
posted by dejah420 on Oct 23, 2003 - 127 comments

Congratulations on being civil.

Congratulations to all who participated in the recent thread on evangelical Christians and why people dislike them. The level of constructive dialogue on all sides of the issue was truly miraculous ...hehe. Why did this thread succeed when so many other religious threads quickly degrade into vicious flamewars?
posted by jsonic on Feb 7, 2003 - 11 comments

From discussion to bigotry

Discussion? Bigotry? Over the past few days, several threads seem (to me at least) to have degenerated from discussion to all out Muslim bashing (1,2,3). I'm not here to name names, point fingers or tattle on anyone for specific comments, rather to ask at what point do we say "enough is enough?" People have a right to their opinions (prejudices), but when those opinions are stated without some modicum of respect/even-handedness, we have to wonder why they are tolerated in a public forum.
posted by hipstertrash on Feb 27, 2002 - 33 comments

Can we please talk civilly about... the Olympics? (2002)

I'm really intrigued here. A perfectly good thread (well maybe not great) about censorship of the Olympics, derailed by general revulsion towards a religion. Some tried to get back to the point, but the damage was done. Are all posts voicing concern over how the 2002 Winter games are run doomed to the same fate?
posted by Wulfgar! on Jan 17, 2002 - 35 comments

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