26 posts tagged with Mefi and trolling.
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Grow the hell up.

An open letter. [more inside]
posted by dirtynumbangelboy on Jul 3, 2008 - 95 comments

wtf quonsar

quonsar, are you trolling or just dumb?
posted by Pope Guilty on Nov 13, 2007 - 370 comments

Assholes in Aisle 12

Fucking flag it and move on. It's not about YOU.
posted by mkultra on Jul 3, 2007 - 169 comments

Who's "trolling" now?

Who's "trolling" now? Don't we have enough vituperative political "debates" around here without somebody singling out and baiting certain individuals by name?
posted by davy on Sep 20, 2005 - 348 comments

OK, I was a little bit of a jerk, but the reply was worse!

I grant that my first comment in this thread was a little troll-ish, and I'm sorry about that. I probably contributed a pretty bad atmosphere to the discussion there. But was this really warranted?
posted by koeselitz on May 2, 2005 - 36 comments

Troll vs. good poster?

Excuse me ignorance for a few moments, but I in all honesty cannot for the life of me understand why bevets is being considered a troll/flamer in this thread about evolution.
Now, I am a full proponent of the Theory of Evolution. However, that said, all bevets is doing is disagreeing with the Theory. Some people like orthogonality decide to actually respond to bevets' ideas. Not to pick on any one user, but then you get bshort who sounds more like a troll than bevets by not even thoughtfully responding to bevets' creationist ideas.
In all honestly, if byver wants to have an open dialogue about this topic, what is the problem? Does that make him a troll if he earnestly wants to discuss the topic, even if you all think he sucks at it because if so, then a whole LOT of users would be trolls with whom the masses just happen to agree with.

*note* I do NOT intend this thread to be a pileon over bevets (enough of that happened in the thread), but rather what makes a troll vs. a good poster since all I see here is a very strong disagreement in ideologies.
posted by jmd82 on Mar 26, 2005 - 58 comments

Sounds like someone's got some sand in her vagina.

Attention store manager: Cleanup in aisle 38721. Troll juice has been spilled, making people cry.
posted by Saucy Intruder on Jan 18, 2005 - 107 comments

post policing is the new troll

A thread about some irresponsible thing Bill O'Reilly said is followed with some pile on comments and a few insights. Then, ten comments and forty minutes later, this: "Jeebus, how does this qualify as a FPP?" It seems that on the new MetaFilter, post policing is the new troll.
posted by tomharpel on Dec 23, 2004 - 35 comments

Have we been trolled?

Have we been trolled?
07 Dec 2004 : Cost to me £96.99 : PapPal Donations £0.00 : Reaction on Metafilter - Priceless

Read back through his comments on the original thread with this in mind, and the whole thing smacks of a self post.
*W = we
posted by jester69 on Dec 7, 2004 - 18 comments

"How long will there will cowards logged into Metafilter?"

ParisParamus, 4 am JST : "How long will there will cowards logged into Metafilter?"

ParisParamus, 10:37 am JST : "Metafilter: keeping as many liberal and pacifist a-holes inside, so they do the least amount of damage possible in the real world."
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Jul 7, 2004 - 94 comments

Call the Waaah-mbulance

Waah!Filter : Talk about posting your petty grievances in the Blue! Heheh.
posted by mischief on Jun 18, 2004 - 47 comments

No real content, just more trollish junk

It might as well have been titled "This is today's senseless bickering thread". No real content, just more trollish junk. Delete please?
posted by fvw on Jun 17, 2004 - 66 comments

particular brand of insane troll logic not welcome

Ok, I wasn't going to say anything when Witty decided to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to ruin amberglow's thread with his particular (read: vapid, boring) brand of insane troll logic. However, he then decided an interesting course of action would be to make a similarly unwarranted (perhaps even moreso) comment in an unrelated thread.

Therefore, I politely and humbly request that Witty please refrain from making similarily irrelevant--and snide--comments in the future, at least in in the blue.
posted by The God Complex on Jun 14, 2004 - 120 comments

"What is this post other than newsfilter?"

"What is this post other than newsfilter?" {more inside}
posted by anastasiav on Mar 12, 2004 - 44 comments

Weak sauce

Blatant front-page troll.
posted by nicwolff on Jan 19, 2004 - 34 comments

What do we do about all of you assholes?

We've all seen what can happen when MeFi devolves into pointless personality conflicts: the site gets hijacked to propogate something that 99.9% of the users don't care about. We've also all seen one member virtually drag another into such conflicts, making a two-way crapfest out of what was originally just one-sided goofiness...[more inside]
posted by Ignatius J. Reilly on Oct 7, 2003 - 24 comments

Being trolled from the outside

Is he baiting us? Noted ex-Mefite Steven Den Beste, in self-imposed exile, says he left because we got "stranger and stranger" and, according to him, the inmates are still running the asylum. Are we guilty of lefty groupthink, or is SDB focusing on the posts that annoy him and ignoring the diversity of opinions here, and quit in a huff because we wouldn't all agree with him? (Note: we've talked about him before on Metatalk.)
posted by mcwetboy on Sep 25, 2002 - 83 comments

Trolling: secret agreement, or an excuse to beat a dead horse?

See now, here is my question, with all sincerity, does MeFi continue to allow such troll posting because MeFi (semi-secretly) agrees with the poster, or just because MeFi wants another excuse to beat a dead horse?
posted by BlueTrain on May 20, 2002 - 70 comments

Us declares itself above the law.

Us declares itself above the law.

Other than one or two people here and there talking about the topic at hand, this thread was basically a shouting match and trolling session. Is this the level of debate that now passes for inteligent from the MetaFilter community?
posted by Zool on May 6, 2002 - 19 comments

A troll by any other name

I'd use the word troll in this case, but it has some connotations that are a bit loaded given the subject.
posted by briank on May 1, 2002 - 33 comments

Anonymous MeFi troll duels with self. Loses.

Anonymous MeFi troll duels with self. Loses. Seems apparent that moolafoo is trying to piss someone off here, but who? Darkaru? Metafilter? America? Granny? Ah well, doesn't matter anyway: he namedropped Hitler earlier in the thread, so according to Godwin the troll-attempt was dead on arrival.
posted by Sapphireblue on Jan 15, 2002 - 49 comments

Trolls with spades and pitchforks

It's time to call a spade a spade and a troll a troll.
posted by NortonDC on Jan 11, 2002 - 67 comments

Any further and you'd need a shovel.

Well, this thread has pretty much hit rock bottom.
posted by boaz on Oct 12, 2001 - 20 comments

He came from under the bridge

This fellow, seems to be one a dem dere trolls....
posted by owillis on Jul 13, 2001 - 38 comments

Not needing to respond to every post

"Your Usenettish respond-to-everyone-who-disagrees-with-you style might be less effective than you think." 11 out of 49 comments were posted by one user. Is there a proper way to "debate"? Should one save up all retorts and include them in one or two comment posts? Or is it okay to respond to each person individually? I personally am getting tired of it...
posted by jennak on Jun 13, 2001 - 21 comments

Was I trolling?

Was I trolling? I had an admittedly heated reaction to an issue I care about, and blasted "conservatives/republicans/the right" as a group. But was I way outta line?
posted by owillis on May 13, 2001 - 17 comments

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