22 posts tagged with Pony and ponyrequest.
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Extended new comment Show Pony
Currently for a limited period of time if a new comment(s) are posted to a thread you have open one gets a notification "Foo new comments, show". My understanding is this feature is time limited because it loads the server by regularly checking for new comments since the last displayed (hence the reason one sometimes sees the notice "0 new comments, show"). After the limited time period one gets the message "No recent updates. Reload to check for new comments".
Here's the pony request: Would it be possible to have a link in the last statement that manually runs the new comment check code and then displays an appropriate message if new comments are found? [more inside]
There's a Fanfare Talk?
Alright. So I saw FanFare Talk for the first time today. There seems to be a good reason for FanFare Talk, but seriously - it was a hunt to accidentally stumble upon a post from it, and then another hunt to go back and find that there were other FanFare Talk posts... [more inside]
Are we counting favorites the right way?
On our user pages, the two numbers tracked for favorites count different things. The first one is a count of how many individual comments I have favorited. The second number is a count of how many times everyone has favorited a comment of mine. The description of that second number, "Favorited by others," is sort of misleading, I think, because it doesn't count individual comments the way the first number does. [more inside]
Any chance of resurrecting this favorites pony request?
After a long day of reading the site on mobile while waiting for stuff, the request here to add a "Favorite this post" link to the "Who favorited this post" page (the one that comes up when you click the link with the number of people who favorited the post) made a lot of sense to me. [more inside]
Pony Request: Bring (new comments) functionality to Recent Activity
One of Metafilter's most convenient features is how posts shown on the sub-site pages note that there are (x comments)(y new). It's great to hit the (y new) link and bounce directly to fresh content identified just for you based on your past history with that thread. Adding this functionality to Recent Activities would improve that page's usefulness under many common scenarios. [more inside]
Podcast Post Pony Petition
MetaTalk has a comment period of 30 days by default. In most MeTa contexts, this is good, and makes total sense. But for the podcast, this makes less sense—especially since people might be coming to listen to a podcast well after it has been recorded. Could the podcast pages be stripped of their commenting time limit? This would be more in line with MeFi Music and FanFare, which seem to be the closest analogues elsewhere on the site. Is that something other users would find to be welcome? [more inside]
Ctrl+enter to post/preview?
I was wondering what the community and dev team thinks about adding a ctrl+enter shortcut to post comments. It's something that's fairly common elsewhere on the web, and in my opinion it would be nice to have it here as well. Going to the mouse to click on Post Comment is not exactly a big deal, but it would be cool if there were a keyboard shortcut for those of us who are slightly mouse-averse. [more inside]
Another Flag Category?
Similar to fffm's pony request from January, I wonder whether it would be possible to add another flag category or two. [more inside]
Certainly I'm not the only one who would find this pony useful
I would like to have something like (SLNYT) automatically inserted after SLNYT embedded links the way the the indicator is inserted for Youtube links. Sometimes posters do this themselves, often they don't. I realize that there is a preview window, but it would be nice to have something a little more conspicuous right next to the link. I only have access to a few NYT articles per month, and I want to use them as judiciously as possible. What do others think? Thanks for considering this!
Freindship is Magic
Can we take the derail about whether its okay to say Americans or Danes have a collective identity out of the fun horsey thread and thrash it out here? Cheers.
IRL Request: When posting, notification of other IRL events on same day
As someone who frequently posts IRL events, I'd really love if, when I previewed the post, the page told me about other meetups on that day within a 50 mile radius of my location. It would be awesome, because then I could say, "Oh, so-and-so is having their ice cream meetup that afternoon; I'll just make the post for the next week instead." It would also have the benefit of showing me events that might be outside the radius I've set for my own personal IRL notifications, but that might still be in range for attendees. What do you think? Would other IRL posters appreciate such a feature?
Metafilter et al Rocks! and yet.. Pony request for short-story subsite
So Metafilter right now consists of *
Metafilter / MetaTalk- launched in 1999. Askmefi - launched in 2003. Projects - launched in 2005. Music - launched in 2006. Jobs - launched 2006. IRL - launched ??
Now I love, love, love, Meta and all associated sub-sites but I was wondering if perhaps a writing / short story sub-site (for original works) was also possible.?**
[*all dates taken from wikipedia]
[**apologies if this has already been discussed, I searched and couldn't find reference to a writing sub-site on MetaTalk] [more inside]
[**apologies if this has already been discussed, I searched and couldn't find reference to a writing sub-site on MetaTalk] [more inside]
When I was your age, this space was for jokes.
I like the sidebar on the front page, and how it shows nifty stuff and contact activity. When I'm on my phone, I don't have that, and it makes me feel sad inside. Would the powers that be consider adding a line to the menu on the mobile site that would link to the sidebar content? In my head, this looks exactly like what we have on the front page, except tinier and by itself.
Popup Image Pony / Robot request
Feature or script: popup boxes to display single-image deeplinks in posts and comments? (like the youtube popups.) [more inside]
Markup Markdown Mark It All Around
I know that similar topics have been brought up in the past, but how about supporting Markdown on Metafilter? [more inside]
Sorting Search Results by Number of Favorites 2: Electric Boogaloo
Pony Request Redux: Adding an option to sort search results by favorites. [more inside]
Anonymous followups to anonymous questions
Would you ride this anonymous AskMe pony? [more inside]
What say ye of the edit window?
Pony: AAC uploading to MeFiMusic?
From this distance it's hard to tell whether it's a pony or a stallion: making AAC files uploadable to MeFiMusic? [more inside]
pony pony pony pony pony pony pony MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!
Music pony requests: Add date posted for each track in Most (Favorited|Playlisted) Tracks of All Time and increase the length of these lists. [more inside]
Contact Filters
My little pony: On the contacts page, can we have links to filter contacts based on the XFN links we've applied to them? [more inside]
Don't leave me this way!
Music pony! Can we get a warning when we're about to navigate away from a page where a MeFi Music track is playing? [more inside]