16 posts tagged with buttons.
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Pony Request: Buttons, the type you pin to things

I'd like a button or pin I can buy, where the profit goes to help fund metafilter, that has the metafilter logo on it, or whatever. Something about an inch in size that I can put on my backpack would be perfect. [more inside]
posted by gryftir on Oct 22, 2018 - 20 comments

Quick Modern Theme Updates

We made a few changes to the modern theme today. At mobile widths, the Skip button is now no longer the Skip button—it's an arrow pointing down. At tablet/iPad widths there's a new similar down arrow button in the fixed header that appears as you scroll. And behind the scenes we enabled Grunticon as a fallback for older phones that don't have SVG support. [more inside]
posted by pb on Mar 27, 2015 - 24 comments

New HTML Buttons in the Modern Theme

This is no longer a test. We just added new bold, italic, and link buttons to comment forms in the modern theme. [more inside]
posted by pb on Feb 24, 2015 - 37 comments

Testing New HTML Buttons in the Modern Theme

Since we launched the modern theme, we've heard many times that the HTML bold, italic, and link buttons below comment forms don't seem to fit the new design. We're testing out some new buttons in this thread. [more inside]
posted by pb on Feb 20, 2015 - 53 comments

HTML buttons on Edit Profile Page?

Small feature request: Can we have B, I and Link buttons in the Personal Info portion of the Edit Profile Page? It would make it slightly easier to edit that section.
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Oct 26, 2012 - 28 comments

Post/Preview buttons

The new css Post/Preview buttons buttons added last year don't have any :active styling. [more inside]
posted by Lanark on Mar 23, 2012 - 6 comments

italic, bold, link buttons gone in ff2.0.0.12?

Not sure if this is a mefi bug or not, but my italics/bold/link buttons seem to be missing in firefox since updating to [more inside]
posted by juv3nal on Feb 8, 2008 - 9 comments

href... slash... a.... dammit!

Is it just me, or did my autoformatting buttons vanish with my last Firefox update (I assume this is the cause, as the two coincided)? If I have to start hand-coding hyperlinks again I will probably just go into an unresponsive fugue state instead.
posted by nanojath on Feb 24, 2007 - 15 comments

Formatting buttons don't work in Opera.

Them purdy buttons. Bold, Italic, Link, Spellcheck. I use Opera. I can see them (and they work great, too) if I connect using an ssh tunnel & web proxy (I use the SSH Express service from cotse.net). I do not see them if I turn my proxy off. Whassup? The fancymatic preview works whether I use the proxy or not, so apparently it's just the button bar that's discriminating against my naked Opera.
posted by evariste on Sep 12, 2005 - 13 comments

HTML posting issues

Maybe it's been covered recently, but bold, italic and link buttons don't work for me. I logged out, deleted cookies, etc. Firefox .8
posted by ashbury on Dec 21, 2004 - 20 comments

HTML shortcut buttons are nonfunctional

Since yesterday, I've been unable to use the shortcut to post links in threads. The shortcut window pops up as usual, I paste in the URL, and hit OK. Then the window closes, but without having inserted any code into the text. (I'm using the same ol' IE5 as usual.)
posted by scody on Feb 13, 2003 - 9 comments

Bold, Italic, and link tag buttons were missing

(Mozilla 1.1 WinXP) While I was able to post a comment to a FPP on MeFi the Bold, Italic, and link tag buttons were missing.
posted by dirtylittlemonkey on Sep 10, 2002 - 4 comments

Search MetaTalk button says "Search MetaFilter"

The submit button on the Search MetaTalk page should say “Search MetaTalk” instead of “Search MetaFilter.”
posted by kirkaracha on Sep 28, 2001 - 3 comments

A button that, when you push it, makes everything ok.

A button that, when you push it, makes everything ok.
posted by sylloge on Sep 28, 2001 - 14 comments

The scholarship link buttons seem to have disappeared

It's the Case of the Missing Buttons! I could just be going blind or crazy or something, but the scholarship link buttons seem to have disappeared from both the link on my website and the scholarship page itself.
posted by jess on Apr 23, 2001 - 6 comments

Is there a link button thing for MeFi?

Hey- I've been scouring the site and I've had no luck. Is there a link button thing for MeFi? And is there any special linking policy for those of us who want all our visitors to come here too? :)
posted by swank6 on Apr 19, 2001 - 4 comments

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