4 posts tagged with css and mobile.
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Turn off the high-beams on Mobile Safari

When scrolling the various meta* sites at night on Mobile Safari, the larger soft-gray and translucent address bar is replaced with a smaller, but full white bar that lights up the entire room. [more inside]
posted by autopilot on Aug 7, 2023 - 2 comments

Like browsing MeFi in a shrouded theater

A lot of people have complained about FanFare's professional white background. Well, DRUNK WITH POWER after somehow kludging together a successful CSS theme for /r/MetaFilter with zero experience, I decided to try my hand at giving our new subsite a makeover, too -- the layout is fine, but that glaring white is painful to read in a darkened teevee room. Inspired by the original soothing dark blue color scheme from film/TV review aggregator Metacritic (which discarded it for an unpopular redesign years ago), I put together a complete FanFare theme (screenshot*) that adjusts not just the background and text, but stuff like visited links, link hovering, the pop-up video button and lightbox, posting page notes, live preview area, and the sidebar and Deck ad box. You can install it in Firefox (with Greasemonkey or Stylish), Chrome (with Stylish or Blank Canvas Script Handler), and jailbroken iOS (with Userscript Loader, using this URL) -- it's tested and working properly on all three. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Aug 8, 2014 - 64 comments

Rounded tabs in the blue and green?

We've still got the CSS rounded tab corners in MetaTalk, so I assume they're not breaking anything - can we have them in the blue and green now? They're purty. Thanks. [more inside]
posted by nicwolff on Nov 20, 2007 - 25 comments

Mobile stylesheet?

Did this ever get done did? My symbian phone freaks out on the the current layout under opera, with a center column of nearly five or six characters in width bufferred by left-and-right margins approaching a quarter-inch-plus.

What I really want, of course, is a plain-text mobi.metafilter.com, but I'll deal.
posted by mwhybark on Nov 21, 2006 - 8 comments

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