47 posts tagged with data.
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MetaFilter Usage Statistics

In the Steering Committee voting thread (please vote!), I posted some data analysis how much people are using MetaFilter, based on the data in the infodump. That became somewhat of a derail, so here is a thread to discuss what this data means, and how it should inform our decisions going forward. [more inside]
posted by wesleyac on Aug 17, 2022 - 66 comments

download/dump of posts (not just comments)?

Is there any way for MeFites to download/export our own posts? I'm pretty sure the Comments download only gets comments, not posts. If this feature doesn't yet exist, could it go on the list of nice-to-have features? [more inside]
posted by kristi on Dec 21, 2021 - 4 comments

Finding COVID-19 data visualization comment

I could have sworn I saw a comment about a data visualization of COVID-19 that showed different strains of the virus by location and some other ways. It had a bunch of different charts, including at least one map visualization that you could zoom in, and one bar chart with thin bars and circles at the end of each bar. [more inside]
posted by Gorgik on Mar 7, 2020 - 6 comments

MeFi/AskMe Website Engagement Metrics

Is there available data that shows when Metafilter and Ask Metafilter experience the highest volume of website engagement? Such as on what days and times of day are most users "on" MeFi and AskMe? [more inside]
posted by nightrecordings on Nov 23, 2018 - 6 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Quantified Self

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, aniola asks, "What data do you track about yourself? Eg., books read, places visited, eating out, etc." And why that data!

Alternate question: What did you do with yourself during the Great MetaFilter Outage of 2018?
posted by Eyebrows McGee on May 5, 2018 - 108 comments

POTUS45 on Metafilter - I may have got a bit nerdy

Okay, someone made a (possibly throwaway) comment in one of the POTUS45 threads that it would be interesting to see how the comments/content of the threads had changed since the election. I got my teeth into that, and after some playing with the HTML of the threads with VBA and Access, I now have a headache. As well as that I've got a database with 48 threads, 139,882 comments (including the posts themselves as a comment), 9,230,306 words, 2,193,898 favourites and 46,692 links. Some charts and stats inside. Let me know if there's other stuff you're interested in. [more inside]
posted by MattWPBS on Sep 1, 2017 - 101 comments

Curious about megathreads

We seem to be having more of them, lately, and I stress that this is not a complaint, they're fine, but I was just wondering what that reflected regarding the userbase, and don't have the infodump skills required to figure it out. [more inside]
posted by Shepherd on Jul 22, 2016 - 32 comments

fpp about program sending data back secretly

I'm looking for an FPP about a free program that was secretly sending data back to its creator. [more inside]
posted by pravit on Dec 15, 2015 - 9 comments

Results from The Big MetaFilter Survey 2015

After too long a wait, here are some initial results from The Big MetaFilter Survey 2015.
What We Talk About When We Talk About MetaFilter - information about your interactions with the site.
Tell Us A Little About Yourself - information about the personal lives of your fellow users.
The Food Wars - what kinds of foods are acceptable and what kinds are garbage nightmares.
Other Results [pdf] - includes curated responses to the more interesting open-ended questions and some other numerical data. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Dec 9, 2015 - 358 comments

The Big MetaFilter Survey 2015

Please take an informal, light-hearted survey that is designed to let us all discover some fun, fascinating and potentially insightful things about MetaFilter and each other. Here is the link to The Big MetaFilter Survey 2015. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Sep 14, 2015 - 237 comments

Planning a MetaFilter survey

Inspired by this post about the XKCD Survey and this comment by The Underwear Monster, I thought it might be fun to do a Big MeFi Survey along the same lines - mostly goofy questions that we can sic our local datawranglers on and see what fun, weird, fascinating things drop out. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Sep 3, 2015 - 316 comments

How do *you* pronounce 'MeFi'?

Hi MeFites. After many years of overthinking a plate of beans, I made a thing! I'm pleased to share my PhD dissertation about MetaFilter with you all. A simple question of how we pronounce our own nickname has unfolded into many years of research. This time spent would not have been as enriching or meaningful to me and to the field of sociolinguistics without the support and enthusiasm of my fellow MeFites. I say I made a thing, but really, you made this. Thank you. [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Apr 3, 2015 - 178 comments

Data set of links to comments made in other posts?

Is there a data set of links to comments from other threads, ranked by the number of times the comment is linked to? Or, could one be created? [more inside]
posted by jsturgill on May 16, 2014 - 18 comments

Metafilter Data Retention Policy?

What protocols does Metafilter have for dealing with a National Security Letter? (Inspired by this post.) [more inside]
posted by anemone of the state on Aug 8, 2013 - 78 comments

I think I might be my own grandpaw, or six degrees of Brandon Blatcher

I was wondering, has anyone has ever charted the tangled web of linked to/by relationships, or if that was even feasible with datamuckery? It's approaching four years since the great enspousening, and I was wondering how we are all interconnected. [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief on Apr 29, 2013 - 63 comments

All the therapy?

Did anybody ever do an analysis on what proportion of Ask questions get answered in some way with a suggestion to get therapy? [more inside]
posted by curuinor on Feb 2, 2013 - 54 comments

Data Wankery Inside

I recently got my hands on a copy of Tableau Desktop. It's supposed to be a business intelligence app, but nevermind that. The first thing I did was hook it up to the infodump files! [more inside]
posted by aheckler on Dec 16, 2012 - 65 comments

No, YOU'RE saying it wrong!

Iiamkimiam AKA Kim Witten has finally completed her exhaustive research effort in trying to document and determine How Mefites Pronounce Metafilter?
posted by The Whelk on Oct 2, 2012 - 86 comments

2012 MetaFilter Survey & Research Discussion Thread

Hi MeFites! This is the discussion thread for the 2012 MetaFilter Pronunciation Survey, available for 5 days to all logged-in site users. Even if you already took the 2010 survey, it'd be valuable to have you do it again. Additionally, this time around all survey participants will have the option to have a word frequency table of their MetaFilter posting history generated and emailed to them. If you would like to take the 2012 survey, I would ask that you please do so BEFORE you read or participate in the discussion here (as well as before you view the previous MetaTalk thread about the 2010 survey). This is to help ensure that your responses to these survey questions are entirely your own decisions and are not influenced by the opinions of those participating in this thread. If you have already taken the 2012 survey or are not interested in taking the survey but would like to discuss it, please go ahead and do so here. [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Aug 22, 2012 - 303 comments

Please help me collect some meta MeTa Data data. Ta! –Me.

Hi Everybody! I'm trying to come up with a "MeFi glossary of terms / phrases / behaviors" to include in my PhD dissertation about linguistics and MetaFilter. If you could help me with this, that would be fantastic. I'm looking to create a list of the types of things that say to you (or to others) "Oh, that's so MetaFilter!" or "That sounds like something a MeFite would say." This could be anything from the use of a single character to a phrase or meme, to a way of doing things here. If you can think of something to add, please share it in the comments. Thanks! [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Feb 29, 2012 - 311 comments

Metafilter Uber-API. Possible?

It's been a while since we discussed the possibility of a metafilter API. Is there any news on this front? Is it worth reconsidering? [more inside]
posted by kuatto on Jul 28, 2011 - 55 comments

Political survey, now with two dimensions.

MetaFilter "Political Compass" Survey, 2011 Edition [more inside]
posted by Salvor Hardin on May 5, 2011 - 200 comments

Metafilter helps!

David McCandless, who writes Information is Beautiful used an AskMeFi thread as part of his data for a cloud of books everyone should read. [more inside]
posted by cranberrymonger on Mar 14, 2011 - 31 comments

Who the hell are you people?

I like to know things. I like to know things about people. I especially like to know things about people who I interact with online. It bums me right out that it seems so few newer members take the time, or wish to, fill out anything in their profile. Is there any way to encourage this? [more inside]
posted by FlamingBore on Dec 10, 2010 - 97 comments

Mefi datafun

Infodump fun with the fabulous Fishbike! [more inside]
posted by new brand day on Jul 14, 2010 - 127 comments

The ol' favoriting reacharound.

Some specific MeFi info-mashing about favorites I haven't seen. [more inside]
posted by cmoj on Mar 1, 2010 - 33 comments

metafilter data analysis

Has anyone done any interesting analysis of metafilter data? I'd like to see average posts/day, average comments/post over time, for starters. But I bet there are many more interesting/pointless questions to be answered beyond that.
posted by flotson on Mar 5, 2009 - 68 comments

AskMe data

Is there any data on AskMe responses? This post generated a remarkable 115 (and counting) replies. What's the record?
posted by Neiltupper on May 26, 2008 - 32 comments

alphabetical list of MeFi usernames?

Is there an alphabetical list of MeFi usernames anywhere? I have a vague recollection of a username I'm trying to recall and I know what letter it started with, but I'm stuck there. This wouldn't be hard to compile, it would just take a numerical increment and a simple web scraper. Just wondering if anyone's ever done it. Thanks! [more inside]
posted by scarabic on Jan 11, 2008 - 48 comments

This website wants to run the following add-on...

Over the past couple of days when I access MetaFilter (via XP Professional and I.E. 7.0.5730.13) the Internet Explorer Information Bar has 'popped-up' with a security warning: "This website wants to run the following add-on: 'Microsoft Data Access - Remote Data Services Dat...'" Having done a Google search, it appears that in the past two-weeks visitors to other websites have been getting the same warning. I have not allowed/given access to the pop-up warning. Any ideas as to what's up?
posted by ericb on Dec 30, 2007 - 16 comments

Ten days on #mefi

We used PieSpy to visualize the social structure of #mefi. Here's an animation of the last ten days.
posted by dmd on Sep 13, 2007 - 41 comments

whose favorites?

Fantasy feature: hover over "x users marked this as a favorite" and see the names of the people who did the favorite marking. Whaddaya think?
posted by serazin on Jun 13, 2007 - 51 comments

Site Stats

Is there an official stats page?
posted by sluglicker on Jun 5, 2007 - 70 comments

Beefy ID3 tags on MeFi Music songs, please!

Hello! I'm addicted to MetaFilter Music. One thing I'd like to encourage is well-fleshed ID3 data. Some of the songs I've downloaded simply say things like "Track 4" and then I can't figure out who the hell provided me with the wonderful ear-candy. Thanks to everyone for posting their tunes!
posted by sciurus on Jul 12, 2006 - 13 comments

Averages for projects?

A tiny, tiny pony...is it easy to find out what the average number of votes/feedback per Project is, for all time, and then just for this year? Thx! This is just a one-time thing, no wish for a full feature request.
posted by Kickstart70 on Jun 6, 2006 - 13 comments

New feature: top ten most voted on projects, by month.

New feature: top ten most voted on projects, by month.
posted by mathowie on Apr 14, 2006 - 53 comments

Document contains no data

"Document contains no data". I know this has been mentioned recently but I couldn't find the link. It's happening pretty frequently. Is is just me? Should I just shut up and be patient?
posted by snsranch on Nov 1, 2005 - 4 comments

Metafilter Statistics through November 2004 have been updated

Metafilter Statistics through November 2004 have been updated! Tons of interesting new activity...
posted by waxpancake on Dec 2, 2004 - 26 comments


posted by mathowie on Aug 6, 2004 - 80 comments

Metafilter had some questions for me this month

Metafilter had some questions for me this month.
posted by stupidsexyFlanders on Oct 17, 2002 - 51 comments

Just how international are we?

Just how international are we?

It seems to me all the other well-known and popular American and European community weblogs and websites are far more parochial and North America-centred than MetaFilter. Not so with us. This makes, I think, all the difference. We have (off the top of my head and as far as I know) members from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, France, Holland, india, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, The Philippines, Portugal, Scotland, Wales, Spain...and who knows what other countries?

So just how widely cast is the MetaFilter users' web?[Lurkers: Please break your vow of silence, just this once, if you possibly can!] Me, I suspect it spans the whole beautiful Planet...
posted by MiguelCardoso on Jul 14, 2002 - 64 comments

What percentage of threads do you read?

In this posting, user dhartung mentions that there are dozens of threads that he doesn't even read, after user RobertLoch asks if it's necessary to keep posting on the same old topics. Myself, I probably read around 25% of the total threads, and click on maybe 35% of the links offered-- even if a topic has been done to death it doesn't really affect me, as I just skip it. How about you? What percentage of threads do you read?

posted by cell divide on Mar 4, 2002 - 26 comments

take a look at what the numbers say

Considering all the hub-bub we keep getting about vets VS oldies, signal-to-noise, volume posters, etc, I just finished wasting a huge volume of time crunching the may stats based on individual posters - all 310 of 'em. For whatever it's worth, take a look at what the numbers say about who's posting what and how successfully. info inside
posted by Perigee on Jun 3, 2001 - 15 comments

Plotting zipcode data

Anyone have ideas on how to plot zipcode data? I haven't found anything free or near free on ESRI's site or at any of the ColdFusion code exchanges. Are there any opensource simple GIS programs? I could have sworn there was a mapping component to ArsDigita's ACS some group was working on. Anything in PHP? Perl?

I'm looking for something that can spit out a simple map of the US with little dots where the zip code data shows up.
posted by mathowie on May 15, 2001 - 21 comments

when will the number of registered users will surpass the number of threads

So, anyone want to venture a guess as to when the number of registered users will surpass the number of threads?
posted by alana on Apr 20, 2001 - 6 comments

I wanted to see how Metafilter has grown since its launch

I wanted to see how Metafilter has grown since its launch, so I crawled the archives for thread/comment totals for every day since July 1999. Then, I wrote a script to plot all the data in line graphs and tables. Click on the links to drill down.

It's interesting to see how quickly the commenting community have grown. At this rate, Matt will have to build thread-within-thread support to handle the sheer number of comments.
posted by waxpancake on Jan 12, 2001 - 16 comments

Would it be feasible to let us munge our cookie/user data?

Would it be feasible to let us munge our cookie/user data? Specifically, the last date/time visited? It'd be something of a work-around for when the front page refreshes during topical views, and there's no indication of what threads contain new data.

I tried editing the cookie directly, but all those percentages confused me. :-)
posted by cCranium on Nov 17, 2000 - 7 comments

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