32 posts tagged with guidelines and policy.
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Rolling out some updated site documentation

We're updating some site documents today to better reflect contemporary MetaFilter.  Today's updates include the New User pages that potential new community members move through when signing up, the site's core guidelines page, and a new document discussing common microaggressions and being mindful about the impact of dominant-culture dynamics on a diverse membership.  I'll talk in more detail about all that below the fold. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Oct 14, 2019 - 94 comments

Spies from the future

I think that there ought to be a caveat somewhere about AskMe questions, pseudonymity, privacy, and social network scraping tools. [more inside]
posted by XMLicious on Feb 17, 2011 - 62 comments

Foreign Language Posts? Bien sur ou mais non?

What is site policy on posting to MeFi or AskMe in a foreign language? [more inside]
posted by pixlboi on Jun 11, 2010 - 77 comments

No, my post is not about the Imageshack frog

What's the best way to link to a large image on Mefi? [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Aug 26, 2008 - 15 comments

Big (Pepsi) Blue

Self-link policy question: I'm one of the creators of a site that features a lot of user-generated content (and has been discussed on MeFi before). One of our users recently made something that I thought was pretty cool, and I'd like to share. The problem is that I have a conflict of interest here -- of course I want to drive more traffic to my site in general, but then I genuinely think this particular thing that a complete stranger made is pretty neat and people would find it enjoyable. Any opinions?
posted by xthlc on Jul 24, 2007 - 25 comments

It's a really interesting question though. (but it's chat)

I would like to participate in a disscussion about dumb, funny, or peculiar advice found in a self-help books. Oh, and I'll go first.
posted by bigmusic on Apr 6, 2007 - 25 comments

FPPs to Copyrighted Material

Is there a definite rule about not FPPing links to possibly copyrighted material? As Viacom noticed there's a lot of videos on YouTube that probably shouldn't be there, and I'm unsure if we're allowed to include such things in posts.
posted by roofus on Feb 9, 2007 - 60 comments

Isn't this post of mine not really an "XYZ sucks, amirite" question?

Isn't this post of mine not really an "XYZ sucks, amirite" question? Looking at the answers I think it's more asking about the lack of cultural awareness of him while he has such success in Britain. Could understand it being deleted for being open-ended, but not the 'amirite' part.
posted by conch soup on Jan 26, 2007 - 48 comments

Commercial Link in FPP?

I'm putting together a FPP about a certain inimitable cartoonist. I've found a place that has a lot of said cartoonist's strips available to view online. Great! But I'm concerned about linking to it because it's a commercial site. Pros: It's the most extensive collection of this artist's work online as far as I can tell. Cons: They're selling something. I'd like to include the page in my FPP but I'm not sure if it would be appropriate.
posted by GalaxieFiveHundred on Jan 24, 2007 - 55 comments

Music Guidelines

It says in bold that Mefi Music is a place for users to upload their own songs. I'm guessing that means original songs written by the user are being encouraged in order to avoid copyright infringement...? What about songs that aren't copywritten or are in the public domain, though? Are musicians welcome to post cover versions of old songs if royalty issues aren't a concern? Curious.
posted by miss lynnster on Jan 13, 2007 - 36 comments

AskMe Etiquette

AskMe etiquette: is it OK to use AskMe answers as a lead-in for business? Someone close to me is a professional career counsellor/resume writer & I've thought of recommending they join MeFi specifically so they can join in answering job-related questions, with a thought to promoting their own services if people want more in-depth assistance. I'm absolutely NOT talking about a cookie-cutter spamish approach that purely takes advantage of the community while giving nothing in return, but real answers that help people out with an understated offer to provide something more substantial at a price. I see a lot of job- & career-related posts to AskMe & I see it as a good fit, but I'll only suggest it to them if I get a thumbs up from the hive.
posted by scalefree on Jan 12, 2007 - 43 comments

Wikipedia as FPP?

Has it become acceptable to copy paste a wikipedia article, shuffle the links around a bit and make an FPP out of it, or did this one just go under the radar?
posted by furtive on Dec 29, 2006 - 45 comments


Since when is it okay for a user to ask Mefi to do his research for him? (or her) This person wants studies and research as opposed to personal stories... so isn't that just asking us to google it for him/her?
posted by IndigoRain on Nov 26, 2006 - 38 comments

AskMe Guidelines

After seeing posts like little Miss Professor's object de amour, I don't think AskMeFi should be closed to scorn. Many people that ask questions are only looking for approval, not answers.
posted by matty on Sep 17, 2006 - 53 comments


I really like this thread (and, in fact, participated in it, but isn't it pretty much the definition of chatfilter?
posted by dersins on Aug 1, 2006 - 27 comments

Illegal Advice on AskMe

Seems to me that this question on AskMe is asking for advice on how to break the law, specifically how to break immigration law restricting the scope of the poster's employment. In order to get around the immigration laws, the income couldn't be reported to IRS, so he's asking how to break tax laws too.

I don't really care, but it seems to me that if "How can I break this law," violates the askme guidelines, then this post needs to be yanked.
posted by ikkyu2 on Jul 5, 2006 - 63 comments

Chatfilter Guidelines

Why was this deleted as "chatfilter" while countless indistinguishable threads weren't? [more inside]
posted by cillit bang on Apr 9, 2006 - 53 comments

Obituary Threads

MeFi obituary posts: Good, Bad and Ugly. Resolved: If you can't be bothered to find anything interesting about the person beyond a syndicated news story announcing their death or a slim encyclopedia-esque entry, you should let someone who does care post the obit to the front page.
posted by mediareport on Dec 26, 2005 - 35 comments

One Line One Link Posts

When is a one-line FPP with no (or little) description appropriate for MeFi?

Oh really? Is that so? Well, is this a good example then [MI]?
posted by sjvilla79 on Nov 14, 2005 - 41 comments

Guidelines for Katrina Posts

It's definitely the most horrible tragedy (and biggest news event, too) to hit the US since 9/11, no question about that. I'm just curious: will the Katrina posts ever end, in the near future? what's Matt's policy in this case? In short: what's the difference between a Katrina post that stays up and one that gets deleted? I don't mind Katrina being a large part of the front page, these days, of course. I'm just wondering. Frankly, most of the Katrina front page posts I see could have been just posted as comments in other threads, no disrespect intended.
posted by matteo on Sep 3, 2005 - 47 comments

How long do I have to comment in order to post?

How many roads must a man walk down before they call him a man? I tried to post a link to the front page but was told that I haven't commented enough to earn that right yet -- but nowhere can I find stated how many comments I have to make first. I did a MeTa search but either I was unable to refine my search terms properly or the question has never been posed. Does anyone know, or do I have to take this upstairs? It's a damn fine link, too.
posted by cirocco on Mar 1, 2005 - 25 comments

Deleted comment cipher?

In this post a number of comments that (at least in my opinion) were legitimately funny but a little tasteless were removed without notice. Two questions - (1) would it make sense to have a "comment deleted" notice so that meta-comments make a little more sense, and (2) why were they deleted if none of the guidelines were violated?
posted by thedevildancedlightly on Jan 24, 2005 - 52 comments

AskMe Standards

Some AskMetafilter standards? Debated posting this because conformity is like, so something the MAN wants you to do. But when I was looking through the AskMetafilter archives I noticed a few things, like "more inside" and [filter][/filter] stuff that breaks the formatting.
posted by geoff. on May 11, 2004 - 19 comments

Personal information disclosure guidelines?

While I'm guessing this has been discussed before, I feel it might be good to go over again, given the n00bs -- like me. Are there any policies/guidelines/unspoken rules regarding the inclusion of personal information, and specifically the details of less than legal or moral behavior, in threads, comments, and AskMe answers? [more inside]
posted by ChasFile on Apr 5, 2004 - 11 comments


Eloquence posts a thread about Mother Teresa, in which he writes, "the Wikipedia article about her gives a much more balanced picture than most media reports." Trouble is, a Wikipedia member named -- wait for it -- Eloquence is a substantial contributor to that very Wikipedia article, and has, as far as I can tell (see article history), written much of the material about the controversy. (See also his contributions to the related Talk page.) This could be considered a self link as a result. Is it?
posted by mcwetboy on Oct 18, 2003 - 36 comments

Etiquette: Linking to fragile sites

is, of course, notorious for falling to pieces if more than three people click on one of its sites (though anastasiav's secondary links more than make up for her first). It's happened to everyone, so I wonder whether more experienced posters have untold ways of guessing what sort of traffic a posted website will bear? Are there any ways to avoid the "MetaFiltered" meltdown? Are there any steps posters can take to preempt the predictable outcome, besides including the (unsatisfactory) Google cache? Can the content be saved in another way, in order to answer users' queries?

In short, what is the best policy for fragile links, assuming they're worth posting anyway?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 7, 2003 - 15 comments

Doubleposting Policy

So I'm guessing that we've adopted a new unwritten policy on doubleposts?
[example, example, example]
posted by crunchland on Sep 10, 2003 - 14 comments

Linking to Word Docs

What do we think about posting links to Word documents? I have no opinion on this myself, but I think it's worth discussing. Should there be guidelines on linking to things that are not web pages (or PDF files)?
posted by mcwetboy on Nov 12, 2002 - 17 comments

Newbie Policies

Where are the policies? Specifically, I know that I can't post front-page stories because I either haven't been a member long enough or haven't posted enough comments, but how long and how many is it?

I can't find the details of this policy anywhere on MetaFilter or MetaTalk.
posted by mrmcsurly on Sep 4, 2002 - 3 comments

Guidelines for MeFi vs Sportsfilter

With World Cup fanaticism one week away (for some of us ever present), what are guidelines for Metafilter posts (eg vs Sportsfilter posts) ? Thanks.
posted by Voyageman on May 23, 2002 - 29 comments

Too many newsfilter FPPs don't make for a good front page

I’m really confused. This happens often so do try to help me out. The guidelines describe a good post as a web page that most people haven’t seen which contains interesting content and might warrant discussion. Does a story that ran in a few national newspapers and recieved play on several news networks fit that criteria? Remote Rats, The Clinton Show, Powell Peace Conference, the missing Florida girl and two Massaoui stories can't seem to be defined — according to the guidelines — as a good post. So why are there so many?
posted by raaka on May 2, 2002 - 19 comments

What goes in MetaTalk? What goes in MetaFilter?

">More and more, I'm seeing posts here in MetaTalk that really should be in MetaFilter proper. I thought MetaTalk was supposed to be for meta-discussions about MetaFilter that would be distracting from the main site. Was I wrong? [ more inside ]
posted by fraying on Feb 28, 2002 - 33 comments

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