5 posts tagged with obituary by cortex.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.

eotvos has passed away

Passing on some sad news: long-time site member eotvos died earlier today after suffering a critical brain injury this weekend. He's survived by his wife, who knew his MeFi handle and may see this post; my condolences to you, and to everyone in the MetaFilter community who knew him either as a friend or as a familiar voice on the site. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jan 26, 2023 - 205 comments

govtdrone has passed away

Delivering some sad news: long-time mefite govtdrone has passed away. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Oct 19, 2016 - 144 comments

jbickers has passed away

Sad news this morning: long-time mefite jbickers has passed away at 45. Here's an obituary from WFPL, one of the Louisville public radio stations he'd worked for. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Sep 29, 2016 - 259 comments

edgeways has passed away

Sad news: long-time Metafilter community member edgeways, Edgewood Smith, passed away last week. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 21, 2015 - 234 comments

holdkris99's death was a hoax.

So, we were lied to. The good news is that holdkris99 is fine, rather than dead. He's also banned, his wife's (?) account is banned, and they're not welcome back to Metafilter, ever. [more inside]
posted by cortex on May 22, 2012 - 1272 comments

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