2 posts tagged with trolling by tomharpel.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

Hey refugee/racist people, get your own thread

Hey refugee/racist people, get your own thread. Eight comments into it, the troll succeeds and we're no longer talking about the camps. Good work.
posted by tomharpel on Sep 11, 2005 - 80 comments

post policing is the new troll

A thread about some irresponsible thing Bill O'Reilly said is followed with some pile on comments and a few insights. Then, ten comments and forty minutes later, this: "Jeebus, how does this qualify as a FPP?" It seems that on the new MetaFilter, post policing is the new troll.
posted by tomharpel on Dec 23, 2004 - 35 comments

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