6 posts tagged with url and pony.
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Can we number favorites pages?
Ponytime: I have a lot of favorited posts. If I want to find something from two years ago, I have to scroll through the whole list. Could the pages be numbered so I could go directly to Page 1? I apologise if this has been asked before, I didn't find any requests through the search engine.
Expanding the URL search?
Very Small Pony: Matt, would it be possible to copy the code used for the URL search on the Post A Link page onto the Search page, so it could be accessed even if you have posted something within the past 24 hours?
Link check to prevent double posts?
Probably been mentioned before, but how hard would it be to link check on a post to ensure no double posting? You could even mock the poor soul!
A pony is granted: profile URLs featuring usernames
Just a thought: I'd eventually like to be able to get to user profiles via username somehow.
Could preview also search for references to the same link?
I know this will start a paradox of "I saw this before," but I think that it would be neat to have the preview option also do a search of the site to see if the link is referenced elsewhere. Now the question is, was this feature request made before?
a link to the *newest* item
The last week, I've been stymied by a mysterious bug that makes it impossible for me to see the front page of Metafilter in IE (5/Mac). (Yes, I've talked to Matt about it; yes, it's a mystery; no, I dont mind using another browser.) I'm working around the problem, at times when I don't want to use another browser, by linking to a particular thread page and then using the Newer and Older links to navigate. I never had much use for those links before, but now they're a godsend.
Anyway, what I wish I had was a link to the *newest* item. Not necessarily an addition to the Newer/Older interface, though that would be OK, maybe just a bookmarkable www.metafilter.com/newest URL, which always points at the newest item. SITO (sito.org), which has a similarly dynamic structure, has a TOP link which takes you to the level that's currently being built.
Anyway, what I wish I had was a link to the *newest* item. Not necessarily an addition to the Newer/Older interface, though that would be OK, maybe just a bookmarkable www.metafilter.com/newest URL, which always points at the newest item. SITO (sito.org), which has a similarly dynamic structure, has a TOP link which takes you to the level that's currently being built.