Can I log in and out of parts of MeFi? February 1, 2006 5:07 PM   Subscribe

I'd like to stay logged out of MetaFilter and MetaTalk while staying logged in to AskMeFi. Is that too tall of an order?
posted by furtive to Feature Requests at 5:07 PM (17 comments total)

Probably. The login mechanism is sitewide, and I'd imagine that it would be quite a major overhaul to make it otherwise.

(Might I ask why you'd like this, by the way?)
posted by delfuego at 5:09 PM on February 1, 2006

Yes, it is too tall of an order.
posted by mathowie (staff) at 5:13 PM on February 1, 2006

So there!
posted by mischief at 5:16 PM on February 1, 2006

Also, why?!
posted by mathowie (staff) at 5:17 PM on February 1, 2006

I'm sure it has nothing to do with sockpuppetry.

Nothing at all.
posted by dersins at 5:23 PM on February 1, 2006

I figured as much.

In response to delfuego: I visit the site repeatedly throughout the day, and often it's just to check up on comments after I post a comment. Not posting comments is one way around this, and not being logged in helps that out. It also helps me from posting knee jerk comments, joining in pile-ons, keeping the signal to noise ration on the good side and maybe helping me distance myself a bit from the site.

You can close the thread.
posted by furtive at 5:26 PM on February 1, 2006

dersins no, I've never had a socket puppet, and don't intend on getting one, although I can see what you mean by that if I were to have multiple accounts to take advantage of AskMeFi and wanted to make sure I didn't abuse them on the other sites.
posted by furtive at 5:28 PM on February 1, 2006

Toad baked some cookies. “These cookies smell very good,” said Toad. He ate one. “And they taste even better,” he said. Toad ran to Frog’s house. “Frog, Frog,” cried Toad, “taste these cookies that I have made.”

Frog ate one of the cookies, “These are the best cookies I have ever eaten!” said Frog.

Frog and Toad ate many cookies, one after another. “You know, Toad,” said Frog, with his mouth full, “I think we should stop eating. We will soon be sick.”

“You are right,” said Toad. “Let us eat one last cookie, and then we will stop.” Frog and Toad ate one last cookie. There were many cookies left in the bowl.

Frog,” said Toad, “let us eat one very last cookie, and then we will stop.” Frog and Toad ate one very last cookie. “We must stop eating!” cried Toad as he ate another.

“Yes,” said Frog, reaching for a cookie, “we need willpower.”

“What is willpower?” asked Toad.

“Willpower is trying hard not to do something you really want to do,” said Frog.

“You mean like trying hard not to eat all these cookies?” asked Toad.

“Right,” said Frog.

Frog put the cookies in a box. “There,” he said. “Now we will not eat any more cookies.”

“But we can open the box,” said Toad.

“That is true,” said Frog.

Frog tied some string around the box. “There,” he said. “Now we will not eat any more cookies.”

“But we can cut the string and open the box.” said Toad.

That is true,” said Frog.

Frog got a ladder. He put the box up on a high shelf. “There,” said Frog. “Now we will not eat any more cookies.”

“But we can climb the ladder and take the box down from the shelf and cut the string and open the box,” said Toad.

“That is true,” said Frog.

Frog climbed the ladder and took the box down from the shelf. He cut the string and opened the box.

Frog took the box outside. He shouted in a loud voice.

“Hey, birds, here are cookies!” Birds came from everywhere. They picked up all the cookies in their beaks and flew away.

“Now we have no more cookies to eat,” said Toad sadly.

“Not even one.”

“Yes,” said Frog, “but we have lots and lots of willpower.”

“You may keep it all, Frog,” said Toad. “I am going home now to bake a cake.”

posted by jessamyn (staff) at 5:31 PM on February 1, 2006 [233 favorites]

dersins: Accusing someone named 'furtive' of sockpuppetry? For shame!
posted by mischief at 5:33 PM on February 1, 2006

It might not be possible to have metafilter do this for you, but why not set the cookies yourself? You could either just edit your cookie file, or run a CGI with the appropriate set-cookie's on a web server you point to in your /etc/hosts or %SYSTEMDIR%\hosts.
posted by fvw at 5:43 PM on February 1, 2006

Use two different browsers?
posted by Mitheral at 5:51 PM on February 1, 2006

not being logged in helps that out. It also helps me from posting knee jerk comments, joining in pile-ons, keeping the signal to noise ratio...

Fwhew! I mean, kudos for trying to do the right thing. But this has gotta be the biggest example of "feature projection" I've ever seen.

Feature projection is where you have a human problem and you focus on what feature it will take to solve it rather than address the basic human problem.
posted by scarabic at 5:52 PM on February 1, 2006 [6 favorites]

Perfect, jessamyn.
posted by freebird at 5:54 PM on February 1, 2006

dersins: Accusing someone named 'furtive' of sockpuppetry? For shame!

And what are you up to there, mischief?

Perfect, jessamyn.

You're just saying that because the birds got the cookies.
posted by namespan at 6:10 PM on February 1, 2006 [2 favorites]

"You're just saying that because the birds got the cookies."

Yeah, free cookies, too.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 6:15 PM on February 1, 2006

but, but, but... if I posted using a sockpuppet, it wouldn't be mischief!
posted by mischief at 6:24 PM on February 1, 2006

Feature projection is where you have a human problem and you focus on what feature it will take to solve it rather than address the basic human problem.

Much the same way Democrats like to approach a problem.
posted by Witty at 6:29 PM on February 1, 2006

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