Can anyone remember a sexy scene at a Metafilter party? August 30, 2006 7:00 PM   Subscribe

Can anyone remember a sexy scene at a Metafilter party?
posted by MiguelCardoso to MetaFilter-Related at 7:00 PM (47 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

Well, sure; but we didn't invite you.
posted by yhbc at 7:02 PM on August 30, 2006

Someone does.
posted by cali at 7:13 PM on August 30, 2006


But shouldn't there be some contemporaneous documentation? These are bloggers going to a meetup for a website, for God's sake!
posted by smackfu at 7:17 PM on August 30, 2006

Post-party thread. I guess you could email evanizer for the pics if you wanted.
posted by cali at 7:27 PM on August 30, 2006

I had a sexy scene at a meetup, but it was all in my head.

You were there, Migs.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 7:29 PM on August 30, 2006

What metafilter needs more of is sex scenes.
posted by cortex at 7:44 PM on August 30, 2006

Well, Matt should stop messing about with those impractical Music and Jobs subsites and commit himself to making DoMe a reality.

DoMe: Coming Soon, and So Will You!
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 7:48 PM on August 30, 2006 [1 favorite]

Tightly wound girls need not apply, btw.
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 7:49 PM on August 30, 2006

Aw, man, I thought this was a classic Migs poll question for a sec.
posted by graventy at 7:49 PM on August 30, 2006

These 2 are mutually exclusive - otherwise it's just too disturbing to consider.
posted by strawberryviagra at 7:51 PM on August 30, 2006

HA, I was curious (hence the Gawker comment, MissPinkKate is me).
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 8:00 PM on August 30, 2006 [1 favorite]

Is this something I would need a cabal to understand?
posted by If I Had An Anus at 8:01 PM on August 30, 2006

does this count?
posted by bob sarabia at 8:03 PM on August 30, 2006

posted by Ethereal Bligh at 8:33 PM on August 30, 2006

We tried once, but there was too much bush-hatred.
posted by gsteff at 8:43 PM on August 30, 2006 [2 favorites]

BeE is still in business?
posted by amberglow at 8:52 PM on August 30, 2006

gsteff, you just rocked my world.
posted by nanojath at 8:57 PM on August 30, 2006

I think you've got the wrong party, cali - it was at the Edge (where I inflated a condom orally), not at Pioneer (where we had group-iPod photos) that I remember Anil, Nick, and Liz all meeting.
posted by nicwolff at 10:40 PM on August 30, 2006

I heard they're little more than love-scrums.
posted by johnny novak at 3:03 AM on August 31, 2006

Depends, Migs - do ass-shoutouts count?
posted by romakimmy at 4:49 AM on August 31, 2006

There's a photo of me kissing Pretty_Generic somewhere.....
posted by public at 5:16 AM on August 31, 2006

I was at that party. It was on the Bowery. Liz was friendly enough and Nick Denton bought me a beer, which he handed to me as I departed the mens room. I haven't seen him since and have only seen Liz Spiers once since. I met choire at one of the MeFi parties as well. He was a nice fellow. I don't recall any sexy scenes that night although there have been at other meetups, like that incident with the chicken....
posted by jonmc at 6:12 AM on August 31, 2006

it was at the Edge (where I inflated a condom orally),

I remember that. I was right next to you. I even have photographic proof:

<img src=""
posted by jonmc at 6:23 AM on August 31, 2006

It was on the Bowery

And it was time to go!
posted by cortex at 6:24 AM on August 31, 2006

here, dammit:
posted by jonmc at 6:24 AM on August 31, 2006

I think that's my dollar, by the way, nic.
posted by jonmc at 6:24 AM on August 31, 2006

It's probably not sexy to anyone else, but these are in heavy rotation in my fantasy file.
posted by ColdChef at 6:38 AM on August 31, 2006

Thanks a lot, CC.

*goes off to cheap saloon to swill gin*
posted by jonmc at 6:49 AM on August 31, 2006

Migs, you even commented in the post-meetup thread!

I miss evanizer.
posted by languagehat at 6:51 AM on August 31, 2006 [2 favorites]

Me too, even though choire dared him to feel me up.
posted by jonmc at 6:52 AM on August 31, 2006

I can recall at least one such scene.
posted by mwhybark at 9:21 AM on August 31, 2006

I think I always leave too early.
posted by timeistight at 10:24 AM on August 31, 2006

Dude, CC, we have like dueling giant heads. (That was a fun meetup. You should come back!)
posted by dame at 11:03 AM on August 31, 2006

Ah ColdChef, you can heat my oven anytime.*

*This offer not available in Kentucky.
posted by witchstone at 11:25 AM on August 31, 2006

timeistight - I get a lot of spam offering to help with that problem, give me an email address to forward it to.
posted by phearlez at 2:40 PM on August 31, 2006

I said I leave early.

You obviously can't tell if I'm coming or going...
posted by timeistight at 4:26 PM on August 31, 2006

*This offer not available in Kentucky.
posted by tizzie at 5:48 PM on August 31, 2006

wow, old times. my user number suddenly feels ridiculously high.
posted by blacklite at 9:09 PM on August 31, 2006

I know one MetaFilter meetup that led to lots of crazy booty.
posted by NortonDC at 9:52 PM on August 31, 2006

That wasn't a MetaFilter meetup, that was a MetaFiltaRRRR meetup!
posted by loquacious at 10:32 PM on August 31, 2006

Go go go to your local metafilter meetups, ladies!

And come come come home, NortonDC!
posted by onlyconnect at 11:30 PM on August 31, 2006

Now I'm sad that I didn't go to the seattle meetup tonight.
posted by blacklite at 12:17 AM on September 1, 2006

In other news, I've never met a Portuguese person who hasn't heard of Miguel Cardoso. It really weirds me out.
posted by grouse at 1:38 AM on September 1, 2006

I know one MetaFilter meetup that led to lots of crazy booty.

Still, you never write, you never call...

posted by jonmc at 6:26 AM on September 1, 2006

"I met Nick Denton at a really sheik party"

"Blow it out your hairdo, cause you work at Hardee's"
posted by Mick at 11:25 AM on September 1, 2006

I was makin eyes at MeetMegan, but she totally didn't even notice me.

I'm going to be alone forever.
posted by Baby_Balrog at 12:12 PM on September 1, 2006

I'm going to be alone forever.

Me too. We should hang sometime and bitch about the unfairness of it all.
posted by Sparx at 1:13 AM on September 2, 2006

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