take me straight to the month, baby, straight to the month May 31, 2010 7:36 PM   Subscribe

I wanna pony: When I made this comment a few minutes ago, I wish I could've linked directly to the playlist and description of the June 2009 Metafilter Music Challenge, as opposed to one page that contains all the Previous Challenges, and therefore necessitates scrolling down through what will become an ever-increasing list. Would it be possible to set up links to each month of Challenge results, so they could be linked to separately?
posted by flapjax at midnite to Feature Requests at 7:36 PM (9 comments total)

You sorta can... you can link to the popouts, here's August 2009. You have to open the popout and then copy the url from the navigation bar.
posted by Kattullus at 7:39 PM on May 31, 2010

I hear pb is good with permalinks, I bet he can hook you up.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 7:45 PM on May 31, 2010

Ah, I see. But yeah, "sorta" is the operative word here: it'd be great to not have to be so roundabout. Also, linking to the description of the month's Challenge as well as the playlist is desirable.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 7:45 PM on May 31, 2010

jessamyn, we can only hope that the permalinks won't be suffering the same fate in this age of global warming as the permafrost.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 7:47 PM on May 31, 2010

I am altering the permalink; Pray I don't alter it any further!
posted by infinite intimation at 8:15 PM on May 31, 2010 [1 favorite]

It sure would be nice if there were more hyperlinks on the music challenges page like: link to the Music Talk thread for each challenge (if appropriate), and a link to the specific tag for each challenge.

Yup. Sure would be.
posted by fleacircus at 9:19 PM on May 31, 2010 [1 favorite]

*looks out into the distance for pb...*
posted by flapjax at midnite at 9:53 PM on May 31, 2010

Sure, I can add it to the to-do list.
posted by pb (staff) at 11:12 PM on May 31, 2010

Hey, great! Gracias!
posted by flapjax at midnite at 11:33 PM on May 31, 2010

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