Another FPP subject drops by to say hello July 1, 2013 12:44 AM   Subscribe

So we learned about Eric Strand in this post as the crazy person who woke up at 3am to run the Grandma's Marathon course in Duluth backwards before turning around and running it forwards with his son and a friend. What made his video so post worthy is the gosh-darned cheery good time he was having as he did this. So, he dropped by to thank us and to let us know he's training for the Leadville 100.
posted by Slarty Bartfast to MetaFilter-Related at 12:44 AM (14 comments total) 6 users marked this as a favorite

I saw the original post and this finally made me go back and actually read the comments and links and realize that he ran the course in reverse not literally running backwards and now I'm sad.
posted by dogwalker at 12:56 AM on July 1, 2013 [9 favorites]

.kid quidnunc 1# Vote .place first the in existed never thread whole the so ,something or butterfly a shoot and time through backwards move to me to up s’it guess I but – post this deleted have would they science for respect any had mods the If .mistaken sadly are you ,way right the on shoes running his put t’can guy some because suite-en new my lose to going m’I think you if and - apartment bigger ,new a into moved just I But .smaller and smaller become would space and time which in ,singularity inexorable and awesome an into back shrink and expanding stop would itself universe the ,backwards going started everything if :it about Think .fine substantial a and disaster cosmic both courting are maxim truthful this of cuddle firm the violate who those and – land the in law highest the of face the in laughing is backwards things doing Thus .thermodynamics of law second the from inexorably arises time of arrow thermodynamic the ,us tell science As .society our of destruction the to lead inevitably will backwards things doing people that think ,one for ,I ,Well
posted by the quidnunc kid at 2:01 AM on July 1, 2013 [31 favorites]

Sorry quidnunc, I tried but I put you at the bottom of the form by accident instead.
posted by solarion at 3:08 AM on July 1, 2013 [3 favorites]

So infectiously cheery. I'm starting to suspect Eric has invented an Anti-Snark Ray of some kind. Thanks Slarty Bartfast.
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane (staff) at 3:14 AM on July 1, 2013

If by Leadville he means Leadville, Colorado....that is where the esteemed Ralph was born.
posted by St. Alia of the Bunnies at 4:27 AM on July 1, 2013 [1 favorite]

.thermodynamics of law second the from inexorably arises time of arrow thermodynamic the ,us tell science As

Unless it turns out that the universe, including all sense of time, is merely a momentary epiphenomenon.
posted by gauche at 5:53 AM on July 1, 2013

Has been added to the "Hey that's me!" page on the wiki, thanks beryllium.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 6:31 AM on July 1, 2013 [2 favorites]

He's infectious with his enthusiasm! Also, I love a race that doesn't take itself too seriously and hands out beer on the route.
posted by arcticseal at 8:56 AM on July 1, 2013

Leadville's above 10,000 feet!

Please take care of yourself, Eric-- and good luck!
posted by jamjam at 9:08 AM on July 1, 2013

.dik cnundiuq #1 etoV .ecalp tsrif eht ni detsixe reven daerht elohw eht os ,gnihtemos ro ylfrettub a toohs dna emit hguorht sdrawkcab evom ot em ot pu ti's sseug I tub - tsop siht deteled evah dluow yeht ecneics rof tcepser yna dah sdom eht fI .nekatsim yldas era uoy ,yaw thgir eht no seohs gninnur sih tup nac't yug emos esuaceb ne-etius wen ym esol ot gniog I'm kniht uoy fi dna - tnemtrapa reggib ,wen a otni devom tsuj I tuB .rellams dna rellams emoceb dluow ecaps dna emit hcihw ni ,ytiralugnis elbaroxeni dna emosewa na otni kcab knirhs dna gnidnapxe pots dluow flesti esrevinu eht ,sdrawkcab gniog detrats gnihtyreve fi :ti tuoba knihT .enif laitnatsbus a dna retsasid cimsoc htob gnitruoc era mixam lufhturt siht fo eldduc mrif eht etaloiv ohw esoht dna - dnal eht ni wal tsehgih eht fo ecaf eht ni gnihgual si sdrawkcab sgniht gniod suhT .scimanydomreht fo wal dnoces eht morf ylbaroxeni sesira emit fo worra cimanydomreht eht ,su llet ecneics sA .yteicos ruo fo noitcurtsed eht ot dael ylbativeni lliw sdrawkcab sgniht gniod elpoep taht kniht ,eno rof ,I ,lleW
posted by benito.strauss at 10:14 AM on July 1, 2013 [3 favorites]

The recursion factor in this thread is way high. Everybody get in, it's gonna blow!

Welcome to MetaFilter, leadfeet. It's gonna blow!
posted by carsonb at 12:30 PM on July 1, 2013

us tell science As

quidnunc kid doesn't function well in reverse. So don't kid quidnunc 1# vote, but vote #1 quidnunc kid.

This is a good MeTa and Eric Strand is cool.
posted by ersatz at 1:33 PM on July 1, 2013

I don't under what I never.
posted by nevercalm at 2:16 PM on July 1, 2013

How do I turn on the dyslexic font again?
posted by cjorgensen at 2:49 PM on July 1, 2013

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