92: Numb and Number
 transcript  May 13, 2014 2:58 PM   Subscribe

Episode 92 of the podcast was recorded yesterday and runs about an hour and twenty minutes long covering all our favorite posts from the past month of MetaFilter

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The number 92

Weird Number

MeFi Jobs (4:58)

Full-stack engineer in a non-profit

PETA job investigating cruelty claims (application page)

FanFare (12:00)

The FanFare site

Danger 5, Arrow

MeFi Projects (18:15)

Chair of Ice and Fire by Brandon Blatcher

A love song for New Orleans (photos) by komara

Jessamyn's crazy hotel room in Michigan

Keepskor a twitter game with your friends' tweets by TNLNYC (similar to SaysWho by cortex)

TruckPlease, an Uber for moving trucks by 913

Vhoto finds photos in video by keep_evolving

An interactive explanation of quadtrees by ignignokt (who had an interesting What to do about lead wall paint when we're about to have a baby? question)

Ask MeFi (30:50)

IFTTT used $200 of data to upload too many images, how to fix? (they refunded his bill)

waxpancake asks the audience to identify a tiny sliver of the back of an album cover long forgotten. Answered in 15 minutes.

The Palmaris Longus muscle in your hand, but absent in 14% of the population.

What's the approximate capacity for party attendance for the Wayne Manor?

What are some good examples of fan fiction for someone new to the genre that has never read it before?

Why does my car stereo display more characters in day or night mode?

What movies should I watch with a bunch of 12 year old boys at a sleepover?

How to be low maintenance without looking low maintenance as a guy?

How to explain to a 75 year old the difference between Domains and URLs versus email addresses? (a detailed answer)

MeFi Links (52:15)

The College of Arms official policy on coats of arms on same-sex marriages (New rules)

A robot playing THREES and doing really well

Mouth Sounds, a mashup album of Smashmouth, Daft Punk, and Huey Lewis (how to pronounce the DJ's last name, Imagine with Smashmouth)

The Deepest Hole in the World is 7.5mi deep and has a simple rusty cap bolted on top

The first sub-five-minute Beer Mile (why beer makes you pee, Turn Down for What joke)

Turn Down for What video, MeFi thread about it.

Get your stream on: 43 Werner Herzog films that can be streamed and 30 Errol Morris movies that can be streamed

Jeff Goldblum laughing extended for 10 minutes

Meet the Bag Man thread about people that covertly drop off cash for college basketball players, cheerleaders getting paid very little.

Farley Mowat obit post

MetaTalk (1:15:55)
What life lessons or bits of knowledge has Ask MetaFilter taught you?

MeFi Music (1:19:16)
MeFi Music iOS app coming soon to the App Store

Happy Dogs on the Beach

outro song: Love That Makes Me Laugh by quonsar II: smock fishpants and the temple of foon
posted by mathowie (staff) to MeFi Podcast at 2:58 PM (50 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

Well that's my morning train journey sorted out, thanks! (And also, given the number of great threads I've missed as usual, the whole of my working day.) I'm looking forward to listening to the FanFare discussion. Will there be whoops of joy, wry chuckles, or simply soft persistent weeping?
posted by billiebee at 3:43 PM on May 13, 2014

As soon as I saw the first word of the title, thought this is going to feature Jessamyn's epic trip to keynote speak at a conference on the Planet Hoth (only a slight exaggeration). Followed this conference through the increasingly bizarre tweets and FB messages of several friends ("They could remake The Shining in this hotel", "There is a pig on the ferry but I am still not on it", "My shower has carpet on the ceiling.") and was envious of missing out on the adventure.

n.b. In the podcast think Matt et al were thinking of the caves at Apostle Islands that people could walk across one of the great lakes to. The Guardian has some nice pictures of these and other frozen great lake pictures. Also, various on Flickr.
posted by Wordshore at 4:48 PM on May 13, 2014

Yep, those were the islands I was thinking of.
posted by mathowie (staff) at 4:49 PM on May 13, 2014

Hooray! Siiting here in a hotel room in Morocco with a beautiful woman at my side, getting mentioned on the podcast is the only that could have made my life complete.
posted by Going To Maine at 5:07 PM on May 13, 2014 [2 favorites]

Now, back to downloading Python packages.
posted by Going To Maine at 5:07 PM on May 13, 2014

this is going to feature Jessamyn's epic trip to keynote speak at a conference on the Planet Hoth

Per mathowie's advice, I am putting together an Exposure narrative about it but it's taking some time.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 5:22 PM on May 13, 2014 [2 favorites]

I could hear concentrated machine-gun like bursts of aggressive typing during the podcast. Who's the angry typist?

My wife types like that too and it puts me in fight-or-flight mode every time she does it.
posted by Hairy Lobster at 5:33 PM on May 13, 2014

I think that was me, my keyboard is sorta noisy. I mostly try to not type during, but now and then something comes up and that happened multiple times this episode.
posted by cortex (staff) at 5:35 PM on May 13, 2014 [2 favorites]

I type like Bugs Bunny, it could have been me also.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 5:37 PM on May 13, 2014 [1 favorite]

golly. i made the podcast! how cool is that?
posted by quonsar II: smock fishpants and the temple of foon at 6:05 PM on May 13, 2014 [1 favorite]

In the original palmaris longus thread, I commented saying I didn't have it in either arm. But I just checked again, and I've obviously got them in both arms. I don't know what 2009 me was thinking.
posted by ocherdraco at 8:12 PM on May 13, 2014 [1 favorite]

Oh no! Ocherdraco is evolving backwards in front of our very eyes, regrowing long lost ancient physical features. He's regrown his palmaris longus... That can only mean the claws it's meant to control are next!!!
posted by Hairy Lobster at 10:00 PM on May 13, 2014 [1 favorite]

The transcript is going!
posted by Pronoiac at 11:21 PM on May 13, 2014 [1 favorite]

Green Arrow was indeed just another rich guy fighting crime and in the fifties he really was a carbon copy of Batman, but with arrows: his own sidekick, his own arrowcar and arrowplane, the whole works.

Hawkeye was much later, started as an Iron Man villain (out of love for Black Widow) then became part of Cap's Kooky Quartet in Avengers #16. Hawkeye always had the better gimmick arrows, while Arrow has a boxing glove arrow.

Clint Barton of course was a carny and was trained in his arrow slinging by Avengers villain Swordsman (because comics, that's why) as opposed to Oliver Queen, who had to survive on a desert island by learning how to shoot bow and arrows.

Meanwhile Centaur's The Arrow, first bowslinging hero in comics (after Robin Hood) sits unloved in a corner thinking that it should've been him who has his shirt ripped off every ten minutes in each episode.
posted by MartinWisse at 1:42 AM on May 14, 2014 [1 favorite]

Usually, "slash" refers to same sex sexual relationships in fanfic. However, there is a connotation where the division is not homosexuality vs heterosexuality but sexual and romantic content being labeled "slash" and fic without sex and/or romance being labeled "gen" (as in "general content"). Gen is just as deep a well as any other kind of fic and can get pretty nuts, although it has a reputation for being less fascinating. In my experience it's more creative, because the writers aren't relying on the salaciousness of people doin' it to grab the readers.

History time: So you get the term slash from when Trek zine people denoted Kirk/Spock to mean they were going to be in romantic love and/or the content would have sex, and Kirk&Spock to mean the story would be about their awesome epic best friendship. In a lot of ways the slash was needed only for gay content because the idea that a man and woman could be just friends was not the default - then it would just be a romance story that wasn't "special", you know? When internet fandom really took off, it was all about the X-Files, which involved an epic war between the "shippers" and the "noromos", those who wanted Mulder and Scully to be in romantic love - a relation"ship" - and those who wanted "no romance" between them. The use of Mulder/Scully for shippers and Mulder&Scully for the noromos became good shorthand to keep people's hackles from raising on either side of the divide. But today, if you said Mulder/Scully was "slash" you would get dubious eyebrows, because unless you're writing one character with a changed gender identity from show canon, it wouldn't be, even though the accepted nomenclature for indicating the fic's content would involve a literal slash.

Anyway, back to slash, the converse of it, ie heterosexual relationships, is called "het", and there's a subset of slash called "femslash" or "femmeslash" which is, you guessed it, lesbian relationships. There are people that get mad when you specify that division, however (for perfectly valid reasons, imo), but it's also a category of fanfic that often get vastly less content and attention. As such there's Femslash February, which is good times. Then you get into "multi" which is the catchall term for all sorts of things, from mixed gender threesomes and moresomes to stories about bisexual people in relationships with people of different genders and so-on. If you're writing about characters who are interested in each other but the story itself is not about sex or romance, but the kind of friendship or relationship building that leads to that, it's called "pre-slash". Unfortunately there are still plenty of people online who get incredibly angry when you imply that you'd enjoy it if two fictional male characters had crushes on each other, so sometimes stories will be labeled pre-slash when posted in one venue and gen when posted in another. Pre-slash is also convenient as a label when you're talking about underaged characters, to give readers the confidence that although there might be some cute feelings bouncing around it's unlikely that they'll end up reading explicit depictions of underaged sex.

Yes, there is a lot of attention paid to who is having sex with whom and who loves whom and how and why in fanfic. And we've got myriad labels for every iteration you can think of. I've talked with a lot of people who have told me their toe-dips into fanfic were their first introductions to the ideas of all sorts of different relationships, sexualities (including the many shades of asexuality) and genders, and it gave them language to wrangle it all. Sometimes that language can be not so perfect, but it's a start, and it changes every day.
posted by Mizu at 3:11 AM on May 14, 2014 [13 favorites]

Oh my god sorry that comment is a monster; I did not intend to sound as definitive as that makes me out to be. More information with sources and detail over on Fanlore.
posted by Mizu at 3:15 AM on May 14, 2014

You know, I spend so much time on MeFi that I'm constantly promising myself to cut down for productivity's sake, and yet I always somehow manage to have missed 99% of the posts that go into the podcast.
posted by The Underpants Monster at 6:24 AM on May 14, 2014 [7 favorites]

Hairy Lobster: "Oh no! Ocherdraco is evolving backwards in front of our very eyes, regrowing long lost ancient physical features. He's regrown his palmaris longus... That can only mean the claws it's meant to control are next!!!"

And apparently I've become a man, too! The horror!

This has been another episode of "Don't Assume Everyone's a Dude on the Internet." Now back to your regular programming...


posted by ocherdraco at 7:25 AM on May 14, 2014 [5 favorites]

Ugh. I'm the guy screaming into my computer screen about Green Arrow/Hawkeye.

How did I become this guy?
posted by elmer benson at 9:06 AM on May 14, 2014

I think you were thinking of the Apostle Island Ice Caves - you could walk out to them this winter.
posted by elmer benson at 9:13 AM on May 14, 2014

Well, I was flattered back then that you all thought the New Orleans photos were worth posting and now extra flattered to see them mentioned on the podcast. Thanks!
posted by komara at 9:30 AM on May 14, 2014 [1 favorite]

WHAT HO, MODS. The post about the Beer Mile was awesome. It reminds me that on the Hang Up And Listen podcast this werk, one of the guys discussed how we pay attention to the speed at which particular distances are run -- e.g., the four-minute mile -- but less attention is paid to races of specific duration, like the Hour Ride of the bike-racing world. I won't duplicate that segment here, but it was a neat point.
posted by wenestvedt at 10:06 AM on May 14, 2014 [1 favorite]

So what movie did all those 12-year olds end up watching, anyway?
posted by wenestvedt at 10:12 AM on May 14, 2014

Regarding the asparagus in urine thing, in addition to some people not being able to smell it some people don't produce the smell. The ability to detect the smell is controlled by a single gene, but the ...um.... "ability" to produce asparagus-stink has a separate, currently unknown root. So every combination of "[stinky/non-stinky] pee" and "[can/can't] smell it" exists out there in the wild. Unless you're in the "stinky pee, can smell it" camp, it's really hard to be sure which you are without getting together with a bunch of like-minded (although ideally non-blood relative) friends and loved ones, and having a good mutual sniff.
posted by metaBugs at 10:24 AM on May 14, 2014

So what movie did all those 12-year olds end up watching, anyway?

Sleepover is Friday. I'll update the thread afterwards and mark off best answers, but I think after all that, provided none of the parents have a problem with it, we're going to go ahead and watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail because the circumstances preventing us from watching it have changed.

Last time I watched that with him he was ten or eleven and the Castle Anthrax scene went over his head. This time around I'm expecting much giggling.

In any event, because of that question I now have a big list of movies to watch with (and not with) The Critter.

Unless you're in the "stinky pee, can smell it" camp, it's really hard to be sure which you are without getting together with a bunch of like-minded (although ideally non-blood relative) friends and loved ones, and having a good mutual sniff.

Cool, now I don't have to ask another question about other good sleepover activities.
posted by bondcliff at 10:32 AM on May 14, 2014 [1 favorite]

We should have a clip of Jessamyn saying "FOR GOD SAKES! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" that we can drop into MetaTalk threads at appropriate moments. :D
posted by zarq at 11:07 AM on May 14, 2014 [5 favorites]

ocherdraco: "And apparently I've become a man, too! The horror!"

Yeah, sorry about that. My bad...
posted by Hairy Lobster at 12:01 PM on May 14, 2014 [1 favorite]

No worries!
posted by ocherdraco at 12:53 PM on May 14, 2014

So every combination of "[stinky/non-stinky] pee" and "[can/can't] smell it" exists out there in the wild.

So if I want to write my own Punnet Square for this, which genes are the dominant ones and which are recessive?
posted by wenestvedt at 1:01 PM on May 14, 2014

Cool, now I don't have to ask another question about other good sleepover activities.

What kind of sucky sleepover party for 12-y.o.'s has asparagus on the menu?!
posted by wenestvedt at 1:02 PM on May 14, 2014 [1 favorite]

With the transcript going I was lucky enough to get to transcribe the official hex of Metafilter green fresh from user 1. Pretty neat.
posted by TangerineGurl at 1:12 PM on May 14, 2014 [1 favorite]

I expected this thread to be a giant voluntary survey about asparagus pee. Since it's not I'll keep my datapoint to myself. HRMPH.
posted by palegirl at 2:36 PM on May 14, 2014

I would think scientists could make a non-squicky "artificial asparagus pee" that could be experimented with. That should help separate the "my pee don't smell" and "i can't smell it" camps.

I agree with matthowie that these percentages are really low. Everyone I know seems well aware of the phenomenon.
posted by sarah_pdx at 2:52 PM on May 14, 2014

I will totally talk about asparagus wee. Both the husband and I are producers and detectors of the distinct cabbage-y smell, wasn't there a very early example of the scientific method thing done to a ...princess in Spain in like the 1400s about this? Anyway, apparently statistically two non-family producers/detectos meeting up is really unlikely and we also share other odd genetic quirks ( earlobes, tongue rolling, types of flushing , etc) that it's probably good that we can't breed cause we'd make mutants.

I wonder if the asparagus wee thing is like a European descent thing.
posted by The Whelk at 5:10 PM on May 14, 2014

I don't remember the last time I had asparagus, but coffee always makes my pee smell like coffee. Bad coffee from a 7-Eleven in hell.

Also, my cat's breath smells like cat food.
posted by Metroid Baby at 4:08 AM on May 15, 2014 [1 favorite]

I don't remember the last time I had asparagus, but coffee always makes my pee smell like coffee. Bad coffee from a 7-Eleven in hell.

I'll never forget going to my doctor all worried because my urine smelled like coffee. He leaned forward, a very serious look on his face, and said, in his posh English accent "Tell me, The Underpants Monster - do you drink coffee at all?"

(In my defense, I had only started drinking coffee a year before, and had only had the smell for a few weeks.)
posted by The Underpants Monster at 6:40 AM on May 15, 2014 [1 favorite]

Produce it, smell it.

What kind of sucky sleepover party for 12-y.o.'s has asparagus on the menu?!

What the hell else are you supposed to serve with liver and onions? Broccoli?
posted by bondcliff at 7:41 AM on May 15, 2014 [2 favorites]

Room-temperature RC Cola and BBQ-flavored, store-brand chips. Duh.
posted by wenestvedt at 8:21 AM on May 15, 2014 [1 favorite]

Whoa, I'm chuffed that you guys got the idea of the quadtree! Also, I'm tempted to call tree branches "legs" all the time, now.

Cortex, do you listen to Idle Thumbs? They are your podcasting cohorts in segue pronunciation solidarity!
posted by ignignokt at 8:04 PM on May 16, 2014

I do have to ask (partly because usually my mind somehow doesn't notice juvenile humor like fart jokes), did none of you three recognize in the moment the joke that you (inadvertently?) made about the Dumb & Dumber sequel/farting-in-the-hot-tub, or do you all just have the most amazing verbal deadpans ever?
posted by Lexica at 10:06 PM on May 16, 2014

Remind me what the joke might have been?
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 2:40 PM on May 17, 2014

I think it was something like "they have a number two coming out".
posted by Lexica at 4:01 PM on May 18, 2014 [3 favorites]

Definitely accidental if it was me!
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 4:06 PM on May 18, 2014

It was also accidental if it was me, and also very sad because that is exactly the sort of joke I would have been making on purpose but I'd probably have fond memories of making it right now in that case.
posted by cortex (staff) at 5:06 PM on May 18, 2014 [2 favorites]

" I do have to ask (partly because usually my mind somehow doesn't notice juvenile humor like fart jokes), did none of you three recognize in the moment the joke that you (inadvertently?) made about the Dumb & Dumber sequel/farting-in-the-hot-tub, or do you all just have the most amazing verbal deadpans ever? "
Clarification link from the transcript.
posted by TangerineGurl at 3:50 AM on May 21, 2014

It may not look like it, but the transcript for #92 is complete!
posted by TangerineGurl at 4:43 PM on May 24, 2014

And the transcript is on the wiki!
posted by Pronoiac at 10:52 PM on May 24, 2014

Linked up!
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 7:12 AM on May 25, 2014

MetaFilter: Werner Herzog is a little older.
posted by DevilsAdvocate at 7:46 PM on May 28, 2014

I swear I heard someone toot as you guys were discussing the URL/domain name question.
posted by 922257033c4a0f3cecdbd819a46d626999d1af4a at 7:52 PM on May 29, 2014

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