79 posts tagged with games.
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Welcome to the first ever (as far as I know!) Fanfare extravaganza. I have created a place where we can share recommended books, movies, tv, music, games, podcasts we have read, watched, listened to, or played this year. [more inside]
Tell me, what is it you plan to play in your one wild and precious life?
It's been a minute since we've had one of these, and boy does it seem like a good time for it: what are you playing, lately? What are the games (video and otherwise) that are keeping your attention, keeping your eyeline off Other Things, giving you the distraction and joy and dissociation and etc. that you need lately? What's good, what's bad-but-good, what are you revisiting, what are you looking forward to?
Open Gaming Thread: What are you playing right now?
Let's talk video-games, board-games, mobile games, mind-games, etc. What are you playing right now? :-)
Metatalktail Hour: Reimagining the Olympics 🏆
Happy Saturday, everyone, welcome to your well-earned Metatalktail! This week, I'm thinking ... Let's say we get to create a Mefi version of the Olympics. What games of skill, grace, and virtuosity should we compete in? Something like this? Or this? Or? [more inside]
Another video game roundup thread!
Figure it's about time for another "hey, what are you playing" games roundup post, so, hey, what are you playing? What's new? What have you gone back to for the nth time? What did you bounce right off of?
Video game roundup thread!
Hey, what video games are you playing lately? Come on in and talk about it!
Assemble the party
Do you like to play tabletop role-playing games? Do you want to play some TTRPGs online with other Mefites? Come on in and let's figure it out! [more inside]
April Fun Indoor Scavenger Hunt
Trying to run with a regular April Fools gag feels super weird this year, so...let's just have an indoor scavenger hunt! Can you find THE ROUNDEST THING in your home? Find a thing that needs finding, post a picture and/or description of it in the thread, suggest something else for folks to look for! [more inside]
Offer of Minecraft Server for all you lovely folks
Hi there, I don't know if anyone will be interested but if you are, I have a paid up Minecraft server with 50 open slots. It would be an easy way to interact with other Mefites, if you already own the game, and hopefully a nice distraction. [more inside]
Stardew Multiplayer Meetups
As we self-quarantine, why not escape to Stardew Valley? This is a post to discuss the perfidy of Mayor Lewis, the struggle to fish and the delights of starfruit. Also, post if you'd like to form a multiplayer farm with other mefites (up to four per game).
“I'll be there with Bells on! Ho ho!”
I'm playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The game was just released and it's available on the Nintendo Switch. It seems like everyone is playing these days. Let's talk about our islands/towns. What fruit did you end up getting? There are five possibilities (not counting coconuts): apples, cherries, peaches, pears, and oranges. If you're up for it, let's share our Nintendo Switch Friend codes so we can visit each other's islands/towns. This is a super chill game and it makes me happy. If you have the opportunity, consider picking it up. As always, be kind to yourself and to others. Happy crafting, farming, shopping, & exploring friendos.
Metatalktail Hour: Games! Boardgames, phone games, and more
Happy weekend, Mefites! This weekend, jacquilynne wondered what games people are enjoying on Android phones lately. I'm also wondering what other kinds of games you've all been into -- boardgames, cardgames, rpg's, console or pc games. Even physical games you play with your actual body, if that's how you roll. [more inside]
‘Guess My Word’
Metafilter favorite Guess My Word was out of commission for almost all of 2019. Now it’s back!
[Warning edit: Daily spoilers in comments!]
[Warning edit: Daily spoilers in comments!]
Love Nikki? ME TOO!
delfin mentioned Love Nikki Dress UP Queen in the politics thread, and I must know, who else plays? Because I'm unhealthily addicted and WHY CAN'T I GET ABOVE 50% in the current competition? WHYYYYYYYY?
This post is to share friend codes for Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
Hi friends! This post is for folks to share friend codes for the new mobile game from Nintendo, Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. Happy camping!
List your game character name and your code. You can find your code in the More screen after you have finished the tutorial, by clicking Friends > Add Friend > Share Your ID > Copy ID.
Looking back on ten years of FPPs
I've joined many web communities in my life, but none for as long or as wholeheartedly as MetaFilter. I've learned a lot, grown as a person, and taken direction from the thousands of smart, funny, and caring people who write here. And I've been inspired to write, too, putting more time and effort into researching worthwhile posts than I have at any other creative hobby. Sadly, what with work and the news chaos and competing interests it feels like there's less and less time to focus lately, and seeing linkrot erode what I do post is a drag. So when showbiz_liz's lovely celebration of ten years on the blue made me realize my own 10th Mefiversary was approaching, I was moved to do something about it. Nothing on the web lasts forever, but armed with old notes files, the Wayback Machine, and a drive to rediscover my own personal Best of the Web, I plowed through all 149 posts (and a few comments) to recover lost links, check on what had happened since, and organize it all into a single FPP omnibus for your reading pleasure. [more inside]
Looking for a post that meant nothing to me
Some time in the past month or so, there was a post on the blue re games—specifically (using the term loosely), something about going through the levels and/or how quickly it takes to complete some games. Not much to go on, I know, but I have faith in you all. [more inside]
MeFi Discord channel
So, scrolling through the video game trailers post, I noticed there's quite a few resident gamers here in MeFi. Which made me wonder: Does metafilter have it's own Discord channel? I think it might be a good idea.
It would be a good place to banter about politics while queueing for some Overwatch or whatever, and avoiding the casual racism and misoginy that permeates most multiplayer games.
For those not in the know, discord is a low latency voice and text app designed for gaming. It's pretty good.
Narrative Games in Fanfare
As discussed in this Fanfare Talk post, there are some heavily narrative games that would benefit from Fanfare discussion. The rationale is that release threads on the Blue aren't really appropriate, because of the spoiler content, and (in terms of format) these games are similar to movies, shows, and books, in the way that discussion revolves much more around the plot and characters rather than game mechanics. I understand the reluctance to expand Fanfare any more than its current scope, but I think it's worth having the conversation about narrative games as an exception. [more inside]
Can't find post about infosec/hacking challenges
I could have sworn that a few months ago someone posted an FPP to a webpage made by a couple of guys who designed some interesting "real world" infosec/cryptography/hacking exercises meant to expand awareness of internet security, and now I can't find it anywhere. [more inside]
A new Diplomacy game is about to begin ...
There's been too much real-life nastiness on this site in the past day or so. So I am proposing some make-believe nastiness instead: A new game of MeFi Diplomacy is now open for entrants. [more inside]
97: The Perfect Hermit Crabitat
Episode 97 was recorded yesterday and runs about 1h 45min long as we discuss all our favorite posts from MetaFilter over the last month. [more inside]
Players of Elder Scrolls Online
Just checking to see if anyone on metafilter is also playing Elder Scrolls Online. If you are and you would like to play with other Mefites then drop your user name in here. [more inside]
Post Stuff, Win Games, Yay Hooray
Just wanted to let folks know that I'm running a weekly game giveaway over at Gamefilter for the next couple of months, so now's a great time to come hang out and get your feet wet there, if you're interested. [more inside]
92: Numb and Number
Episode 92 of the podcast was recorded yesterday and runs about an hour and twenty minutes long covering all our favorite posts from the past month of MetaFilter [more inside]
Immediate derail material
This is a way that many posts about independent games tend to go, where it is almost immediately sidetracked in to a discussion about Windows vs. everything else. Part of the solution is probably to put a windows only notification on the post, and part of the solution is probably just to move on without commenting if you're a mac user.
Fiasco by Skype?
Any MeFites want to start up some Skype-based games of Fiasco? [more inside]
Mefight Club 4.0
If you've never visited MefightClub, or maybe you drifted away because of the server capacity issues we were having for a while a while back, the site's had a big round of updates, and right this very minute is a great time to come play games and hang out with us! [more inside]
Health Month - February
It's The Most Healthiest Time Of The Year
December's Health Month is starting up! Come join (or rejoin) the MeFi team and meet some of those goals you've been meaning to get around to. Lots of sponsorship chips are floating around for those who need them. [more inside]
Could we add Glitch to the profile social apps? There's already a MetaFilter group there and there are a lot of social aspects to the game. The more people you know in the game, the more fun it is. Thanks!
WTF is a rotato?
Healthy MeFites are Happy MeFites!
If you like Health and are familiar with the unit of time known as Months, then you'll love Health Month: The October Edition! [more inside]
Game on!
MeFi Mag September issue is HERE!(MagCloud) and also HERE!(pdf direct).
It's all about games, and while not the massive tome we'd hoped for (more a modest pastime), it still includes: [more inside]
MeFi Pick 'em: Fantasy Football For Lazy People
MeFi NFL Pick 'em is on. Details inside. [more inside]
MeFits unite!
It's time for another game of Health Month! Buster has come up with new features for September that give players better control over rules. [more inside]
Health Month superheroes
The MeFits over at Health Month are gearing up for another month, and we want you! Join our rag-tag band of good-habit-making superheroes (costumes not included). [more inside]
Be a MeFit!
It's time for folks to sign up for Health Month again if they haven't already. (Previously: 1, 2, 3, 4) Special shout-out to web-goddess who has taken over as Fearless Leader! [more inside]
Health Month in May
It's that time again. Join Team MetaFilter for the May Game over at Health Month! previously, (previouslier, previousliest) [more inside]
I've got that Health Month Feelin'
Join Team MetaFilter for the April Game over at Health Month! Why should you join? A) It's fun. 2) You might actually improve your health. iii) Because mefites have accomplished some pretty great changes. (previously, previouslier) [more inside]
It's Health Month Time Again!
Are you a geek? Do charts and graphs help you accomplish things? Do you have personal goals that might could use some group encouragement? Join Team Metafilter for the March game over at Health Month! [more inside]
Hey, check it out: Gamefilter
Games are fun, and talking about games is fun. So it's pretty cool that stavrosthewonderchicken has recently built a mefi-inspired site called Gamefilter, for linking to neat game- (video and otherwise) related stuff on the web and talking about those things. Go check it out! [more inside]
Health Month
I'm going to be playing Health Month for the month of March. I noticed there wasn't a MetaFilter team, so I made one. Are you playing Health Month? Do you want to play Health Month? Join the team!
The Edge of reason
Update to this post on Tim Langdell, Mobigames and the Edge trademark: EA Victorious as Court Denies Injunction Against Publisher for 'Edge' Trademark The court has denied Edge Games’ motion for injunction, citing that it believes that Langdell made fraudulent statements to the US Patent and Trademark Office and strongly believes that Langdell is “suspect,” and has been “trolling” the game industry for licensing opportunities. His actions could possibly warrant “criminal penalties.”
Any interest in starting a metafilter Minecraft server? Either creative or (the still very buggy) survival mode?
Come Out and Play! So this big real world games festival is going on in Gowanus and around Prospect Park. Paper Airplane Derbys and Sidewalk Wars and Mystery Solving is going on. [more inside]
March Madness 2010
NCAA basketball is upon us. For all interested parties, I have set up a pick 'em on Yahoo! [more inside]
Animal Crossing has stolen my soul
The last time anyone asked about a meetup of MeFites in Animal Crossing was in 2006. Anyone playing AC: City Folk want to visit and swap fruit? [more inside]
Who are the MeFi Olympians?
Who are the MeFi Olympians? [more inside]
Words With (Metafilter) Friends
Words With Friends Free is a free implementation of Scrabble for the iPhone. One of the nice things is being able to invite players by username.
Let's get our words on; post your Words With Friends username here if you'd like to play.
I'm on Words With Friends as "DWRoelands".
(I am assuming these sorts of posts are still okay, based on the similar Spore thread from a while back. Please delete if things have changed.)
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