Pony Request: The Orange May 7, 2016 6:30 PM   Subscribe

Can we have trump.metafilter.com, and put all Trump-related content there? That way, we know where to find it and where to avoid it. The rest of the world will thank us.
posted by rikschell to Feature Requests at 6:30 PM (65 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

posted by Eyebrows McGee (staff) at 6:30 PM on May 7, 2016 [134 favorites]

I love both this suggestion and the unequivocal response.
posted by crush-onastick at 6:48 PM on May 7, 2016 [28 favorites]

You can use My MeFi to filter posts on your front page based on tags.
posted by the man of twists and turns at 7:10 PM on May 7, 2016 [3 favorites]

Can we all Trump content from anywhere there? So it literally doesn't exist anywhere else in the media? And functions like some sort of black hole? If so, great idea.
posted by Miko at 7:28 PM on May 7, 2016 [13 favorites]

I'm curious of there is a real request behind the jokey framing here and, if so, what it is. It's cool if this is just a joke MeTa with no serious point underlying it, no problem on my end if so, I just can't honestly tell.
posted by Anticipation Of A New Lover's Arrival, The at 7:36 PM on May 7, 2016

posted by carsonb at 7:37 PM on May 7, 2016 [6 favorites]

I love both this suggestion and the unequivocal response.

Unequivocal is one of those words. I mean, this post exists right? Made it through the mod queue, presumably approved by the frist psot rocker here, who promptly shot it down like Trump in Times Square.

Here we are, this place. If you squint, it could be Orange. Beware ye who read on: therein lies the Trump.
posted by carsonb at 7:40 PM on May 7, 2016

What if the Orange held ALL of the Trump related content from across the internet?
posted by charred husk at 8:10 PM on May 7, 2016

what if nothing rhymed with trump
posted by mintcake! at 8:11 PM on May 7, 2016 [4 favorites]

I love the idea of an orange background, I must say. We just need to find a good juice for it.
posted by uosuaq at 8:11 PM on May 7, 2016

Anticipation, there are no jokes anymore. We're through the looking glass here, people!
posted by rikschell at 8:37 PM on May 7, 2016 [1 favorite]

Eyebrows Mcgee has the best words.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 8:40 PM on May 7, 2016 [7 favorites]

I'd actually been thinking about how to ask the broader internet this same question: can't we just mute Trump until such time that anything what comes out of his butthole lips becomes truly relevant? ( which is hopefully never)...
However, I reasoned that Metafilter is not the problem here, it's every other click driven news site that makes the Trump amplification effect work. All we can do here is ignore, deaden the echo effect and make reasonable and civil conversation about meaningful things in the mean time.
posted by Cold Lurkey at 9:03 PM on May 7, 2016 [2 favorites]

his butthole lips

I have never wanted to click a link less than that one.
posted by zebra at 9:23 PM on May 7, 2016 [25 favorites]

Do you really think people are going to click on a link in the word "butthole" in a sentence about Trump?
posted by bongo_x at 9:24 PM on May 7, 2016 [3 favorites]

Um, I did. And was highly disappointed.
posted by Bella Donna at 9:59 PM on May 7, 2016 [2 favorites]

In addition to FIAMO, I'd like to add SIAMO (skip it and move on.)

There are something like 20-30 metafilter posts a day. If you include the linked pages, I'm pretty sure there is more content each day than anyone can read, unless they spend all of their time here and maybe not even then.

I don't care about most posts about art. There's nothing wrong with it, it just doesn't excite my interest. I know lots of people do like art and like to make posts and comments about it. Good for them. It's a huge subject and I'm sure there's lots to discuss. When I see an art post, I just skip it and read one of the 19-29 other posts I still can't keep up with.

I really like reading and discussing hardball politics. Apparently, lots of other people here do too. Metafilter posts and comments give me an incredible source of links, opinions and information. If you don't want to read about politics, which is perfectly understandable especially with this crazy election, skip it and read one of the 19-29 other posts.

If you run out of Metafilter and links to read, try going outside and getting some sunlight before you die of Vitamin D deficiency.
posted by double block and bleed at 10:02 PM on May 7, 2016 [10 favorites]

This happens every four years. There's not really anything you can do except keep your head down and live through it.
posted by Chocolate Pickle at 10:17 PM on May 7, 2016 [4 favorites]

I have a taco bowl.
posted by mudpuppie at 10:24 PM on May 7, 2016 [2 favorites]

can we hid Trump inside a needle, and the needle in an egg, and the egg in a duck, and the duck in a rabbit, and the rabbit in an iron chest, and then bury the chest under an oak tree on a remote magical island in the middle of the ocean

and then nuke the island from the sky
posted by Anonymous at 10:57 PM on May 7, 2016

double block and bleed: > It's a huge subject

I see what you did there.

> If you don't want to read about politics

I do, sometimes. But mostly about those of the one country that's directly relevant to me.
posted by Too-Ticky at 11:04 PM on May 7, 2016

Too-Ticky: "I see what you did there."

That wasn't on purpose. I guess the guy is getting into my head.
posted by double block and bleed at 11:31 PM on May 7, 2016 [1 favorite]

Today I was thinking that Trump and the Doritos company would have to battle, because Trump is that shade of orange, and if elected there would be more of that orange, and Doritos would worry about their trademark.
posted by solarion at 1:26 AM on May 8, 2016 [6 favorites]

This happens every four years. There's not really anything you can do except keep your head down and live through it.

Trump had better not happen every four years oh my god
posted by lollusc at 1:55 AM on May 8, 2016 [21 favorites]

What double block and bleed says, above.

Hasn't this been covered in several recent/previous MetaTalk threads? Ensure that posts are tagged correctly then use MyMeFi - or just straight ignore those posts which have the tags, or are obviously about Trump.

And speaking of those posts ...

There are something like 20-30 metafilter posts a day.

... and since the first primary/caucus on February 1st, 14 weeks ago, there has been just eleven US election threads. There have been several times more obituary posts (41 with that tag in the same timeframe), and many many times more depressing personal/social injustice / people are crappy to each other and the world is crap threads (too many to count). Though oddly, the number of posts about cats (another topic which is sometimes perceived to be "swamping" MetaFilter) is at about the same insignificant level as US election threads.

Just ... avoid the less than one per week thread on things US election which many MeFites are happy to do their thing in, and focus on those things that do take your interest? Or:

If you run out of Metafilter and links to read, try going outside and getting some sunlight before you die of Vitamin D deficiency.

Oh! And another positive distraction - THIS WEEK IS EUROVISION WEEK. The semi-finals are tuesday and thursday, and the grand final is on saturday. And for US MeFites, you can either view online or it's apparently going to be on a TV channel there for the first time and your secret deal means you are again covertly represented under the name of "The Netherlands".

Starts to think of drafting a post in the intersection of Trump and cats
posted by Wordshore at 1:58 AM on May 8, 2016 [9 favorites]

I bet Donald Trump will have interesting things to say about Eurovision
posted by Elementary Penguin at 4:39 AM on May 8, 2016 [1 favorite]

Only 183 days, 19 hours, 55 minutes, and 40 seconds to election day.
posted by Justinian at 5:04 AM on May 8, 2016 [5 favorites]

This happens every four years. There's not really anything you can do except keep your head down and live through it.

But why does it feel like the latest election cycle has been going on for sixteen years with this Bushbamarump guy?
posted by Foci for Analysis at 5:28 AM on May 8, 2016

Only 183 days, 19 hours, 55 minutes, and 40 seconds to election day.

True. Though other elections are available.
posted by Wordshore at 5:35 AM on May 8, 2016

Though other elections are available

Like the Australian federal election. Which was called today and will be over with on 2 July (unless they lose the ballot papers again). BTW the first link goes to Antony Green's blog - his knowledge and nerdiness on all things voting is one of the best things about an election.
posted by pianissimo at 6:13 AM on May 8, 2016

I would welcome FPPs about other nations' elections. I can sympathize that it's irritating to hear about the US one all the time, but a great way to diversify the topic, while enlightening those of us that don't run across too much international news in a given day, would be to FPP more about it!
posted by Miko at 6:21 AM on May 8, 2016 [9 favorites]

It happens every four years and lasts for four years.
posted by Celsius1414 at 7:41 AM on May 8, 2016 [12 favorites]

I would welcome FPPs about other nations' elections. I can sympathize that it's irritating to hear about the US one all the time, but a great way to diversify the topic, while enlightening those of us that don't run across too much international news in a given day, would be to FPP more about it!

Canada recently elected a new Prime Minister and I can recall a few different election threads in the lead up to his win. So it's not really that out of the ordinary for these threads to creep into the blue. That being said. I agree with everyone up above. It's fairly easy to block or hide threads that you dislike from your feed.

Also, as a member who posts on a fairly frequent basis, I would say that if you dislike the types of posts that are on the blue, find something of your own to share. There's a big wide world of web out there and so much amazing content. I tend to favour literary and news-ish type posts as those are the things that interest me most. MetaFilter only gets better when people share and comment on more diverse things from all around the world. Cheers.
posted by Fizz at 7:43 AM on May 8, 2016 [6 favorites]

PSA: FBPurity and the keyword muting function on Tweetdeck have saved my social media streams from Trump-related bullshit. There's also a Chrome extension for Metafilter called Nancy that blocks words (and/or users) in posts and/or comments.
posted by AFABulous at 7:49 AM on May 8, 2016 [3 favorites]

posted by carsonb at 7:37 PM on May 7

Let's all welcome Ben Carson to MetaFilter!
posted by univac at 7:55 AM on May 8, 2016 [22 favorites]

posted by clavdivs at 8:34 AM on May 8, 2016

where the hell are you going to hide if trump gets elected?
posted by pyramid termite at 8:54 AM on May 8, 2016

My secret private island
posted by AFABulous at 9:48 AM on May 8, 2016

This happens every four years. There's not really anything you can do except keep your head down and live through it.

I still think we need a "Buy the Mods a Beer" button, especially during election season.
posted by Jacqueline at 10:03 AM on May 8, 2016 [8 favorites]

and then nuke the island from the sky

what if we turn him into a flea, a harmless little flea, and then put that flea in a box, and then put that box inside of another box, and then we mail that box to ourselves! and when it arrives wE SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER
posted by poffin boffin at 10:41 AM on May 8, 2016 [10 favorites]

I mean, we're going to need more international friends if T. Rump gets elected. Someone's gotta sponsor our immigration documents.
posted by Miko at 10:59 AM on May 8, 2016

I endorse this idea so long as we can also corral Boris Johnson posts there (which I say as an erstwhile fan of HIGNFY!Boris).
posted by comealongpole at 11:53 AM on May 8, 2016

Make it classy, #D4AF37 font on #D4AF37 background. So classy.
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 12:25 PM on May 8, 2016

We already have FanFare, we need no Trump subsite. Later on we might perhaps discuss sad_trombone.metafilter.com (last sunset ever background colors).
posted by Namlit at 1:28 PM on May 8, 2016

As someone disinterested in the elections, let me say: It's really not hard to avoid Trump content - on Metafilter and elsewhere on the internet. It's super easy. I mean, sure, there are articles and headlines beckoning everywhere, but that's it. No need to click and read. I don't understand the issue?
posted by Omnomnom at 1:50 PM on May 8, 2016 [5 favorites]

Trump had better not happen every four years oh my god
Well, it seems logical that he'll run for re-election in 2020 ...
posted by dg at 4:15 PM on May 8, 2016

I mean, we're going to need more international friends if T. Rump gets elected. Someone's gotta sponsor our immigration documents.

I've talked to a few Canadians. They're building a wall, too.
posted by jonmc at 4:44 PM on May 8, 2016 [1 favorite]

The catch with diversifying the election thread pool with other nation's elections is that many other nations have a sane election process that doesn't take over a year, unlike the US. A couple of months worth of potential for election threads is all you'll get out of Australia.

But I'm not against having US election threads on metafilter. They're easy enough to not read.
posted by dazed_one at 5:36 PM on May 8, 2016


taz Eyebrows said "I don't know ask taz" so can we can we can we
posted by obiwanwasabi at 11:55 PM on May 8, 2016 [10 favorites]

I don't know ask LM
posted by taz (staff) at 2:52 AM on May 9, 2016 [14 favorites]

LM taz said we can have a Trump site!
posted by billiebee at 3:57 AM on May 9, 2016 [9 favorites]

schroedinger: "can we hid Trump inside a needle, and the needle in an egg, and the egg in a duck, and the duck in a rabbit, and the rabbit in an iron chest, and then bury the chest under an oak tree on a remote magical island in the middle of the ocean

and then nuke the island from the sky

Eponysterical. I mean, we'll never be sure.
posted by chavenet at 4:45 AM on May 9, 2016 [1 favorite]

I can definitely get behind a community-driven push for more election news from countries that are not the US. Iceland has a presidential race right now, for example, and it's getting pretty farcical.

Can't recommend Eurovision this year, though. The cheesiness was bearable enough to be entertaining for a while but the past few years have just been appalling, and now that Eurovision organizers have banned the display of the Palestinian flag (amongst others, such as the Welsh and the Sami flag), I think I've tuned out for good.
posted by Aya Hirano on the Astral Plane at 5:54 AM on May 9, 2016 [1 favorite]

The Welsh and Sami flag are both allowed to be displayed in Eurovision.
posted by Wordshore at 7:03 AM on May 9, 2016

what if we turn him into a flea, a harmless little flea, and then put that flea in a box, and then put that box inside of another box, and then we mail that box to ourselves! and when it arrives wE SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER

i have a keen idea to save on postage
posted by beerperson at 7:07 AM on May 9, 2016 [7 favorites]

The Welsh and Sami flag are both allowed to be displayed in Eurovision.

Rather, they are both now allowed to be displayed. Eurovision apparently reversed their decision where that goes, though Palestine's may still be banned.
posted by Aya Hirano on the Astral Plane at 8:50 AM on May 9, 2016

>LM taz said we can have a Trump site!

Stump tyke? is that like a baby ent?

Sure, I guess. Hop in the car, we'll go down to the convenience store and see what they have. Maybe get candy bars, too, if you don't tell taz.
posted by LobsterMitten (staff) at 10:07 AM on May 9, 2016 [6 favorites]

MetaFilter: don't tell taz
posted by Johnny Wallflower at 10:59 AM on May 9, 2016 [5 favorites]

It's okay if you have an Orange Page here; or somewhere. I won't click on it, though. Make sure the password is strong, beyond the possibility of cat-on-keyboard decryption, because I can't bear the thought of....

I laughed when he walked down those stairs and said yeah I'm gonna run for president--really, that was the best joke of the season; it was funny on so many levels, irony embedded in irony, wrapped in hubris, served with a generous sprinkling of bitter comeuppens for likes of Mitch McConnell and John Boehner. Trump as a bizzarro mirror, so to speak. A few months later I stopped laughing because one of the other guitar players in my group said, yeah, I heard Trump speak last night, and he made a lot of sense. Time passed; all the newsies seem to come from the Second City crew. Donald, Donald Donald. It's like the tide keeps coming in, coming in, coming in. My ears are unreliable. I may be dreaming. I can't stop tapping my feet. Something is sideways; this can't be the version of reality I signed up for.

Trump has done every wrong thing a candidate can do. Against all reason he is the presumptive Rebublican candidate. I'm afraid to laugh anymore. I may never laugh again. Being the presumptive candidate, he's about to be read into all that T/S government international interaction stuff. The worst door in my nightmare leads to his stubby little fingers gripping the football and somebody like Palin counting his heartbeats.

I'm a bug in amber. I'll sleep now, but I won't dream. Please don't wake me unless you have some good news.
posted by mule98J at 11:32 AM on May 9, 2016 [5 favorites]

For what it's worth, every single comment on the popular favourites page is currently about Donald Trump, apart from a handful about Hilary Clinton. I can't remember that ever being the case before.
posted by Busy Old Fool at 8:54 AM on May 10, 2016

mule98J, of course, there's the conspiracy theory that he's a shill for Hilary Clinton...
posted by patheral at 5:02 PM on May 10, 2016

That wasn't on purpose. I guess the guy is getting into my head.

posted by Slarty Bartfast at 2:55 AM on May 11, 2016 [1 favorite]

Possibly related, in a recent issue of the New Yorker every single cartoon had a Trump theme. I can't figure out if it's hilariously subversive or if they just said "jeez, all our artists are just sending us trump cartoons. Let's stick them all in a single issue and be done with it."
posted by Miko at 7:18 AM on May 11, 2016

If I limit tags, I'm afraid I won't be able to read those interesting bathroom related posts that have been tagged with butthole, asswipe and doo doo head!
posted by BlueHorse at 5:01 PM on May 11, 2016

Metafilter is more interested in Trump than any other candidate. Check out the top tags related to election2016.

It was the same thing with Palin and Bush.

Good parenting skills sometimes involve ignoring unwanted behavior.
posted by aniola at 10:28 PM on May 20, 2016

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