Fucking Fucks Thread: Election Edition October 22, 2020 7:24 AM   Subscribe

I have no fucking mouth but I must scream. FUUUUUCK

[ALL vents -- not just election-specific vents -- are welcome]
posted by rue72 to MetaFilter-Related at 7:24 AM (136 comments total) 8 users marked this as a favorite

posted by MiraK at 7:33 AM on October 22, 2020 [13 favorites]

AOC should primary THE SHIT out of Schumer and take his seat. FUCK THIS GUY.
posted by computech_apolloniajames at 7:57 AM on October 22, 2020 [14 favorites]

I am stressing out and needed this thread...and figured I couldn't be the only one.

What if Trump wins the election? What if he refuses to admit that he didn't, and there's no way to stop him? What is he going to do if he does lose -- during that lame duck period? What is the rest of the year going to look like? Would he do something crazy (of course he would) -- what will it be?!!!

Fuck Barrett and FUCK everyone who is voting to confirm her. FUCK THEM FOREVER they are horrible people, the scum of the earth. I wish they would all get their comeuppance. That's all I ask, not anything more than they deserve for all the pain and suffering and just BULLSHIT they've foisted on the rest of us. Namely on women.

I am going to be a poll worker on Election Day, which I am very proud of, but what if I am an asymptomatic Covid carrier while I'm doing it and get a ton of other people sick? What a Covid-positive voter comes in and gets me sick and then I spread it to my (elderly) parents?

I don't go into my parents' house because they're high risk for Covid and my boss won't let us work from home and frankly, because of having to go into a full office every day and everything that comes from that (like errands I have to run, dog walkers who have to come inside, etc), my life looks 90% the same as it did before Covid in terms of risky behavior. Which is ridiculous but that's a whole other story. Now it's going to start getting colder and I don't know how I'll be able to see them. I asked if I could buy a patio heater to keep their porch warm enough to eat dinner on (especially for Thanksgiving), but they said no. So now I don't know what to do for Thanksgiving. And my boyfriend said that maybe I could come to his parents' house for it, but they're even higher risk than my parents! And I'm torn because of course I would love to go, and I would love to meet them, but what if I kill them?!!

I'm also stuck in a job that is boring and underpaid and sometimes puts ridiculous demands on me (but is also stable and familiar, it's not all bad). The only way that I can get out and make a salary that would allow me to live sustainably and not do the most boring and unappreciated paper-pushing on the planet is to take professional exams that are EXTREMELY difficult. As in, the pass rate is below 50% difficult. And I took my first exam and I failed by a HAIR. By 3 fucking points (out of 100). And it crushed me. I knew it was possible, even likely, but still..when it happened, I acted like everything was OK but it wasn't. I was devastated. I AM devastated. The advice from everyone else who has taken or is taking these exams is to get right back on the horse, especially with that kind of score. I'm close enough that the issue is probably more about luck and the need to do more/better cramming than that I actually don't know the material. So I SHOULD get back on the horse. But I'm having so much trouble studying. And it just popped my confidence balloon, you know? And I want to be DONE with these exams for fuck's sake, they're holding me back and they're taking forever and I just don't know if I can ever actually pass them. And how come other people manage to have nice lives without putting themselves through this gauntlet?

And I'm also applying to law school. Which is going better than I would have expected but is also so much time-sensitive work on top of everything. I need to just get my fucking applications IN, as soon as fucking possible, but between everything else that's been going on, they've gotten short shrift. FUUUUUUCK.

So I'm worried about the election and covid and killing people and will I ever meet my boyfriend's parents and SHOULD I meet them and where am I going to spend the holidays and will they be unbearably lonely and how am I going to get my applications in and how am I going to pass these fucking impossible exams and how am I ever going to make enough money to survive and do anything that I want to do (like pay rent properly?!) if I can't ever get a better job because the economy is in the absolute shitter and I can't get qualifications for the life of me?! And also I want to have a baby. Like seriously now, although I am willing to wait until maybe 6 months or a year from now because this is seriously some overwhelming shit. And meanwhile I haven't seen my friends in months and months, and more importantly, I haven't seen my grandma since maybe February and I might never see her again because she's 94 with dementia and I feel so guilty and sad about that, too.

I just really had to get all that out. And I thought it would make me feel better but...it doesn't, really. It just makes me feel more overwhelmed. Usually when I feel like this, I make a plan. I make a list of all the things that matter, in the order of priority and urgency, and make a plan for how to hit all the marks that I need to hit. But this feels more like a spiderweb, with everything difficult and awful happening all at the same time and all the good stuff tantalizingly out of reach and not quite in my control. Sob.
posted by rue72 at 8:03 AM on October 22, 2020 [14 favorites]

Fuck everyone in the Trump administration; may they never find work again, and may the finger of contempt forever point at them.

Likewise, fuck the entire Republican senate delegation for bringing about the abominable and sadly seeming inevitable confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett. Seriously, fuck them.

And everyone not wearing masks who are keeping the rest of us corralled indoors away from our friends and families - fuck you forever and ever amen.
posted by sencha at 8:04 AM on October 22, 2020 [13 favorites]

The whole supreme court …. shitfest is my biggest stressor and trigger right now, as someone who was assaulted and had to have an abortion (and then almost couldn't get one).

Also Pelosi is pissing me off with this whole stimulus shit. Too many of my friends are unemployed and needing assistance and not getting it.

But in better news, Lindsay Graham might be kicked the fuck out so I love that
posted by FirstMateKate at 8:26 AM on October 22, 2020 [5 favorites]

Will there be a new election post on the blue prior to tonight's debate?
posted by Clustercuss at 8:47 AM on October 22, 2020

FUCK the hypocrites who wouldn't even give Obama's nominee a fucking interview during an election year but are fine with confirming Barrett.

FUCK the hypocrites who enjoy their healthcare while trying hard to take away mine.

FUCK the hypocrites who push "law and order" while encouraging white supremacist terrorism, cheating on their taxes, and bending every law they can for their own advantage.

FUCK the hypocrites who put other peoples' lives in danger in the name of their own "rights".

FUCK the republicans who gave up their seats rather than go against their party when it might have done some good.

FUCK everyone who votes for trump+company knowing full well how corrupt they are.

Fuck them all. I hope there's a special place in hell for them.
posted by still_wears_a_hat at 8:55 AM on October 22, 2020 [41 favorites]

I'm just going to continue to scream FUUUUCK - WHAT THE FUCK IS UTAH DOING? - 1543 new cases today (state website says 1613 - either way I believe a new record high). Record high 1289 cases per day (7 day rolling average) ICU's filling up. Hospitalizations way up. Case counts map across the state going red almost everywhere.

Per SLTrib. State epidemiologist Dr. Angela Dunn expressed her exasperation. “I don’t know what to do any more,” she said. “I’m not trying to scare you. I’m just trying to let you know what’s going on.”. Meanwhile, Governor Gary "Most likely to be mistook for a walking potato" Herbert continues to simply mouth that it's "unacceptable" and then do fuck all and just accept it. A family friend who is an Dr at Uni of Utah medical says staff are dropping like flies.

Oh and ski season only a month and a bit away......so sure that won't bring 10's of thousands of asymptomatic but still contagious cases to SLC / small mountain towns at all.......oh its just a cough due to the cold.

Totally fucking cool and normal. Good luck to everyone ............
posted by inflatablekiwi at 10:12 AM on October 22, 2020 [6 favorites]

I know that calling Senators and protesting won't stop Barrett, but Do It Anyway. I'm so tired of Dems shrugging while horrible shit happens.
Biden is only okay, but only okay is vastly better than the wretched scum in office, and the enablers who have supported him. My existential dread mounts every day before the election, with no promise of relief on 11/3.
Covid gives a whole new flavor to Winter Is Coming. I am as prepared as I can be which is to say not much, because winter's always difficult, and adding isolation is miserable to contemplate, so I try not to.

I don't recommend serious drinking or alcoholism; I've felt it in action, but that wine or bourbon at bedtime, well, let's just say I would rather not do without it.
posted by theora55 at 10:35 AM on October 22, 2020 [2 favorites]

Oh and I just realized that was an election edition fuck thread not a general vent. So I'll add to my message above....and fuck all the red state politicians current and on-the ballot responsible for the ongoing Utah catastro-fuck I highlighted above. Vote like your vote actually counts...even if you damn well know it doesn't in Utah.
posted by inflatablekiwi at 10:47 AM on October 22, 2020 [1 favorite]

The house across the street from us has taken to playing Trump speeches, train noises, and just some dude saying TRUMP 2020 at full blast until 1:30am. This morning they did a bugle call followed by more Trump speeches. Yesterday, they may have tried one of those mosquito tones, but we can't be sure. They are no doubt emboldened by our neighbor, a state cop, who has a 'Make the Liberals Cry Again' Trump flag in their window.

As a dude with a lifesized Bigfoot cut out on his house, I'm all for people decorating their house as they see fit. If they want to show the world they're an ass, who am I to stop them? But when it comes to harassing the neighborhood, they can eat a big bowl of rich creamy fucks.
posted by robocop is bleeding at 11:04 AM on October 22, 2020 [19 favorites]

Oh and I just realized that was an election edition fuck thread not a general vent

I actually didn't mean it that way! I meant it to be a place for general venting, I just couldn't come up with a clever title and couldn't remember which number Fucking Fuck thread we're on now.

Sorry to be confusing! All vents welcome!!!
posted by rue72 at 11:44 AM on October 22, 2020 [2 favorites]

I work the polls. I serve in an elected office (justice of the peace, but still, it counts!). I am the treasurer for someone running for state rep in a close race. I am running for my position again this year. I am living alone during a pandemic with a needy 97 year old landlady (who is, honestly, mostly fine). I AM DOING GODDAMNED ENOUGH AND PLEASE, INTERNET RANDOS (not you MeFi, you are mostly fine), STOP ASKING ME TO DO A LOT MORE AS IF THAT'S NOT A BIG FUCKING ASK RIGHT NOW.

I get that it's a big deal. I have been involved since the beginning. I am doing enough.
posted by jessamyn (retired) at 12:13 PM on October 22, 2020 [33 favorites]

ugh. I have personally been doing about as well as could be hoped for through this horrible year, except for the constant intense nightmares and anxiety dreams. but this week is the first time I am noticing my body respond to the shorter days. (I'm in the Bay Area so it still feels like summer, but the days are shorter and its dark when I wake up.) this morning I felt a first glimmer of dread about the coming winter. I'm lucky to live in a place with very mild winters but it will still be darker and the days shorter.

but but...thats not the issue. I'm terrified about the coming months. terrified that drumpy will win or manage to steal the election but also terrified if he loses. there seems to be so much potential for things to get reallllly bad and all the same time COVID19!!!! stay home, don't die, wear a mask, never hug anyone again.

and my job security is in question right now, a little bit, which really doesn't help either. do not want!
posted by supermedusa at 12:20 PM on October 22, 2020 [2 favorites]

I feel I am going mad with stress and fear and worry and have no hope of that ending after Nov. 3 or Jan. 21. I expect events will do nothing except exacerbate it indefinitely.

Work this year has consisted of applying band-aids to a economic bleed-out, and we have now run out of band-aids. I no longer feel even okay about what I do, and am hitting a Despair Wall.

Anyway, fuck robocop is bleeding's neighbors. Fuck the police, fuck the fascists, fuck the foot-dragging centrists who mistake inaction for wisdom. Fuck the ponces more concerned with purity than engagement. Glasgow kisses for all them.

In Minecraft.
posted by Lonnrot at 12:20 PM on October 22, 2020 [6 favorites]

Fuck every single person who responds to a text message from a political volunteer with a string of violent/sexual/creepy abuse. Texts from strangers can be annoying! I get it. But to offer to rape me and follow it up with Trump gifs?!?!?!?!?!? God I hate every last one of these edgelord troglodytes and their insane orange mascot.
posted by minervous at 12:38 PM on October 22, 2020 [8 favorites]

Someone scheduled a medium-sized work thing for November 4th and I'm just like.... scheduling wise it was really the best option and yet still. Yikes. I am glad I'm not the project lead, because like fuck, how is the lead gonna deal with piddly last minute details on November fucking third?
posted by nakedmolerats at 12:40 PM on October 22, 2020 [3 favorites]

Solidarity, nakedmolerats. Our dumb Zoom bootcamp is scheduled for end of October, beginning of November. We all have to spend hours putting together powerpoint slogs with which to torture our fellow sufferers at a time when nobody in the country should be doing anything but voting, helping people vote, or cowering in a corner covered in quilts and crying while gripping comfort items and ingesting comfort substances.
posted by Don Pepino at 12:48 PM on October 22, 2020 [7 favorites]

Fuck every single person who responds to a text message from a political volunteer with a string of violent/sexual/creepy abuse.

Ugh - sorry that's happening minervous - that sucks. I get a lot of the texts, and I always try and respond (to the Dems anyway) and apologize that as only a perm resident I can't vote, and my thick NZ accent isn't going to help much with phone calls to battle ground states...but out of guilt I'll go ahead and increase my (now weekly) contribution to the cause. Apparently all the Dems need to do to get more money out of me is send texts from Bob/Toni/Amy/whoever and say "Hey can you help Joe and Kamala a little today?" and up the donation goes.... Honestly the state of me at this point....I've become a pretty good mark.
posted by inflatablekiwi at 12:57 PM on October 22, 2020 [4 favorites]

It's raining here. I wish the sun would come out.
posted by rocketman at 1:55 PM on October 22, 2020 [2 favorites]

GOP ratfuckers in my state put out phony ballot drop boxes and suffered zero consequences.
And Biden's campaign is making noises about having Rethugs in his cabinet if he wins.
Fuck bipartisanship. Tear the toadies out by the roots.
posted by The Ardship of Cambry at 1:59 PM on October 22, 2020 [5 favorites]

Yes the library is closed to browsing. Sure it's safe for YOU to be here for 15 minutes, I have to be here for 8 hours attending to every person who can't seem to keep their mask up. It is secondhand smoke of the virus kind, basically. Learn to use the online catalog or call us on the phone. ("You know, the phone? The thing that y'all look at the whole time so driving isn't so boring?" --Me, a bicycle commuter.)

I don't have leave saved up, I need my job and my health to keep our dog in the lifestyle that he's become accustomed to and I can't believe I'm saying this because it's literally never been true before, I WANT TO LIVE TO BE OLD. It's complicated but I now have a life that I want, SO KEEP YOUR MASK ON and use one of the MANY means of using the library we have devised that do not include breathing on the staff. You know what happens if you breathe on the staff? We get sick, maybe die, and the library closes entirely for an indefinite period, is that what you want?

"It's not that bad"-- complainer. MY MOM ALMOST DIED and she didn't even go outside at all. I WAS IN NYC AND SAW THE MORGUE TRUCKS. A guy I worked with died. IT IS THAT BAD.

I'm not getting started on the political stuff.
posted by blnkfrnk at 3:01 PM on October 22, 2020 [25 favorites]

A proxy fuck. The new property owners have finally finished up installing and putting the auto-close thingy on the front gate. No more Amazon, UPS, FedEx, contactless delivery. There's a locked gate now. They also put up a mailbox looking thing (with the flag) that I think they intend to be a rent dropbox, but people are using it as an outgoing mailbox, the postal carrier does not have a key for it (I hope they have a key for the gate because the mailboxes are behind the gate). I'm gonna sit back an wait, the new tenants with long leases will have to fend for themselves. I'll be evicted as soon as corona is over because that was their plan when they bought the place, evict everybody, remodel, get new tenants with higher rents. C'est la vie. Fuckers.
posted by zengargoyle at 4:30 PM on October 22, 2020 [2 favorites]

I appreciate your kind words, inflatablekiwi. And I ALSO appreciate what an easy mark you are right now. I just ooopsie donated another $20 to my local rep's race on your good example.
posted by minervous at 4:59 PM on October 22, 2020 [3 favorites]

Is this the place to post about the debate?
posted by davedave at 5:52 PM on October 22, 2020 [2 favorites]

Trump had not been speaking for a full minute before I said "FUCK YOU." Ugh.
posted by johnofjack at 6:07 PM on October 22, 2020 [2 favorites]

Doubt it
posted by Windopaene at 6:07 PM on October 22, 2020

Pissfucking shitpuppets.
posted by The Last Sockpuppet at 6:12 PM on October 22, 2020 [7 favorites]

Debate thread: https://www.metafilter.com/189136/Debate-2-Now-With-Muting
posted by Windopaene at 6:21 PM on October 22, 2020

[the citizens of every other country on the planet open the cockpit door]

I just wanted to tell you good luck. We're all counting on you.
posted by Fiasco da Gama at 6:38 PM on October 22, 2020 [2 favorites]

Yes the library is closed to browsing. Sure it's safe for YOU to be here for 15 minutes, I have to be here for 8 hours attending to every person who can't seem to keep their mask up.

I will clink a glass to that fuck. We even have patrons who live in other towns/counties/states who are mad that we are closed to browsing calling up to yell at us. The same people who called the Governor an idiot and refused to listen to him at the start of the shutdown are are now whining, "But the Governor ssaaaiiidd..." at us.
posted by robocop is bleeding at 6:42 PM on October 22, 2020 [12 favorites]

FUCK the "both sides-ism" bullshit that helped bring us here

FUCK the hypocrites

FUCK the racists and misogynists who shit on the world and still demand that everyone treat them with respect because how dare anyone stoop to their level

FUCK gerrymandering

FUCK the electoral college

posted by NotTheRedBaron at 8:37 PM on October 22, 2020 [10 favorites]

Not sure this rises to the level Fuck!, maybe just Aurrgggg. I signed up to be a Voting Officer for my province's Provincial election this Saturday. It's usually a room full of old ladies so I figured maybe it would help out and calm some of the existential dread induced from the south.

Found out in training this week we won't be paired up at the booths this year because Covid. So now I'm freaking out that it'll go badly where I was counting on having a team mate.
posted by Mitheral at 10:21 PM on October 22, 2020

I just want to skip to the second week of November. I don't want to live through all this. This build-up is so fucking horrible, and I live in a part of the country where people fly confederate flags in the back of their pickups and there are 3%er decals and Gadson flags to be seen regularly. I'm not even in the south, but I'm near the panhandle of Idaho so... there's a history here. I feel like no matter how things turn out it's going to get ugly and I just want my daily life not to be disrupted and I think that's unlikely.

I'm so tired of all this. Fuck fucking fuck. I don't even know how to become numb enough to just tune it all out, but that's what I want to do. Or just sleep for 3 weeks.
posted by hippybear at 11:02 PM on October 22, 2020 [5 favorites]

Also our winter is starting early and we have 3-7" of snow forecast for Friday/Friday night and seriously, I don't need shitty drivers on the road this weekend and that's all that's going to be happening because people fucking forget how to drive on winter roads and so there will be accidents and cars off the road everywhere all afternoon tomorrow and fuck this shit. If the bus didn't take 90 minutes while driving only takes 25 minutes, I'd let someone else drive.
posted by hippybear at 11:05 PM on October 22, 2020 [2 favorites]

A family member tried commiting suicide twice in the past week. Currently in the hospital and doing okay. Everything is a waking nightmare.
posted by erratic meatsack at 12:12 AM on October 23, 2020 [11 favorites]

This week, I nearly lost a friend to heart attack and discovered that one of my brothers has been accused of uploading 1 image of child porn that the police can't find so for 3 years he's been dealing with this crap. I paid much money from my life savings so my daughter to move to a closed border region for a permanent part-time job, and I am still sick sick since 26th december and have spent nearly $2k on a CPAP, and countless dollars on medications while not being able to work. I'm losing my composure - I'm so close to giving up, feeling like my doctors have got it wrong and don't give a shit, oh, and while I still have my casual job, I'm sleeping 15 hours a day and that doesn't leave much time for working. What now? I'm very close to giving up.
posted by b33j at 3:16 AM on October 23, 2020 [6 favorites]

Hey, b33j, this internet stranger is sending you love and support. I see the litany of woes you're suffering, and I feel for you deeply.
posted by minervous at 7:22 AM on October 23, 2020 [5 favorites]

I have burned through my savings since the shutdown in March killed two of my jobs and my essential job meant that I didn't qualify for any unemployment.

I am trying to find something that meshes with the inflexible schedule of caring for a person who is precariously balanced because of her dementia.

The election leaves me despondent because even if Biden does win, the damage will require years to fix.

I need a health issue looked at but cannot afford to do it.

I haven't been able to share this with folks because I know that I have it better than some and feel guilty about complaining. But, damn, it's difficult to have no hope.
posted by mightshould at 8:32 AM on October 23, 2020 [13 favorites]

I just got back from getting a drive-through COVID test (mercifully, a swab-yourself one and not a brain tickler.) Found out yesterday about a possible exposure thanks to a friend's positive diagnosis. I last saw that friend a week ago today, and he got tested on Tuesday and diagnosed yesterday, so there's still time for symptoms to show up, I guess. Ordinarily, I'm one of the most "Of course you can eat this" types with regard to safety, but COVID has me spooked about not knowing I'm infected and unwittingly infecting someone else. My wife and I canceled our weekend plans because I didn't feel comfortable having our neighbor in our home feeding our cat while I'm waiting for test results.

I tapped out of the debate last night after Trump's first sniffle.
posted by emelenjr at 9:58 AM on October 23, 2020 [2 favorites]

My father-in-law died of COVID this afternoon. Fuck everything.
posted by Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish at 12:07 PM on October 23, 2020 [34 favorites]

Dear Kaiser: Fuck your COVID testing bullshit circular logic tree, and fuck whatever beancounters are running that shitshow. Exposed to the virus, but no symptoms? No test for you. Need a negative test to return to work? No test for you. Essential worker worried about being asymptomatic? No test for you. Just come right out and say "The only way we're testing you is if you have symptoms and you work/live in a hospital or group home and even then you need your doctor's referral". But to tell LA County that any Kaiser members must go through Kaiser for testing, and then just deny testing to all but a small percentage is FUCKED UP.
posted by ApathyGirl at 12:55 PM on October 23, 2020 [4 favorites]

Christ - this is just the fucking worst. I can't even begin to comprehend the sorrow and tragedy behind so many of the posts in this thread. Just massive sympathy and hugs for you all.

At a risk of more UtahIsFucked Filter....we just bet yesterday's all time high by over 400 cases today. 1960 cases in one day. Or as I like to put it - one entire NZ caseload for the year...but per day....with 2 million fewer people. Or four times the number of cases this year as Australia has had, with a population only 1/8th the size....

And Mrs Inflatablekiwi has to have surgery in this shitstorm. Vote blue like its the only color you can see....
posted by inflatablekiwi at 1:15 PM on October 23, 2020 [7 favorites]

I’ve been staying away from Twitter to reduce my stress. Took a peek today, and OMG, the horrible voter suppression stories. One grandmother was stopped from voting by armed Trump supporters and left in tears. Another man was repeatedly told he wasn’t registered when he was. He held his ground and eventually voted. I don’t understand how the fuck this is happening. It is terrifying and heartbreaking. To quote The Onion 9/11 headline, holy fucking shit.
posted by FencingGal at 3:51 PM on October 23, 2020 [3 favorites]

Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish, b33j: I'm so sorry.

My cousin had a stroke a few days ago. He was in the ICU earlier this year from COVID and barely pulled through. 51 with a lot of pre-existing conditions. Fuck everyone minimising this or saying it only hurts the old or the already sick, like those people don't matter. [We're not super close, but still].
posted by Pink Frost at 6:11 PM on October 23, 2020 [4 favorites]

I wouldn’t say I was optimistic before about the trajectory of our pandemic, but things in my deathwish of a state are really bad now, and it feels like the people who know better are resigned to wintering in the Fuckits. I feel guilty for the small amount of always-outdoor contact I still have, and despair about the six months to come.
posted by eirias at 2:47 PM on October 24, 2020 [2 favorites]

Does losing your parents to Tucker Carlson count as a fucking fuck? Any other daughters who grew up with mean boomer dads around? Are you also weirdly reliving adolescence on a certain puberty during the AIDS crisis/satanic panic/working women/explicit lyrics/abstinence only deja vu when all the men in charge whether church, school, family are just old misogynistic assholes and you just had to take it?
posted by fluttering hellfire at 6:25 PM on October 24, 2020 [10 favorites]

As we head into a northern hemisphere winter of extended lockdown, I fear the mental health consequences all around. I am fortunate to live with my own little nuclear family, but apart from my wife and the occasional high-five with the daughter, I haven’t touched another human being in eight months. I have friends and family who live alone and I worry about the effects of this isolation on them.

Comments on online boards (outside of the present company) are remarkably polarized and fighty. The only social media I have ever been a member of for more than a week is Facebook, and my vague fondness for it a decade ago as a way to maintain some contact with those far away has long evaporated. FB has “community standards” which go essentially unused: in the last year I have reported maybe twenty clear and obvious red flags. The moderation agreed with me once that it was uncool to refer to Black folks as “n_____” but turns out that recommending murder of homeless people, positing genocide as foreign policy, making unsubtle rape threats? All fine. Ugh.

And a good friend of mine — the merriest of men, always upbeat and full of enthusiasm, owner of a thriving* small business that has livened up the neighbourhood, and some fifteen years my junior — died of cancer this week, leaving behind a grieving widow and an anxious dog who does not know where his human is.

And the election is worst of all.

*Pre-pandemic. Dunno about these days.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 7:33 PM on October 24, 2020 [6 favorites]

Our cat Leopold unexpectedly and rapidly declined in health over the past two weeks. We put him to sleep tonight. Because of the pandemic we could not be present for his final moments but were only allowed a few seconds at the side door of the emergency clinic.

God. Fucking. Damnit.
posted by jedicus at 8:54 PM on October 24, 2020 [23 favorites]

After all the early panic, which was supposedly debunked, I’m seriously wondering if I had it in January. I mean, I live in Japan, I was frequently in areas with lots of tourists from China and elsewhere, I was flat on my back for a week. But then the slew of articles came out (focused on the states) saying that whatever people had in December/January wasn’t that...

But looking back, I had moments in April where I had little to no stamina, where I used to have no problems, and all year, I’ve been forgetting things, having serious issues with focusing, with frustration, and I was just putting it down to being in my mid forties, and fuck. I mean, from what I’ve heard, antibodies wouldn’t show up ten months later, so I guess I’ll never know if my slow physical and mental decline is just who I am now, or if this might be from Covid. Fuck.
posted by Ghidorah at 10:48 PM on October 24, 2020 [8 favorites]

Our little community does one thing right, every time: early voting. I went at 8:45 am, shortly after they opened on a SUNDAY morning, thanked everybody for being there, and voted almost by myself. I say almost, because a lady came in shortly after I arrived, wearing a yoga outfit, no makeup, tousled hair and expensive jewelry. I immediately thought that she arrived just in time to cancel my vote - she also gave me a side-eye like she certainly intended to do so. I almost got offended, and then I realized what I represent visually - prior military, crewcut, 62, white male in a polo shirt and dockers shorts and white mall walkers, and that she probably thought I was voting Republican. I took a minute and readjusted my attitude, and decided that we were on the same team in my brain.
I had studied the ballot before hand, so I was able to navigate 27 or so items pretty decisively.

The counters on the machines usually indicate about 300-350 early voters on the Sunday before (Friday is the last day for early voting), but I was delighted to see that the total on one was 1158 and the other was 1177, a non-scientific triple score over the usual in my mind. I fed in my ballot, discarded my ballot cover, and walked out with my voting pen, given in lieu of the usual "I Voted" sticker they generally issue. I was all set to smugly strut out of there with my superior citizen chin held high, but I swear I had a dizzy spell and a sudden sense of vertigo walking down the exit hallway, and I had to stop and breathe for a minute. I had just voted in what might be THE most important election of my life, and that one vote was all in the world that I could do about it.

I rode the bike over to the local grocery store and did Stepford Wife shopping therapy for half an hour just to try to unfocus on that revelation. Five hours later, I'm still feeling shaky about it. Anyway, I did my part. Be sure to go do yours when the time comes. Our lives depend on it.
posted by halfbuckaroo at 12:27 PM on October 25, 2020 [8 favorites]

Oh jedicus, my heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry.
posted by daybeforetheday at 1:01 PM on October 25, 2020 [4 favorites]

Damn, jedicus, that is awful, and I’m so sorry.
posted by eirias at 7:06 PM on October 25, 2020 [3 favorites]

Spouse and I received an annual link (seriously, every four damn years) to a "Vote Pro-Life" sermon from spouse's parents that somehow managed to slip through my filters. I raged. Spouse raged. Neither parent even had the basic courtesy to use BCC, so now a whole bunch of total strangers and in-laws have my email address if they feel so inclined to dig. And some of them are individuals who don't have my email address for very good reasons.

I've deactivated social media A and I'm working on media B and C right now. I just can't any longer. Everything I read gives me such horrible anxiety.

Jedicus, so sorry for the loss of your kitty.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 7:07 AM on October 26, 2020 [2 favorites]

I despise my supervisor . She takes her own shit out on me and I CANNOT stop her. I have confronted her, it stops her for the absolute minimum of time until she think she has leverage within the office again and then...yet more shittiness.

I have stress dreams (aka nightmares) about her all the time, including last night. I can't realistically start looking for work for three more months and it's eating me alive.

I'm trying to be responsible by staying in the job, keeping my eyes on the prize... but I was told literally years ago (two years ago) by my therapist to get out no matter what, that this job is toxic for my whole life...and I think she was right.

Trying to keep it together, to not take this bullshit seriously or let it get to me...but it is hard. Very hard.
posted by rue72 at 7:23 AM on October 26, 2020 [2 favorites]

Fluttering Hellfire, I, too, have an asshole boomer dad, though my peak anger toward him occurred during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and my mom’s cancer treatment. One of the only positive things about COVID lockdown life is that I don’t have to spend time with him, but I worry about him dragging down my mom now that she’s more socially-isolated now.

I would like to add a fucking fuck from all the parents out there dealing with distance learning, shitty and unsafe hybrid school schedules, and those forced to send their kids to unsafe in-person schools this year. And an additional fucking fuck on behalf of the kids who are struggling during this fucked up year. Every time I hear my male colleagues and the big bosses state that working from home has made them more productive than ever, I want to shout a gigantic FUCK YOU, PATRIARCHY on behalf of all the working parents and women no longer working because of this bullshit where the old men in charge wanted their rich friends to make money at the expense of the rest of society.
posted by Maarika at 10:51 AM on October 26, 2020 [7 favorites]

And an additional fucking fuck on behalf of the kids who are struggling during this fucked up year.

I realized today that one of the reasons why so many of my kid's assignments are getting turned in late is because the due dates are set to Saturday or Sunday evening, thus slipping through the cracks since his brain is processing that as "next Monday/week". So. Many. Tears. So. Frustrated.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 11:33 AM on October 26, 2020 [1 favorite]

I doubt yelling into the void is of any help but, just in case, here’s my heartfelt fucking fuck to 2020, the worst year in my life. I have lost my wife and best friend, my marriage, my kids, my family and most likely my house. I had emergency surgery on my spinal column with a 50/50 chance of paraplegia. I spent months in the hospital for both recovery from surgery and depression but could not have any visitors due to covid. I was not able to hug or even touch my 3 and 6 year old daughters for 6 months. I was allowed to wave at them through a fence. My stay also included ECT treatments and meds that left me shaking like someone with Parkinson’s. I lost about 100-lbs throughout this ordeal but certainly not in any healthy way. For the first time as an adult I have less than zero in my bank account but I have no other money to cover the overdraft. I have been told that my job is still there to return to but my industry is being totally reshaped by covid and it will be impossible to make up the financial losses without mass layoffs. And just for shits and giggles I blacked out and fell face first onto the bathroom floor and split my nose and forehead wide open on the ceramic tile. Fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fuck.
posted by pixlboi at 2:08 PM on October 26, 2020 [20 favorites]

I'm so sorry, pixlboi. That is truly awful.
posted by jedicus at 3:57 PM on October 26, 2020

Here's a safety tip for you: when you're smashing scorpions with a hammer, be sure to wear eye protection.

Ask me how I know!
posted by MrVisible at 10:14 PM on October 26, 2020 [8 favorites]

Here's a safety tip for you: when you're smashing scorpions with a hammer, be sure to wear eye protection.

Ask me how I know!
posted by MrVisible

posted by Ghidorah at 3:15 AM on October 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

Fucking fuck, what happened to that memo circulating right after the nomination of all the procedural stalls the Dems could pull
posted by ckape at 6:22 AM on October 27, 2020

On the night of November 9th, 2016 I said to my wife "The U.S. just died," and nothing that has happened in the interim has dissuaded me from this belief.
posted by The Card Cheat at 6:31 AM on October 27, 2020 [3 favorites]

So anyone else want to start screaming and just keep screaming indefinitely? I have no idea how I'm going to get through the next couple of weeks without dropping any part of my hefty workload from sheer stress and panic overload.
posted by merriment at 11:49 AM on October 27, 2020 [3 favorites]

So anyone else want to start screaming and just keep screaming indefinitely?

All the damn time. I feel like I'm just a thin layer of vaguely presentable 'human' straining at holding in the giant ball of screaming that's constantly testing the seams.
posted by Ghidorah at 4:07 PM on October 27, 2020 [7 favorites]

giant ball of screaming

Can we make that the new name for the planet we're on?
posted by Don Pepino at 4:13 PM on October 27, 2020 [3 favorites]

I was just about to post some shit before my wife said something about Trump that made me reply "his understanding is just so stupid and childish." What I was gonna say was stupid too, so I'll just stick with lowbrow and primal:

posted by heteronym at 8:52 PM on October 27, 2020

+1 on the problematic boomer dad.

Today’s news from the land of deathwishes is that the governor wants to impose a stay-home order, but legally can’t, so he’s asking for a voluntary one. Re: those few outdoor contacts I’ve had, I guess now that takes the ambiguity away. Up until now I’ve handled this whole thing more or less placidly — eyes on my own paper, do the thing I need to do regardless of what others are doing — but it’s feeling rough today, knowing that most people around me are probably not going to do this.

Poor Little e. She needs the social contact of these outdoor gatherings in a real way, developmentally speaking. We try to keep her engaged via Zoom get togethers with closer friends, but its effectiveness is mixed and there are things she’s not going to be able to learn this way. I can’t sulk, I’m mom and when there are boulders in her path it’s my job to find a detour. (For instance, feeling sad about the loss of playground culture, at dinner the other day we took it upon ourselves to teach her “Miss Lucy.” She thought for a moment and said, “I think that song is just an excuse to say things that are inappropriate.”) Better set up that Minecraft Realm I’ve been promising her.
posted by eirias at 4:59 AM on October 28, 2020 [6 favorites]

The other person on my two-person team is off on leave...again. I can't complain, because I spent most of last week off myself, but it seems like all the super-weird technical shit just queues up and waits until I'm the only one in the "office" and then arrives all at once.

I can cope, and I actually like knowing that I'm crucial to the running of the place, but it is really fucking frustrating.
posted by Mr. Bad Example at 5:44 AM on October 28, 2020 [2 favorites]

2020 is relentless and I want it to die in it’s own dumpster fire. This year can eat shit. Bring on 2021 and whatever eldritch terrors it may hold.
posted by supercrayon at 6:03 AM on October 28, 2020 [1 favorite]

Trump to strip protections from Tongass National Forest, one of the biggest intact temperate rainforests
*Primal scream into the the logged off void*. Fuck this asshole allowing logging in this roadless area. Also fuck Baron Alverstone right in the ear.

One of the great things about the Canadian parliamentary system is their are no lame duck/last minute policy fiats once an election is called; active changes like this stop. I'm really starting to appreciate that at the moment.
posted by Mitheral at 8:47 AM on October 28, 2020 [3 favorites]

Just got home from a wildfire evac and am spending all day trying to get the ash off everything and the smoke smell out of my house even while the air outside is still yellow.

posted by BuddhaInABucket at 10:33 AM on October 28, 2020 [2 favorites]

This year has come close to killing me, more than once, and in more ways than I ever thought possible.

But I’ll tell you what: I voted early today. And when my ballot got scanned, I was overcome by the best feeling I’ve had in months and months and months. I burst into overwhelmed tears. I told every election worker within hearing distance how grateful I am to them for volunteering, and how much it matters. I came home and put my “I Voted” sticker on the shirt of the soft stuffed animal that has, honest to god, helped keep me alive this year. If I had another sticker I’d put in on Metafilter, which has done the same.

My heart goes out to everyone suffering, afraid, horrified, lonely, angry, and/or grieving. I and so many are with you. Please hold on however you possibly can. Enduring is enough.
posted by argonauta at 12:55 PM on October 28, 2020 [20 favorites]

Fucking Fuck. The election is less than a week away...

Then what happens? Fucking FUCK!!!
posted by Windopaene at 3:01 PM on October 28, 2020 [1 favorite]

And well there's a text from the apartment manager about that old buyout letter. Wonder if I'm just going to get an eviction notice come the 1st. Or maybe they're just trying again to bonus $$ me into moving so they have another apartment to remodel and upsell. Anyways, fuck, like I needed this now.
posted by zengargoyle at 2:34 PM on October 29, 2020 [1 favorite]

The kitty who inspired my username has an upper respiratory infection that has dragged on and he is neither improving nor getting any worse. Due to his age and a fear of unknown humans I do not want to take him to the ER vet, as they are not allowing owners inside the premises. The earliest I could get the mobile vet out to see him is mid-week next. The scheduler made me feel like the absolute worst human on the phone about the fact that I am waiting several more days to have him seen but I'm working from a set of not great options since I cannot just get an antibiotic and I'm trying to choose the best one.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 8:20 AM on October 30, 2020 [1 favorite]

There's polls out there which show Trump riding quite easily to an electoral college victory on the coats of people who are "shy" Trump supporters, i.e. folks who do not admit to be Trumpers in "normal" polls but have admitted it in these polls specially designed to make them feel more comfortable admitting it.

posted by MiraK at 8:23 AM on October 30, 2020

I know I shouldn't pre-judge because people use social media for all kinds of things including escapism, but I am irrationally, spitting mad when I see people blithely posting cartoons and stupid shit like things are normal. One can use context clues to guess who is escaping and who is, at most, mildly annoyed and inconvenienced by "politics." FFUUUUUUCCCKKKKK.
posted by nakedmolerats at 9:35 AM on October 30, 2020 [1 favorite]

I know I shouldn't pre-judge because people use social media for all kinds of things including escapism, but I am irrationally, spitting mad when I see people blithely posting cartoons and stupid shit like things are normal.

You know, this little Humpty Dumpty cartoon just made me ridiculously happy this week - I'm mean ridiculously. I just kept thinking about it and smiling. And I texted it to several friends. And I really think it's because things are otherwise such a horrible shitshow. So thanks for considering that people really do need an escape - though I also get your frustration at us just seeming to go about our lives as if this is not the most troubling election in US history.
posted by FencingGal at 10:38 AM on October 30, 2020 [5 favorites]

I think it's mostly contextual. Maybe that's not fair, and I'm too exhausted to be fair. It's mostly people who have at one time posted variants of "I'm so sick of hearing/seeing political stuff, why can't we all just smile at each other! You don't have to hate your neighbor just because he votes to dissolve your marriage!"
posted by nakedmolerats at 10:59 AM on October 30, 2020 [2 favorites]

I fell off the pace of the planet basically this year.

Things got bad, really bad, and it's not really a whole lot better. I keep reminding myself that my support team is a thousand percent better now than it was the last time my mental health took such a nosedive, but my employer is still the worst. I've been fighting so hard for accommodations, putting everything out there, and they just don't get it. It's been over a month since I filed the ADA paperwork, and almost three weeks since they called and told me to disregard the initial suggested accommodations form, which I asked about two weeks after I submitted my paperwork. This is excruciatingly agonizing for me--I'm terrible at advocating for myself, and my doctor would be the first to say so. We're ...working on it, as best as we can.

I hate how, everything is all good and fine, until it's not, and despite my doctor's recommendation, they're just stringing me along. You can't abide the initial request, but that doesn't mean you get to ignore me altogether. But I'm so tired of fighting, of arguing for what I need. Add in the elections stuff, and it's no wonder all I seem capable of doing is hanging out at home and playing games.
posted by PearlRose at 1:48 PM on October 30, 2020 [2 favorites]


posted by Windopaene at 3:36 PM on October 30, 2020

"we took it upon ourselves to teach her “Miss Lucy.” She thought for a moment and said, “I think that song is just an excuse to say things that are inappropriate.”)"

Bwahahahaha. Your child is very smart.

I am actually not doing too badly at this minute. After over a week of hell shit at work and being reminded how incompetent and awful I am all the time a few weeks ago, it's been two weeks of actual pleasantness. I'm in a show, so that helps. My mom did NOT go in person to a funeral and she's not going to the invite for Thanksgiving, so there's that. I'm bummed that another friend keeps having health problems and canceling on doing online things, but what can you do.

I did go see the crush today and I don't think he's doing terribly well, which would explain a lack of responses on texting. Claims he's doing all right but he just looks exhausted. I just don't know what to do there any more except maybe just leave him alone. Nothing I can do to make anything less awful, here or anywhere, for anybody.

And of course, there's the upcoming dread and knowing everyone will descend into psychotic hell for months on end. Or forever. I'm so tired of the darkest timeline. And now DST is over which means nothing but dark and cold.

I am outside on my patio today for the last few hours of sunlight I'll be getting for a while. So there's that, at least.
posted by jenfullmoon at 3:05 PM on November 1, 2020 [2 favorites]

Mrs. Example was ordering some groceries online (because England is going into another lockdown like back in spring, only weeks too late...but that's another rant). I mentioned to her that we really need to start looking at stockpiling some nonperishables like rice and beans and pasta and canned goods as well as cat food, because Brexit.

I hate thinking this way. I hate having to think this way. However, I do not trust the absolutely incompetent second-rate-Dickens-villain Oxbridge fuckheads in the government not to completely fuck everything up and plunge us into a no-deal world of supply chain disruptions, delayed shipments, and food shortages as of January 1st, and I'd really like not to starve until someone more level-headed comes along and does unprintable acts to Johnson and his cronies before putting things back on track.
posted by Mr. Bad Example at 5:28 PM on November 1, 2020 [7 favorites]

I usually get groceries delivered every 6 weeks these days. I ordered groceries 3 weeks ago and I'm wondering if I have to order them again ASAP (well, probably too late here) before Election Day because of the likelihood of riots or whatever other fresh hell that is likely to break out. I mean, I'm fine foodwise, but still, it makes you wonder.

I agree: stockpiling is a good idea these days, as well as buying stuff a few months before you actually need it in case you can't get it when you do.
posted by jenfullmoon at 6:53 PM on November 1, 2020

The Texas Biden bus terrorist attack is giving me flashbacks to the time a GWB-supporter's truck tried to force me off the road (ca. 2002) because I had an anti-GWB bumper sticker.

I guess we can now check the "Mad Max" box on our apocalypse Bingo cards.

…I felt a bit silly a few months ago when I bought an aluminum baseball bat for purely self-defense purposes. I no longer feel silly about that.
posted by CheesesOfBrazil at 3:45 AM on November 2, 2020 [3 favorites]

posted by lalochezia at 11:07 AM on November 2, 2020

Ugh I'm so anxious I can't concentrate.
posted by beandip at 12:48 PM on November 2, 2020 [3 favorites]

So, if I read the Election Day MeTa right, this is the (only) OK place to share a “ speculative horrible scenario”? I came across it while looking into Hari Kunzru, author of the (incidentally rather fuck-unfucking) Into The Zone podcast, and found it topical/shareworthy: What is your worst-case scenario for the future?
posted by progosk at 8:55 PM on November 2, 2020

On podcasts, I take it yall already heard the latest TAL ep’s new gun-buyer segment? Listening from abroad, here, but: fffffffuuuuuuck...
posted by progosk at 9:03 PM on November 2, 2020

I took the week off from work because I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate at all. Now I'm not sure it was the right move, since all I have to do really is fret.

I think the only way I'll get through this is frequent breaks to do real things during the day. So - laundry, cooking, vacuuming. Potentially moving some furniture around. That's my plan.
posted by invincible summer at 7:40 AM on November 3, 2020 [2 favorites]

Just wanted to come in and yell FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCK! Not an American, but I'm worried & anxious about y'all. Stay safe.
posted by nubs at 8:14 AM on November 3, 2020 [1 favorite]

Fuckkkk. I’m so stressed out I feel like I’m having a stroke. Fuck the electoral college and fuck voting machine software. And fuck the intentional fucking with of the USPS. And fuck the fortified halls of power and toilet paper shortages. Just fuck! Fuccck. Fuuuuuuuuck
posted by Straw Cab at 8:48 AM on November 3, 2020 [1 favorite]

fuck. in 2016 I went to bed as normal thinking it was no biggie. Surely Trump would lose because he's dumb and loud. My partner woke me up at some point in the middle of the night to tell me Trump won and I was like "stop fucking with me, I'm trying to sleep." Morning rolls around and I check the headlines on my phone, completely dumbfounded, confused and cry into my cereal.

This year I'm halfway around the world, 8 hours ahead of my east coast home state time zone and I don't think I'll be sleeping much tonight and tomorrow morning is going to be rough.
posted by WeekendJen at 8:49 AM on November 3, 2020 [1 favorite]

Over the last 4 years I have channelled my rage at Trump into a series of drawings, some of which I have reworked. This is all of them, there are 45 images here, which is appropriate.
I look forward to only having to do one more drawing of Donnie Covid; him being led away by the authorities after the immense damage he has caused.
posted by Phlegmco(tm) at 11:06 AM on November 3, 2020 [8 favorites]

Phlegmco(tm), those are just so amazing. They need to be published.
posted by kitcat at 11:50 AM on November 3, 2020 [1 favorite]

Phlegmco(tm), those are just so amazing. They need to be published.

Thank you kitcat!
posted by Phlegmco(tm) at 12:08 PM on November 3, 2020

Fuck. I'm not stressed. Which in turn is stressing out everyone around me. Which in turn is REALLY stressing me out.
posted by a complicated history at 12:23 PM on November 3, 2020

I voted in person today. The line wasn't terribly long, it took 45 minutes. Almost as I got to the door, an old man in a mechanized wheelchair and a MAGA hat rolled up and explained that he was sorry, but he was going to cut in front of us. My wife and I were only second in line, it was an African-American family that welcomed him through in front of them. They are better people than I am.
posted by Quonab at 2:15 PM on November 3, 2020

another fucking crane broke on my block. this time it's 6 doors down and my building isn't in immediate danger so we haven't had to evacuate( I was in Toronto during Sandy) but it's been 5 days and the street is still blocked....no cops today, they hired private security.
posted by brujita at 2:27 PM on November 3, 2020

I wanted it to be easy. But I guess sometimes things just gotta play hard.
posted by Room 101 at 6:00 PM on November 3, 2020

I am so upset and nervous and I have a really, really bad feeling that Trump is going to win again. I can't watch any more returns (Rhode Island?? What the actual fuck?).

Who the fuck votes for Trump, especially after he has failed for four years? I mean...I just...what?
posted by sundrop at 6:50 PM on November 3, 2020 [3 favorites]

posted by pintapicasso at 1:44 AM on November 4, 2020

Fuck this . Fuck them. What the fuck is happening
posted by Monochrome at 3:01 AM on November 4, 2020

Even if things aren’t as bad as they seem, they’re extremely fucking bad. Worse than I realized.
posted by Monochrome at 3:18 AM on November 4, 2020

Why the fuck do so many people want to give the clown another go at it! Not American but I what happens in the US impacts my corner of the world to a large extent.

I want to check the updates constantly but I also don't want to. Argh!
posted by Harald74 at 3:50 AM on November 4, 2020

posted by Ms Vegetable at 5:47 AM on November 4, 2020 [1 favorite]

I just realized that I haven’t had any hope for the the future since 2014, even before Trump. I thought maybe that might change. I guess not. Better keep pushing that rock up the mountain and try to imagine myself happy.

(Yes I know that’s not the right quote.)
posted by snowmentality at 5:58 AM on November 4, 2020 [1 favorite]

The mobile vet is a no call/no show.

I hate this fucking world so much right now.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 6:32 AM on November 4, 2020

Text from my boyfriend this morning saying that he needs to reevaluate his choices because if the US is going to be a fascist dictatorship, he might as well move back to the one when he's not a targeted immigrant racial minority. So.
posted by ChuraChura at 6:57 AM on November 4, 2020

So, a few years back, after I started dating my now-wife, I made some effort to curb my profanity.
I had tried nonsense syllables, and also meaningless constructions like "frog-nuggets!"
(I actually yelled that in the operations room once when I was so frustrated my mind actually blanked on a curse word.)
I also started using one of my Dad's favorite curse words in his later years, "fongool".
(Relevant Straight Dope article. Warning: profanity)
Unfortunately, I neglected to mention to my now-wife that "fongool" was not a nonsense-syllable arrangement.
Only a year ago, my wife heard me explain to someone else the definition of "fongool".
"Wait a second. That's an actual profanity?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Why didn't you tell me? I've used that in front of people!"
"If they didn't look shocked, you're probably okay."

So. in regards to to 67+ million fellow citizens of mine: FONGOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
posted by Mutant Lobsters from Riverhead at 7:21 AM on November 4, 2020 [1 favorite]

Vet finally showed. Big Red Kitty has either liver or thyroid failure. Blood was taken, tests are being run. Antibiotics were dispensed to treat the respiratory infection with strict instructions to continue keeping an eye on the other cats to make sure it does not spread.

I knew that this might happen (kitty is 18 pushing 19, he is on borrowed time). But still...
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 7:55 AM on November 4, 2020 [2 favorites]

I am fucking sick of watching my fucking country act like complete fucking racist assholes and super-spreading cockroaches.

I am fucking sick of the Heartland and wish we could have two or three separate countries instead of coddling and captulating to the LCD because Bible and Guns are synonymous in half of America.

I am fucking sick that this election is this close and we have to endure Donald John Trump's limpdick tantrums until 2021 and beyond.

I am fucking sick of living in a country where debutantes are in charge of our schools and paranoid xenophobics run our courts and our justice system.

I am fucking sick of living with myths and mistakes. I am fucking sick of no longer feeling good about being an American citizen and wish I could emigrate.
posted by Lipstick Thespian at 9:00 AM on November 4, 2020 [4 favorites]

Science fiction swearing.
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:35 AM on November 4, 2020

I'm not a huge fan, but I've had a Bruce Cockburn lyric in my head all day: "Gotta kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight"

It's what I'm trying to do today.
posted by nubs at 11:31 AM on November 4, 2020 [2 favorites]

I know that we are unlikely to get a final answer today at all but I'm still just staying in bed. I have no major reason to get up and I just....can't, don't want to, either one I guess. I will try again tomorrow.
posted by nakedmolerats at 12:36 PM on November 4, 2020 [1 favorite]

My work day yesterday started with a customer who was loudly talking on the phone and so, so proud that she had voted for the first time. God told her to vote her heart, she said. She voted for Trump.

My day closed with me walking home from work and watching a monster truck adorned with flags and Trump banners doing circles around the block downtown.

I'm in Northern California. There is no escaping these goddamn cultists even in a thoroughly blue county.
posted by Eikonaut at 1:52 PM on November 4, 2020 [2 favorites]

Yeah, I flip them off when I see those guys on the freeway.
posted by jenfullmoon at 2:13 PM on November 4, 2020 [2 favorites]

On top of everything else, I had unplanned emergency oral surgery tonight. I am (probably) fine now. But, yeah. It certainly is going to be a long couple months.
posted by Lonnrot at 8:44 PM on November 4, 2020 [1 favorite]

Well, I "only" threw up three times today, so that was nice.

This waiting is like when you order a package and you keep checking the tracking info and it always says "Package Information Transmitted" but it's days before "Package Picked Up From Facility".
posted by hippybear at 10:22 PM on November 4, 2020 [4 favorites]

I have clearly been clenching my jaw in my sleep and my entire skull hurts today.
posted by wellred at 1:24 PM on November 5, 2020

I have a fucking fuck that has nothing to do with the election!

So I'm Ann Perkins and stuck in the middle of a present war now.

Leslie Knope is a .... present-obsessed and sensitive individual that decided on their own recognizance to gift Ron Swanson with something large and fancy. Ron has been kind of taken aback by the whole thing since he and Leslie are not that close but both know me, but said okay, fine. Then unbeknownst to me, Ron bailed on their first meetup to get the expensive/handmade gift because they wanted to go to an event with people instead. They rescheduled. Then Ron decided today (without telling me anything about it first) to just flake entirely, citing coronavirus safety concerns, even though Ron has already made it clear that they aren't exactly following coronavirus safety concerns by already going out to socialize with others. Leslie is HELLA PISSED OFF, HELLA HURT, HELLA MAD.

I am unfortunately stuck in the middle between these two people, kinda thinking both of them are wrong. I tend to think Leslie really doesn't need to go to those lengths and could use some chill (especially since Leslie gets easily ticked if not reciprocated well enough) and Leslie and Ron are not that close in the first place so the whole gift thing has been rather inexplicable, but she isn't gonna listen to me on the topic and I do not want to have that conversation, it ain't worth it. If Ron agreed to this in the first place, Ron shouldn't pull a flake and bail, and I am especially mad to find out that Ron is out socializing and then being a hypocrite. Now I am never ever ever ever going to hear the fucking end of this from Leslie for the rest of my life, and I'm mad at Ron for pulling shit and being flaky and risking their life. And I really don't want to be in the middle of it but have no way not to be.

Also yeah, aren't there other priorities right now than fancy presents to get mad about?
posted by jenfullmoon at 3:52 PM on November 5, 2020 [2 favorites]

Oh good this thing is still open. My fucking dog bit a kid about an hour ago (barely a nick but a tiny bit of blood on his finger. But a FUCKING KID, about 7) The mom was SO gracious about it. Seriously she thanked me for sharing my dogs with her kid! I brought over rabies paperwork and also a huge pack of playdoh I just happened to have from Costco, and she thanked me so much, and the kid thought the playdoh was a good deal.

But now I have a fucking dog who bites kids. He is a rescue from the rough streets of Chicago, a Shih Tzu. For a long time he barked at every dog but it has been so much better this year. Until this. It was a bit dark. The mom understood. The dog has no idea what he did or why I might be mad.

Yesterday I lost my keys. But I had actually made peace with that and was happily following unexpected good news from Georgia and things and now this. FUCK.

And yet, these are little things compared to some of the horrors out there. I am so sorry for everyone going through a rough time. Thank you all for being here.
posted by Glinn at 3:56 PM on November 5, 2020 [1 favorite]

oh oops, this was the election thread, sorry!
posted by Glinn at 4:02 PM on November 5, 2020

How many lies must a man spew forth
Before you call him a con?
How many scams must a president pull
Before it finally dawns?
Yes, 'n' how many times must accusations fly
Before they're all refuted?
The answer, my friend, is circling the drain
The answer is circling the drain
posted by SillyShepherd at 4:27 PM on November 5, 2020 [4 favorites]

Time is very slippery this week, on top of a slippery year. Some people don’t age like the rest of us: they keep turning 29 every year. Maybe they can help me understand this.
posted by Monochrome at 7:12 PM on November 5, 2020

I just accidentally saw 90 seconds of Chris Fucking Christie on ABC goddamned news bleating about his feelings were hurt that anyone would say that Trump voters are dumb and bad people. I have news for you, Chris: Yes, there are 70 million people in this country that voted for Donald Trump and yes, every fucking last motherfucking one of them are bad people. Shut the fuck up. Of course Joe Biden has to say he forgives your dumb ass but I NEVER WILL.
posted by ob1quixote at 9:43 AM on November 7, 2020 [8 favorites]

It’s 3 AM. Around 2 AM, I finally allowed myself to be talked down about the lawsuit to prevent Pennsylvania from certifying their election result. At 2:30 AM my husband came to bed and is now snoring incredibly loudly, like right through my super 32 dB earplugs. Guess I don’t get to sleep tonight.

I’m spiraling down about so many things tonight and my anti-anxiety beta blocker isn’t doing shit.
posted by snowmentality at 12:16 AM on November 10, 2020 [1 favorite]

OH AND ALSO tonight (yesterday, sometime in the neverending timeless hellscape of life), in the group text announcing Zoom Thanksgiving this year, we finally had the family-breaking fight about voting for Trump. I had hoped no one voted for Trump, but turns out someone did. One uncle mentioned that his Biden sign had gotten stolen, which led to a bit of riffing. The Trump voter then demanded that we “be civil and mature and keep our views to ourselves.”

I informed the Trump voter that I was disappointed, that I couldn’t pretend politics was just a game that didn’t affect our relationship, and that who you support politically is a reflection of your character. He flounced from the group text after sending a flag emoji. My mom is now spiraling downwards about being unable to keep the peace and hold the family together, since that was always what her mother did, but now Alzheimer’s is taking Grandma, so Mom feels that it’s become her job. Even though she is probably madder at the Trump voter than I am.

I don’t regret what I said, but I’m upset that Mom is upset.
posted by snowmentality at 12:34 AM on November 10, 2020 [1 favorite]

hugs, snowmentality, to you and your mom! That's a lot. As LobsterMitten always says to us when things are dark, just keep putting one foot in front of the other; we'll get through to the other side together.
posted by taz (staff) at 12:40 AM on November 10, 2020 [2 favorites]

the main problem with being alive, I find, is that one has to do it every day, for so very very long. If we could just be alive, say, 3 days out of 7, that might be much more manageable.
posted by We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese at 8:32 AM on November 10, 2020 [8 favorites]

We could be alive 3 days out of seven if we had a 24-30 hour work week? I'm of the 6 hours a day, 3 or 4 days a week (I'm also of the "you should get paid for your commutes" mind) Also I think retirements shouldn't be a "yes or now" but a "reduce your hours over time" process, starting at, IDK, 40 or hell, even 30).

Vote me. 2036 for king of America.
posted by symbioid at 9:33 AM on November 11, 2020

Even when you're not working, though, there's just still so much eating and bathing and walking around and stuff.
posted by We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese at 11:44 AM on November 11, 2020 [1 favorite]

part-time cryostasis for some, tiny american flags for others
posted by We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese at 11:45 AM on November 11, 2020 [2 favorites]

Bathing, walking around and stuff all suck, but what's the problem with eating? I just ate. It was awesome! Shouldn't've read that weeks old New Yorker article about the desperate dairy farmers of Wisconsin while I did it, though. Fuuuuuck...
posted by Don Pepino at 1:26 PM on November 11, 2020

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