US Thanksgiving November 26, 2020 9:31 AM   Subscribe

It's US Thanksgiving and a lot of us aren't celebrating the way we would've liked. But here's a thread for community and chat; I'm thankful you're here, Mefites.

What are you up to? What's on your playlist for the day?

To give myself a thing to do today, I'm going to try making something I never made before: deviled eggs. So I'm ready for your best deviled eggs ideas too.
posted by LobsterMitten (staff) to MetaFilter-Related at 9:31 AM (115 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

I am by myself and will be making a spicy Chinese chicken dish and a peanut butter chocolate chip pie. I wanted something very different than what I usually eat at Thanksgiving when I’m with my family.

Other than that, I’m spending the day with my lovely cat. There will be reading, napping, and more reading. Keeping the tv and radio off. I don’t want to hear any news today.

I hope everyone here is feeling safe and thankful.
posted by bookmammal at 9:41 AM on November 26, 2020 [8 favorites]

Arby's Horsey Sauce in deviled eggs. Kraft (I think) makes a similar product. Depends on if you like horseradish though.

I'm getting ready to clean off the dining room table. My brother is coming, though it's nothing special. He comes for dinner every night. I guess we're kinda of a pod (but not really since we both work outside the home).

I'm making spinach artichoke dip stuffed sweet potatoes though I'm not going to stuff it back into the skins. Because fuck that noise. Sweet potatoes don't have the correct shape for stuffing. I'm going to make some greens later. The turkey is brining as I type. Pumpkin pie and mincemeat pie are standing by.

I'm extremely thankful for pain meds and muscle relaxers and heating pads right now. I pulled something in my back hoisting my 30+ pound baby into the playpen at work yesterday. I can stand up straight now.
posted by kathrynm at 9:42 AM on November 26, 2020 [4 favorites]

Slept in a bit, heading to work in an hour. Don’t feel like I am missing out on anything, also avoiding news and triggering my rage that people are actually traveling and eating indoors AAAGAAGAH I’ve triggered myself again... Re: deviled eggs, capers are very yummy.
posted by gryphonlover at 9:47 AM on November 26, 2020 [6 favorites]

Some of my Community Garden friends and I are swapping side dishes this year. I made pumpkin bread, A is making Brussels sprouts, K is making squash, and C is making stuffing. We're all doing doorstop drops (ding-dong-dash style) so that we keep socially distanced. We all only have one other person in each of our houses for Thanksgiving so we're excited to share and have a variety of dishes on our tables.

Otherwise, we're planning a lot of board games and watching some football, zoom calls with the families, and walking the dog in the park.
posted by Gray Duck at 9:48 AM on November 26, 2020 [6 favorites]

Deviled eggs are no time to experiment. Everybody expects one thing, and it is evil to give them something else. And for lands sakes, if you're gonna put something weird in there, make sure you put a piece of it on top of the egg (I'm looking at you, dill or capers) just so we don't get that extremely unpleasant surprise right in the middle of what should be a transcendent experience.

If you sprinkle a little kosher salt on the plate, it keeps them from rolling around while you're stuffing them.
posted by halfbuckaroo at 9:50 AM on November 26, 2020 [8 favorites]

Regular Thanksgiving stuff at the McGee house. I have a 20# turkey for five people, but two of them are adolescent boys, so probably it'll be fine. Since I'm cooking for only my family, and I HATE our family stuffing recipe (THE BOX STUFF), I decided to try a scratch-made vegetarian stuffing recipe this year. We'll see how it goes. I'm also trying an "apple pie" mocktail for the kids -- sparkling cider, bit of lemon juice, bit of grenadine. I don't really get how that makes it apple-pie-y, but they'll like it.

Our weird Thanksgiving family recipe is mashed rutabaga.
posted by Eyebrows McGee (staff) at 10:21 AM on November 26, 2020 [5 favorites]

I am alone except for two cats who have me trapped on the sofa. If I ever get up again I will be making this stuffed acorn squash thingy.
posted by JanetLand at 10:31 AM on November 26, 2020 [8 favorites]

My playlist involves some backstory: Back in college, my roommate hipped me to a double-cassette (remember those?) of some amazing blues by harmonica player and singer Peter "Madcat" Ruth accompanied by a fantastic bassist named Jason Boekeloo, playing live at some little club in Urbana Illinois. He gave me an address to write to (remember letters? and when mail-order was MAIL-order?). I sent off for the music and listened to it off and on for years. Somewhere along the line, though, I must have loaned them out to somebody and never gotten them back...I went looking for them a few years ago thinking "wow, haven't listened to that in ages", turned my whole (ancient) cassette collection upside down, couldn't find them anywhere.

Cut to earlier this year, when I found Madcat's website and an email address. I wrote to him explaining the above and asked if he still had that music for sale. He responded that he was in the process of digitizing a bunch of his old music, and to check back in a few months. Long story short, just yesterday he sent me the link to download the files and I'm listening to them now! Every bit as amazing and fun as I remembered. I'm surprised at how many musical details and lyrics came back to me in a rush as I listened, for the first time in maybe 20 years. Also Madcat is a friendly guy and a mensch.
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:31 AM on November 26, 2020 [26 favorites]

One of my cats, who is super friendly and sweet (strangers? Hi! Belly rubs? sure!) but definitely not a lap cat, just climbed into my lap, sat down and is purring loudly. So I guess that's what I'm doing today.
posted by mogget at 10:43 AM on November 26, 2020 [24 favorites]

I was hoping to roast some turkey thighs, but through some combination of my own personal injury, timing, and a wee bit of roommate miscommunication, I was unable to get any fresh turkey thighs for myself - they were sold out. To make up for it my roommate instead got a second smoked turkey drumstick (which he is himself accustomed to). However, he was also similarly unable to get the right red cabbage so he is having to go without his "Oma's cabbage that was on every holiday meal", so it's perhaps a sign that This Year Is Different.

However, we have a shit-ton of vegetables from my CSA so there will be some roast sweet potato, roast squash, and mashed sweet potatoes, some stuffing-from-a-package because we can't be arsed, some green beans (NOT in a casserole because I crave green simplicity and I've been having a little too-much beta-carotene lately), and my family's cranberry relish. There's also some pre-packaged pie and an intriguing-sounding ice cream for dessert.

It's just him and me this year. My parents called me this morning, he's getting on a zoom with his own family in a bit. But - we are celebrating the fact that I just got way more ambulatory last night, and he is now therefore relieved of about 75% of his home health care duties (I have switched to using just one crutch at home and that means I CAN CARRY SOME THINGS ON MY OWN). I also am determined to Do More, and actually made the cranberry relish standing up in our kitchen all on my own a couple hours ago.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 10:43 AM on November 26, 2020 [16 favorites]

I am making mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry relish, roasted brussels sprouts, pan seared duck breast, and turkey and stuffing meatballs (with a couple dipping sauces for the meatballs because I don't like gravy). It is just the boyfriend and I, first Thanksgiving just the two of us and first Thanksgiving in our house. I am sad to be missing out on going down to my mom's house, but I am kind of excited for a cozy lowkey holiday.

I have never made duck before, so that will be an adventure.

The weather is gorgeous in Maryland so I might also hang out on the porch with a cocktail before I buckle down to cooking.

Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful to everyone adjusting their holiday plans for the greater good!
posted by the primroses were over at 10:56 AM on November 26, 2020 [5 favorites]

Happy Thanksgiving, Metafilter! I am very grateful for this community. As soon as my own lap cat gets up, I will start making my go-to stuffing, it is great every year.
posted by alygator at 11:07 AM on November 26, 2020 [3 favorites]

I am so grateful for all of you !

My boyfriend had the wonderful idea of doing a distanced potluck, where our respective families would be responsible for different dishes, and he volunteered to drive around and do the pick-ups and deliveries. He and his fam were in my pod so I was planning on eating with them, but due to a spike in cases over the last two weeks, I made the choice to close my pod off for a little bit, so I'll be solo. It's a little sad, but for the best. My part of the meal is the rolls (got from a fantastic little bakery), cranberry sauce and a side salad (spring mix w shaved fennel, gorgonzola, candied pecans and dried blueberries/cranberries with a honey apple cider vinagrette). Most of the Thanksgiving food is so soft, I like having some crunch.

In re: to deviled eggs, they are surprisingly easy. Classic is best , you can taste the filling and adjust the seasoning as needed. Cook an extra egg or two, that way it's ok if one tears or gets funky, and you have extra yolk to overstuff. I like doing a little sprinkling of chopped chives over the top. If you have kitchen scissors, you literally just snip them over the eggs and they scatter nicely. Or, you can cut them into longer segments and cross them on top of each egg individually to make them fancy.
posted by Sparky Buttons at 11:17 AM on November 26, 2020 [16 favorites]

I'm watching TV and shaking up a mason jar of cream, parsley, and garlic into what I hope will be some fancy compound butter. Later I'll air fry a quail. I started my morning with a long walk and bubble bath. No airport, no crowds, no loud family members, just me and my dog and this butter. Plus I can feel good about doing my civic duty in the name of public health and safety! I've had worse Thanksgivings.
posted by phunniemee at 11:57 AM on November 26, 2020 [18 favorites]

(Tragic backstory: I'm getting divorced and it's pretty clearly a good idea but also UGH)

I've, at least for a little bit, re-podded myself with two lovely friends. It's the first time in months that I've spent time around people who just aren't involved one way or another in my domestic woes, and it's kind of amazing to be reminded that there's a whole world of people who just hang out and enjoy each other's company and do things they like.

Also, they have a very large, very borky dog.
posted by nebulawindphone at 11:58 AM on November 26, 2020 [30 favorites]

Originally Thanksgiving was to be just Mr. Carmicha and me. But our good friend's wife died about 3 weeks ago (not COVID) and he's been eating at our house a few times a week, so he's part of the pod now. Anyway, he decided shortly after the death, which was expected and a blessing by the time it happened, to head to their Florida home. And then he discovered that the SSA had declared him dead instead of his late wife. This became a huge nightmare as his entire financial world--bank accounts, investment accounts, pension fund, credit cards--all followed suit. It became impossible for him to go anywhere and the whole snafu was not completely cleared up until a few days ago, when a bureaucratic miracle occurred and he was resurrected.

Long story short: he and his son, who has been completely alone since his mother died, are coming over for turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green beans, mashed potatoes, creamed onions, with all the trimmings, topped off with home-make pumpkin pie topped with home made vanilla ice cream. I'm going overboard because I'm so happy to be able to have a traditional Thanksgiving after a decade at my step-daughter's, where we go out for crab legs every year. Christmas is similar, as she usually makes reservations at an Italian restaurant, except last year when she forgot and asked me to make dinner happen with less than 24 hours notice.

I am already planning Christmas feast.
posted by carmicha at 11:58 AM on November 26, 2020 [14 favorites]

I am a solo American in Canada, but I am doing the Monty Python reading tonight which will be fun, and I just made onion dip with the soup mix and plain Greek yogurt to have with chips and wine later. Right now working though! Must online learn 'em.
posted by wellred at 12:15 PM on November 26, 2020 [6 favorites]

Slow roasted duck. Using the gibblets to make a stock that smelled so amazing, that I decided to try my hand at making ramen for a duck stock ramen soup thing. Then, making some steamed gua bao, a gravy and a wine/jam sauce to go with the duck.

Watching Bob's Burgers, enjoying the Thanksgiving episodes. :)
posted by ellerhodes at 12:19 PM on November 26, 2020 [6 favorites]

I live alone and have no pod but things are mostly okay. My partner and I made some "awww" noises about how this is the first Thanksgiving we've spent apart (we've missed other major holidays but not this one) but how it's for the best. He and his son are going to get Chinese somewhere which they are both happy for and I am currently re-heating a Thanksgiving dinner from the local senior center which was procured for me by my good friend Marian. She's in her 80s, has multiple health issues that make her incredibly high risk right now, and yet she still does a good job not only living her life safely, to the best of her ability, but making sure her other "single" friends are looked after and taken care of. As someone who lives alone I count as single for this equation. She's been a good role model for me whose plan otherwise--not for today but for 2020--was going to be "Lie on the floor until COVID is over and stare at the ceiling so the time passes incredibly slowly." I am thankful for Marian.

My sister, who I also usually spend the holiday with, is at home making a tiny version of Thanksgiving on her own. She was always the cooking brains behind the whole deal anyhow. I'd usually do the driving and last minute shopping if she needed any (and all dishes), and Jim would come over and bring the good cheer and drinks and be the guy watching football on the sofa (and help with dishes). She's been texting me photos of what she's making and I am glad she's having a good time. After dinner there we'd wander over to her neighbors' and have potluck desserts and her neighbor who is a good mixologist would make everyone fancy cocktails which is basically the only time of the year I'd have them. My sister demurred from in-person dessert potluck this year (smart) but she might drop off some desserts.

Honestly it's kind of relaxing to have no schedule today. I've already been out for a walk with my one-legal-friend (basically in Vermont you can only get masked exercise with one unrelated-to-you person, I have cheated and have two but not at the same time) and her dog which was pleasant. It's 40s and rainy here and a LOT of people were out and about, so nice to say hi to neighbors etc.

Later today we'll Zoom with Jim's mom who lives in Arizona and just got a negative COVID test result that we're pleased about (unmasked outdoor dining!) and I will be working evening shift here because my holiday plans are modest. Thankful for all of you 🦃
posted by jessamyn (retired) at 12:24 PM on November 26, 2020 [21 favorites]

My MIL is a great lady, she does Thanksgiving every year and is sad when not everyone can be there. This year she's hosting her also-isolating daughter, and that's it. I feel for her, but am glad she's staying safe. I'm really proud of her.

Let's say I am not a cook. I picked up a Thanksgiving dinner-in-a-box for two for $50 at a local grocery, it looks like at least six meals, and it's delicious. It might be the best $50 I've ever spent. So I "made" a really good Thanksgiving meal! I am proud of me.

I am thankful for healthcare workers, food bank volunteers, firefighters, educators and everybody who voted Dem. I am proud of you.
posted by sageleaf at 12:28 PM on November 26, 2020 [11 favorites]

A little frog appeared in my kitchen about a week ago, and we just got him a big terrarium. It's given me something to feel happy about :)
posted by amtho at 12:33 PM on November 26, 2020 [25 favorites]

I’m solo today because my kid is with her other parent, and I have no pod because I don’t know what my ex has been doing and we share custody (and therefore germs). I’m making glorious food for myself, doing all the yucky or dangerous chores it’s hard to do with a kindergartner underfoot, and strenuously not caring about being stuck alone today. Luckily, it’s hard to be sad when you’re eating figs and Humboldt Fog cheese and roasting a pumpkin!
posted by centrifugal at 12:37 PM on November 26, 2020 [11 favorites]

Mr hippybear and I observe Thanksgiving also as our anniversary, and I think this is 27 years? He's making duck and twice-baked potatoes and did pecan sticky rolls for breakfast. I feel lucky to live with someone who loves to cook.

MetaFilter continues to be an online home for me. I'm grateful every day for it, and thus for all of you who make this place exist.
posted by hippybear at 1:07 PM on November 26, 2020 [19 favorites]

Solidarity with everyone eating pizza alone tonight.
posted by nevercalm at 1:20 PM on November 26, 2020 [17 favorites]

Mrs. Example and I have celebrated in the lockdown-ridden UK, and it's actually been pretty all right--we both took Thursday and Friday off work, and we've had turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie...all of the greatest hits. I've also been oddly touched by all the British coworkers who've wished me a happy Thanksgiving. It's nice.

We're really thankful for a lot of stuff, especially at the moment and in comparison to four years ago, when our visa status was one giant question mark and we were in danger of having to leave the country. We're so much better off now, and we're even going to be eligible for actual citizenship next year.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I hope it's at least as nice for you as it's been for us.
posted by Mr. Bad Example at 3:15 PM on November 26, 2020 [5 favorites]

Boy, reading this thread makes me miss my cat. Holidays, I would rather hole up with her than third wheel with my friends. Watched the dog show, did laundry, will talk to my sister later. I have no complaints. And I am grateful for the company here -- it really is a plus. There are a lot of smart interesting people here who I quite admire. So, thank you for that.
posted by y2karl at 4:00 PM on November 26, 2020 [2 favorites]

Mrs. IRFH & I usually host between 14 and 20 members of extended family and/or friends. So it's weeks of cleaning, planning, shopping, cooking & invasion followed by another week of cleaning. We miss everyone and are sad not to see them, but it's been heaven just cooking for ourselves without having to clean the whole house first and without being interrupted just at the critical times. It's no rules Thanksgiving, and we are loving it. But don't tell anyone.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 4:03 PM on November 26, 2020 [5 favorites]

I am by myself but am teaching my parents how to Facetime in an hour. I made a hearty black bean and poblano soup for supper with some intense lime sour cream to go with it. My cholesterol has spiked massively this year, so I need to start adjusting my consumption of things like sour cream, but today was a nice day to have something full-fat on the table. It feels super good to be able to cook for myself like this. I even braved dicing tomatoes this week which normally freaks me out (gooey innards, god help me). Fresh tomatoes in my diet! Not just ketchup or salsa!

As it happens, I don't like Thanksgiving and haven't for many years, so for me this is kind of a Jews-On-Christmas meal. My parents still like it though, and this is our first year without my grandpa. I wish I could be there to cook all our vegetarian favorites. That part I love and am honored to be able to do for my mom (even if she does hover when I don't chop things fast enough for her.)

Maybe next year.
posted by Kitchen Witch at 4:09 PM on November 26, 2020 [4 favorites]

In my town the maximum gathering size for unrelated persons is zero, so we kept it small (as we expected to all along, honestly; everyone we might normally gather with is high risk in one way or another). Mr. eirias made most of the food and I did some sous-chefery and some cleaning. Menu: turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, Brussels sprouts, green beans, broccoli, corn, stuffing, biscuits. All standard, all turned out. Little e made place cards. We got out my grandmother’s silver and we opened a surprisingly old bottle of wine. It still felt special. Later we will have sweet potato pecan pie and talk to my in-laws.

Best wishes to everyone celebrating this weekend. And bless this crazy internet thing for the connections it offers in a weird year.
posted by eirias at 4:10 PM on November 26, 2020 [3 favorites]

Regular Thanksgiving here as my daughter never came home from college for Tday and now that she is graduated and working 1000 miles away she still isn't coming home, especially this year. I wasn't really into this year, so I just bought a turkey breast instead of the whole bird. Playlist is the Thanksgiving channel on Pandora, which is heavy on 40-60s stuff so it's a nice change from our usual 80s playlist around here.

Going to kick back with my wife and a couple of beers and watch my alma mater play basketball tonight. Putting up the tree and outdoor lights tomorrow.
posted by COD at 4:38 PM on November 26, 2020 [1 favorite]

Oh, and I did clean and fill the hummingbird feeders -- they drain them so fast these days -- so I did provide a feast for certain sentient beings.
posted by y2karl at 4:40 PM on November 26, 2020 [8 favorites]

All the food that everyone is describing sounds so good to me, traditional dishes and pizza alike.

We're having a low-key, relaxing day of doing nothing other than reading and watching Netflix. We're not cooking anything fancy, either, though I did open a really, really good bottle of wine.

Virtual hugs to anyone who would rather be having a different sort of holiday -- I know it is a tough day this year for a lot of people.
posted by Dip Flash at 4:48 PM on November 26, 2020 [2 favorites]

The weather was nice tonight, so my father, my brother, my brother's wife, their son, and I had dinner outside. We ordered traditional Thanksgiving food from a restaurant, and my brother and nephew made a fancy dessert. It was really nice. And now we've made it through the first holiday without my mom, which is a major relief.
posted by ArbitraryAndCapricious at 4:51 PM on November 26, 2020 [4 favorites]

YOU GUYS. The gravy I made tonight was the best gravy I've ever made in my entire life. My roux was perfect, my drippings were delicious, the fat separated easily, the drippings beat in perfectly, it was smooth and thick and SO DELICIOUS I was tempted to drink it.

Of course I make the best gravy of my entire life the one year it's just my immediate family and not one of our giant extended family Thanksgivings which range from 17 people to as many as 80 people. I'm 100% convinced that when we're back to big Thanksgiving next year, my roux will be lumpy or my drippings won't separate properly.

I'm so excited about this gravy I am telling everyone. I literally called my mom to brag about my gravy. And posted it on social media. And spammed the staff slack.
posted by Eyebrows McGee (staff) at 5:19 PM on November 26, 2020 [25 favorites]

I'm usually the cook for large gatherings, and I enjoyed taking the time this year to experiment, we butchered the turkey and tried 4 different techniques for roasting it (adobo style was a surprising win) two different stuffings (strong yes to fennel and apple additions) and 2 separate cranberry pies (one was great, one horrible). We have 5 quarts of turkey stock and I don't need to cook for about 2 weeks.

We also spent waaaay too much time coaching our parents through how to join family zooms, but we succeeded! Families were greeted! People showed off their pets, a 6year old took us on a nauseating tour of his favorite places in the house, my 103 yr old grand aunt made fun of my cousins hair, we repeatedly entreated family to mute and unmute! (We have doctor's in our extended family, so holidays got cancelled back in September)
posted by larthegreat at 5:38 PM on November 26, 2020 [1 favorite]

Because I only have bad ideas, I suddenly decided to drive all the way to my parents' house tomorrow and come out to them. Best case scenario, we all cry and hug each other and rediscover this thing called "family". Worst case scenario, I model serenity in the midst of the storm and drive back home a free woman. Maybe this isn't such a bad plan after all. Well, except for all the driving I have to do.
posted by J.K. Seazer at 6:12 PM on November 26, 2020 [21 favorites]

I worked today, we did takeout only from 4-7 but it was so slow we closed early. Called up the police and fire departments and gave them free thanksgiving dinner. I bought two, one for me one for my Alisun, then she wanted a side of stuffing and a side of hairicot. Then chef gave me a 4oz gravy, a 12oz gravy, a 48oz mashed topped with gravy, another two portions of turkey, and we both had a Corona to celebrate that we are still putting food in people and have jobs.

Thanksgiving is usually not a big deal for me, last year was the first one I had off in...25 years at least. This one is different of course. I'm trying to make it more meaningful but I'm just so tired. I need a week off. I won't get it until either Gov Baker shuts down indoor dining or someone, a guest or employee tests positive. It is day to day. Sorry to be a downer. I'm going to have a drink and then eat way too much food.
posted by vrakatar at 6:19 PM on November 26, 2020 [5 favorites]

I had a very nice day by myself because my husband had to work... I had long been planning bingeing on the british bake off and other Netflix fluff and doing crafty and card club things. It was 90% an excellent day! I especially enjoyed getting to just do whatever I felt like around the house, because I’ve also been working remotely for some months and it’s difficult to be reminded of leisure activities throughout the day and know I better just keep on working... it was 10% sucky as I was lonely for my remote family who have turned out to be bubbling amongst themselves but are too far away geographically to include me and evidently too entertained with themselves to even think about giving a call to see if I’m still alive. It is the story of my life that I need to initiate contact and/or hear from them that I never call, but it is always upsetting on holidays as my husbands family independently reaches out to him... sigh... so that’s my whine, but I am so lucky to have had the day off in a comfortable home with cats and crafts and card club. Hope your day was at least 90% too!!!!!
posted by Tandem Affinity at 6:29 PM on November 26, 2020 [4 favorites]

(Thank you for the deviled egg tips! They turned out pretty okay; a fun process and no major mishaps. You were right about keeping it simple halfbuckaroo. I went for half the batch regular, half experimental, and definitely the regular was the winner.)
posted by LobsterMitten (staff) at 6:56 PM on November 26, 2020 [3 favorites]

Our day was pretty much like the last few Thanksgivings - just the three of us at home for the day. We had to do TWO video chats with my wife's family because one sister is not speaking to the other one, but the chats went without any collateral damage, which is pretty good considering. We bought the smallest turkey I've ever seen - six pounds! - so I spatchcocked it and it only took about an hour to roast. Glazed it up with some molasses and other stuff, so it was very glam when finished. Stuffing, green beans, mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, butternut squash soup, and a pumpkin mousse pie. The cats don't know it yet, but tomorrow they're getting turkey liver as their treat. I am enjoying a fine Manhattan as my night cap.

As I reflect on the things I am thankful for, all of you are in my thoughts. Thank you for your companionship for all these years.
posted by briank at 7:01 PM on November 26, 2020 [5 favorites]

I'm bubbled up with my fundamentally-toxic Mom, and she's been taking charge in the planning and the shopping this week. She is doddering and not a big exerciser, so the plan to eat at 5pm has slid and slid. It's quarter to 7 now and I think the mashed potatoes are about to be done, while the turkey (breast) has been done for about an hour and a half. She is incapable of asking for help, so I'm just here letting it all happen at her pace.

That said, I did attempt a Lemon Chiffon pie, which ended up only using about half of the filling so I'm not sure what happened there. It is not a 2 pie recipe. I'll know what the deal is in about an hour.

I've now been informed we don't have a vegetable. :shrug: I have wine, edibles, and possibly pie on the other side of all this, and that's fine.
posted by rhizome at 7:02 PM on November 26, 2020 [5 favorites]

I spent the morning looking for geocaches in the rain and petting dogs on greenways, and donating to a few Tribal funds for communities in places I have lived.

This afternoon, I made sweet potato salad, corn pudding, and apple crisp with my boyfriend. I fell asleep while he watched football, then we watched Monsters Inc. It could be better, but it could certainly be worse!

I remain thankful for you.
posted by ChuraChura at 7:18 PM on November 26, 2020 [6 favorites]

When we were serving up our dinner, the roommate and I discussed whether we wanted to eat at the table; usually we are heathens who eat at the coffee table or our desks. I suggested we be civilized and eat at the table, but then remembered my knee is busted and I can't sit in a chair quite yet.

We softened that blow by discovering a bootleg of the most recent episode of THE LAST LEG and watching that.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:22 PM on November 26, 2020 [3 favorites]

Talked to my parents.

They looked so, so old.

posted by Kitchen Witch at 7:44 PM on November 26, 2020 [6 favorites]

We brined and roasted a whole turkey. Around the time it went into the oven this morning is when I started seeing pictures of everyone's more sensible turkey breasts. But, whatever. Go big or... remain at home. My dad dropped by on Wednesday while out on an errand, with a tub of my mom's stuffing. We ordered the rest of our sides and a dessert from a local restaurant. It was the first time either one of us had brined a turkey, and the first time I had roasted one.

My brother and his family remained in northern Virginia, but my sister and her husband came down to stay with my parents. We were already planning to skip the family festivities this year on account of having at least six at the table, but the fact that my parents were going to host guests for the night sealed the deal.
posted by emelenjr at 7:59 PM on November 26, 2020 [2 favorites]

I miss my family but I actually had Thanksgiving dinner with my partner of over ten years, and made a pie, for the first time!
posted by ferret branca at 8:29 PM on November 26, 2020 [7 favorites]

I knew I wouldn’t be going anywhere for Thanksgiving this year but I love traditional Thanksgiving food, so I asked my neighborhood Facebook group if any nearby restaurants had Thanksgiving plates. Bad news; it turns out that most restaurants assume you’re buying for a large family and do not make single-meal Thanksgiving platters. Good news; a kind person in my neighborhood saw my post and offered to drop off extra plates from her family’s meal for me and my roommate. So today I zoomed with my family, baked while listening to Madonna’s Immaculate Collection (the closest thing I have to a Thanksgiving tradition that is mine alone and not my parents’), and then got a giant bag with all the Thanksgiving things I wanted, including a WHOLE PUMPKIN PIE! I will eat pie for breakfast for days, which is the best part of the days after Thanksgiving anyway!
posted by ActionPopulated at 8:54 PM on November 26, 2020 [8 favorites]

Thanksgiving has been away a lot in recent years, but last year we hosted. This year, just the four of us, plus 2 furry barky friends and 1 furry claw-filled friend. I paired back the meal to something that wouldn't have me cooking all day.

I started brining the turkey late on Tuesday night. The brine was orange peel, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves, salt, brown sugar, apple cider, peppercorns, rosemary and garlic. I pack it in a cooler with a metric ton of ice and store it on the back porch. Wednesday night I drained and rinsed it, soaked it in plain water for about 10 minutes, then patted it dry. I racked it and covered the whole thing in saran wrap and slid it into the fridge.

Wednesday I made some challah bread because my wife made an offhand comment about wanting some the week before and I thought... yeah - I've got enough time. It was a hit.

So this morning, we woke up at 5, made cupcakes, and I started in on stuffing. I do a traditional mirepoix, but I add braised garlic, paste it and mix it in with my eggs before tossing it, as well as put in copious amounts of (lightly seared) thick cut bacon. I also carmelized some onions - but I decided to save those for sandwiches for later. I split my herbs between (2/3) my stuffing and (1/3) some compound butter for the exterior of the bird. I also stategically place bacon on the outside of my bird to help self baste the bird and make sure that it is treif - you know... to go with the challah bread... I baste every 30 minutes for the first 2 hours and then cut it to every 20 minutes thereafter. I think we had a 4 hour cook for our bird because I run my temp slower than most. I whipped up a quick bourbon gravy at the end. It just had some nice dark notes to combat the pork fat that mingles with the turkey flavoring.

I whipped up a cranberry sauce with some more orange peel, a bit of the juice, more cloves, more rosemary , a f-ton of brown sugar because these cranberries had some pucker once I dropped the temperature, and a little salt and pepper. All in probably 30 minutes to cook and then 20 minutes in the ice bath to cool and fine tune the flavor.

Past that, we whipped up a quick salad. We bought our pies this year because I'm back on the banned list for pie dough (here's lookin at you 2030!).

It was a really nice dinner. Real simple for what I usually produce. Less controversey other than when we occasionally clicked over to the Macy's parade and saw way too many people and way too few masks.

This vacation has been good. I'm sort of dreading going back on Monday...
posted by Nanukthedog at 9:16 PM on November 26, 2020 [3 favorites]

My kid has dietary restrictions that make group feasting stressful, difficult, and unfair (it’s hard to do turkey day at someone else’s house on a low-protein diet). But today I had the mental headspace to make a veggie lasagna with a quantifiable protein count that worked for him and was also delicious for us parents, and my kid gave it a thumbs up rating. I feel like cooking and food work in general have been such a burden during the pandemic (SO MANY kid demands for snacks during distance learning) that making his lasagna dream come true felt like a miracle.

Also, it is a miracle that I am not in a pandemic pod with my parents because my mom cooked an 8 pound ham for their two-person Thanksgiving, and ham is the worst.
posted by Maarika at 9:24 PM on November 26, 2020 [6 favorites]

I had a lovely Thanksgiving meal with my spouse and teenager. They did most of the cooking, I helped a bit, but did all the dishes. We had turkey breast, stuffing (my favorite), cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, apple pie, and pumpkin pies. I made a vegan one yesterday that I gave even odds of turning out, so my kid made arrangements to swap part of the apple pie she made with Grandma for pumpkin. My pie turned out and we have a lot of pie now.
I've spent time talking to a good friend and texting with my little sister, who each live alone and I didn't want to leave alone today. I've also been playing Animal Crossing and hung out with Franklin the turkey chef who makes an all seafood meal sound amazing.
It was a more relaxing day than usual, which is the silver lining for this year. And also not the smallest Thanksgiving I've ever had either, which was the first year I was married and in grad school in Canada. It was just the two of us, as our families were all celebrating American Thanksgiving a month after we celebrated. It felt pretty small in comparison to my childhood Thanksgivings, most of which were with my dad making the meal at the soup kitchen (200-250 people).
posted by Margalo Epps at 9:32 PM on November 26, 2020 [3 favorites]

I've been teaching an insane semester and this is our first break since we began in September, and I am permitting myself to just sit and stare for a couple of days and keep making conscious choices to not undertake Projects.

We had a free-range pasture-raised organic Montessori chicken in the freezer from our local meat share, so the hubby and I decided to have that, roasted in the usual / correct way. Mr. Tech brought home cranberries from the grocery store unprompted, so I made cranberry sauce, too, and he made mashed potatoes with the skins on and microwaved some frozen corn. And there was an apple pie for desert, storebought, but a our favorite kind.

The hubby got a guy to inspect the chimney and bought a fireplace screen, and this afternoon he very carefully laid a fire totally wrong and struggled to light matches until he gave up and lit one off the gas burner on my stove. It took every ounce of emotional strength to not be Exactly Like My Father, but I calmly continued playing my computer game until Mr. Tech to declared, a little bewildered, that he couldn't get the logs to catch, and only then did I ask, "Would you like help?" and then did it properly.

We zoomed and played board games online with friends who were, like us, hunkered down, not traveling for our big traditional family dinners.

I am now making a half-assed attempt to get a PS5 from Meijer, of all places, which supposedly put a batch up for sale starting at 12:01 EST, but who knows, because their website has is, unsurprisingly, been brought to its knees by the load. Not sure how long I'm willing to give it, since my main motivation for trying tonight is just to make it so I no longer have to think about how I am going to get my hands on a PS5.
posted by BrashTech at 9:39 PM on November 26, 2020 [4 favorites]

I am not American, but whether you're winding down with a glass of warm eggnog or kicking the ol' baseball around I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. I imagine you're all replete and happy, relaxing after your traditional corndogs (? note: check) and applesauce, so I just want to say that I wish you all the best and I hope your coming year will be considerably less dreadful than the one before.
posted by Joe in Australia at 10:27 PM on November 26, 2020 [17 favorites]

Awww, that's so nice of you Joe! I hope whenever you take a break from cracking those oil cans of Fosters, or throwing those shrimp on the barbie, you get a chance to relax and, uh, I dunno, knock a soccer ball into a 'ute with a cricket bat? Is that a thing? I doubt it. But anyway, yeah, stay away from those drop bears and know that we appreciate you here as well, or at least I do. I tip my Akubra to you fine sir, and wish you a Happy G'Day Mate!
posted by valkane at 10:50 PM on November 26, 2020 [4 favorites]

All month long, I'd been bragging about this brilliant plan I had: over cook on Thanksgiving, freeze half of it, BOOM Christmas meal done. I was very proud of my plan. BUT I have two friends who live alone and were bummed about a solo holiday so I offered to make plates for them. It was only after I'd given away, ding dong ditch style, two heaping plates for my friends that I realized I gave away my Christmas meal! But honestly, I'm feeling great about it. I'd much rather have fed friends, and frozen pizza Christmas.

The turkey came out better than ever this year. Juicy, tender, and perfectly crisp brown skin. I have no idea why and will probably never reach such glory again.
posted by Pretty Good Talker at 10:53 PM on November 26, 2020 [12 favorites]

I know a woman who hated her time working at IBM as a contractor/consultant, because her entire experience in that time was pretty much one of the (many) acronyms for IBM -- `I'm By Myself.

That was my day today. Normally I spend holidaze with my best friend here in Austin, Jimmy, and his wife. But I decided that I was not going to do that, though I hadn't told them until late this morning, and it turns out that is what they wanted also. We're all mid 60s, all in good health and in good shape but still, those markers are real. Age is important in how a person reacts if they get this illness. So -- I'm By Myself.

Which was fine. I got out in the afternoon, my daily bicycle ride, gray skies when I got out but ended up a golden sunset hour. I dogged it, spent maybe half hour sitting on a favorite bench, maybe a third of the way in the 11 miles, watched the gray fall off the sky and the gold come in, taking it light, taking it easy, and I finished that ride in golden autumn air, low 70s F, no wind, no rain. Perfect. I'll question myself on why I'm living here in the months June through September but then on days like today I remember clearly (one of) the reasons that I enjoy to live here.

Home from the ride, watched part 3 of a Netflix documentary about Bill Gates. I'd watched all three parts last night, wanted to see again the third. Pretty great documentary, Gates a phenomenal human being, one who I hated when he was burying anyone in the tech world (I'm one of the 13 people who actually *paid* to buy their copy of Netscape, $30) but a man no longer doing that, a man who has turned his attention and his fantastic brain and energies to solving huge world problems, as best as he is able. It presented Bill and Melinda as equals in their foundation, each bringing their talents to the table(s). (Melinda is a trip, I'd love to see a docu just on her; it's not like Mr. Bill married some bim out of a topless bar -- she's got serious firepower, a great heart and a great head.)

Netflix is new here, maybe 3 weeks or a month, and I could go long here but I won't; suffice to say that I absolutely see it as worth the cash.Spectacular content. Serious, smart TV.

Jimmy dropped off a care package, maybe 7 PM, turkey (mostly dark meat, which I damn sure love, l-tryptophan city), cranberries (real cranberries, not a can of gelled junk), green beans, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, dressing, gravy, on and on. I ate a considerable amount of that and then, stoned on the l-tryptophan and coming down off a sugar rise (I think the cranberries) I fell into a fine sleep. Woke a few hours ago, called a sister who is very alone in an assisted living place, she's lived a hard life and a call seems to give her a boost, and damn sure gives me a boost -- I like to talk with her about how she and I together watched JFK lay down a hard line on Russian ICBMs in Cuba, watched him in black and white of course, probably I should dig around and find that speech in color. I also like to talk to her about being Cubs fans when we were kids, taking a train into downtown and then taking the EL to Wrigley Field, get there in time for batting practice, watch the grounds keepers make the base-paths perfect, with perfect white chalk lines also.

ANYWAZE, I talked with her, earlier in the day I spoke with two very good friends, maybe an hour each, one friend I called from that bench I sat on as the afternoon headed toward evening. Both of these friends are in trouble, one that I think can spring himself, the other truly in deep shit, and unable to be sprung without anti-psychotics; she had a break four or five years ago and has not been able to accept that she needs really powerful medical help to get out of the trap she is in. She is a great human being, a huge heart, she was the center of many Austin peoples holidays but she has pushed everyone away, myself included, and most people have given up, and left, but I just ignore that shit and call her or write her or whatever; I think I'm the last. She can see that her life has changed, that she has lost her career and most of her friendships, so she can see it but she is convinced that it's some force outside of herself, fucking with her. It's really unusual for a person to have a psychotic break in their 50s but that is what has happened to her. I listen to her illness blather but I refuse to agree with it, and I keep insisting that she can have her life back but it's going to have to come via Better Living Through Chemistry....

So I talked to lots of people that are really important to me, I got out and enjoyed the day via the bike ride (December 1st will be 5 years and 9 months without missing a day. Fun.), I ate damn fine food* from a care package a friend delivered to my damn door.
*Someone upthread mentioned having their cholesterol shooting through the stratosphere, and that happened to me, also, for five years straight my good-guy cholesterol had risen about 10% each year while the bad guy cholesterol remained constant. This August, my yearly blood work showed the bad-guy cholesterol rose alarmingly, and the good-guy cholesterol didn't move up but maybe 5%. From that day to this day, I have not eaten one thing that I'd not want my cardiologist to see; I love chocolate -- I love that shit -- from they day I got the news about my new, shitty numbers all I have eaten that is even remotely sinister is about half a bar of dark chocolate. Going to go next month and see if the numbers have improved or not.


i go on. Sorry.

Thank you all for sharing your holiday story with me here. It's a great thread, it was real fun to read, and fun also for me to say "Hi!" to you, also.

Happy Bird Day
posted by dancestoblue at 11:26 PM on November 26, 2020 [11 favorites]

It was just my wife and I for Thanksgiving. Our oldest boy lives locally but he and his fiancee are unable to isolate themselves from the general public, and we are in a NY orange zone. Although they are doing fine, it seemed safest to keep apart this year. Our younger son lives a couple of hours away and is able to work from home. But he is an epidemiologist and acutely aware of the risks -- he made the sensible decision to stay within his pod. We took a nice walk, listened to The Last Waltz, and watched some old movies. Dinner was turkey pumpkin chili and a homemade pumpkin ice cream. And we planned for next year when we can have the whole family together again.
posted by maurice at 2:34 AM on November 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

I did a zoom-thanksgiving with my spouse, their mother, and one of their colleagues who has a difficult family. It was fun. And, an excuse to bother to cook something vaguely fancy, since I wasn't entirely eating alone, for the first time since March. I was thinking of doing a local all-indigenous-menu thing this year. But, I'm lazy and I don't actually like squash very much. Maybe next year, with company.

I live alone, have been cutting back significantly on meat lately, and I don't actually like turkey much. (The heart and liver are good. And I'll admit a cold drumstick in the middle of the night after drinking can be satisfying. The rest of it is lost on me.) The idea of figuring out what to do with even a small chicken seemed daunting. But, I had two venison medallions in the freezer, which made for a perfect main dish that's actually something I can finish before it goes bad.

This year I managed get the sauces right, which is an achievement. It's the first time I've made truly satisfying gravy: black truffle oil butter, hen-of-the-woods mushrooms, garlic, beef bullion, red wine, starch, very long and low cooking. I didn't make it too thick to pour, for the first time in my life. And, my "random stuff I had in the kitchen" sauce for the roasted beets and carrots turned out surprisingly well: thick yogurt, crushed pistachios, orange marmalade, a little honey. Some day I'll see if I can recreate them when eating with other people.

When talking to a friend earlier, I learned that the fantastic, cheap, incredibly kind American-Vietnamese restaurant I had thanksgiving dinner at every year in college has now closed down. My childhood thanksgivings were fine. But, a giant bowl of everything-pho-with-curry while studying for finals is actually the thanksgiving tradition I miss. I've yet to find an equivalent in the city I live in now.
posted by eotvos at 2:39 AM on November 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

Alright! It is the morning after Thanksgiving, there are some trace leftovers, there are FAR more raw vegetable ingredients, and I have the day off and I just got more ambulatory.

I already made noises to my roommate about wanting to pre-make some soups and veg sides that both help us get fed more easily, and could use up some of the stuff. So I am probably going to be doing some kitchen puttering today, making a couple of very basic soups, roasting up a shit-ton of beets which can be kept in the fridge and turned into quick side dishes or spun into borscht, and maybe making a batch of sweet potato biscuits to freeze. Because we have SO MANY SWEET POTATOES, y'all - the CSA has gone nuts.

I'm also REALLY interested to see what kind of stock I can make from the bones from last night's smoked turkey drumsticks. I didn't think I would be as satisfied ("it's not roast turkey, it's not the saaaame"), but actually, a big hunk of smoked turkey was dang good.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 6:32 AM on November 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

I live next door to an elderly woman and her adult son, and they live in a duplex and usually rent the second house out to students to supplement their income. Since the pandemic they haven't been able to rent it and her son is on disability, so they're kind of having it rough, and I've been trying to help in little ways that they would accept. Twice a month when I bake, I make an extra loaf of bread for them and leave it on their porch. We both have gardens and one day she noticed I was using this little red wagon to move some bricks. Later in the week she asked if she could borrow it and of course I lent it to her. After she returned it she left note asking if I'd be willing to trade my wagon for her rather large wheelbarrow. I didn't really want the wheelbarrow, but I also knew it was really too big and unwieldy for her. So I got on Craig's List and found a nice, used, fat wheeled garden wagon and purchased and picked it up and left it in her backyard. It was pretty cheap for a garden wagon so I didn't really think anything of it.

So during Thanksgiving dinner I caught out of the corner of my eye her son crossing the front lawn to our door. I went to the front door and he had left a plate of muffins on the steps with a note. "Happy Thanksgiving!" I shouted to him. "Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. Those are from my mom," he replied. I brought in the plate of muffins and then read the note to my family. Here's what it said.

(Stańczyk) and family,
I'm thankful for my neighbors like you! I appreciate all you have done for us. Like giving us your old satellite dish so we could get TV. Your delicious bread + that AMAZING wagon you gave me!! Every time I use it, I tell you the truth, my first thought is "what a dream." It's just perfect and I LOVE it!
I pray for your family's safety + good health thru these difficult times.
God Bless.

It was just a stupid wagon, and I had forgotten about the dish, but in a super-shitty year, I think I just had the best Thanksgiving ever.
posted by Stanczyk at 7:01 AM on November 27, 2020 [39 favorites]


I need more pie.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 9:14 AM on November 27, 2020 [3 favorites]

Thanksgiving day was much the same as usual for us, most years it has just been the husband and I. I cooked the usual stuff, utilizing as many conveniences as possible as cooking is not really my jam. Stuffing from a box, mashed potatoes from a box, gravy from a jar, etc. I do doctor things up with spices and stuff, to make them a little more special. Used turkey broth instead of water to make the stuffing, added pan drippings to the gravy, and the like. Except for the green bean casserole, for which I follow the recipe on the fried onion container, like my ancestors before me.

The turkey actually came out pretty ok this year, which is not the norm. I used a cooking bag and it came out tender and juicy. My husband took care of my most-hated Thanksgiving chore, stripping the meat off of the carcass and bagging up the leftovers. So that was nice to not have to deal with, and the bag made cleaning up the pan a breeze too.

I baked two frozen pies, one pumpkin and one cherry, because the Mr likes pumpkin and I could take or leave it. That's kind of a lot of pie for two people though, but we are powering through. Pie for breakfast! And lunch! And probably dinner, although that may just be him because for some reason he's been hitting the cherry harder than normal (heh) and pumpkin may be the only thing left.

I laid down for a nap yesterday around 7pm and didn't wake up until 1:30. I got up for a bit and ate a healthy snack and a big glass of water to offset all the Thanksgiving bounty, then laid back down around 3am and didn't get back up until 8. I don't think I've ever been this well-rested in my entire life! It feels weird.

Family-wise, I had a nice long phone conversation with my dad yesterday morning, and we Zoom'd with the husband's family who are all gathered in Alabama (and to which we were invited, but since their idea of a Covid bubble includes several households including college-age nieces who go to school and socialize in person, that was a big NO from the Diabetic Dorks.)

My biggest source of holiday blues this year is my (adult) daughter, who is currently thankfully safe in a shelter several states away after fleeing a bad relationship a few weeks ago. The shelter has been on Covid lockdown recently and I was afraid they wouldn't have a holiday meal at all, but some kind soul donated them several turkeys with all the trimmings, so they got to have a nice feast after all. Very grateful for the kindness of strangers.
posted by Serene Empress Dork at 10:34 AM on November 27, 2020 [7 favorites]

It was just my husband and kid but I made a full-blown Thanksgiving dinner for 12. I figured we could do some side dish exchanges with my siblings this weekend to mix it up a little. It's no more difficult to cook for 12 than for 3. I got a fresh turkey and cut it in half and gave it to my sister, who was just hosting her two teenaged boys. My parents were alone Thursday but one of my sibs will visit and bring food today. We normally would all be together, along with my husband's family, which can easily be a meal for 40 in one house, every other year. I make almost everything from the Cook's Illustrated book. I spent Wednesday doing prep work, which was mostly chopping onions, celery, carrots, garlic, mushrooms. I boiled white potatoes, that my husband peeled, for mashed and a baked a tray of sweet potatoes doused in brown sugar and butter. I made a pecan pie and apple pie. I had tried to make Stella Parks pecan pie but failed so I ended up making a simple one. The stuffing was sublime with chestnuts and cherries. Classic bean green casserole with home-made mushroom sauce with porcini mushroom I picked this fall and dried. The top was layered in carmelized onions tossed with panko bread crumbs. I boiled cranberries with sugar and orange and it jellied nicely. The gravy was made with drippings and turkey broth I made from the backbone, that resulted from the splitting with my sister, in the pressure cooker the day before. It was perfect, for once. Gravy is the worst part of the meal because it's just after the turkey is out of the oven and I'm on the home stretch after two days of preparation. I was pretty exhausted, so being that there were no other guests to cater to I took a long soak in the tub before dinner. It was a beautiful and peaceful day, the air is crisp and the leaves are all on the ground. I'm grateful for my family all being healthy and here and we are rid of Trump as the president. I'm grateful to still have a job even though I had to take a medical leave for mental health. I'm back to work and my boss is nicer to me. I have those struggling with addiction in my thoughts and am hopeful for us.
posted by waving at 10:55 AM on November 27, 2020 [4 favorites]

I just went into the kitchen and started a huge pot of potage crecy, all on my own (save for asking my roommate to lift down the big food processor). All that was in it was carrots, onion, a handful of rice, a little salt and pepper, and some boiling water; the food processor chopped the onion and sliced the carrot (nearly all the carrots we got from the CSA this past weekend), and I'm going to be using the immersion blender when it's done cooking. And all my roommate might have to do is move the big pot from the stove to the counter, because I still need one arm free to support myself on a crutch or on countertops. It will easily live in the fridge for quick reheatable side dishes, it can make a nice lunch with a slice of toast from the bread my roommate just got, and it combats a backlog of veggies.

About midway through cooking I told my roommate I was thinking of that line from Sweeney Todd when he finally gets his razor back and hollers "My right arm is complete again!" I kind of feel like that.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 11:03 AM on November 27, 2020 [3 favorites]

Since I wanted to stop myself overspending extensively out of holiday anxiety, plus my immuno-compromised husband preferred that I not go out into the fray, I ordered a meat buffet (ready-to-reheat mini-ham, roasted turkey breast, prime rib) and critical sides (green bean casserole, a yammy thing that I'll not order again) from Honeybaked, which was all delivered frozen last week. I'd bought my TJ's box dressing weeks ago, and got potatoes, cranberries, and pies via grocery delivery. I have but didn't even bother cooking brussels sprouts, they'll liven up leftovers that we will be eating every meal for the next 3-4 days. This was all, indeed, still way cheaper than I could have done if I'd done it all myself, especially in THIS kind of anxious year.

And then somehow, when I suggested we pick a movie to watch, my husband suggested "Cats (2019)". I don't know if he was just feeling as full of goodwill as that movie was ever going to get, or if he wasn't feeling up to the emotional challenge of Die Hard or Elf, or if he was just too far into the wine. I myself thought, "well, it's probably not that bad" but my god, it is. It's that bad. I fell asleep a couple of times in self defense.
posted by Lyn Never at 11:16 AM on November 27, 2020 [5 favorites]

We watched a movie called "Buddy Games", for which I had low expectations going in, and even that turned out to be too optimistic. Testicles featured very heavily in the plot.
posted by Serene Empress Dork at 11:24 AM on November 27, 2020 [1 favorite]

Gadzooks! Just checked the hummingbird feeders I filled yesterday.. Both are down by an inch and some. And I could hear the Lord of all he surveys zzt! ztt! ztt!-ing away across Broadway. (Anna's hummingbirds sing all year round: testicles featured very heavily in the plot.) Well, Mission Accomplished, methinks.
posted by y2karl at 11:41 AM on November 27, 2020 [3 favorites]

It was me, my son and my ex-wife (his mom) since we're in a pod together sharing custody. Per-pandemic, we'd try to have a meal together once a month or so just so all were on the same page. Thankful that she and I have a strong co-parenting relationship.

Ordered take-out meals from a local restaurant and made a few sides myself. She brought a Charcuterie board. I wished the neighbors a happy Thanksgiving and they responded "Do you need pie? We just made some this morning" so that rounded out things nicely.

I miss elbowing my cousins out of the way from eating all the deviled eggs while my brother dozed on the couch through a bad Lions game but we made the best of it.
posted by Twicketface at 12:01 PM on November 27, 2020 [3 favorites]

My sweetie and his sister organized a Taskmaster type game for their extended family. We’ve been doing Tasks for the last couple of weeks and yesterday we watched the slideshow of results while zooming and could all compliment each other and laugh at ourselves and inquire about stuff in the background, what with not having been in each other’s houses 4evah. Really good, recommend.
posted by clew at 12:21 PM on November 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

It's dark and cold here in London, but Mele Kalikimaka by chococat just popped up on one of my playlists and brought a tropical breeze into my kitchen while I did dishes.
posted by yankeefog at 1:30 PM on November 27, 2020 [4 favorites]

I was dreading this Thanksgiving, but it turned out OK. Because we don't celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving is the only holiday we actually observe. Ours is a tiny family, just my 84yo mom in NY state, my sister in suburban Atlanta, and myself in TN. We only see my mom at Thanksgiving and Mother's Day, so it's now been a year, and this was going to be hard. Although they've been 100% quarantining and haven't left their homes since March, I do go to the grocery store (masked). Because I've left my house in the last 8 months, my sister didn't want me to come into her home, so I drove a little over 90 minutes to bring her something I bought at my market; she gave me stuffing (what you may call dressing) to take home, as I don't cook.

We sat about 15 feet apart in her driveway, masked, listening to Alice's Restaurant; then we walked around her cul-de-sac on opposite sides of the street, about 20+ feet apart, also masked. It was sunny and 73°.

Then I drove back to TN, set up Zoom for the three of us, and we ate our separate meals (after a farce-worthy effort of walking my mom through trying to use the stand-up feature of her iPad cover so she didn't have to hold it while eating). Stuffing aside, I don't usually eat the traditional Thanksgiving food they like, so we're always eating different meals anyway. Happily, two (recently married) guys we love got the Zoom link from my sister and surprised us by coming in, thrilling my mom to see her "adopted" sons/sons-in-law, and we laughed a lot.

Oh! And I got to Facetime with ColdChef and point his face on my phone toward their faces on my Mac, and that was delightful!

In 2009, I had complications from surgery and couldn't go to Thanksgiving; in 2017, my mom was recovering from surgery and couldn't travel. Those years were awful; somehow, even though we weren't at all together, this felt much more like a "real" Thanksgiving. But basically, my holidays are now done for the year, and I'm working hard to stave off "the mopey" of it all. That MeFi Gala might be just the trick.
posted by The Wrong Kind of Cheese at 3:20 PM on November 27, 2020 [4 favorites]

I'm 100% convinced that when we're back to big Thanksgiving next year, my roux will be lumpy or my drippings won't separate properly.

Never fear. You need a flat gravy whisk.
posted by Short Attention Sp at 3:33 PM on November 27, 2020 [4 favorites]

I saw the one other person in my support bubble, P, an old music-college friend who's basically family by now. First time anyone's visited in my house since the beginning of the month.

I roasted a couple of turkey legs/thighs, which I think are the best part of the turkey. They came out well, with delicious crisp skin (rubbed with olive oil, seasoned salt, black pepper and thyme). I also made a butternut squash risotto. P brought over sweet potatoes (with pecans, orange zest, brown sugar) and green beans. He also gleefully insisted on making candle salad, a mid-20th-century dish that looks like a schlong.

I was tired and underslept, but we walked as far as the Thames. The night was cold and clear, with Mars by the gibbous moon.

Then, desserts: little pumpkin puddings with sour cream topping and gingersnaps which I'd made the day before, both from Smitten Kitchen.

Today I've been taking it slow. I slow-cooked the leftover turkey till it fell off the bone, then combined it with leftover gravy, herbs and vegetables to make a stew which I'll freeze. In portions for one. Back to solitary dinners for the forseeable.

Sending love to the scattered constellation of MeFites, telescope trained skywards, seeing how you shine.
posted by Pallas Athena at 4:20 PM on November 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

Seconding Short Attention Sp, flat whisks are fantastic! For anyone making gravy for more than 2 people at a time I recommend choosing a 10" or larger model. Best for mixing ingredients that you don't want to incorporate air bubbles into.
posted by Greg_Ace at 4:37 PM on November 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

We've been sharing a bubble with my brothers, one of whom has a wife and three kids, the other of whom is a bachelor. And my brother with a family had a Covid exposure about ten days before Thanksgiving. Unfortunately he and his entire family caught Covid. I got a clear test (taken 7 days after exposure) on Tuesday. (I was the only one exposed, my brothers and I had drinks together after I cut their hair because I am now an AMAZING COVID BARBER and by barber I mean I run a mean clippers, and we found out two days later my one brother had been exposed.) But my other brother was tested Tuesday and STILL doesn't have a result tonight! That sucks! I tested Monday and had a result on Tuesday.

Anyway, I was grateful that I was able to deliver Thanksgiving to my bachelor brother, who is very family-focused and dotes on his nieces and nephews and is usually with us for feasting holidays! I was like APPRECIATE THIS FUCKING GRAVY IT'S AMAZING from six feet away as I dropped the tupperware on his porch. He appreciated Thanksgiving food because he cooks a little but it's mostly instant pot. (He is 12 years younger than I am.) I offered to deliver to my other brother, with the Covid, but he said he and my SIL have no sense of taste right now so not to bother. I feel really bad that my bachelor brother had to be alone for Thanksgiving, but hopefully everyone will be Covid-free for Christmas and we can all share Christmas together. My nieces and nephew are kicking Covid's butt, as apparently small children tend to do. They run intermittent fevers but have had few symptoms and feel fine. Which is a problem for my brother and SIL who FEEL LIKE ASS and cannot parent a baby, toddler, and kindergartener while also having Covid. They're like, "WATCH TV AND EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT. HERE'S A BOX OF CRACKERS, THAT'S DINNER, ENJOY."
posted by Eyebrows McGee (staff) at 9:42 PM on November 27, 2020 [12 favorites]

Oh wow, Eyebrows: that's a lot! So glad you tested negative and I also hope your brother and his family's recovery exceeds your most optimistic expectations!!
posted by carmicha at 10:15 PM on November 27, 2020 [2 favorites]


I'm 52 and you'd be surprised how often I tell myself exactly that.
posted by hippybear at 4:54 AM on November 28, 2020 [11 favorites]

I had a short meal at a friend's, brought turkey, stuffing & gravy because the stuffing & gravy have to be right, and proper gravy requires cooking a bird. I'd forgotten I had homemade chicken broth in the freezer and used boxed for the stuffing, but the gravy was superb (I strain it, silky is easy) so it didn't matter. Friend made roast vegetables and pie. We kept the doors and windows open, so it was chilly, but nice.

I have had many leftovers - pie (yesterday was Pie For Breakfast day), stuffing & gravy, turkey sandwiches with mayo, horseradish, salt & pepper - which are probably the best part.

I am working from home part-time/temp, with a desk at the upstairs window. It's nice to see people walking dogs, and there's a pair of squirrels in the wooded lot next door that dash about. Part-time & temp workers really get treated as disposable, in an oddly polite way. But it's nice to have both structure and extra funds. The lack of reporting on how lower-wage workers are (not) managing is weird. Of course you/we should stay home, but we need groceries, so people are working, we want takeout, so people are working, we want to buy stuff, warehouse and delivery workers are hustling. I won't boycott Christmas for my grandsons, but that will be it.

Be well and safe, all you lovely MeFites; having this community is more important than ever. ❤
posted by theora55 at 7:11 AM on November 28, 2020 [4 favorites]

I spent yesterday morning in the ER with a gall bladder attack (my first!). While it was unfun--I'm home now, I got painkillers and the whole thing was mercifully brief--I just counted my blessings that my ER was available, across the street, that my medical staff weren't overworked, that I have insurance (fuck you America, you suck) and a supportive bunch of people willing to help me out (IRL and online) if I need help. I am home with a low-fat diet prescription, a tetchy gall bladder, a future consultation, and a good story. I blame the contest where I won a year's supply of cheese, and my solo Thanksgiving supper which was a radical departure from my usual bird food and peanut butter diet. I have another librarian pal in Canada who is going on about the same gall bladder journey with me right now, so we've been comparing notes via Twitter DM. Do not tell me your gall bladder stories, I do not want them.
posted by jessamyn (retired) at 9:41 AM on November 28, 2020 [19 favorites]

Oh and also yesterday was MY holiday which is Buy Nothing Day. I have been reliably informed by a MeFite who is also a medical ethicist that purchasing medical services and prescription medicine Does Not Count.
posted by jessamyn (retired) at 9:43 AM on November 28, 2020 [9 favorites]

Glad to hear you're okay.
posted by Stanczyk at 9:47 AM on November 28, 2020 [2 favorites]

Oh and also yesterday was MY holiday which is Buy Nothing Day.

Also known as "Beige Friday".
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:01 AM on November 28, 2020 [3 favorites]

I have a problem, and that problem is that I can never do something simply and leave well enough alone. We had Thanksgiving day alone, just the two of us, and I still prepared enough food to feed a small army. Smoked turkey, stuffing, roasted Brussels sprouts, green beans, and I even made individually molded cranberry sauces.

Then, wife's company urged everyone to avoid traveling and stay safe... but also gave every employee THREE pies from a local boutique bakery. And she wanted to bake, so we ended up with three whole pies plus about two dozen individually sized pumpkin pies. We needed to get these out of the house, so we sent out word on Friday to come and pick up pie if folks were interested. And of course we needed to offer a bite to eat, but leftover Thanksgiving food is kind of hard to eat off a paper plate balanced on a knee... So I made a second Thanksgiving dinner. A "handheld Thanksgiving" dinner. Turkey sausage with Parker House buns, stuffing muffins (stuffins? muffings?), sweet potato chips, green bean "casserole" (dehydrated beans with mushroom, shallot, and milk powder flavoring), cranberry pate de fruit, and the individual pumpkin pies.

Not to be outdone, some friends brought over a wood stove that they hand built from a scrap 55-gallon drum. They also freecycled an old table and lengthened the legs so it would fit over top. Now we can safely socialize outdoors through the cold winter!
posted by backseatpilot at 10:36 AM on November 28, 2020 [6 favorites]

Sorry to hear about your gall bladder episode, jessamyn! Hope you feel better soon.

My T-day was a Zoom call with the family. There was one great moment: my great-nephew was goofing around entertaining everyone on camera. He is small and everyone has been waiting for his babbles to turn into actual speech. At one point his mom explains to him about Turkey and repeats it a few times "Turkey! Can you say Turkey? Turkey" and of course he blurts out "Too-kee!!" and then again and again "Too-kee|!".

My mom and brother had wandered off as people were going in and out of camera. So it was only a couple of us, me, his mom, my wife who heard his first clear word, a spoken "Turkey" on Thanksgiving day.
posted by vacapinta at 12:07 PM on November 28, 2020 [5 favorites]

I have been pretty over Thanksgiving for a while, so mine was not super different, except that I had a lot of work to do because I am foolishly overemployed.

a) My family lives on the other side of the country, and Thanksgiving hits at the point in the fall semester where I just need to sleep for days, since there is no fall analogue of spring break. I don't think I've traveled for Thanksgiving in over 5 years. Usually it's phone calls and texts, so getting everyone on Zoom was actually a nice improvement this year.

b) I don't mind traditional Thanksgiving food, but I also don't get excited about it. I am not about to do all that cooking and, more importantly, cleaning for just myself. Usually I go out for a meal and tip extravagantly. This year I ordered in and tipped extravagantly.
posted by ktkt at 12:36 PM on November 28, 2020 [2 favorites]

My bubble through this whole thing has been my local partner, his cohabitating partner, and my partner who lives in Portland, stays isolated up there, and has carefully driven down to spend a week with us every couple of months. We'd planned on him coming down for Thanksgiving, but after many hours of anguishing over it, decided against it because of the risk of something going wrong with all the other people out and about who are not being as careful and thoughtful as he is.

We were managing long-distance just fine until pandemic, taking turns flying to see each other every month, now it sucks. :/

But Thanksgiving dinner with local partner + metamour was wonderful. We often do bo ssam or a seafood feast but went ultra-traditional this year. I brought the sausage-cheese balls and deviled eggs as dictated by my southern ancestors, made cranberry syrup for cocktails and sodas, and they handled the bird, stuffing, tatos, and (the most important part) gravy. The least traditional part was the pies, which we ordered from a local bakery that makes calamansi and ube and other pies with flavors of the Philippines. We zoomed with the long-distance partner, ate, drank, and were low-key merry.

I did get soundly headbutted in the face by a very excited, fiercely protective dog who even after all these years hasn't figured out polyamory so forgets who I am and why I'm allowed to be so up close and personal with her people every time I come over. There's a treats ritual that usually gets us past this quickly, but this time she was Just! So! Excited! I'm fine, but thinking up outlandish stories to tell my coworkers when I show up on Zoom Monday with scratches on my cheek and a bruised lip (dog skulls are hard).

I am making turkey gumbo with the leftover turkey tonight.
posted by rhiannonstone at 12:47 PM on November 28, 2020 [5 favorites]

Oh, man, now I wanna make jambalaya with some of the smoked turkey but we don't have any pepper or celery....
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 1:28 PM on November 28, 2020 [1 favorite]

Happy belated Thanksgiving!

A question: I've been looking at Thanksgiving recipes (for Christmas ideas) and I'm wondering- is the stuffing ever actually inside the bird these days?
posted by freethefeet at 1:40 PM on November 28, 2020 [1 favorite]

My stuffing certainly isn't ever inside the bird. Where I grew up it's more properly called dressing, not stuffing, and is made separately (sometimes in addition to a bit inside the bird, back before we knew better about safe food temperatures, but not anymore).

I've taken to calling it stuffing because non-Southerners get real confused when I say dressing, though, and I think standard usage of "stuffing" has now expanded so that everyone except the most pedantic knows it includes the stuff that's not actually stuffed. (And the pedants know, too, they just want to be difficult.)

There are some people who insist on actually stuffing it, and do it relatively safely by measuring the temperature of everything. But that's too much work for even a tiny bit of risk and a reward that's not proportional to the effort, for me.
posted by rhiannonstone at 1:47 PM on November 28, 2020 [1 favorite]

My parents do stuffing inside of the turkey. I think it's just fine and safer outside.
posted by Sparky Buttons at 2:38 PM on November 28, 2020

Back when I was a kid, my family did both in-bird and separate in-pan stuffing/dressing. I could tell the in-bird stuffing was moister and somehow tastier. As an adult I figured out that the key difference was fat - the in-bird stuffing absorbed some from the turkey and the separate dressing had none, or much less. Easy fix: add more fat (chicken, duck, or bacon fat; or olive oil) to the in-pan dressing.

(For the last few years I've been buying jars of rendered duck fat - available via Amazon, or if you're lucky a local Asian market; I go through about a jar a year, it keeps forever in the fridge. Potatoes roasted in 50/50 duck fat/olive oil taste wonderful, it adds great flavor to gravy, and of course it's a star ingredient in my Thanksgiving dressing!)
posted by Greg_Ace at 3:15 PM on November 28, 2020 [3 favorites]

add more fat (chicken, duck, or bacon fat; or olive oil) to the in-pan dressing.

Also, if you're avoiding meat/animal fat, add a small to medium handful of dried porcini mushroom pieces along with the olive oil for extra richness and umami.
posted by Greg_Ace at 3:19 PM on November 28, 2020 [2 favorites]

Duck fat roasted potatoes are unlike any other form of potato. They are transcendent and amazing and so far beyond what you think potatoes can be, it's a bit astounding.
posted by hippybear at 3:22 PM on November 28, 2020 [1 favorite]

I bet we could do a whole separate thread just for potato recipes (I've got at least 3 myself). It's an astoundingly versatile vegetable.
posted by Greg_Ace at 3:44 PM on November 28, 2020

Thank you! I had never thought of the food safety component, makes sense.

My only real experience with stuffing is the grey/beige sludge inside a rotisserie chicken so I've always wondered why people rave about stuffing.

Answer: not stuffed and delicious.
posted by freethefeet at 4:39 PM on November 28, 2020

You can put stuffing inside the bird, but you have to do it near the end because if you stuff it in the raw bird, it's both a food safety hazard and likely to be too wet inside/too dry outside. For the perfect consistency, cook stuffing, then cook the bird to within 30 minutes of done, then stuff the stuffing and let it finish in the bird. Or just stuff it in there as a garnish when you're going to the table and offer people your other dish of dressing (easier.)

Anyway, we had salmon and I made two pies. One was pumpkin and the other was Cranberry Curd Tart except with a normal pie crust. They were better together as a combination. The tart recipe is interesting, because it makes the curd backwards from what I'm used to (cook the juice and butter and then temper the eggs with it instead of cooking the eggs with the juice and melting the butter in) which leaves open the possibilities of many types of curds I've never made (concord grape?) because extracting the juice is a hassle.
posted by blnkfrnk at 5:02 PM on November 28, 2020 [2 favorites]

It's not that I don't agree that there's some risk in cooking a raw bird with stuffing, but I also think it's important to note that just because you're not adding stuffing, that doesn't mean you shouldn't stuff your bird.

Fill it with aromatics, like quartered onions, chunks of carrots, celery, smoked oysters or cooked bacon ends, whole garlic cloves, sage, rosemary, and butter. Leaving the cavity empty is leaving an opportunity on the table. You don't have to eat what you put in, but you also shouldn't be afraid of cooking a stuffed full bird with flavor.
posted by Stanczyk at 6:58 PM on November 28, 2020 [3 favorites]

Filling it with lemon wedges (or along with some of the other things Stanczyk mentions) is nice too.
posted by Greg_Ace at 7:35 PM on November 28, 2020 [1 favorite]

I made my first pumpkin pie! (With canned filling, so, not quite the real thing.) Since I have made several pies before, why did I forget the trick of the aluminum foil around the rim? Well, the next one will be better.
posted by Rash at 9:53 PM on November 28, 2020

The current lockdown in PDX stymied my Thanksgiving tradition of finding a fancy restaurant, hunkering down at the bar, enjoying a fantastic meal and trying all the cocktail specials. I'd read interesting stuff on the phone and chat with anyone nearby who's amenable.

I haven't left my apartment in 66 days so I was a little nervous about going out anyway.

My phone died on Thanksgiving, my alarm didn't go off and I missed the family zoom call. When I saw what time it was I went back to sleep for the rest of the day.

I ignored my usual custom of not buying anything on black Friday and ordered a couple wireless phone chargers. I swear I'll catch those guys at Christmas.
posted by bendy at 12:10 AM on November 29, 2020 [4 favorites]

@Rash want my subversive pumpkin pie tip? Skip the crust, skip the entire crust. Skip all bottom crusts, I tell you.

Look, I know how to blind-bake with the pie chain and all that, and if you like to that's fine, but try it without. Pumpkin pies are great with no crusts of any kind.

We didn't cook a turkey but put out a call for a carcass and now we have three quarts of turkey broth in the slow-cooker and a neighbor knows their turkey carcass got used right down to the marrowy femurs crushed with the kitchen pliers.
posted by away for regrooving at 1:51 AM on November 29, 2020

I just sang these praises in the cranberry sauce FPP - try using leftover cranberry sauce or relish, if you have something with a sweet flavor profile, on pancakes or waffles.

There aren't as many leftovers for my roommate and me as we thought, but that's fine. The thing we seem to have the most of is smoked turkey, and I made some fantastic red flannel hash with a chunk of it. I really wanna make jambalaya but there isn't any celery or pepper in the house (at least I think not).

We made small portions of the veg sides anyway so there wasn't any leftover; I'm on more of an ongoing quest to use up the raw veg, and some of that smoked turkey may find its way into a soup (I've been saving the bones as they get cleaned off and that will all find its way into a stock very soon). When we have Thanksgiving at my brother's I've taken to lurking in the kitchen and pouncing on the carcass before my sister-in-law throws it away, and making a quick stock out of it; the first year I did that she looked at me funny, but then the next day when we had a couple cousins and their kids show up for a surprise visit, my sister-in-law wasn't sure what she could throw together for a quick lunch and I just grinned and said "allow me," and made a lightning-fast soup by heating up some of the stock with some chopped leftover turkey, a bowl of some leftover chopped carrots and a couple handfuls of frozen peas and corn, and some egg noodles. I have been given reign of the kitchen after Thanksgiving ever since.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:35 AM on November 29, 2020 [1 favorite]

Novel idea, away for regrooving - I'll give it a try next time. I'm already using a peach pie recipe that has no bottom crust, because of the soggy.
posted by Rash at 11:26 AM on November 29, 2020

My pumpkin pie had a gingersnap crust and it was really good.
posted by theora55 at 11:31 AM on November 29, 2020 [3 favorites]

J.K.Skeaser, I hope everything with your parents went as well as you'd hoped they would.
posted by cooker girl at 12:19 PM on November 29, 2020

It did, sort of! My mom thankfully convinced me that it didn't make sense to drive all that way, so I just came out to them over video chat. I wasn't expecting congratulations from them or anything, but they seem to be trying. Baby steps.
posted by J.K. Seazer at 1:36 PM on November 29, 2020 [21 favorites]

My deviled egg suggestion is to cut a corner off a baggie, about the circumference you need to fill the deviled egg centers. This is 3/8 inch in my way of doing things. You can easily stuff enough filling to fill 24 halves in one sandwich bag. Platters to hold deviled eggs, with premade little dishes are cheap, and they even make disposables. I bought some to use with watercolor. Anyway I went to a meal at my daughter's house, and took deviled eggs, I used some Salvadoran Crema to finish out the filling, they were too dry. I also took guacamole, and rapidly pickled carrots. But my neighbors in the duplex brought me a full plate of dinner, and easily two quarters of two different pies yesterday, as is their tradition, we are a pod in this house. This was great stuff, all their best, it fed me last afternoon and evening, and all day today. I still have some cherry blueberry pie. Hooray!
posted by Oyéah at 5:40 PM on November 29, 2020 [4 favorites]

There's no reason pumpkin pie has to have a crust. The binder is eggs, so it's just a thick custard. Grease the dish and put it in a bain-marie and it's fine.
posted by blnkfrnk at 6:06 PM on November 29, 2020

Thanksgiving didn't suck as much as we expected. The weather turned warm and we saw one of the kids around the fire pit for a few hours. We gave her a lot of food (Salmon, two kinds of potatoes, and some Canadian butter tarts. Possibly the world's greatest dessert).

All this deviled egg talk is making me rethink the Christmas menu.
posted by freakazoid at 7:01 PM on November 29, 2020 [2 favorites]

If anyone needs any goofy cheer post-holiday-like-thing, I heartily recommend Paul Anka's album Rock Swings. I had almost forgotten about it when I came across it in my library, but it is the perfect blend of familiar yet funny and soothing in these troubled times.
posted by wierdo at 11:12 PM on November 29, 2020 [2 favorites]

(sorry for that extra 'k' in your name up there, J.K. Seazer!)
posted by cooker girl at 7:35 AM on November 30, 2020 [1 favorite]

The boy I had my first real crush on - my oldest friend's big brother, whom I've known for 31 and a half years - died today of cancer that they discovered in March. I'm so angry and so sad. I wanted to go see him, I wanted to give his sisters and parents a hug, I want to go to his funeral, but none of that could happen or will happen. So I'm just here.
posted by ChuraChura at 9:24 PM on November 30, 2020 [2 favorites]

Oh! ChuraChura that sucks. I'm so sorry.
posted by freethefeet at 9:55 PM on November 30, 2020 [3 favorites]

ChuraChura: a belated Dia De Los Muertos altar and photos sent to relatives would probably be the best hug you could give them and the best activity to help you focus your grief right now. I'm so sorry for your loss.
posted by hippybear at 10:06 PM on November 30, 2020

Oh, I’m sorry, ChuraChura. This is the shittiest possible year for losing someone.
posted by eirias at 11:45 AM on December 1, 2020 [1 favorite]

I'm just grateful to be here.
posted by grateful at 12:17 PM on December 4, 2020 [3 favorites]

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