MeFi projects archive (mailing list) October 12, 2002 3:08 PM   Subscribe

mefi-projects (a mailing list for members to anounce their own pet projects) now has an archive [various apologies + caveats inside].
posted by andrew cooke to MetaFilter-Related at 3:08 PM (11 comments total)

on the minus side: first, this is vaguely self-linking as i asked jerry to make an archive available; second the mailing list itself (for anouncing mefi members' projects) is mentioned on the post page. on the plus side: it's relevant and doesn't appear to have been linked to before (the archive has only existed for a day or so and a search turned up the list only twice, each time as a source).

in other words, not sure on this one, but thought it worth a shot...
posted by andrew cooke at 3:09 PM on October 12, 2002

Very handy, Andrew! And a great opportunity to thank kindall for the idea and the trouble he went to!
posted by MiguelCardoso at 5:14 PM on October 12, 2002

Cool, I had no idea this existed. Gonna sign up.
posted by madmanz123 at 7:15 PM on October 12, 2002

The Web-based archive of the list is basically vomited out of Microsoft Entourage using an AppleScript I whipped up in about an hour, so if you see any anomalies, be sure to let me know.
posted by kindall at 8:22 PM on October 12, 2002

You have an entourage, kindall? Cool.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 8:34 PM on October 12, 2002

No, I have Microsoft's Entourage. Bill loaned it to me. The sycophants are wonderful.
posted by kindall at 9:13 PM on October 12, 2002

No, I have Microsoft's Entourage. Bill loaned it to me. The sycophants are wonderful.

Stylin', too!
posted by Hildago at 9:56 PM on October 12, 2002

and when you and your stylin' entourage get where you're going, receive supplicants in luxurious comfort.
posted by quonsar at 10:41 AM on October 13, 2002

Wow. I have no clue what any of this thread's comments mean.
posted by gsteff at 10:57 PM on October 13, 2002

It's a urine stream of collective consciousness.
posted by euphorb at 1:17 PM on October 14, 2002

Clean Catch Mid Stream? Or Catheter?
posted by Apoch at 10:10 PM on October 14, 2002

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