What does the cia do. March 19, 2001 7:46 AM   Subscribe

What does the cia do.
posted by Gary Titmarsh to Feature Requests at 7:46 AM (2 comments total)

Mostly they sit in a van across the street from you, listening to your phone conversations and monitoring your brain waves.

I'm kidding of course. They mostly just emulate Jedgar in their annual "Cross-Dressin' Mafia-Bustin' Crack-Pushin' CIA Extravaganzoolaphoniceamon++"

I'm sorry, I've said too much. (Beware the eyes on your money!)
posted by sonofsamiam at 10:07 AM on March 19, 2001

Unfortunately, sonofsam, he was referring to the Culinary Institute of America.

Gary, they saute. They dice. They blanch. They rock.
posted by Skot at 10:12 AM on March 19, 2001

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