Kaycee unveiled May 21, 2001 10:19 AM   Subscribe

Let us take a moment and commend the Metafilter community on its Kaycee discussions. Despite the occasionally biting commentary, this thread spawned one of the most intense, fascinating, and exciting community discussions I've ever read (and that dates back to BBSes in 1987). The unstoppable curiosity of this site's members, coupled with a heavy moral and emotional burden, made for an incredible read. I have never been to Kaycee's site and I still spent my entire morning plowing through the 600-plus comments related to the incident.

Congratulations to MetaFilter on a fantastic thread. This should, I hope, quell some of those "it's too big, too boring, too typical" comments for a while.
posted by werty to MetaFilter-Related at 10:19 AM (2 comments total)

Errr, this was by no means typical. Boobie-augmented republicans riding in an SUV filled with Israeli-targeted suicide bombs--now that would be a collage of your typical Metafilter post...

Still, it was interesting to see sociology at work.
posted by fooljay at 8:04 PM on May 21, 2001

Yay us! I'll pat your back if you pat mine!
posted by kindall at 8:31 AM on May 22, 2001

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