How do I get the feeds into my AvantGo channels? March 8, 2005 6:56 PM   Subscribe

Matt's Blogline, My Yahoo, &c. ponies have me wonderin': how can I get the feeds into my AvantGo channels? I woulda ast in AxMe, but the warning screen sayeth take it to Meta if'n youse is gonna ask bout the Meta-stuff.
posted by mwhybark to MetaFilter-Related at 6:56 PM (10 comments total)

Let me be the first to say...

posted by Quartermass at 10:05 PM on March 8, 2005

Is it the grammar and vocabulary, or the question? A rewrite in standard English is available, free of charge.
posted by mwhybark at 10:49 PM on March 8, 2005

And on quick reflection, here it is.

1. Matt has added specialized feed channels to MeFi and MeTa recently, including ones for Bloglines, My Yahoo, and NewsGator.

2. I thought about asking this question in Ask MetaFilter, but the header says if the question is MetaFilter related, use MetaTalk.

3. How can I add MeFi or AskMe to my AvantGo channels?

As I understand it, AvantGo relies on similar feeds to those used by My Yahoo and company, and this is what made me curious.

I think that's a full translation.
posted by mwhybark at 11:02 PM on March 8, 2005

Hey, babelfish is finally getting pretty good...
posted by wendell at 11:15 PM on March 8, 2005

I didn't have to create any feeds for any of those services, just links to use the existing RSS feed with them. I noticed that Ask Mefi only has 10% of the subscribers that MeFi has, according to bloglines, and I wish more folks read it.

Anyway, if avantgo can't read RSS, I don't really feel like creating a special feed for that, but I'm pretty sure it can chomp RSS just fine.
posted by mathowie (staff) at 11:35 PM on March 8, 2005

mwhybark: will allow you to get RSS feeds through AvantGo.
posted by SteveInMaine at 3:40 AM on March 9, 2005

Thanks Steve, that looks all kinds of interesting. Now, that combined with the volunteer scraper site I've seen mention of hereabouts leads to some interesting possibilities!
posted by mwhybark at 6:48 AM on March 9, 2005

Vaguely on topic, if digressing somewhat: worth it be worth adding "Add AskMe to my" (and MeTa, and MeFi) links? Although I can't seem to find any spiffy graphics.

Actually, I just noticed AskMe isn't currently pinging, and neither is MeTa, so I guess it wouldn't be worth much at the moment.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 4:00 PM on March 9, 2005

Mike, I'll just add 2 cents that bloglines has a very nice mobile interface which works well on my T650 and Opera on the 6600 indeed. It isn't offline, but who wants to be offline on a tiny screen anyway?
posted by esinclai at 6:20 PM on March 9, 2005

Well, me, for one.

But If I can get blogines into AG, that's great. FWIW, AG appears to expect to scrape vanilla, but mobile-optimized, html. It loads and pagedraws Mefi sites (NOT the feeds) fine, except.

It doesn't render the bg color, so the white text is illegible.

My Yahoo has a dedicated, old-skool media channel for AG to which your current My Yahoo content cannot be added. There is a WAP My Yahoo, which features some rudimentary localization (Movie times, weather). But the new, cool My Yahoo stuff has not penetrated out intio these other publication formats over there.

Someone alert Jerry Yang!
posted by mwhybark at 9:58 PM on March 9, 2005

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