Posts in the Feature Requests Category.
Displaying 11 through 20 (of 2904)
December 20, 2024
What's the plan, Stan, for Trump 2025?
Given how much this previous administration hived off a lot of users, what's the mods/owner's plan for this? [more inside]
December 17, 2024
Gang of Mods: [chanting] We are the mods! We are the mods!
New rule proposal: Moderators should not be able to moderate threads posted by themselves. [more inside]
August 15, 2024
where to share interesting virtual events?
Recently I've come across two online 'events' that I thought mefis might be interested in. IRL doesn't seem like the place to share them because they are not In Real Life. is there a place? If not, could there be?
July 5, 2024
Fanfare: UI Request
I know that MeFi's codebase is currently being rebuilt, - cannot fathom the intricacies of that - but as stuff is being rebuilt anyway, I'd like to request a Fanfare UI addition / tweak - and was hoping other people would discuss the benefits / drawbacks of this particular tweak. [more inside]
June 17, 2024
Closing an AskMeta
What is the situation with a person closing their own AskMeta when they no longer need more responses, especially when there's a pile up going on? [more inside]
May 22, 2024
Most Answers or Comments?
I am curious about which posts on the blue have gotten the most comments (not counting things such as U.S. politics megathreads), or which questions on Ask have gotten the most answers. How feasible is that to find out? It would be cool if those were set off, as another way to see what has had a lot of engagement.
May 4, 2024
Adding year of release to Fanfare front page posts
This has been asked before, in Nov 2022, when the site owner called it a "really good idea" and a then-current tech person said it seemed "uncontroversial and positive, so I'll put that on the pile of things to do." Is this still something the community thinks is worth doing? If so, any chance it could be implemented? It might increase engagement in an area of the site that could use it. I know I'd find it useful, anyway.
February 27, 2024
Add request for followup to AskMeFi
Would we like a feature to request that an original poster, asking for recommendations, follow up with a comment about what they did, or if some place, restaurant, or service was recommended whether it worked out and why or why not? [more inside]
January 10, 2024
Resubscribe to MeFi’s RSS feeds
I wanted to let you all know that we're replacing FeedBurner with RSS feeds hosted on our own domains before next week’s Site Update. [more inside]
November 22, 2023
Hiding posts?
We often say "If you have nothing nice to say, feel free to skip this thread" or "Don't argue with other responses in an Ask MeFi thread", but we don't provide the easiest way people can do this. [more inside]
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