Posts in the Etiquette/Policy Category.
Displaying 21 through 30 (of 4724)

March 22, 2023

Would more youtube content be appreciated? Discuss

I love learning cool new stuff. I find all sorts of cool stuff on Youtube, spotify, Nebula, and podcasts that I'd like to share. And, it's hard to find, and I wish you all shared more cool audio and video content as well. I thought we could talk about how cool it is to post more cool content. Along with this is a question about the place for subscription-based or paywall audio/video content as well. [more inside]

March 21, 2023

Too Many Links

This post is a revised version of a comment I posted a little while ago on this post on the blue by kliuless. My complaint was that the post was really more of a linkdump than a coherent post. It's not the first time kliuless has done this, but I'm not singling them out -- I'm pretty sure I've seen other users do the same thing. [more inside]

March 2, 2023


What's the policy/consensus on answering Ask Metafilter questions with ChatGPT-generated answers? We now have at least one user doing it. [more inside]

February 16, 2023

Proposal: creation of a MetaFilter ombuds

I'd like to present for discussion by the MetaFilter community the proposal that we establish an official ombudsperson role, to act as a non-moderator community representative when questions about specific moderation decisions arise. [more inside]

February 2, 2023

Sharing and Over-sharing

We've had a couple of threads about Lastpass: the news of the breach and an ask for alternatives. It's pushed my buttons as being across the line into "don't show your dirty laundry in public."

I get that we build community by sharing info about ourselves, it's why I like a MetaTalkTail Hour and the Free Threads. Recommending a password manager by dint of your personal experience also serves to tell the world how you secure your online activity. [more inside]

February 1, 2023

Editorialising on the blue?

I was under the impression that too much personal input or editorialising is discouraged when making metafilter posts, posts are supposed to be fairly neutral. But I don't actually see this in any of the guidelines. Did I imagine this? [more inside]

November 22, 2022

Ad Bars

Can we stop plastering the top of the site with fundraising and community notices? It's incredibly annoying. [more inside]

November 5, 2022

Proposed: Auto-replace Twitter URLs with Nitter instead

Twitter's descent into becoming naught but a poorly-run distributor of hate speech and adbots is well documented elsewhere on the site. It may no longer be ethical to participate in the Twitter ecosystem. Why give them any of our web traffic, or allow them access to our computers? The proposal is that whenever a URL in a post or comment is being sent to the site, it automatically swaps out "" with "" [more inside]

September 30, 2022

Translations of linked articles

Should I include links to machine generated translations when I link to content in languages other than English in a comment? These days, usually a pretty decent machine translation is available by right-click or offered automatically by your browser when loading the page. I used to add a link to Google Translate every time, but recently stopped, as it started to feel a bit redundant. But what do people think?

September 23, 2022

Have you read TFA?

I often see people on Metafilter use the acronym TFA (the fucking article) to refer to the linked article in the OP post. It's not always clear to me from the context if that acronym is meant to come across as angry or irritated, or whether people also use it in a more neutral way? [more inside]

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