6 posts tagged with 2021.
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Our favorite under-loved comments of 2021

Remember that comment you cackled over, and then discovered was criminally underappreciated by others? Share your amazing discovery, and let us cover it in more favorites! [more inside]
posted by MonkeyToes on Jan 11, 2022 - 35 comments

Best AskMe's of 2021

Phil Gyford (you remember Phil, don't you?) posts his 49 favourite Ask Metafilter questions of 2021. Did he miss any of your faves?
posted by gwint on Jan 10, 2022 - 24 comments

The End of 2021/Beginning of 2022

What's something old you're leaving behind, and something new you're taking with you? General chat thread for ruminating on the year past and the year to come.
posted by curious nu on Dec 31, 2021 - 50 comments

8th Annual MST Club Christmas Marathon Social Distancing II

Here we go again! It's our eighth year sending out a constant stream of riffing, Christmas specials, video weirdness and strange movies, from midnight the morning on December 23, all through the 24th, and all through Christmas Day, and slightly beyond. This is where it'll all go down. We're here if you need us, or want us, whether to use for fun background, to fill odd moments, to see really really strange things late at night, to escape from family, or to obsessively watch over long periods (as those of us running it tend to do). With Omicron running rampant and many families choosing to distance again this year, we hope to lighten what may be a second sad year apart. More info inside! [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Dec 21, 2021 - 28 comments

Your video games of 2021

We don't have games on Fanfare, so let's chat about them here! They don't have to be your greatest, or anything that came out this year, I'd just like to hear about what you played and what it meant to you.
posted by curious nu on Dec 3, 2021 - 109 comments

Metatalktail Hour: New day, new year

Hello Mefites, happy 2021! It's a new year and we're all wishing for better days in the new. I've got my coffee underway this morning and it looks like the sun is going to make an appearance. Are you making resolutions, wishes, hopes, mottoes for this year? Are you doing anything good today or this weekend?
posted by LobsterMitten on Jan 1, 2021 - 66 comments

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