19 posts tagged with Askme and moreinside.
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Is 'more inside' enough?

Would you change 'more inside' to say 'special snowflake details inside' and be done with it? Would you add it to the FAQ? [more inside]
posted by jardinier on Aug 20, 2010 - 159 comments

What was the shortest AskMe question without [more inside]?

What was the shortest AskMe question without [more inside]?
posted by Joe Beese on Feb 16, 2010 - 75 comments

Are all links created equal?

Why are there two places to click? Why does the "[more inside]" link point to the same place as the "XX comments" link? [more inside]
posted by Drasher on Jan 14, 2010 - 39 comments

AskMe formatting wonkiness

Regarding the AskMe RSS feed formating - Currently there is no line break between the question and the [more inside]. Sometimes this makes for an odd run-on and repetitive paragraph that isn't what the poster intended. Since screen real-estate isn't a problem in the feed, might the powers-that-be consider throwing a paragraph between these sections? I use google reader but it's also formatted the same way in bloglines if this helps.
posted by FortyT-wo on Jan 24, 2008 - 5 comments

An end to [more inside] "witticism".

Could the "Post" button on new AskMe questions trigger a script to check that the first part of the question ends either in a "." or a "?"? This would bring an end to the [more inside] "witticisms" (e.g. Assuredly there's [more inside]). I realise it is minor, and that I have also once been guilty of propagating this lame disruptive meme.
posted by roofus on May 11, 2007 - 105 comments

link me inside

Minor AskMe usability gripe: Can [more inside] be a link to the thread? When a question is unanswered, the only way to get into the thread is by clicking "0 Answers." It seems more logical to click on [more inside].
posted by eyeballkid on Apr 4, 2007 - 7 comments

AskMeFi RSS feed

AskMeFi RSS feed: Could use some sort of delineation between the question text and the More Inside text.
posted by staggernation on Jan 30, 2007 - 14 comments

vestigial more inside sentences

In askmefi, I occasionally see some posts where the first question field ends with "of course ..." as if the rest of the sentence is cut off. In older posts, though, that phrase usually ends with "... there's more" as in "of course there's more." Is it because it's an askmefi cliche and that metafilter users are perpetuating it as a joke, or if it's because that particular sentence is automatically truncated by admins who deem it unnecessary because of the [more inside] denotation?
posted by i8ny3x on Nov 30, 2006 - 16 comments

Annoyed by "[more inside]" Jokes

"There's a lot [more inside]". Does anyone else find this annoying? I've seen it on a lot of AskMe's lately and it kind of bugs me. A little too cute I think. And its distracting when I'm browsing the questions because I tend to filter out the [more inside]s. What do you think?
posted by PercussivePaul on Nov 10, 2006 - 89 comments

Can we get a character limit put on the front portion of AskMeFi questions?

Can we get a character limit put on the front portion of AskMeFi questions?
posted by TunnelArmr on Jan 24, 2006 - 46 comments

AskMe posting descriptions could be clearer

When posting to AskMe there is some confusion on the descriptions of the text boxes. I copied the italicized text from the "Preview Your Question" AskMe posting page.

Below the "Your question" box the text reads:
This will be the "more inside" area where you explain additional details about the question if necessary. If you use this space, don't write "more inside" to the question area, it will automatically be added for you.

Then below the "Extended explanation" box is something similar:
(optional) This will be the "more inside" area where you explain the question fully if necessary and remember there is no need to write "more inside" .....

I found this a little confusing and repetitive. I know that the top box is what would be a FPP, but maybe this could be phrased better? Is the text below the top box supposed to introduce/explain the second box? Of course, I posted a question so now I can't get back to the original "Post a new question" page to see if that is how this is written there.
posted by clgregor on Nov 13, 2005 - 2 comments

spellcheck should check for more inside

When posting a question on AskMe, the spellcheck checks the initial question textarea, but not the "extended description" ("more inside") text.
posted by winston on Sep 30, 2005 - 2 comments

Preview AskMe tweaks

When previewing a question on AskMe, under the "Your Question" field is the description for the "Extended Explanation" field: This will be the "more inside" area where you explain additional details about the question if necessary. If you use this space, don't write "more inside" to the question area, it will automatically be added for you.
posted by rhapsodie on Jun 28, 2005 - 6 comments

Get to the question.

Get to the question. Since the introduction of the system more inside feature in AskMe the number of posts where the question isn't on the main page has been trending upwards. Yesterday was especially bad. It would seem that actually asking your question where skimmers can see it would be a prudent course of action.
posted by Mitheral on Jun 23, 2005 - 10 comments

More inside tag doesn't show on best answers

The [more inside] tag doesn't show up on the best answers part of ask.me. Just thought it should be pointed out.
posted by scrim on Apr 5, 2005 - 7 comments

Guidance on the correct use of AskMe's [more inside] field

Uhm, everyone using [more inside] in Ask MetaFilter sort of defeats the purpose if it and looks, err, bad, does it not? Is there anything to do about it?
posted by xmutex on Feb 18, 2005 - 31 comments

Calling All Bugs

This is the Ask MetaFilter is totally broken bucket. Please leave all refuse here, and I'll do my best to fix it in the next 24 hours. I just made the new posting page live and will try and get everything up and running before I got to sleep in a couple hours, but I'm sure I'll miss a lot. Help me here.
posted by mathowie on Feb 16, 2005 - 31 comments

The suspense is killing me [more inside]

Could we maybe dispense with the cliffhangers in Ask.MetaFilter?
posted by Space Coyote on Jan 4, 2005 - 35 comments

I'm Matt and so is my wife

I'm Matt and so is my wife.(For the More, the Side must be In)
posted by Dagobert on Nov 19, 2004 - 11 comments

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