31 posts tagged with Askme and tags.
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this is not a chawade

What was that tag where... [more inside]
posted by Eideteker on Jul 3, 2012 - 51 comments

Two new tags: Updated and ReAsk

Let's create two new special tags for AskMe: Updated and ReAsk [more inside]
posted by alms on Jun 19, 2012 - 11 comments

The Popular Tags cloud on ask.me just doesn't

Not Actually Extremely Problematic: The "popular tags" page on the green is a tag cloud, but none of the tags appear much larger than the others. [more inside]
posted by Tomorrowful on May 12, 2012 - 27 comments

Resolved != !stumped ?

Should tagging an AskMe thread "resolved" automatically remove the "stumped" tag, if it's there? [more inside]
posted by DevilsAdvocate on Jul 7, 2010 - 38 comments

Auto-removal of the 'stumped' tag

Could we set things up so tagging an AskMe post as 'resolved' automatically removes the 'stumped' tag?
posted by the latin mouse on Feb 7, 2009 - 21 comments

Why not MyMeta?

We have MyAsk. Why not MyMeta? How about a tab that filters by tags. Example: ignore anything with linux or politics. Keep anything with maps or art.
posted by desjardins on Aug 21, 2008 - 34 comments

Tagging Metafilter

Is there any way of having an overlapping system of tags to categorize these MetaTalk posts? So for 'feature requests' that could be a sub-tag of either the 'Metafilter', 'Ask Metafilter' or 'Metatalk' tags. So when I want to see what is being discussed about improving Ask Metafilter I start by selecting that tag and then start clicking the sub tags to get more specific. Finally, the reason I am asking is because I am concerned about the flooding of questions on AskMe and the thing I would do is have a separate section for technology questions as those questions seem to be at least 50% of all questions asked. Cheers.
posted by GleepGlop on Mar 29, 2007 - 11 comments

Filtering Posts

Is there a way to not receive posts matching a given tag? [details inside]
posted by avriette on Feb 11, 2007 - 35 comments

Can perennial AskMe questions be grouped for easier reference?

Ask Metafilter: some intuitive interface to Time-Periodic Frequently Asked Questions...(more inside)
posted by felix on Jan 23, 2007 - 73 comments

Great answers are great!

Which AskMefi questions have elicited great responses or answers - the sort that just perfectly answer the question, or those where what seems like a long shot is serendipitously answered by the perfect person? Looking at the "metafilterhistory" tag, I found this and this, but are there others?
posted by divabat on Jan 17, 2007 - 49 comments

Tags -- a Connection Timeout Error

I'm getting a "Connection Timeout" message on both http://www.metafilter.com/tags/ and http://ask.metafilter.com/tags/
posted by octothorpe on Sep 17, 2006 - 5 comments

Tag feeds in Ask MeFi don't work in NetNewsWire

Tag feeds (like this one) in Ask MeFi don't work in NetNewsWire though they work in Safari. Can anyone duplicate this or offer me a solution?
posted by Mo Nickels on Jul 26, 2006 - 9 comments

AskMe tag bug and pony request

Bug and pony request: example page Bug - this is the list of questions tagged in Ask with publishing. When I get to the bottom of the page it lets me click on "older questions". However, many of the questions on page two are the same ones as those on page one. Feature request - Any way to get the name of the OP to appear on the tags page? Right now it just lists time and date. Thx.
posted by dobbs on Jun 10, 2006 - 3 comments

'All' tags on AskMetafilter

A couple of days back, I saw a page that listed 'all' tags ever used on Ask.MetaFilter. Clicking the tags didn't take me anywhere (they weren't linked, I think) but the page did exist. Is it still available and will the tags be linked anytime soon ?
posted by sk381 on May 14, 2006 - 4 comments

List of your top ten answered tags from AskMe?

Tags: User profiles show "Top ten tags used on Ask MetaFilter posts" -- which is neat!, but would it maybe be really neat if there were a "Top ten tags used on Ask MetaFilter answers"? I know that what I've asked about and what I've answered to are in pretty different realms.
posted by mimi on Mar 16, 2006 - 13 comments

Should including long humorous tags in AskMe posts be frowned upon?

Should including long humorous tags in AskMe posts (like ihopeclayaikendoesnthaveabiggerpenisthanmetoo) be frowned upon?
posted by i love cheese on Jan 21, 2006 - 27 comments

Minor suggestion

Minor suggestion: on Ask, the tag explainer sentence could be rearranged for better clarity. Right now it says something like "Combine words to make a tag (example: ipod stereo audio carstereo)". Perhaps putting the combined example (carstereo) first and providing another example or two would help some of the people who can't seem to grasp tags.
posted by Manhasset on Jan 21, 2006 - 3 comments

All Tags Page

There was a page that listed 'all' tags that had been used on Ask MetaFilter. I can't seem to find it now. Any clues where it is now?
posted by sk381 on Jan 17, 2006 - 5 comments

The tags have gone missing from the ebay scam question.

Tag conveniently gone missing?. Like many others, I've been following the askme thread originally posted by airnxtz where he is found to be a scammer and where hopefully we will soon have word about the consequences of his scamming. Normally I search for this thread by looking at the "all posts tagged ebay", but the question is no longer listed on that page. In fact once I found the question, I see that it no longer has the ebay tag or any other tag. I assume that though airnxtz has lost his posting privileges, he still has the privilege to edit his own tags and has done so. Otherwise, what happened to the tag and can we get it back?
posted by duck on Jan 9, 2006 - 39 comments

Link to tags on question page

When I'm posting a question on Ask MeFi, I would find it convenient for the question form page to feature a link to the Tags page. For the tag function to be a maximum value, it would seem to me that one should use the tags the group has consensually declared to be the appropriate tags for the subject. Obviously, you can access the tags page in other ways, but a link right there would be nice.
posted by mojohand on Jan 8, 2006 - 6 comments

Looking for an old post.

Here or AskMeFi?

i'm not sure if i should post this here or ask mefi, but i'm looking for an old post that i found around Thanksgiving.

It was a blog and/or humorous editorial about Thanksgiving in the White House. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and/or know where I can find it?
I've searched for keywords and searched the tags, but i'm just not finding it.
posted by pelican on Dec 21, 2005 - 2 comments

tag+tag browsing in Ask Metafilter is returning unhelpful results

tag+tag browsing in Ask Metafilter is returning unhelpful results. A blank result is returned even if I click on the + off a single tag's page. WinXP/FireFox/Metafilthy.
posted by Mitheral on Nov 14, 2005 - 7 comments

Valid HTML

What HTML tags are allowed on the three main Metafilter sections? (I dare not experiment for obvious reasons.)
posted by AlexReynolds on Apr 14, 2005 - 60 comments

Combined tags aren't working right on AskMe.

Something is screwy with AND-ed tag lookup on AskMe. The count seems correct but the result list is either empty or shows a post that is tagged with neither tag. Examples: art+music, mp3+music.
posted by smackfu on Feb 18, 2005 - 1 comment

Changing Tags

I've started tagging my AskMeFi posts and realized that in some instances, the resulting answer(s) would serve as valuable tags. Not knowing what the answers are going to be when asking a question, I hope we'll eventually be able to change/add tags once a live question has been answered.
posted by Robot Johnny on Feb 16, 2005 - 6 comments

Title Tags for AskMe

Is there any way to add a title tag to AskMe posts? A title would make it much easier and faster to bookmark well-answered posts.
posted by AlexReynolds on Feb 15, 2005 - 2 comments

questions get pushed down off the page at AskMe too damn fast

As has been noted before, questions get pushed down off the page at AskMe too damn fast. Most of the questions are good ones. Which means, I guess, we need some better information architecture (categories or something) to happen. When, oh lord, when?
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Dec 14, 2004 - 93 comments

AskMe Categories

would anyone else like to see categories like here in metatalk on askme? (mi)
posted by ethylene on Sep 28, 2004 - 25 comments

AskMe Titles

Can we have nice titles in ask.mefi please?
posted by cbrody on May 3, 2004 - 15 comments

I want this pony

I want this pony: To help make the AskMe archive a little more mineable and thereby cut down on repeat questions, might we include either arbitrary keywords, selected by the questioner, to flag the question, or more simply a choice of categories to apply to the question (as we have in MeTa)?
posted by badstone on Jan 17, 2004 - 7 comments

Indexing AskMe

Is anyone already thinking ahead to indexing AskMe so that all the dog questions or MP3 player questions or digital camera questions can be seen together, both as an aid and as a way to keep down too many duplicative posts?

I am far too lazy to do it myself, of course, but figure one of you spiffy computer-geek types might be thinking along these lines already and have something for us.
posted by briank on Dec 29, 2003 - 14 comments

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