12 posts tagged with Authors.
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What's in your profile?

MeFites are one of the most consistently interesting groups in which I am allowed to hang out. Some MeFites write or have written books. Hook us up, wouldja? And, in general, I like to check out profiles and am always happy to find links to blogs, updated or not, music, articles, stories, whatever stuff ends up there. Please consider populating your profile. p.s. There's no fact-checking. [more inside]
posted by theora55 on Sep 3, 2021 - 32 comments

Writers of MeFi Represent!

I often see AskMeFi requests for book recommendations, especially now that so many people are in Lockdown. I'm often in a bind because I think my own books would be a good fit, but it seems spammy to recommend them :) How about we create a thread here where the writers of MetaFilter can showcase our books?

Mention what kind of books we write, and put a few links in to where they can be bought or downloaded. Sound like a plan?
posted by Zumbador on Oct 22, 2020 - 34 comments

There is no Lacuna Cabal, kid.

Author Sean Dixon is now a Grand Poohbah of Metafilter, thanks to this post. Also, a comment in that thread from suburbanbeatnik was quoted in a Globe and Mail article about the incident.
posted by zarq on May 18, 2012 - 63 comments

Please help us buy your books.

So, I was reading the writer's block post, and I had a thought....is there a central repository of all of the published writers here? I'm a pretty big book buyer, and I'd happily support the authors here. [more inside]
posted by nevercalm on Oct 7, 2011 - 50 comments

Congrats to our most newly published author!

Post-Apocalypse Dead Letter Office first appeared in Projects, but now you can find it on Amazon. Congrats to cog_nate on his first novel!
posted by donnagirl on Apr 17, 2011 - 31 comments

Heeeyyyy! We got another one!

The subject of an FPP shows up to answer questions in the thread. Thread Answers [more inside]
posted by SLC Mom on Mar 18, 2011 - 22 comments

National Novel Writing Month

Anyone up for NaNoWriMo? National Novel Writing Month begins in just a week: participants devote the month of November to a 50,000 word blitz. Here's a thread where MeFites can share past experiences and future intentions. [more inside]
posted by carmicha on Oct 24, 2010 - 182 comments

Of making many books

I would like to read books by more MeFi writers. I have therefore made a list of who they are and their books. [more inside]
posted by paduasoy on Feb 23, 2008 - 101 comments


Big, sloppy thank-you to MetaFilter! [more inside]
posted by mothershock on Oct 29, 2007 - 39 comments

Pony request: Mefite Author List/Link?

reminded by the post on Peacay's new book, can we put together a list of published Mefites, with links to purchase, listed here somewhere? [more inside]
posted by amberglow on Oct 20, 2007 - 104 comments

Matthew Haughey on the development of Metafilter

Usability: The Site Speaks For Itself has an interesting chapter by Matthew Haughey on the development of Metafilter.
posted by booksprite on May 20, 2006 - 13 comments

Author Info in RSS

Missing pony: Author information in RSS feeds. According to this earlier metatalk thread, the RSS feeds should contain the name of a post's author in the appropriate field, but there are no such tags showing up in the feed. Was that pony stillborn? Can it be revived?
posted by mendel on Jun 30, 2005 - 4 comments

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