28 posts tagged with Bug and preview.
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Preview bug lite

I discovered just now that closing an <a> tag with an </i> tag looks correct in preview but blows up in the actual comment. [more inside]
posted by Bokononist on Jun 26, 2012 - 81 comments

If you press the preview button this will disappear

When you preview a comment the post's title disappears both in the browser's title bar and at the top of the page. Is that supposed to happen? Because it seems weird to me.
posted by sveskemus on Jan 1, 2008 - 15 comments

User javascript for fixing live preview on Opera.

I've been fooling around with user javascript for Opera and fixed a few problems with the live preview. The first problem is that it doesn't appear at all for me. The second problem is the sluggish live update performance when viewing longer threads. My solution is available here, but I wouldn't mind if it found another home, like the metafilter code? For instructions on how to install and enable user javascripts, go to Opera's documentation. [more inside]
posted by KirkJobSluder on Oct 6, 2007 - 12 comments

Preview/post timestamps don't match

I noticed a minor bug when posting a comment earlier. When previewing, all the timestamps are in PST. After posting the comment, everything went back to normal (CST for me). Not a big problem or anything, but a quick search didn't show it having been reported yet.
posted by Spike on Dec 18, 2006 - 11 comments

< breaks comment

I made a comment that had a < symbol. the rest of the br tag showed up, and i imagine the rest of the paragraph would not have.br>
It apparently happens in MeTa as well. I'm not sure it's a "bug" as such, but it might spare someone some embarassment to have a note above the post dialog, or a function that converts them to character entities on post.

I did a search and it seems to have been danced around a couple of times a few years ago.

Also "preview the link" text in MeTa posting seems a little confusing to me.
posted by hoborg on Oct 10, 2006 - 8 comments

Background color works in preview, but not in post

Hmph. I made a couple of paragraph elements with a background color to highlight colors in this green thread. [more inside]
posted by symphonik on May 31, 2006 - 14 comments

new windows on "preview question"?

Every time I clicked on "Preview Question" when I was typing my most recent AskMe missive, a new window opened. Is that supposed to happen? If so, it is slightly strange - I corrected/added to my question a bunch of times and I had five windows open before I knew it!
posted by MeetMegan on Mar 11, 2006 - 4 comments

Problem with previewing

MeFi Bug: Preview posts.
posted by five fresh fish on Feb 8, 2006 - 10 comments

Linebreaks in preview on AskMe.

AskMe apparently trims line breaks from posts. I guess I understand this, but it would be nice if it also happened in the preview. In preview, my line breaks were still intact, so I hit the post button, and now my post looks a bit silly. Not the end of the world, but I figure it can't be intentional.
posted by bingo on Jan 15, 2006 - 12 comments

I behaved myself, but there seem to be loopholes

Having just made an FPP, I can still get to the posting page by pasting the "post_good.mefi" link. I can also put in any user id and it still gets me into preview. I didn't dare to hit post though to see if that works, but I thought I'd point it out.
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane on Jan 12, 2006 - 16 comments

Opera Bug with Live Preview

Did the addition of live preview break comment posting in Opera? Comments still get posted, but on submit, the page never refreshes, and just sits there and spins.

Are other Opera users having this problem, or just me?
posted by Caviar on Aug 20, 2005 - 17 comments

AskMe bugs

TwoBugsInAskMetaFilterFilter... [mi]
posted by dirtynumbangelboy on Jul 24, 2005 - 12 comments

Love preview, but can't see it

I like the new "instant preview" feature in the blue, but in the preview window, I'm seeing black text on a blue background -- in other words, not terribly well.
posted by alumshubby on Jul 21, 2005 - 11 comments

Why was my comment deleted?

Is there a reason why my really innocuous comment in this thread was deleted? I think I said something like, "Ahhh, the benefits of the scientific method...", or some-such nonsense...

Just wondering if I did something wrong ... or did something go kablooie?
posted by jpburns on Sep 27, 2004 - 7 comments

Post missing on preview screen

When I try to post a comment to this thread my post is completely missing on the preview screen. The coment is plain text, and I'm using Firefox 0.9.2, which has worked here so far.
posted by Songdog on Sep 16, 2004 - 1 comment

Where is the rest of my question?

I wanted to post a question to AskMe, which I see ok in preview but when I hit post, only 1 sentence of it comes up and I get a 404 page saying the rest of it can't be found, etc. I'm using Mozilla 1.4 on Windows XP but I tried it in IE6 and the same thing happened. What am I doing wrong?
posted by Lynsey on Jan 10, 2004 - 7 comments

Metafilter is eating my comments!

Metafilter is eating my comments! I click on "Preview" and on the next page, I get "Comment Preview" and no comment underneath. The only thing that appears underneath is the line of links: Home About Archives, etc.
posted by meep on Mar 10, 2003 - 14 comments

I can't post comments at all

I can't post comments at all: when I click "Preview", I do not see any preview and there is no "Post Comment" button. It's not a browser-display issue; I checked the page source and no preview or submit form is being sent.
posted by Mars Saxman on Sep 19, 2002 - 15 comments

While in the comment preview, links to use info don't work.

While in the comment preview, links to use info don't work. [detail inside]
posted by Su on Jul 24, 2002 - 2 comments

I can't see a preview of my comments in Metatalk, and the login screen isn't showing.

I can't see a preview of my comments in Metatalk using N4.79, and the login screen isn't showing. It worked just fine before the MeFi server outage (*pouts*). It does work correctly in MeFi, tho.
posted by Lynsey on May 20, 2002 - 4 comments

My comment was swallowed whole on preview

This is probably the fault of my vintage programs but, for the past two days every time I've tried to preview a comment on the blue pages only, my comment was swallowed alive. Any advice?
posted by realjanetkagan on Nov 23, 2001 - 5 comments

Metatalk comment previews don't work in Mozilla.

New bug: metatalk comment previews don't work in Mozilla. I hit the preview button, and I get the "Comment Preview:" text, nothing, then links to the home pages. The page source says "error resolving parameter". (The previews work fine @ metafilter, and for metatalk *posting* like I'm doing now; and they all work OK in IE.)
posted by dhartung on Nov 3, 2001 - 0 comments

duplicate post after preview

I was adding a comment to a thread I started, and I previewed it once, added another line and previewed it again before posting. But it posted the message twice. The first being what was in the first preview and the second is what I wanted to post. The server had a slow reponse, and maybe that was a result or the cause of the error.
posted by riffola on Sep 20, 2001 - 0 comments

Comment text disappearing after preview.

Editing weirdness. Is it just my lack of standards compliant browser (all I ask for is a browser that is compliant, supports imap mail and runs on linux) or what? Tried to post a comment and previewed. Last night there was nothing to edit "below" and back erased everything. Today at one point I could edit below, then I couldn't although back left text in place. Neither seems to be true here (talk not mefi).
posted by noether on Jun 8, 2001 - 6 comments

Can't actually POST after PREVIEW

Mac IE 5. Both the "Preview" and "Post" buttons on the link submittal are resolving post_preview.mefi today, resulting in an inabilty to actually post the link once I've verified that everything's hunky-dory.
posted by m.polo on Apr 7, 2001 - 2 comments

thanks for deleting my plain-text password

Thanks Matt, for deleting my previous password-revealing eQuill post.

I think I've refined the problem more though. In the whois microsoft.com thread (too lazy to link) while previewing the comments I have in a blockquote, the formatting is off in much the same way as the ul block I linked to.

Basically, the layout was broken after the blockquoted area, and the text started flush to the left of my window. While it doesn't actually effect the final posting, perhaps there's missing close cell tags in the preview or something?
posted by cCranium on Oct 23, 2000 - 3 comments

Putting HTML tags in a post works in preview, but not in the actual post

I wanted an HTML tag to appear in my post, so I typed ampersand-lt-semicolon and ampersand-gt-semicolon for the karats. Looked fine in preview, but they got converted to karats -- and therefore invisible comments -- for the post.
posted by luke on Sep 25, 2000 - 1 comment

I can't get user info when I'm previewing a comment

I can't get user info when I'm previewing a comment. After I enter a comment and hit preview, I've tried twice (2 different threads) to click on a users name (opening the link in a new window) and both times I got a 404 Error. The URL I end up trying to use looks like this http://www.metafilter.com/contribute/user.cfm?user_ID=993
posted by sudama on Jun 29, 2000 - 1 comment

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