97 posts tagged with Callout and askme.
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Racism on AskMe.
Is it really OK to promote ethnic stereotypes? If not, why do we have this?
heated, and off topic
This AskMe thread is getting a bit... ermmm... heated, and off topic.
Callout: dgaicun's askme answer calls expertise into question
Shorter dgaicun: 'I know nothing about this extremely sensitive topic, therefore I will derail it early on with a heap of ignorant stereotypes.' Flagged with extreme prejudice.
29 Is Editorializing AskMe
the most annoying person ever to post in the green
Offensive Ask-Me
Maybe it's just my ameri-centric liberal oversensitivity and 'wheatish' skin-tone, but somehow I find this thread to be highly offensive.
Stay on subject in relationship filter
Can we try not to hijack a relationship thread with judgements about "breeders"?
Snark fight in AskMe thread.
Not answering the damn question.
Another example of folks not answering the damn question.
Apeshit over circumcision.
Another f****** jargon thread
Is this questions creepy and/or offensive?
Slightly spammy answer on AskMe.
In this AskMe, I am in agreement with the post that follows mine, as well as of course my own, though I didn't word it as bluntly as Rhomboid did, as I was sort of "typing as thinking". That said, the first response seems vaguely spammy. Full disclosure: I provide web hosting myself, and I still think the response is borderline inappropriate.
not ready to swim in the adult pool
Yet another specific example from the same user that they're not ready to swim in the adult pool. Is this harsh lambasting of every less-than-perfect-in-thine-own-eyes answer really proper AskMe decorum?
Anonymous askme derails: a reboot?
Umm, yeah. I realize this callout is pointless since the the poster in question is so blatantly abusive and off-topic, but I thought it might be necessary to create this thread so the original anonymous poster could have an additional thread in AskMeFi so we could help him.
Not all answers on AskMe are good
This answer is terrible, unsupported, and if the advice given were to be followed, would will lead to nothing but grief if someone were to follow it. It is sufficiently ill-informed and potentially disaster-inducing as to inspire me to request it be deleted rather then simply flagging it and moving on.
Specific recommendations, please
This post actively insults anybody who wants to answer the poster's question with a specific recommendation. I'd like to nominate it as the worst answer ever.
User complaining about comment deletion
My second of two comments made in this thread http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/25241 was removed apparently because I disagreed with someone who was complaining that the tangents related to the discussion were not germane to it (http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/25241#399539).
Of course, since I'm posting this, I disagree with the removal. If this is standard way, we are limiting the involvement of human opinion in Ask MeFi, and end up with nothing more than regurgitation of facts that could probably be gained much better elsewhere on the internet.
Could the person who moderated this clarify the removal?
Of course, since I'm posting this, I disagree with the removal. If this is standard way, we are limiting the involvement of human opinion in Ask MeFi, and end up with nothing more than regurgitation of facts that could probably be gained much better elsewhere on the internet.
Could the person who moderated this clarify the removal?
Does this question promote violence?
Cleanup in aisle 25154... do we really want to be suggesting assault in an ask metafilter thread?
Yes or No?
Too many relationship questions on AskMe
Sweating it
Please keep your politics out of Ask Metafilter questions
"Criminal incompetence is probably not an impeachable offense, but something has to be done about Bush." Please keep your politics out of Ask Metafilter questions. (And another.) It tends to attract the wrong kind of answers.
User Callout
My question started out simply asking for advice on how to make business cards, and Fandango_Matt not only called me, he helped me design a set of professional cards. I met a future business partner the other day and he was impressed; no doubt if it weren't for Fandango_Matt's help things could have swung the other way. Thank you.
AskMe poster shoots rabbit?
Fuckwit AskMefi poster wonders if torturing bunny rabbits is a good idea.
Chatfilter cleanup
Atheists, when did you lose your faith?
Not to beat a dead horse, but I thought threads like this were deemed chat filter and not appropriate for Ask MeFi.
Complaining that all pants are made for fat people is offensive
Could we please blame fat people for everything that doesn't go our way more often? It's awesome and not at all bitchy.
What's wrong with my "rich and happy" AskMe post?
Someone complained about my "rich and happy" question. I can only assume others feel the same.
Give it to me straight - what's wrong with it? Rip it apart. I can take it. What doesn't kill me makes makes me a better MeFite.
Give it to me straight - what's wrong with it? Rip it apart. I can take it. What doesn't kill me makes makes me a better MeFite.
Pissing on Ask Metafilter
"Pissing on AskMeFi": pissing on AskMeFi. Keep it off the green.
Too Much MetAskMe
MetaTalk is a discussion area for topics specific to MetaFilter itself
However, it seems like half (or more) of the MetaTalk posts lately are actually specific to AskMetafilter. (more inside)
However, it seems like half (or more) of the MetaTalk posts lately are actually specific to AskMetafilter. (more inside)
Thank you, Matt
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank Matt for deleting the Invisibility/Flight thread in Ask.Me
This is NOT what AskMe is for.
This is NOT what AskMe is for. The poster even acknowledges it in defiance.
This chatty non-question should be removed
This chatty non-question should be removed from AskMetaFilter.
Over-reaction to my not-so-stellar AskMe
Okay, so in a lapse of early morning judgement I post a not-so-stellar AskMe post. But does such deserve...(MI)
AskMe is not the proper venue for resolving your petty vendettas.
Mayor Curley takes a perfectly innocuous, neutral question which was getting some interesting responses and turns it into a NYC vs Boston grudge match. AskMe is not the proper venue for resolving your petty vendettas and urban insecurities. That's what the blue is for.
Gmail Invites aren't cool in AskMe
I have a much bigger problem with the people who shit all over this thread than I do with the thread itself, which was rather cute. I still think it would've been a valid AxMe post even if the "win a gmail invite for being cute" portion hadn't been there.
Dangerous comment, please delete
This isn't funny. Though I concede that the probability of anyone actually doing it is remote, the comment is nonetheless inappropriate.
This AskMe has torrents for answers.
[Max field length is 100] Is a bad choice of words a derogation during Ask Mefi?
AskMe Callout
This filth is just too much. These posts are not questions, do not help anyone, and aren't funny; they cheapen, devalue and irritate our dearly beloved Ask Metafilter. Can we please not crap all over it? If you want to just hang out, go to the mefi irc channel. Or somewhere, just away. Please? Please?
Confusion about AskMe self-answer
WTF? Shane-a-go-go answers Shane's question as if it's his own and replaces the comment link with a link to a photobucket image. And mentions a site called linkagogo. Spam? Self-destructive attempt to get banned? WTF?
Best response?
Does this belong in the top 25 best responses in Askme?
Jokes in AskMe are no good
Can we please make it stop? It's bad enough that we really want a 100+ post thread about same sex marriage every day. Do we have to drag it into AskMe?
This post -- an askme? Discuss.
This question about the posited decline and fall of aliens in film might be worth addressing here...
Askme comment callout
BlueStone, what an unfriendly (to put it mildly) response! So tell me, do you ever go to the doctor or take prescription drugs? Seems like you ought to be the captain of your own ship and just let your body strengthen its own defenses instead of using such a crutch.
Miguel, answer the damn question already, please!
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