97 posts tagged with Callout and askme.
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A callout... for AWESOMENESS!
I've gotten a lot of useful answers to my AskMe questions, but this question seemed to be a stumper. Until... [more inside]
We were all eleven. Well. Most of us.
This AskMe thread is just fantastic. A not-simple question with so many great, empathetic, caring suggestions from people who were at one point up a similar creek trying to fashion any sort of paddle. POSITIVE THREAD CALLOUT. EVERYBODY HUG.
A shoutout for AskMe's resident car guys
It's just a question
How to respond to pushy barstards [more inside]
Call-outs for everyone!
Another AskMe-related shady-answer call out. [more inside]
AskMe Noise
Stop breaking the rules! Do not post a comment if you don't have an answer or are helping to look for one. That the asker is breaking the rules isn't an excuse. [more inside]
AskMe is NOT an adoption service.
I adore konolia and have defended her before, but her comment in this thread is intolerable. [more inside]
Asked for X, got Y (where X equals help and Y equals grief)
Ordered X, got Y. Not only the title of the thread, but a good description of some of the answers received. [more inside]
Response to a point about the best way to answer an AskMe.
Response to a point about the best way to answer an AskMe. [more inside]
He should have known he would get responces like this from wacked-out liberals.
Okay, so this is an idiotic question.. Given that, howzabout everyone (myself included) sits on our hands since I just don't think anything helpful remains to be said. [more inside]
why are racist questions allowed on netatalk
So it's cool to post racist and stereotypical trolls to ask.me now? When did the rules change?
This is not what AskMe is for.
Hey, you know how I'm apparently your friendly neighborhood irrational/uptight/bitchy feminist? Well, my Batsignal is going off. 'Cause I'm bitchy/uptight/irrational/out to ruin your fun. And I don't like conversations that are all about the hilarious inevitability of adults ogling some lady's rack. [more inside]
What will we think about and why?
It's chatfilter because "major issues" is objective and undefinable, or if not undefinable, a distasteful acceptance of political groupthink. Well, anywho, it's standing, so let's put discussion here. [more inside]
offensive, sexist, NOT RACIST
I see that this AskMe post gratuitously compares a beautiful woman's face to a diseased rectum, distended with constipated feces. [more inside]
Does anyone really know what time it is?
You know, as the guy who has trouble pointing out that you just cut in line in front of him, I gotta say wtf davy? Is it that hard to imagine that there are people who actually are insufficiently assertive—problematically so—and that this may cause trouble with partners who don't feel they're 'manly' enough? The world doesn't view everyone the same way so it's a bit too much to ask that everyone refuse to project anything besides hesitant soppiness.
Born Every Minute
I strongly disagree with This Thread being posted.
Seriously guys, he just wants a name.
The poster of this question has clearly stated, "I'm not trying to solve their problems, I'm looking for specific recommendations for a marriage counselor. You know, like a name. If I wanted advice about 'how do I deal with my friends' psychotic marriage problems,' that's the question I'd have asked." I've flagged the responses that judged the poster rather than answering the question, and several of those comments were deleted, but many of them remain. I'm curious about where that line was drawn. Also, if people really feel the need to question the poster's judgment, hopefully they can do it here and leave the thread with less noise.
Offensive noise.
Completely ridiculous, disgusting askme response.
How to directly answer a question based on flawed assumptions?
"I think it's pretty clear that I'm not asking for your opinion on the idea's viability." Sorry, this question (and response from the asker) is crap.
AskMeFi, not JudgeMeFi
I want to express frustration with some of the responses in this thread. [more inside]
ask.met... er, I mean provoke.metafilter?
Is this in any way acceptable? By which I mean posting a question that you "know" will be flame-bait, and then taunting those who answer?
fight for your rights in your own damn country, americans
"I don't like war, but my child is in there, fighting for your rights (Americia)." is, as edgeways says, inflammatory. [more inside]
Is it appropriate to ask AskMeFi for a scholarship reference?
Is it appropriate to ask AskMeFi for a scholarship reference?
Askme: answer the question or get out
elide, elide, elide
I would like to thank parmanparman for unleashing the snark beautifully. The delivery was perfect.
Most sexist lyrics pissing match most unexpected
A thread that reads like a piss-contest between participants who can quote the most sexist lyrics they can think of is not what I'd expect from AskMefi.
Maybe I am mistaken, but from the tag "who goes the hardest on these boards?" I don't think the post is anything but "entertainment" at the expense of women.
Maybe I am mistaken, but from the tag "who goes the hardest on these boards?" I don't think the post is anything but "entertainment" at the expense of women.
A helpful, open place where the emphasis is on sniping
Since it seems the moderators are not reading the thread below, in which the community decided it was perfectly acceptable to launch personal attacks against a person whose only transgression was using the site as it's supposed to be used, I'm bringing it up as its own topic here. Nasty comments that serve no function in helping the poster find a solution are not allowed in AskMe. Allowing them in MeTa -- again, not because the poster has made some transgression or broken some site rule, but simply because he's fat or lonely or makes too much money or whatever else the community has deemed unacceptable today -- seems a completely shitty way of getting around the rules in AskMe, and seems to completely undermine what we as a community are trying to create there: A helpful, open place where the emphasis is on solving problems, not sniping.
Movie spoiler in AskMe thread
Jessamyn, this comment needs to be deleted. I had flagged it earlier and was surprised that, instead of being deleted, a SPOILER warning had been placed in the thread title. There is no reason for spoilers to be in the thread. The OP is not asking about the movie - they are asking about places to discuss movies.
Fake statistics aren't valid answers.
Posting a esolutionsdata.com link in response to an Ask Metafilter question is bad form. Go hone your stand-up routine somewhere else.
Homophobia is not acceptable, period.
Reading Comprehension 101
Reading Comprehension 101: I'll admit that glueschk was a little over-the-top here but I come here not to damn him but to...empathize with him.
His comment was followed up by yet another person mentioning Marathon Man. Meanwhile, in this thread, I was making a bet with myself to see how many comments until we got Nixon and Elvis. The answer is 15. I'm trying to understand why this happens. Is the poster not being clear enough?
His comment was followed up by yet another person mentioning Marathon Man. Meanwhile, in this thread, I was making a bet with myself to see how many comments until we got Nixon and Elvis. The answer is 15. I'm trying to understand why this happens. Is the poster not being clear enough?
Speculation in AskMe answers.
So idle speculation really is "what the green is for"? That's a surprise.
Aiding and abetting in AskMe.
Askme advice advocating illegal property damage and assault goes too far
This Askme comment advocating illegal property damage and assault, needs to be deleted and the commenter, one Meatbomb, should probably get a time out. Normally I would just flag and move on, but it's hard enough as it is to make helpful posts in legal threads. I really don't want to be in the same thread along with such nonsense, even if it's only there for a few hours before deletion.
Wait, what? An ask vs. mefi callout
This AskMe is Meta, Ergo...
If anything belongs in metatalk, a post flaming Metafilter users' spelling and grammar sure does. How much more "about Metafilter" can you get than "I am baffled as to why this is so frequent on a site such as AskMeFi"?
This thread is just turning into "dump on women"
I think this thread is just turning into a "dump on women" thread.
Hello. I just want to thank everyone who responded to my Ask Metafilter question about spouse/fiance immigration.
AskMe Sidebar Thanks
Thank you very much for putting the sex in space Ask.Metafilter thread on the sidebar.
This question is great, but the answers are not
This is a fine example of a decent question and good responses made much less satisfying because they are interspersed with responses from assholes who are just posting to see their names.
Were we pwned?
Best reason for deleting a thread EVER.
Keep AskMe Clean, People.
What's the most offensive, racist joke you have ever heard?
I can't see any justification for this AskMe.
I know we can be catty, but this...
Finding that special someone, especially in Canada.
I can save lives by being a dick on AskMe!
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