21 posts tagged with Callout and fpp.
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There is a snark in the title, covered with a URL

I'm as big a fan as anyone of the LOL-christian/republican-does-something-out-of-character story, but this is in poor taste.
posted by Saucy Intruder on Oct 12, 2007 - 551 comments

MeFi Callout

I don't usually call out bad posts in MeTa, but a Single Link Op Ed (to the WSJ OpJournal, no less) by the author of the classic racist screed "The Bell Curve" (though I Foody may disagree) which is a classic of "stating the obvious" ("Half of all children are below average... except in Lake Wobegon") is NOT the Best of the Web. It's not even worthy of me making a smart ass comment in the thread. Delete with extreme prejudice, mattamyn.
posted by wendell on Jan 16, 2007 - 78 comments


posted by mr_crash_davis on Dec 31, 2006 - 104 comments

Self-link Callout

self-link. more inside.
posted by Tryptophan-5ht on Apr 2, 2006 - 70 comments

Why do these exist?

Why do these exist?
posted by TwelveTwo on Jan 17, 2006 - 28 comments

all google, all the time

Do we really need an FPP every time Google releases, or announces, or speculates about the possibility of perhaps one day developing, a new product or service ?

In addition, do we need a new FPP every time someone combines one of said products or services with another vendor's?
posted by ChasFile on Oct 7, 2005 - 61 comments

All the usual suspects say all the usual things and call each other names.

The Schiavo post is crap. The resulting thread is worse. The thread contains examples of everything wrong with MetaFilter, excepting the downtime. All the usual suspects say all the usual things and call each other names. Make it stop, daddy, it hurts.
posted by Ethereal Bligh on Jun 15, 2005 - 43 comments

A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a puzzle videogame preview

A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a puzzle videogame preview wrapped in a shameless plug wrapped in a viral marketing blurb...
posted by Smart Dalek on Jun 6, 2005 - 18 comments

A single link to Amazon's front page? Really?

Yes, we all await the new Hitchhiker's Guide movie with equal parts fear and excitement. But an FPP linking to Amazon's home page to show the trailer for a new movie is bad form.
posted by mkultra on Feb 16, 2005 - 62 comments

Unofficial MetaFilter Op-Ed About Political Content in FPPs

"How hard is it to articulate a simple policy about political content? Matt has not done that, and needs to."

Which prompts another unofficial MetaFilter op-ed from y6y6y6.........
posted by y6y6y6 on Nov 24, 2004 - 76 comments

Newsfilter callout

The Final Nail. I haven't been reading as much lately---I'm am hoping that the election will be over soon so the excuses are gone for shitty posts. But, there it is.

A double post. It is a Newsfilter post, that isn't even news since it has been talked about for over a decade. It is clearly does not meet the stated standard. It is a classic troll: toss a turd that you *know* will incite much argument, for no apparent reason.. It is a single-link to a newspaper. It is a blatant amount of negative campaigning even while we try to encourage voting with a new link at the top of the page.

For the love of god, it is a self-Godwinizing post!

Matt posted the very next post, 30 minutes later, so there is no chance he didn't see the post.

Yet... it remains there on the blue.

It is the piece de resitance of the the shithole Matt has willingly allowed MeFi to become. I would say amazing if it wasn't so sad....
posted by Seth on Sep 28, 2004 - 102 comments

More and more Newsfilter, and boring Newsfilter at that

The pancakes are getting incredibly stale, people.
Metafilter used to be an addiction for me, but lately with more and more Newsfilter, and boring Newsfilter at that, can we really say we are the best of the Web anymore? Final straw was the posting of that Bush daughter photo.
Is this really what we want this place to be?
posted by konolia on Jul 21, 2004 - 250 comments

Rambling op-ed + dubious science + completely unrelated links + grinding axe

Rambling op-ed + dubious science + completely unrelated links + grinding axe = bad post.
posted by PrinceValium on Dec 31, 2003 - 25 comments

Stop HateBushFilter

Can we stop with the HateBushFilter posts that are a blight on the the front page daily?

(more inside)
posted by Seth on Dec 15, 2003 - 261 comments

FPP post chauvanistic sniggering, poor commentary followed

Is this really necessary? A front-page post consisting almost solely of chauvinistic sniggering at the name of an indigenous group? And it's not redeemed by the discussion.
posted by lupus_yonderboy on Nov 21, 2002 - 33 comments

Is it wrong to use MeFi as your own personal soapbox?

"So let me get this straight. We have a post with a link to a cheesy bio page that is uninteresting, really has nothing to do with anything said in the post, and is only provided as a catalyst to debate something someone's professor said?" Apologies to Mikhail, but he brings up a pertinent point. When one chooses to compose a FPP for MeFi, which should come first: an appropriate link, or a soapbox worthy topic? Is it wrong to use MeFi as your own personal soapbox? How can one tell (preferably before they hit the post button) when they're out of line?
posted by ZachsMind on Mar 29, 2002 - 19 comments

Overexplaining is bad

I would like to accuse Spoon of filling his front-page posts with a lot of needless verbiage.
posted by rcade on Dec 17, 2001 - 16 comments

"ferver" post should be deleted

Can you get rid of this "ferver" post? It's hurting my brain.
posted by Kafkaesque on Oct 4, 2001 - 5 comments

This post is practically a double

It's posts like this one that really disappoint me. Talk about previously covered territory -- every element of that post has been discussed here at one point or another. If it's an important topic that needs more discussion, could we at least wait until there is some new development that gives a proper excuse for bringing it up? Alternately, I'll just shut up and we can all go back to flogging the dead horse.
posted by norm on May 17, 2001 - 15 comments

Stop editorializing on front page

Dear longtime visitors to MetaFilter: Don't do this.
posted by rcade on Apr 30, 2001 - 24 comments

MeFi post as callout

I think starting a new front-page thread just to call another user out is going too far, especially when said user explicitly asks to take it to e-mail.
posted by harmful on Aug 15, 2000 - 6 comments

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