21 posts tagged with Callout and meta.
Displaying 1 through 21 of 21. Subscribe:

Why MetaFilter is Awesome

Why MetaFilter is Awesome And Why the World Needs to Know [more inside]
posted by hat_eater on Jun 16, 2011 - 72 comments

No More Anna Nichole Postings

Metafilter quality challenge (in re: Anna Nichole postings)
posted by boo_radley on Feb 8, 2007 - 9 comments

Angryinla is Spamming

angryinla sure seems to be living up to her user name.
posted by Mayor West on Jan 2, 2007 - 58 comments

Clean-up on aisle 30730

Clean-up on aisle 30730.
posted by frogan on Sep 5, 2006 - 44 comments

sry, but best of the web?

sry, but best of the web?
posted by Count Ziggurat on Aug 2, 2006 - 43 comments

Moderation of Morality Talk in Science Thread

Space exploration topics in just about any online community are inevitably derailed by "why isn't that money being used for worldpeace/hungrychildren/education" bleeding hearts, so that the original subject is lost in repetitive defense of space programs. May I request that if you have a bone to pick with money being spent on space exploration, that you post your own link with discussion on the issue, rather than interrupting a good science discussion with never-ending arguments about the antiphilanthropism of government-funded space flight?
posted by brownpau on Mar 9, 2006 - 53 comments

Too Much Trolling

There seems to be a contingent of people on this website (we all know who they are) who feel the need to pollute threads that would be otherwise relevant, reasonable, and/or interesting. They come in, spew their opinion, and then proceed to turn thought-provoking material into a three ring circus. After having to sift through heaps of vitrol to find comments that even remotely relate to the topic at hand twice today, I've had enough. Your need to have your last word in a public meeting space that prides itself on civil, topical conversation is disgustingly revealing of your immaturity and arrogance. As a user of this site who is primarily a lurker, I want to make a statement on behalf of those people who come here for the fascinating content: If you feel the need to troll and argue, shut up already.
posted by potch on Jan 2, 2006 - 142 comments

Let's argue in threads instead of in MetaTalk

Perhaps it's time to reconsider using MetaTalk to denounce single comments and only slightly contentious single posts. [More inside.]
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 26, 2004 - 53 comments

Rambling op-ed + dubious science + completely unrelated links + grinding axe

Rambling op-ed + dubious science + completely unrelated links + grinding axe = bad post.
posted by PrinceValium on Dec 31, 2003 - 25 comments

Use of MetaTalk is getting out of hand.

The post below by five fresh fish is a joke. Use of MetaTalk is getting out of hand.
posted by Frasermoo on Nov 7, 2003 - 25 comments

Too Much Meta-Criticism?

Hmmm. I think one or two levels (depending on how you think about it, that's how it is when dealing with meta-levels, see Princess Bride.) of metalevelness is enough. Critizing a stupid Metafilter FPP should be done in one MetaTalk post, not in an another FPP and Two Stupid MetaTalk posts.
posted by lazy-ville on Nov 1, 2003 - 15 comments

My friend's EBay auction is probably not a good subject for a post.

My friend's EBay auction is probably not a good subject for a post.
posted by mr_crash_davis on Aug 13, 2003 - 38 comments

How did this self-link get through?

Blatant self-link. How is it not obvious that this is not okay?!?
posted by gohlkus on May 1, 2002 - 92 comments

Is MidasMulligan trolling?

Troll, Ignorant, or Other?
posted by jacobw on Mar 5, 2002 - 30 comments

Give the gaddamned snide comments a break!

Give the gaddamned snide comments a break. It's a flippin' discussion and some tend to add anecdotals. Yes! That is what some people do. To add to DISCUSSION. Would you be like this during a conversation at the pub? To hell with being personable!
posted by crasspastor on Feb 8, 2002 - 47 comments

Removing Where's Dick Post

Uggh... How will this foster a discussion any different than the other "Where's Dick" threads we have had without having any linked supporting evidence.
posted by machaus on Jan 22, 2002 - 6 comments

New information with plenty of evidence to back it up?

PLEASE: If you're posting something related to the recent WTC attacks Current Situation, try and make sure it's new information? And if so, is the URL you are linking to contain new information with plenty of evidence to back it up?

posted by machaus on Oct 15, 2001 - 18 comments

This sort of behavior has no place on MetaFilter.

This sort of behavior has no place on MetaFilter. I know that people are upset, but that's really no excuse.
posted by anapestic on Sep 12, 2001 - 7 comments


Were the end of this thread a football match, yellow cards woudl be shown. Were it an ice hockey game, there'd be penalties. Within MetaFilter, it's really not on.
posted by holgate on Jun 22, 2001 - 4 comments


A loser responds to a thread i started

I don't appreciate the comment made by jpancake, so i have brought it her due to him/her not having an email address so i can abuse that person.
posted by Zool on May 9, 2001 - 14 comments

A callout that was moved elsewhere

Criminy ... can we at least confine our periodical links to stories published this century?
posted by rcade on Mar 8, 2001 - 3 comments

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