20 posts tagged with Identity.
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It Turns Out to Be A Case of Mistaken Identity!
A conversation-starter as another incredible week draws to a close... Let's talk about intentionally shedding one or more of aspects of identity: the what, the why, the how, and the results vis-a-vis your state of mind. Did some part of your identity become a burden, perhaps an affiliation with a social/religious group or just being The One Who Loves Pigs And So Will Be Given Porcine Porcelain Forever? Did you discover unacceptable limitations associated with an aspect of your identity, like never being able to do or say [x] because it conflicted with that persona? Was it easy or hard to let go? Did you decide to recast your vocation as an avocation (or vice versa)?
Or tell us about how you came to re-home your hobby gear. Was it part of finding true purpose, living authentically, embracing growing up, removing a source of guilt, or simply moving on? Did the shedding happen as a consequence of other identities you chose intentionally, like becoming a parent? Did your identity shift gears, perhaps because you decided to be a maker and creator of [x] instead of a consumer and aficionado of it? Did you affirmatively let something go, put it on a shelf or let it drift away? Are you at peace with it? And how did it go if you chose to announce your decision, e.g., the equivalent of, "I don't collect pigs anymore," to your friends and family? [more inside]
Metafilter's Community Guide to Discussions?
Could we have a permanent sidebar to guide people towards previous threads or comments about class/race/sex/gender/identity issues, to foster better discussions without having to repeat meta-discussions? [more inside]
Freindship is Magic
Can we take the derail about whether its okay to say Americans or Danes have a collective identity out of the fun horsey thread and thrash it out here? Cheers.
I still know who you are
I found this thread to be of note in light of the recent MetaTalk thread about the deleted FPP regarding the "sociopath law professor". [more inside]
I know who you are.
If you have linked your Metafilter account to your real-life identity, how did you come to this conclusion? [more inside]
All about sockpuppets, privacy accounts, Brand New Day, and other multiple-mefi account things
Hey there! No big thing, but it's time for a general reminder post about what's okay and what's not with sockpuppets, alternate accounts, Brand New Days, and other multiple-accounts-related stuff on Metafilter. [more inside]
The MeFi Register, Poster and Paper
Kim Witten, AKA MeFi's own iamkimiam had asked us last month to help her collect some meta MeTa Data data. She just won the HRC Poster Competition with her poster How do you pronounce "MeFi"?
there is something not quite right here. A hacked account?
This is weird. Compare the alarming post on AskMeFi with previous posts by Servix. Something seems off to me. [more inside]
Meta Book Club: The Woman Warrior
Maxine Hong Kingston grew up in two worlds: the "solid America," of confounding white "ghosts" to which her parents emigrated, and the misogynistic China of her mother's mesmerizing "talk-stories," where girls were worthless, tradition was exalted and only a strong, wily warrior woman could scratch her way upward. The next meeting of the Mefi Book Club will be held in MetaChat on Tuesday, April 26th. We'll be discussing Ms. Kingston's powerful, controversial and award-winning memoir, The Woman Warrior, and her attempts to discern the truths behind those talk-stories while discovering her personal identity. Please check out the Hungerford lecture on the book (or watch the video), and join us!
Where are you from? Who are you?
In light of the constant debate about who is American and who is Usonian (or whatever favorite adjective you have). How do you identify yourself? [more inside]
Not the Cameron movie. Not the Shyamalan movie either.
Is there a Greasemonkey script for displaying user avatars next to posts and comments? [more inside]
Please, for the love of all that's holy
Is it possible to change a MeFi username?
It's important that I change my username--the reason deals with online identity cleanup. Is this possible, or must I create a new account?
Thanks in advance.
On the unbearable anonymous of being
I'm interested in knowing what it's like to be unanonymous on MetaFilter. [more inside]
Sock Puppet News
Sock Puppet News: I don't know if I am completely behind the curve and everyone already knows, but in this thread cortex gets the strings all tangled up, and accidentaly outs himself as the puppet master behind Astro Zombie and/or Astro Zombie 2 and/or InfidelZombie... I think.
Do we need to start using our legal names?
In light of this new law, do you suppose having our real names (which are optional) in our profiles enough, or would it be prudent to allow users to change their aliases into their real names?
Announcement: sockpuppet given as gift to lurker
Attention: Per this thread, I have relinquished my puppet account, Voice of God.
It is now run by a long-time lurker who wishes to remain nameless. [MI]
It is now run by a long-time lurker who wishes to remain nameless. [MI]
Personal information disclosure guidelines?
While I'm guessing this has been discussed before, I feel it might be good to go over again, given the n00bs -- like me. Are there any policies/guidelines/unspoken rules regarding the inclusion of personal information, and specifically the details of less than legal or moral behavior, in threads, comments, and AskMe answers? [more inside]
Pony - filter out semi-committed-participants
Obnoxious feature request: A user preference that allows me to avoid seeing all contributions by people who don't provide an email address or home page address in their profile.