13 posts tagged with JRUN.
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pb Rocks!!
Thanks to pb for the Ajax updates on threads. Otherwise I suspect that the election thread would break Metafilter tonight with reloading. I've already seen a JRun error or two.
jRun returns.
jRun or the Return of Daughter of jRun? jRun III: no one gets out alive? [more inside]
Server like butta'
Oh how easily we forget! Months ago (a year?) the server was consistently slow or down. Now it's smooth as a baby's butt and fast as the Google. Is Federer your server? I love it. My Mefi addicted brain thanks you.
Cry JRun Cry!
Blank fields for font sizes in Preferences make JRun cry. Possible SQL Injection attack point?
How many MetaFilter Users does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
How many MetaFilter Users does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
cannot connect to jrun server
I've been unable to view any part of Meta for the past four and a half hours today because of a "cannot connect to jrun server" error. Whilst this doesn't normally bother me (it is quite a frequent occurance) I find that most of the time other people are still able to continue posting during this 'outage'. So how come it is completely broken for me but not for everyone else?
JRUN error on long AskMe answers
Hey, you know what's fun? Getting a JRUN error when you try to submit a long answer to AskMe.
There seem to be fewer JRun errors lately and the site seems snappy.
There seem to be fewer JRun errors lately and the site seems snappy. Are congratulations in order?
Jay-Run was smacking me around earlier
So. Jay-Run was smacking me around earlier when I tried to visit the site. Enough post-election traffic to cause problems or something else? Just curious, the site was really speedy last night when I was checking the huge election threads.
Is MeFi Slow?
Metafilter is particularly slow-loading this afternoon. Is there a problem?
When attempting to open a thread in the blue this morning, JRun closed connection.
The nerve of JRun!
The nerve of JRun!
Jrun closed the connection
Anyone else getting "Jrun closed the connection" errors intermittently?
I've received JRun errors, Server Errors, and just plain "site not available" messages
Anything unusual (besides the window config mentioned below) going on with the site availability tonight? I've received JRun errors, Server Errors, and just plain "site not available" messages... I'm sure it's not on my end, but in case it matters, Mozilla 1.2, Windows XP.