7 posts tagged with Mastodon.
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MeFi status when metafilter.com is down

Does Metafilter have someplace that we can go to check on the health of MeFi itself, or get repair updates, that's NOT hosted at Metafilter itself? Other websites will often have an Twitter account for that. I realize that MeFi has left Twitter, but is there someplace else we can go to check, when MeFi itself goes down? [more inside]
posted by intermod on Jan 14, 2025 - 12 comments

A pony which is really a Mastodon

Long-time lurker and mostly ghost, former member of the NYC Meetup crew here. I'm cleaning up some of my social media profiles as I continue to transition away from Twitter as my "daily driver," and I am super glad that Mastodon is now an option when it comes to linking one's social media profiles. Would it be possible to have a "show widget" check-box next to where one would input their Mastodon URL so that it could be seen at the bottom of the page? Exactly what would be required before that can be built into the system for profiles?
posted by TrishaLynn on Jan 9, 2023 - 14 comments

Mefi Mastodon server?

Would there be interest in having a Metafilter Mastodon server? I think this idea has come up a couple of times, though scattered around; having the conversation in one thread might be helpful. [more inside]
posted by Pronoiac on Nov 5, 2022 - 309 comments

Masto and other accounts

As we know, a depraved billionaire bought [some of, kind of] Twitter. This thread is for discussion of where else you are for social media, such as Mastodon instances—and if you want, to tell others where to find you.
posted by Fiasco da Gama on Apr 25, 2022 - 71 comments

"Also On" Cleanup

We've tidied up a bit in the "also on" sites in your profile. First, the cleanup discussed previously has been done. Thank you to everyone who categorised websites on the wiki and made it easier on me (if no less saddening) to remove deceased sites. Second, Mastodon and Diaspora have been, after requests and discussion, added. [more inside]
posted by frimble on Apr 9, 2018 - 36 comments

The Mighty, Mighty Mastodon Thread

Over on the #WomenBoycottTwitter thread, folks are discovering, rediscovering, and, more importantly, signing up for Mastodon, the open source social network. [more inside]
posted by Major Matt Mason Dixon on Oct 14, 2017 - 224 comments

MeFites on Mastodon?

I'm curious about the hot new Twitter alternative--it's decentralized, it's noncommercial, it's anti-Nazi, etc. But as with all social networks, it's only as good as the people you know on it. So if you're on Mastodon, tell what you think of the service so far, and if you recommend any particular instance.
posted by Cash4Lead on Apr 12, 2017 - 80 comments

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