19 posts tagged with MeFi and discussion.
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MetaFilter: It is what it is

MetaFilter: It is what it is? [more inside]
posted by spock on Jul 11, 2008 - 88 comments

Raising the level?

Can we work harder at having mature and respectful discussions? Do we need to do so? [more inside]
posted by dios on Feb 12, 2008 - 306 comments

Too much tragedy for one thread

I respectfully suggest that we move the gun control discussion here. If for no other reason than to limit the in-thread argument on whether or not we should be commenting on gun control in-thread.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson on Apr 16, 2007 - 492 comments

I'm kind of disappointed to see everyone so cynical lately.

Mmmm. A one-link post to a mediocre commercial.

I dont think there is anything worth discussing about this commercial. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jun 13, 2006 - 234 comments

One Line One Link Posts

When is a one-line FPP with no (or little) description appropriate for MeFi?

Oh really? Is that so? Well, is this a good example then [MI]?
posted by sjvilla79 on Nov 14, 2005 - 41 comments

deliberately cryptic commenting is annoying as hell

In the interest of avoiding further derail of the Aryan Justice thread, I am going to accept amberglow's invitation to bugbread and state that deliberately cryptic commenting is annoying as hell and is counterproductive to the idea of communication.
posted by John Smallberries on Mar 29, 2005 - 71 comments

More and more Newsfilter, and boring Newsfilter at that

The pancakes are getting incredibly stale, people.
Metafilter used to be an addiction for me, but lately with more and more Newsfilter, and boring Newsfilter at that, can we really say we are the best of the Web anymore? Final straw was the posting of that Bush daughter photo.
Is this really what we want this place to be?
posted by konolia on Jul 21, 2004 - 250 comments

A horrible way to begin a discussion

IMHO, this is a horrible way to begin a discussion of a controversial film.
posted by subgenius on Feb 23, 2004 - 37 comments

Self-linking policy

I'm sure this has been covered before, but I'm fairly new here (to posting, especially), so I thought I'd ask again. Please don't kill me, but:

I've had aspects of a meme-type thing that I helped to create posted about here. These linked to a site I contribute to but, since I didn't ask for or advocate the subject were in the clear.

Now, I've got a site dedicated to the subject that inspired the first game/challenge that the original story was part of. It seems to me that if people here enjoyed the tidbit on the matter they'd like to see the new whole site.

But...it would very obviously be a self-link, and I completely understand the point of outlawing those. What's a guy to do? Is there some third-party I could suggest a link to? Should I wait till a vaguely applicable post comes up and post it in the message boards? Should I just wait around and hope that eventually someone from here manages to find it?

I'd like to participate, but I'm too new to guess at these rules. I'm glad I at least found this area to post in (and I'm hoping that fact will shield me a bit from the flames I'm expecting to receive).
posted by davebug on May 13, 2003 - 24 comments

We will discuss whatever is in the links

Posted by nofundy at 2:48 PM EST on March 14:

This so didn't need to be posted. Do we really need to hear yet another pundit's fascinating views on Iraq?

"So you think discussing Eminem would be a better use of time than considering alternate viewpoints on serious issues?"
posted by Stan Chin on Mar 14, 2003 - 176 comments

Post meh, discussion makes it worthwhile.

In the interest of having a positive example in MetaTalk (rare, I know), I put forth this example. I thought the phrasing of the original link was sub-standard, but after the first few comments the discussion was positive and, as so often happens here, a member with a more in-depth knowledge of the field helped the understanding of others.

I also thought it might be worth mentioning so that those who are upset by his politics and (debatable) trolling can see that fold_and_mutilate does contribute positively in other ways.

posted by The God Complex on Oct 3, 2002 - 23 comments

Anyone want to see my vacation slides?

On initial inspection, this post by y2karl appears to me more suited to his own weblog. For me it just doesn't seem to belong on the front page. It's long winded, with lots of "this" for the links. Yet it seems to work as well..? It seems to highlight a desire for the 'community' to exchange not only ideas and opinions but also experiences and holiday destinations....
Perhaps it's a 'bridge' of a post that signifies a new direction for MeFi?

posted by Frasermoo on Aug 9, 2002 - 67 comments

Us declares itself above the law.

Us declares itself above the law.

Other than one or two people here and there talking about the topic at hand, this thread was basically a shouting match and trolling session. Is this the level of debate that now passes for inteligent from the MetaFilter community?
posted by Zool on May 6, 2002 - 19 comments

Links that inspire little or no discussion.

Links that inspire little or no discussion. I don't generally play MeFi cop, and this is by no means the worst link I've ever seen, but it really doesn't generate any level of discussion, and frankly invites snarky attempts at wit. What should be foremost in a poster's mind: "Wow factor" or "Hey, I bet folks will want to talk about this"?
posted by kokogiak on Feb 7, 2002 - 29 comments

Good link and good discussion

Good link vs good discussion: Which is more important? And why is it so difficult to find both in a FPP lately?
posted by dogmatic on Jan 14, 2002 - 31 comments

Do people actually visit the links they're commenting on?

Here's a thread who's discussion seems to have almost nothing to do with the link it was supposedly based on. I know we've asked this before, but do people actually visit the links they're commenting on? 13018 could be a worthwhile, unique discussion. Instead, to my eye at least, it's mostly people discussing something that's fairly obvious.
posted by mrbula on Dec 10, 2001 - 10 comments

Discussing discussion: discuss.

Lately, many people have been promoting concepts such as MetaDiscuss, which implicitly attack the concept of discussion on MeFi. But is this what we really want? [More inside.]
posted by Marquis on Nov 6, 2001 - 6 comments

Overrun by injokes

Well, so much for serious discussion...I might as well join in Another discussion I was interested in reading gets strangled in the crib by haiku posts, pancake gags, or self-perpetuating running jokes.
posted by Shadowkeeper on Nov 1, 2001 - 23 comments

"Discuss..." is annoying and useless.

MetaFilterians don't need to be instructed to converse. Discuss...
posted by NortonDC on Oct 11, 2001 - 18 comments

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