63 posts tagged with MeFites.
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MetaFilter on the grid
World Community Grid celebrates its sixth birthday today. WCG is a distributed computing project that allows participants to donate unused cycles on their home or business machines, and to designate the scientific project which will use those cycles. Since its inception, the 43,000 members of WCG have processed 110,000 years of donated time and have provided 200 million results to the research teams involved. The MetaFilter team is responsible for slightly more than 8.5 years of donated computer time and about 12,500 results. [more inside]
Nice work, deezil.
deezil has an excellent spyware removal/virus removal guide in his profile. Are there other members with similarly useful content?
Humanism without human-centrism
Dear Metafilter, what's with all the human-centrism? [more inside]
Denver/Boulderites, get your drink on!
Boulder meetup? soon-ish? [more inside]
Metafilter Ask/Tell (Interviews)?
Metafilter Interviews or Ask/Tell? [more inside]
MeFi Diplomacy
I've gone ahead and created a MeFi wiki page for our little Diplomacy-playing subcommunity (spawned in this MeTa thread). [more inside]
SF Bay Area Inaugural Meetup?
Any MeFites want to get together on Tuesday the 20th in the SF bay area and celebrate the day together? Preferably near a media source? And beverages?
Artomatic 2008 in Washington, DC
Any other Washington, DC area Mefites taking part in this year's Artomatic? It's May 9 to June 15. I'd like to see your work and maybe meet. Registration is still open (800 artists so far). You should at least go and see it even if you're not taking part. [more inside]
We few, we happy few, we band of @-signs -- Nethack tourney; MeFi represent!
There's a Nethack tournament going on for all of next month. I know we have a bunch of Nethack fans. Want to be part of a MeFi clan?
Who's playing where and when?
gigFilter: Just out of curiousity, who has real-world events they'll be participating in the next week 7 days?: Live Music, Plays, Gallery Showings? Anything you have going on that's open to the public?
Notable MeFites
Notable MeFites - who are they? I know everyone's special in their own little way, but which MeFites are really special - popularly famous or notable in their field. I've always wondered this...
Obvious examples excluded.
Obvious examples excluded.
Massively Multiplaying MeFites?
MeFites in MMOs? Based on some of the comments in this thread (and others, others and still others), it is an easy guess that Metafilter has substantial representation in many a server-based world. So confess. Where do you spend your virtual time? Is it WoW? Is it CoH or CoV? Is it KoL? Is it EVE? Who knows ... there might be some untapped potential here.
Favorite member sites?
Right now there are 35,070 members in MetaFilter. Many members have their own unique personal sites. Which are your favorite less-known ones?
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