4 posts tagged with MefiRelated.
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Moderator Code of Conduct - an idea whose time has come
In the recent post about removing the MeTa queue, Violet Blue made a comment that they had submitted a post about creating a Moderator Code of Conduct that had been refused at the time with a suggestion to try again later. We're officially a non-profit, responsibilities for site management are transitioning to the board and the Moderation Oversight Committee is working to form. I think "later" is now. [more inside]
Welcome to Metafilter, Mat Brown
In the post about orichalcum, a video was linked in the body. Lo and behold, the author, auntie-matter of the video posts in the comments (as a long time lurker, now a member) [more inside]
Welcome to Metalfilter, James
In keeping with the great circle of mefi and cats (how did they get on their computers ?) we now welcome the an arranger of cats, james_ash [more inside]
Welcome to MeFi, Bill Roundy
So I posted this post about drawing cartoons about bars in Brooklyn and the cartoonist showed up. Welcome to Metafilter, Bill Roundy.